If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 141, 【Su Jiujiu】

Chapter 141, 【Su Jiujiu】(Second more)
Xu Ziyin looked for the sound.

Surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, a strange woman was sitting in the middle of the crowd and staring at him with a sweet smile.

The woman has a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament. She is wearing a blue wool coat, her back is straight, and her sitting posture is very correct.

Xu Ziyin's eyes narrowed.

This is?

A new member of the etiquette club?


Before joining the club, I heard from Feiyan that Gu Rongrong was only temporarily acting as the president, and the original president was not at the school, so this girl should be the real president of the etiquette club.

Just at this time, the big senior sister who had teased Xu Ziyin came over and introduced.

"Xu Ziyin, this is our president, Su Jiujiu. You've always wanted to see him, but now you've met him."

Nodding politely, Xu Ziyin smiled at Su Jiujiu, then found an empty seat by the window and sat down.

Su Jiujiu was indeed pretty, but Xu Ziyin was used to seeing beauties, so he didn't have any fluctuations in his heart at the moment, quietly waiting for the start of the meeting.


With the arrival of Gu Rongrong, the meeting of the etiquette club officially began.

It is said that the meeting is actually not particularly important.

It's just that it's rare for Su Jiujiu to go back to school, so he took this opportunity to meet with the friends from the Etiquette Club, and hand over the position of president by the way.

Su Jiujiu is already in his senior year. He is graduating soon, and he is often not in school. Before that, he was Gu Rongrong's acting president. He took this opportunity to officially hand over the position of president to Gu Rongrong.

After briefly saying this, Su Jiujiu looked at the crowd and said softly.

"Are you free tonight?"

"If there is nothing important, let's have dinner in the club tonight. I just ordered takeaway and delivered it later. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have a good chat today."

Naturally no one refused Su Jiujiu's proposal.

A group of seniors surrounded her talking and laughing, and it could be seen that the relationship between them was indeed very good.

But relatively speaking, Xu Ziyin, the only boy, was a little embarrassed.

After all, he was the only one on the court, and it was not easy for him to interrupt casually when girls were chatting. It was really out of place to sit on the sidelines.

Xu Shi saw Xu Ziyin's embarrassment, Su Jiujiu glanced at him and smiled lightly.

"Xu Ziyin, I was planning to come back to the last school party, but I was delayed by something."

"But I watched that show of yours, and you danced very well. This time, the etiquette club can surpass the dance club in the rankings, and you owe it all to me."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin said warmly.

"What did the president say? This is the joint efforts of the seniors, but I don't have that ability alone."

After humming, Su Jiujiu didn't continue this topic either.

After all, more than two months have passed since the party, so it doesn't make any sense to continue talking about it now.

With the beginning of Su Jiujiu, the topics of the crowd became much more diverse, and they were no longer limited to those things about girls, so that Xu Ziyin could occasionally echo a few sentences so that he would not look like an outsider.

But speaking of it, Xu Ziyin was a little strange.

Originally, he thought that he would be "tortured" by a group of seniors in the etiquette society, but he didn't expect them to keep silent about non-smoking, which touched him somewhat.

This is to avoid embarrassing yourself.

But Miss Minmin is not here, if she is, with her relationship with Feiyan, I'm afraid she won't let her go so easily.


After chatting for a while, a delivery guy knocked on the door of the Etiquette Club.

Then, the smell of delicious food filled the room immediately.

It can be seen that Su Jiujiu's family background is very good, and the takeaways he ordered are all special dishes of high-end restaurants, and with some drinks and snacks, the price should already exceed four figures.

Xu Ziyin tasted it briefly, and didn't stay for long after simply being full, so he got up and said goodbye.

After all, he is a boy here, and a group of girls are relatively reserved when chatting, so it is better to leave early if they are sensible.

After Xu Ziyin left, Su Jiujiu looked at his back and whispered.

"Feiyan broke up with him?"

"That's right, sister Jiujiu, it's been more than a month since we broke up."

"Ham, this really caught me by surprise."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, I just pass by the magic city tomorrow, and I will go to see her to play, and I don't know how she is doing in the magic city now."


When I got home, it was already the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, and the willow shoots on the moon.

After a simple wash, Xu Ziyin played a few games with his good friends every day.

However, because he was going to participate in the debating competition tomorrow morning, Xu Ziyin didn't play too late in order to recharge his energy. He turned off the lights and went to bed at about [-]:[-].

But after tossing and turning on the bed for a long time, he didn't fall asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I couldn't help thinking of many disturbing pictures.

In the dead of night, people can't help but think wildly.

It has been more than three months since I entered the school in September, and the experiences of these three months flashed through my mind like movie clips.

In the end, it clearly evolved into the appearance of several girls.

With a long sigh, Xu Ziyin's eyes gradually lost focus as he looked at the bright moon protruding in the sky outside the window.


It rained at night.

The chill intensified a little more.

When he woke up, the light rain was still falling non-stop.

Due to the rain, today's morning exercise can only be temporarily cancelled, and an occasional rest for a day or two can also achieve better results.

After simply eating breakfast, Xu Ziyin walked towards Su Da holding an umbrella.


Today is Saturday and school is on holiday.

The school also deliberately put the time of the debate competition on this day, so that more students can watch it on the spot.

When they came to the dormitory, Zhao Bing and others had already woken up and were sitting on their seats, breathing out clouds.

Frowning, he walked to the balcony in disgust and opened the window to dispel the miasma in the bedroom, Xu Ziyin said helplessly.

"Can't you guys smoke less, can't you see the big characters on the cigarette pack that smoking is harmful to your health?"

"I think you're going to get lung cancer one day."

Shaking his head, Zhao Bing retorted.

"Old Xu, haven't you heard a saying that waking up with a cigarette is better than a living god?"

"It's harder to quit smoking than to quit women. If you don't smoke, you won't experience this feeling."

Too lazy to listen to his nonsense, Xu Ziyin said seriously.

"Hurry up and pack up, the game will start soon."


After crushing the cigarette butts with the soles of his feet, Zhao Bing walked to the sink and began to wash.

After staying in the dormitory for ten minutes, Xu Ziyin received a call from Song Shi.

Putting the connection to his ear, Xu Ziyin asked doubtfully.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just called to remind you, I'm afraid you overslept this Saturday and forgot what day it is."

"I said Miss, am I so unreliable in your eyes?"

"When have you ever been reliable?"

Listening to the humming voice on the other end of the phone, Xu Ziyin smiled helplessly.

"I'm already in the school dormitory, and I'm going to the auditorium soon."

"Ah, then wait for me downstairs in the dormitory, and we will go there together."

(These two chapters are relatively bland and used transitionally.)
 I recommend a friend's book, it is very well written, Tokyo style, if you like it, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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