If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 122, [Weird mall props]

Chapter 122, [Strange props in the mall] (read more)
At twelve o'clock in the morning, everything is quiet, except for some night owls who are addicted to the Internet, basically every household has turned off the lights and fell into a sweet dream.

And at this time.

At this moment, a long sigh slowly sounded from a bedroom in Luoxia Garden.

After a long silence, Xu Ziyin walked out of the bedroom with his mobile phone.

The living room was very quiet, and the dying moonlight slanted in from the window, leaving streaks of mottled light spots on the floor along the seats and coffee table, reflecting Xu Ziyin's calm face like water.

After pondering for a while, Xu Ziyin turned on the phone and sent a message to two of the avatars one after another.

[Yaoyao, let's break up. 】

[Nian Nian, let's break up. 】

Less than ten seconds after the message was sent, the phone rang loudly in the empty living room.

Looking at the caller ID, Xu Ziyin went to the balcony and connected the phone.

The next moment, Xu Niannian's voice rang in his ears.

"Husband, why did you send me this message?"

"Did you send it to the wrong person, or did you send it to the wrong person?"

There was a strong sense of urgency and panic in her voice.

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin replied flatly.

"No mistake, let's break up."

As soon as this remark came out, the other side fell into a long silence, as if they couldn't digest the sudden news for a while.

Today Xu Niannian was busy in Yuhe Plaza all day.

On the eve of the opening of the store, she, the deputy store manager, naturally had a lot of work to do.

After finally returning home, after applying the mask and preparing for a good night's sleep, I received a message from Xu Ziyin.

Naturally, she didn't believe it at the first moment, and then she felt endless panic inexplicably in her heart.

Immediately, there was no time to think about other thoughts, and he called Xu Ziyin in a panic.

It turned out that Xu Ziyin did not send the wrong message at all, and was indeed planning to break up with her.

After a few breaths, Xu Niannian's crying voice sounded again.

"Honey, why did you break up with me?"

"Did Niannian do something wrong?"

"You tell me, I will definitely change."


"No, you are fine, the reason for breaking up has nothing to do with you."

"It's just that I have to break up with you for personal reasons."

After hearing this, Xu Niannian hurriedly replied.

"Honey, what happened to you?"

"It's nothing. We just broke up. It's not that we won't be able to see each other in the future. We can also be friends."

"It's late, if you have nothing to do, go to bed early."

Xu Ziyin said it lightly, but how could Xu Niannian go to bed early at this time?

She thought about it, but she didn't think clearly what she did wrong or what made Xu Ziyin dissatisfied during this period of time.

She doesn't ask for status, or even company, she just feels at ease as his underground lover.

I won't take the initiative to disturb him, but just tell myself what he needs.

Will even this bit of power be deprived?
Obviously they were still very happy when they were together yesterday, Xu Niannian could also sense Xu Ziyin's love for him, but why did his attitude suddenly change so much after only a few hours?
Could it be?

Could it be that his girlfriend found out about the relationship between the two of them?
It turns out that this case is a woman, no matter how smart she is, can get cranky.

Xu Niannian was not surprised, except that Xu Niannian couldn't figure out why Xu Ziyin broke up with him suddenly.

Xu Niannian didn't say anything, but Xu Niannian strongly felt that Xu Ziyin's obsession with his body was definitely not the reason for this, so it meant that he It is very likely that the real girlfriend will find out.

I don't know if Xu Ziyin has a real girlfriend, Xu Niannian. Although Chu Yao said before they got together, he didn't have a girlfriend, but after they got together, it's not clear whether they have a girlfriend, Xu Niannian. She looks like Xu Ziyin It's really easy for such an excellent boy to find a girlfriend, but she never deliberately investigates the relationship between Xu Ziyin and other girls. She clearly knows that it is far better not to know than to know.

If Xu Ziyin's girlfriend found out about the two of them, it would not be difficult for Xu Ziyin to break up with him.

Thinking of this, Xu Niannian hurriedly said again.

"Then we broke up, will we get back together in the future?"

Xu Ziyin didn't reply, and he didn't dare to give Xu Niannian an accurate answer.

