If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 151, 【I like snowing, just like I like you】

Chapter 151, 【I like snow, just like I like you】

After hearing Xu Ziyin's words, Song Shi's expression was a little cute.

She blinked her big eyes twice, and said in doubt.

"Xu Ziyin, what does our relationship have to do with my aunt?"

"Of course it matters."

With a slight smile, Xu Ziyin replied seriously.

"Sister Xuan and I are still in a nominal relationship."

"My aunt will probably call me over to have dinner often, and then I will have to show a very close relationship with Sister Xuan in front of my aunt. Don't you mind?"

"That's it?"

Smiling, Song Shiman said indifferently.

"I don't care. You and my aunt are just pretending to be a couple, and nothing will really happen. I just play around to make grandma happy. I'm not that kind of unreasonable woman."

Looking at Song Shi's expression, she seemed to really not care about this matter.

Perhaps in her heart, she didn't think anything would happen to Xu Ziyin and her aunt, so it was groundless and with her character, she naturally wouldn't be jealous for no reason.


The two chatted for a few words, and seeing that it was getting late, Xu Ziyin urged Song Shi to go to bed quickly.

The lamp by the bed was not turned off, and an orange halo filled the room.

Listening to the sound of wind and snow hitting the window outside, Song Shi tilted her head and quietly looked at Xu Ziyin's side face, and said in a low voice.

"Xu Ziyin, I can't sleep, tell me a bedtime story."

"I read online that it is romantic for a girl to have a boyfriend tell her a bedtime story before going to bed."

Looking into the girl's excited eyes, Xu Ziyin sighed: "Want to hear a bedtime story?"


Hearing this, Song Shi nodded her head in a hurry.

After adjusting his sleeping position, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll tell you a little bedtime story I kept at the bottom of the box."

"It is said that one day, a very cute rabbit ran into the forest, and she got lost. At this time, she saw a rabbit, and ran to ask, Brother Rabbit, Brother Rabbit, I got lost in the forest, how can I get out of the forest ah?"

"The rabbit asked her, do you want to know?"

"The little white rabbit said yes."

"The little black rabbit said, if you want to know, then you can make me comfortable first."

"The rabbit has no choice but to let the rabbit get comfortable first. After the rabbit is comfortable, I tell the rabbit what to do. After listening to his instructions, the rabbit continues to run forward."

Originally hearing the words "little white rabbit and little black rabbit", Song Shi thought Xu Ziyin was going to talk about a fairy tale, so she opened her eyes and listened expectantly.

As a result, after listening to it, she found that there seemed to be something wrong with the style of the bedtime story.

At this moment, Xu Ziyin continued to speak.

"Running and running, the rabbit got lost, and finally ran into a gray rabbit. The rabbit ran over to him and asked him, Brother Gray Rabbit, Brother Gray Rabbit, I got lost in the forest, how can I get out of the forest?"

"The gray rabbit asked her, do you want to know?"

"The rabbit said yes."

"The gray rabbit said, if you want to know, you have to make me comfortable first. The rabbit can't help it, so I have to make the gray rabbit comfortable too."

"It's over, so the gray rabbit told the rabbit what to do, and the rabbit knew it, so he continued to run forward."

"Finally, the rabbit came out of the forest, and at this moment, the little white rabbit found out that she was pregnant."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyin looked at Song Shi and asked with a smile.

"Shishi, do you want to know what color rabbit the little white rabbit gave birth to?"

Before he had time to think, Song Shi replied subconsciously.


Raising his eyebrows slightly, Xu Ziyin was overjoyed.

"If you want to know, let me be comfortable first."

Song Shi was stunned, and then her little face turned red. She was so angry that she stretched out her little hand and twisted Xu Ziyin's arm fiercely.

"Dirty ghost, what kind of bedtime story are you talking about?"

"Ah, what's wrong with this story, isn't it interesting?"

"Interesting is interesting, but it's too much, so what?"

Stop laughing, Xu Ziyin coaxed.

"Okay, okay, I've finished listening to the story, let's go to sleep."

Spitting secretly in her mouth, Song Shi shrank her little head into the bed and ignored this annoying person.

Everything on the internet is false.

How can there be any warm little stories, they are all dirty jokes.

Having said that, she didn't feel ashamed at all, but felt a strange emotion growing in her heart.


It's very late.

Xu Ziyin turned off the lamp beside the bed, and the room was plunged into darkness, except for two long breathing sounds one after another.

Just when Xu Ziyin was in a daze, a small warm body suddenly slipped into the bed.

Hugging Xu Ziyin's waist, Song Shi's shy whisper sounded in the room.

"I can't sleep, I'll sleep with you in my arms."

