If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 160, 【What do you want to do? 】

Chapter 160, 【What do you want to do? ] (seeking follow-up)
After the cloud and rain, Xu Niannian curled up lazily in Xu Ziyin's arms, her jade hands gently slid his chest, and her face was still flushed.

"Honey, tomorrow is Saturday, what are you going to do?"


Touching the tender and fragrant shoulders of the beautiful woman in his arms, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Want me to accompany you?"

"Hee hee, of course I hope you can accompany me, but I'm afraid your girlfriend won't agree."

With a slight smile, Xu Ziyin replied.

"Anything else you're afraid of?"

"Of course, I'm afraid you don't want me."

After saying something greasy and crooked, Xu Niannian took the initiative to offer her cherry lips.

In the midst of tasting it, Xu Ziyin was thoughtful.

It's true that tomorrow is Saturday, but with Song Shi's temperament, she will definitely find herself.

It's fine if there is no confirmed relationship. Now that they have become boyfriend and girlfriend, she will definitely not let go of this good opportunity to be alone.

She is not the kind of girl who coyly hides all her thoughts in her heart.

She is that typical clingy and delicate character.

But this kind of coquettishness does not make people bored, on the contrary, it will make people feel very cute when paired with her words and deeds.

Smiling apologetically, Xu Ziyin said warmly.

"I may not be able to accompany you tomorrow, why don't you ask your roommate to accompany you to go shopping, then just tell me what you like and I will pay for you."

Shaking his head, Xu Niannian said softly.

"Husband, I paid half of the 50,000 yuan you gave me last time, and I haven't used up the rest. Besides, my salary is quite high for this job."

"Counting the basic salary plus sales commission, it can be [-] a month."

Speaking of this, Xu Niannian's eyes showed a trace of strangeness, she turned her head sideways to look at Xu Ziyin and wondered.

"Husband, I'm still a little confused about this job. I don't know that Huang Yating, but she took the initiative to find me and asked me to be the deputy store manager. The salary is very good. If she is not a woman, I wonder if she has other plans for me."

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin put his big hand on the cherry red jade white and joked.

"Maybe she's gay?"

"Hey, Sister Yating has a boyfriend, well, the couple is really loving."


After chatting for a few words, feeling the eagerness of the person beside the pillow, Xu Niannian licked the corner of his lips and said charmingly.

"Honey, have you rested? Do you want to continue?"

"Come again? You want to squeeze me dry all at once?"

"Hmph, I don't know when I'll have to wait for the next time. I finally got a chance to feed me all at once."

"You don't have to move, I will do it myself this time."

After all, Xu Niannian raised her hair and turned up, like a female knight fighting on the battlefield.



The next day, Xu Ziyin woke up to Xu Niannian's sweet good morning bite.

After having a warm breakfast with her, Xu Ziyin returned to his apartment.

Not long after returning home, Song Shi's phone call came in as expected.

As soon as the phone was connected, Song Shi's energetic voice rang in Xu Ziyin's ears.

"Dirty ghost, are you up yet?"

"Just woke up, what's wrong, miss me?"

"Tch, who would miss you, narcissist."

"Hey, I'm talking about Song Shi, it's fine if you give me random nicknames, but can I trouble you to come up with something nice?"

"Dirty ghost, doesn't narcissism sound good?"

"That's nice to hear, you big-headed ghost."

"Hee hee, all right, get up quickly, brush your teeth and wash your face, we'll see you at the school gate later."

"What's the matter, are you calling me on a date?"

"Yes, today I will take you to a good place."

"What good place?"

"Oh, don't ask, you'll know when you get here, okay, I'll hang up first, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ziyin finished washing quickly, then took the car keys and walked out of the house.


The weather is fine today.

The sky is clear and the temperature has risen a lot compared to before.

At the gate of Colonel Su, a slim figure was standing outside the newsstand.

She is wearing a green woolen coat with a white lining inside, and a pair of slim-fitting wide-leg pants on her lower body. She looks tall and thin, but at the same time she is very casual and stylish, full of fashion sense.

Looking at the streets full of people coming and going, Song Shi stomped her little feet and muttered.

"Didn't you say hurry up, why haven't you come yet, there is no gentleman spirit at all."

"There's no reason to make a girl wait so long on a date."

Just as she was whimpering, a black super sports car stopped in front of her.

Seeing Xu Ziyin smiling at her in the driver's seat, Song Shi was surprised.

"Xu Ziyin, isn't this your sister's car?"

