If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 153, 【The first meeting between Xu Man and Song Shi】

Chapter 153, [Xu Man and Song Shi's first meeting] (嘤嘤嘤)
Song poetry or Xu Man?

This is a difficult question to decide.

One is his girlfriend and the other is his sister, Xu Ziyin can't let go of either.

But the fact is that at present, he has no other skills and can only accompany one, unless he can find a way to get the best of both worlds.


Back to the apartment.

Opening the door, one sees an empty living room.

Just when Xu Ziyin was wondering if Xu Man hadn't come back yet, a figure rushed out from behind the door and hugged him from behind.

Feeling the familiar squeezing touch, Xu Ziyin knew who was behind him.

Looking back, a foxy face instantly caught his eyes, and Xu Ziyin smiled.

"When did you come back?"

Tightening her nose, she sniffed around Xu Ziyin, and Xu Man snorted.

"I've been back a long time ago, and I want to secretly surprise you."

"But seeing you like this, why aren't you happy at all?"

"Is there? Maybe I've finished laughing on the way back."

With an embarrassing smile, Xu Ziyin replied.

"Tch, only ghosts will believe you."

Mumbling something, Xu Man kicked off the high heels on her feet, and stretched out her hand lazily.

"Take me to the couch."

Xu Ziyin really wanted to say that this place is only two or three steps away from the sofa, so you wouldn't just walk there, but after thinking about it, a princess hugged her in his arms.

As soon as he walked to the sofa and stopped, the woman in his arms writhed restlessly. The next moment, Xu Ziyin was thrown onto the soft sofa by her.


The rich aroma drilled into the nostrils.

Between the tentacles, it is full of warmth and smoothness.

Not seen for many days, my sister's figure seems to be more plump.

The full breasts squeezed Xu Ziyin's chest tightly, making him breathless for a while. This was a joy that Song Shi, a girl with flat breasts, would never experience.

It’s not that flat breasts are bad. After all, each has its own beauty. It’s also good to take a walk on flat ground occasionally when you’re tired from rock climbing.

Tired in his younger brother's arms for a while, Xu Man finally let him go, and then asked with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Tonight is New Year's Eve, where are you going to spend it?"

"How about we go to a private theater?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was a little moved, the private theater is a good place.

He tidied up his messy collar, then said in a deep voice.

"Sister, tonight..."

Seeing Xu Ziyin's hesitant expression, Xu Man instantly understood, she approached the pretty face and raised her eyebrows.

"Why, are you talking about your girlfriend again? Are you going to spend the evening with your little girlfriend?"

"Let my sister guess, is it the little girl named Xianyu that I met before?"

The elder sister's reaction made Xu Ziyin confused for a while.

Now that you guessed it, why didn't he look furious at all, instead he was in a joking mood?
Seeing that Xu Ziyin remained silent, Xu Man took it as his acquiescence, and thought for a while and complained.

"Hey, I forgot about my sister when I had a girlfriend. You are heartless. It's thanks to me talking about you all the time. I was afraid that you would be bored at home alone, so I rushed back to accompany you, err."

Seeing his sister using the usual method, Xu Ziyin suddenly lost his mind. He just wanted to comfort him, but Xu Man, who was "raining with pear blossoms", returned to normal in an instant.

She grabbed Xu Ziyin's hand and laughed.

"Why don't sisters spend New Year's Eve with you tonight? My younger brother has a girlfriend. How can my elder sister not get to know her?"


Not right.

So wrong.

Is this Xu Man?
Isn't this too different from her previous style?

In the past, don't talk about talking about girlfriends, just get closer to girls, and when you get home, you will inevitably be served by family law. Why are you so considerate now?
Seeing that Xu Ziyin was still in a daze.Xu Man pulled him up and pushed him towards the bathroom.

"Why are you still in a daze, tonight is New Year's Eve, hurry up and dress up to be more handsome."

So Xu Ziyin was pushed into the bathroom in a daze like this.


Sitting back on the sofa again, Xu Man's playful expression disappeared instantly.

She looked in the direction of the bathroom, her brows were slightly frowned, and there was a hint of deep thought in her dim eyes.

Convinced that the little red guy is talking about his girlfriend again, Xu Man's heart will naturally not be as calm as her face.

But such a reaction also has her own intentions.

As early as a few days ago, she had found out the secret she wanted from Xu Niannian.

Although Xu Niannian generally would not disclose his relationship with Xu Ziyin.

