If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 166, [Little Red, it's snowing]

Today is a very happy day for Xixi.

Although those beautiful nurses treated her very well, she was not used to living in the ward all the time.

Children of this age love to play by nature, even if Xixi is well-behaved and sensible and doesn't cry or be self-willed, they will feel aggrieved when facing an empty room all the time.

Fortunately, I can finally leave the hospital today.


As soon as Xu Ziyin stepped into the ward, before he had time to put down the things in his hands, a small figure rushed into his arms and hung on his body.

Xu Ziyin quickly caught her with his eyes and hands, and then said softly.

"Why, you miss me, but you didn't hug your sister at the first time."

With a smack on Xu Ziyin's face, Xixi said coquettishly.

"I think, Xixi misses big brother~"

"My sister won't be angry."

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin played with Xixi in the ward for a while, and then put Xixi down to go through the discharge procedures.


Half an hour later, all discharge procedures were ready.

Xixi took Xu Ziyin and Ajie's hands from left to right, and said goodbye to the nurses who had taken care of her for many days.

"Goodbye, little deer sister."

"Goodbye, Sister Apple."

Seeing the fun, Xu Ziyin laughed.

"Xixi, don't you want to kiss these beautiful big sisters?"

Hearing this, Xixi threw off her little feet in a hurry and ran to the nurses and sisters and kissed them one by one.

It can be seen that these nurses also like this little girl Xixi very much, with a look of reluctance on their faces.

But they can't say that they often come back to see this kind of words.

After all, this is a hospital, who would come here often if they have nothing to do.


Sitting in the car, Xixi was overjoyed, and kept asking Xu Ziyin where he was going to play in the future.

Before Xu Ziyin could speak, Yun Xianyu took his sister's little hand and pampered her.

"Xixi, we'll go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables later, and I'm going to cook a lot of delicious food for you today~"

"Wow, there are delicious ones."

The little girl cheered, lying in her sister's arms and getting up, bringing up the magnificent waves on Yun Xianyu's chest.

Xu Ziyin looked at this picture through the rearview mirror, and happened to meet Xiao Xianyu's tender eyes, and a smile appeared in Xu Ziyin's eyes.

Ignition started, he laughed out loud.

"Let's go!"



in the living room.

Xixi sat on the carpet full of toys, touched and pinched her left and right, seeming to love it.

Xu Ziyin and Yun Xianyu were preparing lunch in the kitchen.

The chef is naturally Yun Xianyu, at most he is in charge of washing and cutting vegetables.

Today's weather is not very good, the cold wind is blowing, and the sunshine outside the window is not very bright. There is a possibility that it will rain at any time.

However, Yun Xianyu's mood was very beautiful, with happiness on her delicate face.

Her younger sister recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and she was able to cook in the kitchen with her sweetheart again. For Xiao Xianyu, who is easily satisfied, this is the happiest thing in the world.

Seeing the slightly raised lips of the girl beside him, Xu Ziyin joked.

"Why, are you very happy?"

"Of course, I'm happy."

Responding sweetly, Yun Xianyu narrowed Shui Lan's big eyes slowly.

Emotions are easily contagious.

Looking at the girl's sweet smile, Xu Ziyin also laughed.

The two of them were busy, Xixi slipped into the kitchen at some point, her big black eyeballs slid around, and then she reached out and hugged Xu Ziyin's thigh, saying in a charming tone .

"Father, when will dinner be served, Xixi is hungry."

This sudden voice startled Xu Ziyin.

He looked down at the little girl who was hugging his thigh in a daze.

"Xixi, I'm not your father."

"No, you are my father."

Xixi is not forgiving.

Xu Ziyin was a little helpless.

"Then I'm your father. What does Xianyu call me? Do you also call me father?"

"Sister is your wife, because sister is mother."

Xu Ziyin was stunned by Xixi's messy address, he looked helplessly at Yun Xianyu for help, but Yun Xianyu's face was as red as if she had smeared rouge, so he couldn't care less about other things.

Shrugging helplessly, Xu Ziyin didn't care about Xixi's childish words, and said softly.

"Okay, then dad is going to cook with mom, how about Xixi going to the living room to play alone first?"

"it is good."

Nodding obediently, Xixi let go of Xu Ziyin and ran out of the kitchen.

What is this called.

Having an extra daughter for no reason?
But Xu Ziyin can actually feel Xixi's mood.

The little girl lacked paternal love all year round, and in her eyes, she was no different from her father.

It's understandable that she would suddenly call her father by chance.

It's okay for the little girl to make her wish come true.


After a while, a sumptuous lunch was served on the table.

