If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 102, [Sister also likes big brother]

Chapter 102, [Sister also likes big brother] (seeking to follow up)
Listening to the immature voice next to his ears, Xu Ziyin's depressed mood eased a little, he said softly.

"Brother is watching TV at home, what's the matter with Xianyu?"

"I didn't pinch it, it was Xixi who secretly took sister's mobile phone to call big brother."

"Hee hee~"

With a smile, Xu Ziyin said happily.

"Then what's the matter with Xixi?"

"Yes, big brother, you haven't played with Xixi in the past few days."

"It's so boring to be alone in the store, and sister is busy collecting money and ignores Xixi."

With a slightly complaining tone, Xu Ziyin seemed to be able to imagine the unhappy look of the little girl on the other end of the phone with her mouth pouting.

"Then Xixi is waiting for brother, brother will come to play with you right now."


"Then wait for big brother."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Ziyin sat up.

He stared at the silent living room, and then let out a long breath.

A great man surnamed Lu once said.

A depressed person must never leave himself alone in a quiet environment.

Try to find something to do.

Even going to the side of the road to listen to the whistle is better than facing an empty living room alone.

But thinking of this in his heart, Xu Ziyin couldn't help but think of Feiyan again.

what is she doing now?

Have you had dinner yet?
Feiyu went to Wuhan, and she was also the only one left at home.

Could she be sitting blankly in the living room alone at this time like herself?

Her forced smile last night, her nonchalant attitude last night, seemed to come to mind again.

But Xu Ziyin knew.

All this is inevitable.

This ending was destined to happen from the time they were together.

At least so far, Xu Ziyin can't open up and explain everything about himself.

Looking down at the two intertwined red ropes on his wrist, Xu Ziyin took a deep breath and walked out of the house.


When passing the apartment floor where the non-smoking is.

Xu Ziyin subconsciously looked up at the familiar window.

As a result, only the dark window sills and the slightly fluttering curtains were left in sight.


Come to Huijin Xindi.

Xu Ziyin didn't go to the store immediately, but turned to the supermarket to buy a few packs of snacks.

Today's weather is very good, so there is a lot of traffic in Huijin Xindi, and many young couples pass by arm in arm.

In the store, Yun Xianyu shuttled through the crowd with her ball hair tied up, busy putting away the products that customers randomly threw away, and dealing with customers who asked for prices.

Xixi was lying by the window in a new dress, looking expectantly at the passers-by.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, she hurriedly jumped off the chair, and rushed to Xu Ziyin with her little hands raised.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin pinched her arm and held her up in the air, and said with a smile.

"Yo, is Xixi welcoming me?"

Hearing this, Xixi kept giggling, her little feet kicking wildly in the air.

After playing around for a while, Xu Ziyin put her on the ground and handed her the snacks he just bought.

The little girl whose eyes glowed when she saw snacks in the past used great perseverance to move her eyes away from the snacks. Instead, she held up her skirt and spun around shyly, then turned her head up sweetly asked.

"Big brother, do you think Xixi is different today?"


Twirling his chin, Xu Ziyin pondered for a while, then spoke.

"It's different there, Xixi is still as good-looking as before."

This perfunctory answer obviously did not satisfy Xixi.

She moved closer, opened her big eyes full of hope and held up her beautiful skirt and said again.

"Brother, take a look again, take a look again."

Seeing her cute appearance, Xu Ziyin laughed heartily.

Woman, your name is Show off.

Even a little girl as young as Xixi knows this well.

Xu Ziyin looked around carefully, and then acted suddenly enlightened.

"Ah, Xixi's dress is so pretty, did my sister buy it for you? It looks like a little princess."

Xu Ziyin's flamboyant performance finally made the little girl smile.

She stood on tiptoe, Xu Ziyin bent down in cooperation, and immediately received a sweet kiss from a little beauty on the cheek.

The large and small movements of Xu Ziyin and Xixi attracted the sideways glances of the tourists.

Many female college students have love in their eyes.

Xixi is delicate and cute, and Xu Ziyin is handsome.

Which female college student wouldn't want to have such a boyfriend and daughter?