But her morality was not enough in front of Xu Man. Xu Man used some tricks to dig out from her mouth that she had a boyfriend. Although Xu Niannian didn't say who it was, it was not difficult for Xu Man to tell from a few words. That person is his good brother.

Compared with Xu Niannian, Chu Yao's information is much easier to get.

There is no second person named Chu Yao in Su University, and she also has a certain reputation in school. Xu Man soon got to know this girl who studies pharmacy.

Knowing her major and class makes things much easier.

After sending someone to spend some money, she easily learned from her best friend what happened to Chu Yao since the beginning of school.

At that time, she and Xu Ziyin were so high-profile, and there were photos of them holding hands on the forums. Xu Man also easily learned that Chu Yao had also talked with Xu Ziyin and broke up.

In summary.

Since then, Xu Man has basically been convinced of the three ticked names on the little red guy's file, and also understands what they have in common.

That is, these three girls had all been in love with Xu Ziyin, and the time was very short, in about a month, and now they have all broken up.

In this way, some things become much clearer.

But after finding out these secrets, Xu Man was even more confused.

She couldn't figure out what Xu Ziyin's purpose in writing this document was, and she didn't even know why he fell in love with one girl after another in such a short period of time and chose to break up.

Qin Feiyan, Xu Niannian, she has seen both of them before, they are both beautiful girls, she has also seen Chu Yao's photos, and the same is true.

If it's just a normal love breakup, Xu Man may think it's nothing.

But the little red guy started school and half a semester has not passed yet. He has divided into three, and each of them is very good. Generally, if a boy finds such a girlfriend, he will be afraid of melting if he holds it in the palm of his hand. Why does he seem to be playing a game? , deliberately playing with girls.

Think again that there are several other names that are not ticked on the document.

This is no longer explained by psychopathy.

Based on Xu Man's understanding of Xu Ziyin, he is definitely not such a person.

But now that there are living examples in front of him, Xu Man can't help but take it lightly.

So when she learned that the little red guy was in love again, Xu Man was not surprised.

And no surprises, that girl is one of the other names on that document, and the two of them won't talk for long and will break up soon, as to whether it's the Yun Xianyu she's met, it's not yet known.

So Xu Man felt that it was necessary for him to find out for himself.

If she can't find out the truth of this matter thoroughly, she will have trouble sleeping and eating.


After changing clothes and coming out of the bathroom, Xu Ziyin found that Xu Man was ready to go out.

Suspicious, Xu Ziyin didn't ask any more questions.

After all, he was happy to see his sister accepting this matter, at least in this way he would not have to let one of them down.

Holding the car keys in his hand, Xu Ziyin walked out of the apartment while being held arm in arm by his sister.




Song Shiqiao, dressed in a snow-white down jacket, stood at the bus stop at the school gate.

Looking at the street with people coming and going, she whispered to herself in her heart.

Be gentle, be gentle.

No boy likes a hot girl.

But she couldn't help laughing after saying a few words.

It's really hard for her to become a soft-spoken girl, and she doesn't think she is not a gentle person.

It's also fun to bicker every day.

Lovers can't be dead.

Just as she was thinking wildly, a black sports car stopped in front of her.

Song Shi just wanted to get out of her seat, but she saw the face of the main driver. She was about to make a sound with joy on her face, and then she saw the co-pilot sitting in a lazy and graceful manner from the corner of her eye. woman.

Song Shi was a little confused.

She knew this woman.

I have accompanied Xu Ziyin to the class before, and I have a deep impression on Song Shi, a beautiful woman with a strong aura.

Seeing her again now, I can't help feeling Xiao Jiujiu in my heart.

Didn't we agree to go to Shantang Street to watch the fireworks for New Year's Eve together?

Why did this woman come here? What is the relationship between her and Xu Ziyin?

Although she doesn't care about Xu Ziyin's past and has had several girlfriends, it doesn't mean she wants Xu Ziyin to still be entangled with other women.

Xu Ziyin hurriedly turned off the engine and got out of the car to introduce because she was afraid that she would be thinking about it.

"Shishi, this is Xu Man, my sister, you've seen her before."

"Ah, your sister?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you that I have a sister two days ago?"

Hearing this, Song Shi immediately became happy, it turned out to be her sister.

At this time, Xu Man also came down, she looked Song Shi up and down, and then said softly.

"I heard from Xu Ziyin that he had a girlfriend, so I thought of coming over to see my siblings. You don't mind if I interrupt your date, do you?"

"how come……"

Hearing Xu Man's words, Song Shi's face turned red.