Opening the co-pilot's door considerately, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Yeah, my sister knew I was going on a date today, so she lent it to me. She said it would save face."

After giving him a blank look, Song Shi sat in the car with a small bag on her shoulders.

Seeing that Song Shi was seated and fastened her seat belt, Xu Ziyin asked.

"Tell me, where is a good place to go?"

"Go to the pet market, gogogo!"

Song Shi replied without thinking, it seems that the destination has already been planned.

"Pet market?"

Xu Ziyin was taken aback for a moment, then asked in doubt.

"Do you want to buy a pet? But I remember that the school has a rule that pets are not allowed in the dormitory, right?"

"Who said I'm going to buy a pet?"

"Ah, then why do you go to the pet market if you don't buy pets?"

"I'll buy it for you."

"Buy me?"

Xu Ziyin was even more confused.

"Well, what kind of pet can you buy me?"

Squinting her beautiful eyes, Song Shi said in a charming voice.

"Didn't you say that you live alone, so I can buy you a pet to accompany you, so you won't be bored."

"And I really like keeping pets, but the dormitory doesn't provide for them, so I can only let you keep them, so that I can often visit your house to see it in the future."

Xu Ziyin curled his lips and said speechlessly.

"I think the latter sentence is your true words, right?"

"You just say whether to go or not!!!"

"Go, go, my eldest lady, you have already spoken, do you dare not listen?"

Seeing Xu Ziyin's resentful appearance, Song Shi raised his brows proudly.

However, having a pet at home is really nice.

My sister often travels on business, and Xu Ziyin usually lives alone, and raising a cat and dog can occasionally pass the boring time.

But Xu Ziyin's only worry is whether he will forget to feed it one day and starve it to death.

This scenario is not impossible.

But with Song Shi's constant reminders, it is estimated that such an outrageous thing should not happen.


The nearest pet market is not far from Soochow University, within 10 minutes.

After parking the car on the side of the road, Song Shi took Xu Ziyin's arm and walked inside.

Now that she has officially entered the role, holding her boyfriend's arm is naturally a matter of self-taught.

Walking along the way, you can see stalls selling pets everywhere, there are serious small shops, and there are also casual stalls on the roadside.

There are all kinds of pets in the cages in front of the booth for customers to choose from, such as flowers, birds, fish and insects, cats, dogs, rabbits and tortoises.

The two walked and watched, Song Shi's eyes were full of joy.

"Xu Ziyin, what kind of pet do you think is better to buy? What do you think of cats?"

"No, I don't like cats."

"What about the rabbit?"

"Rabbits are not good either. I heard people say that raising rabbits is easy to die young. I am afraid that one day I will wake up and find that the rabbit is dead, and then I can directly cook it in a pot."

"You're going to die."

"If you're afraid of raising it to death, you might as well raise a tortoise. That thing can live a long time. Maybe you're gone, but it's still alive."

"That's not okay, the turtle is too ugly."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what kind of pet do you want to have?"

Seeing that Song Shi was about to go crazy, Xu Ziyin pointed to a stall selling pet dogs not far away and said.

"I think it would be nice to buy a pet dog, that guy is as handsome as me."

Song Shi looked for the sound, and then his expression froze.

"You want to buy a husky?"

"Are you not afraid that it will tear down your house when you go to school?"

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"It's called Alaska. Although it looks a bit like a husky, it's also a sledgehammer, but there is still a gap between it and the husky's character of tearing apart houses."

"The grown-up Alaska has a quiet and elegant temperament, and is very loyal to the director. Although it is very small now, it will grow to a height of half a meter after a few months of raising it. Keeping guards at home, the deterrent effect is still very strong. .”

"In the future, if you take it out for a walk, most people will not dare to provoke you at will."

Speaking of huskies, Xu Ziyin suddenly remembered an experiment done by a pet blogger he saw online.

The owner pretended to faint, and then the purpose was to test the loyalty of the pet, how would he react in this situation.

After experiments, pet dogs like Golden Retriever, Border Collie, and Doberman all performed well, but Huskies didn’t show panic at all when they saw their masters not moving. Happy to tear down the house.

But I have to say that it is precisely because of Husky's naive character that many people like to keep this kind of dog.

After hearing Xu Ziyin's words, Song Shi's heart moved.

She has a puppet cat at home, and she doesn’t know much about pet dogs. Now, listening to Xu Ziyin’s words, she imagines that she is leading a domineering Alaska walking on the street. quite handsome.

"Okay, then let's buy an Alaska."

With a hum, Xu Ziyin led Song Shi towards the booth.

