If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 143,【You are the most beautiful woman in four seas and eight deserts】

Chapter 143, [You are the most beautiful woman in the world] (fourth more)
Upon hearing this, Xu Ziyin immediately became upset.

I said you bitch are too unreasonable.

You are going to remember this sentence forever, right?
The most intolerable thing for a man is when a woman says he can't do it, that he is weak.

Rubbing his wrist, Xu Ziyin turned his head and said viciously.

"Song Shi, it seems that it is necessary for you to see whether my body is empty or not."

Song Shi didn't love him either, she looked directly into Xu Ziyin's eyes and puffed up her chest, and groaned.

"Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

The two looked at each other for a while, but finally Xu Ziyin was defeated.

Forget it.

If you can't provoke me, you can hide from the head office.

Seeing Xu Ziyin turning his head in distress, Song Shi covered her mouth and chuckled twice, then reached out and poked his arm.

"Okay, a big boy can't be more generous."

"Isn't it just that the body is weak? At worst, I will follow the guidance of the driver uncle and make more tonics for you to drink."

"Don't, I'm afraid you'll poison me with the medicine, I don't want to be Wu Dalang."

"Wu Dalang? Who is that?"

Blinking her beautiful eyes, Song Shi asked curiously.

"A character in a historical allusion, he doesn't look very good, but his wife is pretty."

Just saying something casually, Xu Ziyin didn't bother to explain that there is no such thing as Wu Dalang in this world.

Oh, and Song Shi asked charmingly again.

"Then does her wife look as good as me?"

"You look good, you are the most beautiful in the world, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

Rolling his eyes, Xu Ziyin was speechless.

"So beauty, I'm hungry, can we have dinner?"

"Hee hee, you just know how to eat, I think you are a reincarnation of a starving ghost."

"If you don't eat it, I'll go by myself."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ziyin turned his head and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Ah, wait for me."

Stomping her little feet resentfully, Song Shi hurriedly followed the figure in front of her.


The debate competition has officially come to an end.

As for which team will win in the end and represent the school to participate in the National College Student Debating Competition held in Yanjing at the end of the month, it is still unclear, and it will be announced tomorrow.

But in Xu Ziyin's view, their team has a great chance.

After all, judging from the ending, they were the only team that won against the opposing side, which has a high possibility of adding points to the school leaders' judgment.

After all, it is possible to turn defeat into victory under such circumstances. It has to be said that on-the-spot performance is particularly important, and the debate competition tests the players' on-the-spot adaptability.

As for the winning teams, most of them were well-behaved, and it was difficult to make a standard judgment if they insisted on picking one.


The debate competition was over, and Xu Ziyin returned to the dormitory after eating in the cafeteria.

Wu Yong was watching anime, and Lao Zhou held up a dumbbell, while Zhao Bing and Du Xiaoyu were naturally chatting on QQ.

Seeing Xu Ziyin walk in, Zhao Bing hurriedly pulled him over, hugged his neck and smiled.

"Old Xu can."

"I feel that this time it is very likely to win because of your sentence."

"If I can go to Yanjing, I think Du Xiaoyu will most likely agree to my pursuit."

With a helpless smile, Xu Ziyin found a place to sit down and asked.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Think about it, through these days of getting along, I found that I really like her, which is different from the previous feeling."

Zhao Bing's answer was very serious, and it could be seen that he had really thought it through.

Xu Ziyin didn't say anything more.

At this point, it would be a bit abrupt to say other words. Since Zhao Bing can look directly into his heart, it is best to let nature take its course.

As for the answer, then leave it to time.

Zhou Chong on the side listened to the conversation between the two, put down the dumbbells and came over.

"Old Xu, you and Zhao Bing are dating, how do you think I should find a girlfriend?"

"Why, do you want to fall in love too?"

Scratching his head, Zhou Chong laughed.

"What I'm talking about is that I'm not Wu Yong staring at the paper man every day. Who doesn't want to fall in love in college?"

"But I don't know how to talk to girls very much, and I don't even feel embarrassed to look at them."

This is true.

Zhou Chong is tall and thick, but his personality is very introverted, which cannot be described as introverted. In short, he just doesn't know how to get along with girls.

Normally, Xu Ziyin found that this guy and the girls in the class looked at each other, usually blushing like a monkey.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin said seriously.

"Then let me teach you a way to get along with girls. I'm not sure if it will work. You should experiment a lot."