If he made it clear that he would get back together at this time, then from the system's point of view, it is very likely that he will be judged as a fake breakup, and that would be a bit of a waste.

Xu Ziyin's silence Xu Niannian understood.

After the panic, she was much more sober.

Since Xu Ziyin had mentioned the breakup, it was obviously already considered by him. It is meaningless to ask about getting back together at this time, and his girlfriend may even be listening to their conversation at this time.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin did not respond for a long time, Xu Niannian replied complicatedly.

"Okay, let's break up."



After putting down the phone, Xu Ziyin let out a long breath.

I thought Xu Niannian would ask a lot, but I didn't expect to agree so soon.

I have to say that being with such a woman is indeed much more comfortable.

As for whether they get back together in the future, it is just a matter of Xu Ziyin's words. Of course, the first premise is that they want to break up smoothly, and a fake breakup in name is not acceptable.

Putting aside the complicated thoughts in his mind, Xu Ziyin looked at the message to Chu Yao.

But Chu Yao didn't reply, and there were no missed calls on her phone.

Is this already asleep?Or did you just choose to ignore the message?

Just as Xu Ziyin was waiting anxiously.

The sound of the system finally rang.

[The host has successfully broken up. 】

[Duration of Love: Qualified]

[Love goal: female, height 1.6 meters, weight 92 catties, appearance [-], score: under the armor]

[Love evaluation: The other party gave you this evaluation of love: Love can't get it]

[Shou Yuan reward: three months and 25 days, 300 points]

[The points have reached 1000, and the mall is opening]


Xu Ziyin's evaluation was within his expectations, and even he was not surprised by the second class.

After all, strictly speaking, Xu Niannian's appearance is slightly worse than Feiyan's, and the system's markings are also very obvious, one with 92 and one with [-].

So it's hard for Xu Niannian to have a higher evaluation than Feiyan.

Moreover, the two are originally a love relationship built by money, no matter how high the experience is, it will not be so high. As for whether the two really developed feelings during the relationship and sparked sparks, Xu Ziyin does not want to think about it now so many.

As for the lifespan rewarded at the end, it is only more than three months, and it is not surprising that it has not reached four months.

Finally settled a concern, Xu Ziyin lay on the sofa and let out a heavy breath.

Feiyan's reward was five months and three days, and Xu Niannian's reward was three months and 25 days.

Remove the month and ten days that have disappeared halfway.

That is to say, without knowing how long he can live, at least seven months and [-] days will never happen to him.

Of course, uncontrollable factors such as natural disasters and man-made disasters are excluded.


After a long wait, the system finally sent a mechanical response again.

[The points mall has been opened. 】

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin sat up and gathered his mind.

【Host: Xu Ziyin】

【Remaining lifespan; eight months and 23 days】

[upgrade mall with [-] points]

Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Xu Ziyin's eyes widened.

Looking at the bright red words of eight months and 23 days, his breathing gradually became heavier.

The system is actually able to calculate its specific remaining lifespan?

That is to say, if there is no increase in lifespan in the future, will I die of terminal illness after living more than half a year?

Although he knew that his life was not long, Xu Ziyin still felt panicked when he knew how long he could live, and then he was afraid for a while.

If Feiyan hadn't appeared at the beginning, would I have died at this time?

Suppressing the palpitations in his heart, Xu Ziyin continued to look along the light curtain.

【Porsche 918】([-] points)
【LouisMoinetMeteoris watch】([-] points)

[Single-family villa in the center of Suzhou] ([-] points)


What follows is a series of dazzling luxury sports car accessories.

Xu Ziyin made an estimate in his mind. If all these points were converted into items in the mall, the actual value would have far exceeded [-] million.

what does this mean?
Knowing that you will not live long, let yourself enjoy it while you are still alive?
I didn't see that this system is quite user-friendly.

Xu Ziyin had just finished feeling, but the next item instantly made him lose his voice.

[Mysterious Dice] (Zero Points)
[Mysterious dice; throw at will, [-] to [-] points are small, [-] to [-] points are large, the host can use any points to throw, throwing a large number of points doubles the points, throwing a small number of points returns to zero]


After seeing the introduction of this item, Xu Ziyin was stunned.

what does this mean?
You think I'm quitting gambling, bro?