With his eyes closed, Xu Ziyin responded vaguely.

"Then you can only hug. If you dare to touch, I can't guarantee what will happen next. It may really be comfortable."


"You think everyone is as nasty as you."

To tell the truth.

With the warm fragrance and soft jade in his arms, Xu Ziyin had no such lust for the first time at this moment.

I just feel that the person in my arms is inexplicably cute.

Why didn't I find out that this girl has this attribute before?
Clinging to Xu Ziyin's chest, Song Shi could clearly feel her heart beating almost out of her chest at this moment.

She naturally knew how bold her behavior was.

If Xu Ziyin really had a wild animal nature, wouldn't he be the same as taking the initiative to go into the tiger's mouth?
But she really likes the feeling of being hugged by Xu Ziyin.

They are all lovers, and these intimate actions between lovers are really easy to make people intoxicated.

It doesn't have to be that kind of thing.

While enjoying the warm embrace, Song Shi was a little flustered.

What should he do if he suddenly has that kind of thought?

Just as she was thinking wildly, a confused murmur suddenly came from her ear.

"Didn't you say hug me to sleep?"

"Why are you turning your back on me?"

with your back?
Looking down at the appearance of herself entangled with Xu Ziyin like an octopus, Song Shi suddenly thought of something, and her face suddenly changed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Xu Ziyin, you are too much!!!"

The next moment, Xu Ziyin felt a pain in his neck.

"Damn it, why do you bite people at every turn?"

"Who made you despise me?"

"When did I dislike you?"

"I'm clearly holding you, but if you insist that my back is turned to you, I think you just dislike me for having no breasts."

"Ah, ha, is there any!?"


"Very good!!!"


In the quiet environment, the girl became angry from embarrassment.

Xu Ziyin had no choice but to laugh again and again.

I don't know how long it took, the two chatted for a while, and then embraced each other and fell into a deep sleep.



The next day.

When Xu Ziyin woke up, the beautiful woman beside him had disappeared without a trace.

Only a faint fragrance lingers on the pillow.

Thinking of the scene last night, Xu Ziyin smiled knowingly, put on his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

After washing his face carelessly with a hot towel, Xu Ziyin came to the next door.

Du Xiaoyu and Zhao Bing had also woken up, and they were sitting on the sofa watching TV with Song Shi.

Walking to the chair and sitting down, Xu Ziyin asked casually.

"I'm going back to Suzhou in the afternoon. Do you have any plans for this morning?"

Zhao Bing glanced at him and didn't answer, but pointed to his neck.

"Xu Ziyin, why do you have strawberry marks on your neck?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin said calmly without changing his face.

"Oh, you're talking about this. I guess I fell asleep last night and didn't pay attention. I was bitten by some puppy?"

Song Shi on the side heard this, her gums creaked suddenly, and she thought brokenly in her heart.

You are the puppy.

Your whole family is puppies.

But at the same time she was very proud.

Does this count as telling others that he is already famous?

After all, when other girls saw the strawberry print, they knew it must be left by his lovely, beautiful, gentle, well-behaved, considerate and sensible girlfriend.

Thinking of this, Song Shi suddenly wished that the strawberry mark on Xu Ziyin's neck would last forever.

Zhao Bing and Du Xiaoyu glanced at each other, both showing a tacit expression.

Then Du Xiaoyu spoke.

"Xu Ziyin, why don't we go shopping in the nearby shopping mall in the morning. It's rare to come to Yanjing. If we don't buy some souvenirs to go back, we'll probably be poked in the back by our roommates."

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin also felt that he should buy something for Xianyu and Xixi.

I haven't seen her for a few days, and I don't know why that little girl Xixi is talking about herself.


There is a large shopping mall next to the hotel.

When Xu Ziyin and the others arrived, the mall had just opened, and it was relatively deserted inside.

After visiting the store for a while, the two young couples dispersed their activities.

After all, Xu Ziyin thought Zhao Bing was an eyesore, so he probably didn't want to see him at this time.

When they came to Hermes' shop, Song Shi dragged Xu Ziyin into it.

After carefully selecting at the men's counter for a long time, Song Shi chose a white men's scarf.

Xu Ziyin knew that she bought it as a gift for herself, but the price was a bit shocking.

"I said Song Shi, you are crazy."

"A scarf is more than 3000, you won't eat next month?"


"I'm not as ingenious as Xianyu. I can't weave you a scarf myself, so I can only buy one."

"If it's expensive, it's expensive. At worst, I'll rely on you for relief next month, and I'll rely on you not to leave when it's time for dinner."

With a soft heart, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"How about I pay for it myself?"

Upon hearing this, Song Shi immediately became unhappy, raised her eyebrows and moaned.