As soon as a customer came to the door, the boss spared no effort to sell his treasures.

Xu Ziyin squatted down and looked at the puppies in the cage while listening to him.

From the outside, it looks good, not a hybrid.

The head is broad, and the typical triangular ears have not yet formed because the ears have not been opened yet. The almond-shaped eyes are tilted, the head is vertical, and the eyes are vigilant and curious, giving people the impression of being full of vitality and very arrogant.

Seeing one of them, Xu Ziyin asked.

"Boss, have you vaccinated all these dogs?"

"That's for sure. Every dog ​​has been vaccinated for three shots and has a numbered immunization certificate. You can rest assured of that."

Nodding his head, Xu Ziyin pointed to the one he was looking for and asked.

"Boss, what's the price for this one?"

"Three thousand and eight."

"Cheaper, two hundred."

The boss was dumbfounded when he heard that.

He had seen people haggling, but he had never seen one like this. Even Song Shi beside him couldn't help tugging at Xu Ziyin's sleeve, feeling a little ashamed.

Seeing the astonished expression of the boss, Xu Ziyin laughed.

"The boss is just kidding, three thousand and five. I don't like bargaining. If you think this price is OK, I will buy it. If you think it is not good, I will go to another house to see."

"Okay, then three thousand five, this is the vaccine certificate."

As if he was afraid that Xu Ziyin would say the word two hundred again, the boss nodded in haste, but the price was already above his psychological expectation.

"Wait a minute, is this dog a male or a female? I don't want a male."

Xu Ziyin suddenly said again.


Pulling the corner of his mouth, the boss replied truthfully.

"That's fine."

Song Shi was a little curious.

"Xu Ziyin, why do you care so much about father and mother?"

"That must be different. I can only be a male in the family, not even a dog."

Song poetry:? ? ?

Now that I have bought pets, dog food, and kennels, it is impossible to lose these things.

Xu Ziyin accompanied Song Shi to do some shopping at the pet store before leaving satisfied.


Back at the apartment, Song Shi didn't have time to visit Xu Ziyin's room, and built a nest for Lemon without stopping.

Lemon was the name she gave the dog on the way, but Xu Ziyin didn't know why she called it this name.

But most people like to call their pets the names of various food and fruits.

After 10 minutes, Song Shi let out a long sigh of satisfaction looking at her achievements.

Lemon has moved to a new house, and is lying in the soft kennel curiously looking at everything in front of her, refusing to recognize her life, when Song Shi touches her, it will stick out its tongue to lick her little hand from time to time.

Seeing that Song Shi was busy, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Okay, let's go take a shower."

Hearing that Song Shi didn't hesitate, the sticky hands really made her uncomfortable, so she took the pajamas Xu Ziyin prepared for her and walked towards the bathroom.

Xu Ziyin squatted in front of the kennel, one person and one dog staring with big eyes.


Xu Ziyin called out.

No response.

So Xu Ziyin grabbed a handful of dog food and put it in his hand and said again.


There was a reaction this time, Lemon groaned at Xu Zi and stared at the food in his hand.

Just when one person and one dog were enjoying themselves, Song Shi came out after taking a shower.

She tugged at her slightly loose pajamas restlessly, and asked in doubt.

"Xu Ziyin, why do you have girls' pajamas at home?"

"Oh, that's my sister's. She occasionally stays here for a few days."

Xu Ziyin said without looking back.

Hearing this, Song Shi didn't suspect anything, she walked behind Xu Ziyin and said softly on his back.

"Xu Ziyin, which room is your bedroom, take me to have a look."

"What, you want to visit my bedroom?"

"Aren't you afraid that if you go in, you won't come out?"

Frowning, Xu Ziyin turned his head and joked.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's malicious gaze, Song Shi instantly jumped off his back, clutching her chest and saying vigilantly.

"What do you want to do?"

Is it necessary to cover your chest?
Xu Ziyin made a complaint in his heart and said with a smile.



Song Shi was stunned when she heard this, but her face blushed when she realized it, and then she stretched out her hand and grabbed Xu Ziyin's ear viciously.

"Sure enough, he is a vulgar ghost. He thinks about dirty things in his heart every day."

"I can tell you, without my permission, you are not allowed to mess with me."

"I know, I'm still afraid that you covet my handsomeness and won't be able to stop messing with me."

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin stood up and took Song Shi to his bedroom.

But when he reached the door of the room, he stopped suddenly.

its not right.

It seems that some things in the room cannot be seen by her.

(End of this chapter)

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