If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 119, 【Nest of Carp】

Chapter 119, [Nest of West Passion Crucian Carp] ([-]rd more.)
Yun Xianyu's hand was very small, it was like holding a glutinous rice dumpling in his hand.

Not to mention slippery and firm, Qianqianyu's hands are a little baby white, as if water can be squeezed out at once.

Her hands are soft like catkins, and her skin is like creamy fat. This word can't be more appropriate to describe her.

Being held by a pair of big hands, Yun Xianyu naturally noticed it immediately.

She looked aside secretly with a blushing little face, but suddenly met her younger sister's sly smile, then lowered her head suddenly, and refused to raise her head no matter what.

It's just that the little hand didn't move, and let Xu Ziyin hold it obediently.

Feeling the slightly trembling little hand in his heart, Xu Ziyin's heart was extremely complicated.

There is no doubt that he has a good impression of Yun Xianyu.

And he also believed that Yun Xianyu treated him the same way.

But after going through a series of things, Xu Ziyin instinctively didn't want to give back this kind of favor directly.

He couldn't give this distressed little girl a guarantee, and naturally he didn't want her to fall into that unreal emotion.

Say the most hypocritical thing.

That is, Xu Ziyin felt that he was not worthy.

Not only is he not good enough for Yun Xianyu, Qin Feiyan, even Yin Muqing is not good enough for him.

Why should other people's affection be exchanged for their own unequal treatment?
So in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, Xu Ziyin would rather keep this thought in his heart forever.

But sometimes he is very distressed.

He really wanted to be cruel, but when he saw her doormat, he couldn't help but care about her and take care of her.

Over time, this complex psychology becomes more deformed.


In a dimly lit theater.

Xu Ziyin and the others looked at the big screen in front of them, but they didn't know where their thoughts were.

Finally, Xu Ziyin stood up, excused himself to go to the bathroom and left the theater.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's back disappear, Yun Xianyu took a deep breath.

Just at this time, Xixi poked her head over and joked.

"Sister, isn't big brother's hand particularly warm?"

Rolling a blank look at her sister, Yun Xianyu hummed softly.

"Xixi, what are you talking about?"

"Xi Xi is not talking nonsense~"

"Obviously sister likes to be led by big brother."

"And the elder brother also likes the elder sister, and has been unwilling to let go."


Around two in the afternoon.

The theater was quiet.

Walking out of the bathroom, Xu Ziyin didn't go back immediately, but stood in front of the sink and stared at himself in the mirror in a daze.

He looked at the handsome face in the mirror and suddenly felt a little strange.

After watching it like this for a long time, Xu Ziyin returned to the theater with a long sigh.

After watching the movie, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

After leaving the theater, it began to rain lightly. The rain was not heavy, but it gave people a feeling of sentimentality.

Just when Xu Ziyin was about to go to pick up the car in the rain, Yun Xianyu took out a small flower umbrella from her small cloth bag.

Xu Ziyin was taken aback.

"Have you prepared the umbrella yet?"

"Well, I listened to the weather forecast last night, it might rain today."

Yun Xianyu responded in a low voice, Xu Shicai was still a little shy about what happened in the theater just now, she didn't dare to raise her eyes to meet Xu Ziyin's gaze.

With a hum, Xu Ziyin took the umbrella and immediately ordered.

"You guys wait here for a while, I'll go and drive the car over."


Since it was raining, the plans for the afternoon fell through.

However, there was no clear purpose at all. I just wandered around casually. As long as I was with someone who cared about me, I was happy wherever I went.

Bring Yun Xianyu and two back home.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yun Xianyu went to the kitchen to cook by herself, while Xu Ziyin sat and played with Xixi in the living room.

After playing for a while, Xu Ziyin's cell phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, he went to the balcony to connect to the cell phone.

Xixi glanced at him, then ran to the kitchen.

She hugged Ajie's soft waist from behind, and said coquettishly while lying on her back.

"Sister, I want to eat tomato scrambled eggs."

"it is good."

Yun Xianyu rubbed her head lovingly.

"Well, there is also fried meat with lettuce and dried celery. It's better to make a carp soup. Big brother likes fish the most."

"Okay, it's all up to you, little glutton!"



Misty rain into fog.

The stretches of green hills are looming in the rain curtain.

Hearing Mu Qing's soft voice, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Are you used to living in Wuhan?"

"It's nothing I'm not used to, after all, I often travel around the world for filming."

"Anyway, I just lay on the sofa and watch TV by myself."

Yin Muqing's voice sounded soft with a hint of melancholy, Xu Shi missed Xu Ziyin a little while he was separated, but he didn't want to express it directly.

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin was about to say a few words of comfort when Yin Muqing suddenly said again.

"I heard from Sister Man that she is going to Shanghai tomorrow, and it will take some time before she can go back. After that, there will be only one person left in the family."

"One person alone, in your words, I'm used to it."

Yin Muqing was startled when he heard that, and then giggled.

"Then little brother, do you want my sister to take the time to fly back to accompany you?"

Not to mention, Xu Ziyin was really moved after hearing this.

He was at an age where he couldn't eat enough. After experiencing the beauty that Mu Qing brought him, Xu Ziyin would naturally have some understanding of food.

But after thinking about it, he still replied.

"Forget it, you are tired from filming every day, and there is no need to fly back and forth."

"Hey, you know how to feel sorry for someone?"

"Then what if my sister misses you? Do you want to fly over to accompany me?"

This is a good suggestion.

However, Xu Ziyin didn't respond immediately, but replied with a smile that if he had time, he would definitely go and see her.

In the boundless rain, Xu Ziyin put down the phone.

At this time, Yun Xianyu also prepared dinner.


bright living room.

Delicious delicacies are set on the table.

Xu Ziyin praised Yun Xianyu's craftsmanship while eating happily.

Yun Xianyu just smiled weakly and didn't speak, and then kept picking up vegetables for Xixi and Xu Ziyin.

Halfway through eating, Yun Xianyu put down her chopsticks and went to the bathroom.

Xixi seized the opportunity to pull over the chair and whispered in Xu Ziyin's ear mysteriously.

"Big brother, sister likes you."

Hearing this sentence again, Xu Ziyin was a little dumbfounded.

You little girl just want to be Yuelao so much?

Angrily reaching out and tapping her forehead, Xu Ziyin said helplessly.

"Why do you like it? I haven't heard Xianyu say it. You, a child, know what to like or not?"

Hearing this, Xixi hurriedly waved her little hands, she stood up and muttered happily pointing at the dishes on the table.

"Big brother, what kind of dish is this?"

"Stir-fried meat with lettuce."

"What about these?"

"Dried celery, scrambled eggs with tomato, and carp soup, what's wrong?"

After clapping her little hands, Xixi said proudly.

"Look, big brother, my sister has made it so obvious."

"Aren't these few dishes together a nest of tomato carp?"

Listen to Xixi's delicate voice.

Xu Ziyin was stunned, unable to speak.

Can this be done?
Fortunately, you are a little girl. If you were a boy, you might not want to tease those little girls when you grow up.

Xu Ziyin looked down at the smiling Xixi, then turned his head to look in the direction of the bathroom.

Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't stay in this house anymore.

(Third update.)
(End of this chapter)

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