With Xixi's company, the depression in Xu Ziyin's heart has eased a lot.

It's just that I still can't let go of hearing the flirting and cursing of the young couple on the side occasionally.

If he didn't have this disease, maybe he would be like them now, right?


As the night fell, time passed slowly without knowing it.

When there were fewer customers and the shop was not so busy, Huang Yating came over with the account book.

Xu Ziyin briefly looked at the profitability of these days, then laughed.

"Sister Yating, you've worked hard these days, I'll treat you to a big meal next weekend."

Haha laughed, Huang Yating replied.

"Then I'll wait for the boss's big meal."

After chatting for a few words, Xu Ziyin suddenly changed the topic.

"Sister Yating, how about I open a branch?"


Huang Yating was taken aback.

"Would you like to open another store like this in Huijin Xindi? Wouldn't that be a competition for business?"

"Of course not in Huijin Xindi, but in other places, and the main project is not just selling these small commodities. I intend to expand its scale."

"But sister Yating, you are about to graduate, and I don't know when you will abandon me and leave, so this idea has been in my mind and I haven't had time to put it into action."

Huang Yating understood what Xu Ziyin said.

Obviously the boss is ready to make a big move.

And through this period of getting along, I have also recognized myself, which is a heavy responsibility to entrust.

Since there are branches, there must be one person in charge of the two stores.

Then she will not only be a part-time job by then.

It was exactly as Huang Yating thought.

Xu Ziyin recognized her work attitude very much.

Good employees are hard to find these days.

Huang Yating herself studied business administration, so there is no need to talk about her professional skills.

And Xu Ziyin's eyes were not limited to the jewelry store in front of him.

Although this jewelry store has a lot of traffic and a good location, the money it makes is limited after all.

He has no worries about eating and drinking now, and there is a particularly capable sister above him.

But as a man, no one wants to eat soft food all the time.

Xu Ziyin would not be content with being mediocre after living a new life.

But at present, he only has such an idea, and he still needs a certain amount of manpower to implement it.

Both he and Xianyu are still studying, and they have no skills to concentrate on everything. The first thing to do is to find a trustworthy person in advance.

Seeing Huang Yating drooping her eyes in thought, Xu Ziyin smiled and said.

"Sister Yating doesn't need to give me an answer so quickly, you go back and think about it, and then tell me after you think about it."

"Well, let me go back and think about it. To be honest, I'm still a little confused now."

Smiling, Huang Yating returned to the counter and started finishing work for closing.


The earth that had been noisy all day fell into silence.

It's time for the jewelry store to close.

Huang Yating packed her things, bid farewell to Xu Ziyin and the others and left.

Yun Xianyu was still sitting on the ponytail and sorting out the products in the store.

Looking at her thin back, Xu Ziyin's heart softened.

Sometimes Xu Ziyin is very strange.

She never seemed to be bored.

Such a boring job, if it were me, I am afraid that I would quit within a few minutes.

But she was earnest and devout, and never bored.

Thinking in his heart, Xu Ziyin turned his head and saw Xixi beckoning at him mysteriously.

Xu Ziyin walked over.

Xixi glanced at her sister and saw that there was no one else in the store, so she leaned her small mouth and asked in a low voice.

"Big brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

This sudden question made Xu Ziyin a little confused.

He lowered his eyebrows and smiled softly.

"Why did Xixi suddenly ask this question?"

Biting her finger, Xixi looked serious.

"Because Xixi wants to know, if big brother doesn't have a girlfriend, can you let sister be your girlfriend? Sister is so pretty and gentle."

Xu Ziyin was stunned, before he had time to speak, Xixi said again.

"Xixi doesn't want big brother to be with others."

"Because Xixi likes big brother, and sister also likes big brother."


Just in time.

After packing up, Yun Xianyu, carrying a small cloth bag, walked behind the two of them.

She listened to her younger sister's Tong Yan Wuji who was hard at work selling her.

The girl's pretty face was flushed, and under the bright and clear moonlight, peach blossoms suddenly bloomed in the spring breeze like a blush.

(End of this chapter)

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