"No, if you dare to pay, then I'll be really angry."

"You are my boyfriend now, shouldn't I give you a scarf, the weather is so cold, you will think of me when you wear this scarf in the future."

"When I go back to school, I'll ask Xianyu for advice. I can knit a scarf for you next year."

The sales lady on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and waited with a smile on her face, but she didn't interject to sell at will.

It can be seen that the professionalism is very high.

In the end, Xu Ziyin didn't miss Song Shi, accepted the scarf she bought, and she wore it around her neck with her own hands.

Looking down at the white scarf around his neck, Xu Ziyin felt a little distressed.

The scarf Xian Yu gave her, she didn't seem to have worn it yet.

If that little girl saw it, I don't know what she would be thinking about.

It is estimated that one person will be secretly wronged for a long time again.


After walking out of the shop, Xu Ziyin turned around and asked.

"Shishi, you have already given me such an expensive scarf. I haven't given you any gifts yet. If you want anything, I'll buy it for you."

With a sweet smile, Song Shi took Xu Ziyin's big hand, raised her face and said happily.

"You already gave me a present."

"A gift for you? What, why don't I know?"

"You gave me a box of rouge."


Xu Ziyin was even more confused.

"Yeah, because when you look at me, I blush."

Xu Ziyin was stunned.

It took a while to come back to his senses, then he lowered his head and stared at the girl beside him in disbelief, and said in astonishment.

"Are you really Song Shi?"

"Could it be that you were taken away last night?"

"Where did you learn these love stories?"

"This girl is talented and intelligent, so there is no need to learn."

"Ah, no, no, I'm telling the truth. This is the best gift you've ever given me."

Curling his lips, Xu Ziyin was speechless.

"Seriously, what gift do you want?"

"I do not want."

Hearing this, Song Shi suddenly shook her little head like a rattle.

"I don't need anything. We're a couple now. There's no need for me to give you a gift. You have to return one. It's like a deal."

"And you are still starting a business now, save some money. If I have no money, I will go home and ask my mother for it. My mother loves me so much."

Looking at the girl's shining eyes, Xu Ziyin sighed inwardly.

Liu Cixin is indeed too conservative.

Who said there is no hard science fiction in China?

Seeing that Song Shi insisted on refusing to take his own gift, Xu Ziyin had no choice but to give up.

The two walked around the mall for about two hours, and purchased a large bag of Yanjing local specialties.

Xu Ziyin didn't send a message to Zhao Bing until Teacher Wenxuan called and told him to have lunch and pack up and go back to school.

Immediately, the group met at the entrance of the mall and returned to the hotel.


Back to the hotel.

After a brief lunch, Xu Ziyin and the others returned to the room.

Just after packing the suitcase, Song Shiqiao poked her head in from the door.

"Xu Ziyin, come here."

Walking out of the room, looking at the hopeful girl at the door of the room, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"what happened?"

Song Shi didn't reply, but just dragged Xu Ziyin to the elevator.

All the way to the rooftop.

Xu Ziyin raised his eyes to look, and the next moment he was stunned.


I saw heavy snow fluttering on the spacious roof.

And in the heavy snow that was swirling one after another.

Under the eaves of a corner of the roof, there are two snowmen there.

The big snowman has a funny expression, with a big carrot sticking out of his nostril, and the smile at the corner of his mouth almost reaches behind his ears.

Relatively speaking, the little snowman looked much more refined. The snow whitened little face was stained with a touch of blush, I don't know if some cosmetics were poured on it, and he was wearing a white beret on his head.

And the two snowmen, one big and one small, are holding hands and seem to be standing on the eaves.
Enjoy the flourishing age and the never-fading snow scene.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyin felt his nose sore.

"Is this what you piled up?"


Tightening her little nose, Song Shi hummed.

"I was going to call you to come with me in the morning, but who knew you were sleeping like a dead pig, and I couldn't wake you up no matter how much you shouted, so I had to come here by myself."

"It's cold in the morning, and my hands are almost numb from the cold."

"Hee hee, but looking at this result is quite satisfying."

"This is where I confess to you. It has different meanings to us."

"Although we are leaving Yanjing soon, we will never have the chance to see the snow again."

"But there are two snowmen here, let them stay here instead of us."



The girl raised her head with a bright smile and soft eyes.

"Xu Ziyin, do you know?"

"I like snow, just like I like you."

(First update.)
(Thanks to the lord of Bai Cang.)
(Thank you Liu Wang for the reward, thank you 333 for the reward.)
(Bosses give birth to daughters.)
(For the other little cuties who donate, please open a single sheet of code words Ji in the back and thank you together, I love you~)

(End of this chapter)

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