They would definitely not be able to bear the temptation of such a big gamble, after all, one point is equivalent to about [-] in cash.

But Xu Ziyin didn't pay much attention to these external things.

He really doesn't need luxury cars, villas, etc. He just wants to kill himself now, and his life is almost gone. What's the point of enjoying it for a few months?
The items in the mall are basically gone here, only the last two items are left.

[One-third of the Ice Body Healing Card Fragment] ([-] points)

There is no complicated introduction to the items, but just those few words, Xu Ziyin felt his breathing became heavier again, and the heart in his chest almost jumped out.

Isn't the ice body his own disease?
There is even the possibility of direct cure in the mall?

One fragment is worth two thousand points, so if you collect three fragments, wouldn't you be able to cure your illness directly?No need to engage in any breakup routines anymore, and return to a normal life?

To be honest, Xu Ziyin can't wait to pick up the mysterious dice and throw it.

Wouldn't it be enough to just pass three levels with [-] points, but there are still [-] points left?
Of course, this was just Xu Ziyin's thinking.

The ideal is full, Xu Ziyin doesn't dare to make fun of his own life, he is dying so fast, he doesn't believe that he has such good luck.

Originally, the appearance of the shards had given him hope. If he just threw a small one out, where would he get another thousand points?

Besides, this is just one fragment, and there are two more fragments that don't know when they will appear. At least [-] points will be required to upgrade the mall again before they may appear.

Resisting to look away from the mysterious dice, Xu Ziyin looked at the last item in the mall.

After 1 minutes, Xu Ziyin frowned slowly.


I feel like this item is a bit redundant.

[Shouyuan gift card] (zero points)
[Shouyuan Gift Card: The host can donate his remaining lifespan to the designated target. Once the gift is completed, the host will deduct the corresponding lifespan. 】

[Unless the target is already in a dead state, the longevity gifted by the host can survive for a corresponding period of time. 】

Isn't this Nima a joke?
I only have a few months left, and I donate my life yuan to others, I still think I don't live long enough.

It's almost like wanting to fart.

Ignoring this card, Xu Ziyin returned his mind to reality and began to consider the next deployment.

Three thousand points can be used to upgrade the mall, and it is very likely that the ice body healing card fragments will be refreshed again, maybe one or two.

And my current points are 500 points, Feiyan's points are 300 points, and Xu Niannian's points are [-] points, that is to say, in the same type of situation, I need at least [-] to [-] goals to collect [-] points. .

If he hadn't seen this ice body healing card, Xu Ziyin might not have such great motivation, but now that he knows the possibility of a complete cure, the thoughts in Xu Ziyin's heart instantly become different.

After all, a woman of Feiyan's level can only get five months of life after a successful breakup. If I want to live smoothly for seven to eighty years, I have to break up at least two hundred years.

It is even more difficult to find two hundred women of Feiyan's level, let alone a smooth relationship.

Now the emergence of healing cards has greatly reduced the number Xu Ziyin needs.

A dozen or so is not unacceptable, if I work harder, I estimate that it will be completed in a year or two, and then I will be able to live like a normal person, and I will no longer have to worry about dying.


There was silence in the dark living room.

Xu Ziyin sat on the sofa and let out a foul breath.

Looking up to the window, the dying moon has crawled down the branch unconsciously.

He glanced at the phone again, convinced that there was still no reply from Chu Yao, Xu Ziyin got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing, he lay on the bed but couldn't fall asleep.

When I close my eyes, the image of the mysterious dice is in my mind.

It seems that it has turned into a stunning beauty at this moment, waving at Xu Ziyin with a graceful figure.

"Little handsome boy, come and play."

Damn, it looks like I don't need to sleep tonight if this continues.

While tossing and turning, Xu Ziyin played the voice for his good double row friend.

After ringing for more than ten seconds, the other party hung up the voice, and then sent a message.

"If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, are you going to die?"

"Sleep, why don't you sleep, get on the number quickly, and take you to Oita tonight."

(It’s a new month, the monthly pass is for hairtail, and now it’s double the monthly pass, 0rz)

(Happy National Day to everyone by the way.)
(End of this chapter)

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