She can usually be all kinds of coquettish and willful in front of Xu Ziyin, but this person in front of her is his sister, she is not ready to meet her parents yet.

"Hi sister, I, my name is Song Shi."

Looking nervously at Xu Man, Song Shi hurriedly looked away again.

Song poetry?

Sure enough, although it wasn't Yun Xianyu, it was still one of the people on the list.

Seeing the people passing by noticed this way, Xu Ziyin said.

"Okay, let's talk on the way. I haven't eaten yet. Find a place to eat quickly. In one hour, the fireworks festival on Shantang Street will begin."

With that said, Xu Ziyin went to prepare to open the car door.

But the next moment he froze in place again.


How could I forget this.

This car can accommodate two people. Now that Song Shi and Xu Man are here, we can't leave one of them and let her take a taxi.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's embarrassment, Song Shi whispered.

"Xu Ziyin, why don't you and your sister go first, and I'll just take a taxi and follow behind."

Before Xu Ziyin could speak, Xu Man took Song Shi's little hand and said with a smile.

"No, let this guy take a taxi by himself, and my sister will drive you."

As she said that, Xu Man turned her head and glanced at Xu Ziyin indifferently. Xu Ziyin looked at her at the same time, and kept his mouth shut, not daring to object.

Song Shi actually wanted to stay with Xu Ziyin.

Although Xu Man's attitude was good, Song Shi was still a little unaccustomed to it, but Xu Man had already said this, so naturally she couldn't refuse, so she could only nod her head in agreement.

Watching the black sports car drive away, Xu Ziyin stood there and his mind was in a mess.


Why am I being dropped?

This Nima is outrageous.

But seeing her sister's attitude towards Song Shi, Xu Ziyin let go of the heart hanging in his throat a little bit.

Then he stretched out his hand to see the next taxi driving towards Shantang Street.


en route.

From time to time, Song Shi raised her black and white eyes to secretly look at Xu Man who was driving seriously.

The more she looked at it, the more surprised she became.

Is Xu Ziyin's sister so good-looking?

Just like the fairy who came out of the painting.

Because Song Shi is extremely confident in her appearance, she can't help but feel ashamed at this time.

At this moment, Xu Man suddenly smiled lightly.

"Shishi, do you mind if I call you that?"

"No, that's what my parents call me."

With a hum, Xu Man said again.

"My younger brother is usually not in good shape. I'm afraid you will often make you angry when you fall in love with him."

"No, no, Xu Ziyin is very good, and he is also very good to me."

Song Shi replied obediently, as if she had become a little girl whose puppy love was discovered by her parents and was interrogated.

Xu Man was noncommittal, she paused and said again.

"How long have you been with Xu Ziyin?"

"Just got together yesterday."


There was an imperceptible arc in the fundus of the eyes, and Xu Man looked forward thoughtfully.

Doesn't this mean that the two are just beginning their relationship.

"I remember Xu Ziyin was still in Yanjing yesterday, right?"

"Yes, Xu Ziyin and I went to Yanjing to participate in the competition. He called you when we were skiing yesterday, and I was right next to you."

Upon hearing this, Xu Man couldn't help but sneered inwardly.


I said why this guy suddenly kindly shared photos of the snow scene with me.

Dare to have beauty as your company, deliberately come to show off to me.


After chatting a few words, Song Shi's nervous mood eased a lot.

Coupled with Xu Man's intentional or unintentional inquiries, Song Shi told Xu Man the process of getting acquainted with Xu Ziyin in a short while.

Nor did she have any doubts.

After all, the person in front of me is Xu Ziyin's older sister. If I had a younger brother who also had a girlfriend, I would definitely ask questions.


When he heard that Xu Ziyin and Song Shi's aunt were still pretending to be a couple, Xu Man suddenly became interested.

She asked curiously.

"Pretending to be a couple, what does that mean?"

With a playful smile, Song Shi said obediently.

"My aunt is getting old, and grandma is urging her to get married. My aunt has no choice but to ask Xu Ziyin to pretend to be her boyfriend to deal with grandma."

Oh, Xu Man said with a smile.

"Indeed, people of the older generation really care about the lifelong events of their children."

As she spoke, she changed the topic again.

"You said that your aunt is teaching at Su Ke University. I also know several professors in Su Ke University. Maybe your aunt and I still know each other."

"Really, but my aunt is still a lecturer now, and it may take another two or three years before she can be awarded the title of associate professor."

"Yes, what's your aunt's name?"

Hearing this, Song Shi replied without hesitation.

"My aunt's name is Luo Xuan."

"Do you know my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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