Seeing that Master Xu was about to start a class, Wu Yong didn't care about watching anime anymore, so he hurriedly dragged a chair and sat down.

Coughing his throat lightly, Xu Ziyin said seriously.

"Old Zhou, in fact, many girls like you. The first thing you need to overcome is your temper."

"You are different from Zhao Bing, you are a pure man type."

"How do pure men chase girls?"

"Chasing girls is suppressed by blood. When you meet a girl, don't avoid it. You always look at her firmly and peacefully, and hide first when you see her."

"The eyes represent a man's courage. If she doesn't avoid her, then get closer to her. There will be a story between you two."

"With this premise, we can find an opportunity to ask her out later."

"When the date is cold, don't rush to find a topic. It's time to eat, it's time to go for a walk. Don't force yourself to find a topic. It seems that the cold weather is your fault. You are right. Calmness is a kind of energy. Accumulate, and when we talk about topics we are good at, she will answer more positively."

"Change the question from asking for instructions to declarative and command sentences. Don't say where to go after dinner? Will you go to the movies later? Just change it to let's go boating in the park after dinner."

"Women are afraid of making choices. If you always let her choose, she may choose to go home. When waiting in line with her, if someone jumps in the line, you must stop it. Tell him to stand back a little loudly. When you say this, you She can stand tall in her heart, do you know how many times she dared not speak out because of things like jumping in line?"

"These details are enough to enhance your impression in the girl's mind and make her have a secret love for you."

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, he handed over a bottle of mineral water.

Wu Yong said hehe, licking his smiling face.

"Master Xu, what about me, how should I chase after girls?"

After receiving the mineral water, Xu Ziyin twisted off the bottle cap and took a sip, then laughed.

"you do not need."

"The paper man's wives don't need to chase after them, they are all devoted to you."

Upon hearing this, Wu Yong's face instantly pulled down.

Zhao Bing put his belly aside and laughed, and the tears of laughter rolled around.

"I said Wu Yong, what Lao Xu said is good."

"There's no need to chase after a two-dimensional woman. As long as you like it, you can have seventy or eighty wives, and you won't wait for the same one every night."

"Roll rough!"

Putting up a middle finger at Zhao Bing, Wu Yong returned to the table cursing and continued watching anime.

As for Zhou Chong, he lowered his head and remained silent, as if secretly trying to figure out the feasibility of what Xu Ziyin said just now.

In fact, in Xu Ziyin's opinion, it is not difficult for Zhou Chong University to fall in love.

He has a big body, which is what a lot of girls like these days, it makes them feel safe.

Besides, Zhou Chong himself is not bad, with good facial features and looks upright, but his temperament is too reserved. If he can change it and be bolder when getting along with girls, it will not be difficult to find a girlfriend.

After chatting with Zhao Bing and others at school, Xu Ziyin left the dormitory.


When I got home, the light rain was still falling non-stop.

With nothing else to do, Xu Ziyin returned to the bedroom to continue his plan.


Silent all night.

The next morning.

When Xu Ziyin woke up, the light rain outside the window still didn't stop.

Today is Sunday and there is no class.

Just when Xu Ziyin was thinking about what to do today, Song Shi called.

After answering the phone and putting it to his ear, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Miss Song, call me early in the morning, do you have any advice?"

"Hee hee, Xu Ziyin, the result of the competition is out."

As soon as he heard Song Shi's brisk tone, Xu Ziyin knew the result.

"What? Satisfied?"

"Hey, you contributed a lot this time. Do you have time at noon? I'll treat you to dinner."

"Hey, treat me to dinner. Could it be that the sun came out from the west today? Hey, no, it's raining today and there is no sun."

"Hmph, I didn't invite you alone, but also Xiao Yu and Zhao Bing."

"Whether you go or not, don't pull it down."

Listening to the brisk voice next to his ear, Xu Ziyin was thoughtful.

After thinking about it, he replied.

"How dare I refuse my lady's treat, but I remember that the restaurant I went to last time seemed to taste pretty good, why don't I still go to that restaurant?"

"Last time? Did you say Aunt Yuxi's restaurant?"

"Yes, it seems that her name is that, I'm not sure."

"Okay, then go to Aunt Yuxi's place, we will meet at the gate of the school at eleven o'clock."

(I would like to clarify here that this is a story with multiple female protagonists. Readers who read QQ don’t like this type of writing and hope they don’t maliciously give it a low score. Thank you.)
(End of this chapter)

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