Except for the unshakable braised fish, all of them are Xi Xi's favorite dishes.

The little girl sat between the two of them, and the silver bell-like laughter never stopped.

After the meal, Xu Ziyin proposed to take Xixi to the playground to play, which naturally got the approval of two beauties, one big and one small.


Accompany Xixi and Yun Xianyu to play in the amusement park all afternoon.

It wasn't until the sunset that Xu Ziyin dragged his exhausted body back home.

There was no light on in the living room.

Xu Man huddled on the sofa with a pillow in her arms and quietly watched the soap opera on TV that had no nutritional value.

Seeing Xu Ziyin came back, Xu Man stretched out her little hand lazily, and Xu Ziyin hurried over.

Hugging Xu Ziyin, Xu Man buried her little head in his chest, and didn't ask him what he was doing today, but just said in a tired voice.

"Xiao Chi Lao, my sister is very hungry, can you go and make something delicious for my sister?"

With a hum, Xu Ziyin was about to get up, but Xu Man still hugged him motionless.

"Wait a while, hold me for a while."

Looking at her elder sister's rare little girl posture, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"You used to take care of my daily life, but now it seems to be the other way around."

"Hee hee, don't you want to?"

"You cook for your sister, and my sister will give you sons to repay you in the future, and give birth to seven or eight."

Xu Ziyin was dumbfounded for a moment, and he pretended to be joking.

"Sister, are you sure that giving birth to seven or eight sons is to repay me, not torture me?"

"Besides, I'm your younger brother. How can an older sister give birth to a younger brother? If people find out about this, they will be stabbed in the back."

Raising her pretty eyebrows, Xu Man snorted.

"Who dares to speak against me!"

"Big deal, we will buy a small island in the Pacific Ocean in the future, and my sister will live on the island with you, and we will have one every year."

Touching Xu Man's forehead, Xu Ziyin said in a strange tone.

"I don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?"


After dinner.

Xu Man still lay sticky in Xu Ziyin's arms, unwilling to get down.

She looked at the cold wind howling outside the window and whispered.

"Old Chi, it's really possible that it will snow in Suzhou this year."

Nodding, Xu Ziyin replied.

"Looking at it like this, it is indeed possible."

"I checked the weather forecast today, and experts predicted that a blizzard might come in three days' time."

"However, what experts say is basically the opposite, and basically it may happen once."

"Maybe the forecast is accurate this year?"

"hope so."

It is better to believe that sows will climb trees than to believe in weather forecasts.


Stay with my sister on the sofa until the dead of night.

Seeing his sister yawning repeatedly, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"Sister, why don't you go back to your room and sleep, I can't even open your eyes."

With a hum, Xu Man hugged Xu Ziyin's arm and lost his way.

"Cuddle me to sleep tonight."

I sleep with you?

Then how can I sleep?

But seeing his sister like this, Xu Ziyin couldn't bear to refuse, picked her up by the waist, turned off the light in the living room and walked into the bedroom.


Orange lights dimmed the entire room.

Xu Man was lying next to Xu Ziyin in her pajamas. She looked at the young man beside her, then took his arm and placed it under her head naturally, then said softly.

"Old Chi, your sister used to tell stories to lull you to sleep when you were sleeping, so why don't you tell your sister a bedtime story today?"

bed time story?

This is Xu Ziyin's forte.

Immediately, he told Song Shi the bedtime story of the little white rabbit again.

After Xu Man listened, she leaned over to that pretty face of Hu Meier and kissed Xu Ziyin's lips lightly.

"Brother, good night."

After speaking, she fell into a deep sleep after a while.

Xu Ziyin carefully looked at her sister's sleeping face, but the imaginary agitation did not appear.

He stretched out his hands to tuck the corners of the quilt that was prone to air leakage, hugged Xu Man's warm and delicate body, and fell asleep after a while.



The next few days were uneventful.

Apart from staying with his sister at home, Xu Ziyin basically went out with Song Shi on dates, or went to Yun Xianyu's home to play with the two sisters.

During this period, Xu Ziyin also discovered a strange thing.

That is, Xu Man's drowsiness symptoms are getting worse.

It stands to reason that if she was caused by fatigue, she should have returned to normal these days. How could it be getting worse?
Finally, one night, Xu Ziyin couldn't bear the worries in his heart and said to Xu Man.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"How do you see that you are getting more and more sleepy these days?"

Rubbing her head cutely, Xu Man was also a little puzzled.

"I do not know either."

"It's just that I feel very sleepy these days, and I really want to sleep."

"No, I'll take you to the hospital for a look."

"I can't worry about you like this."

This time Xu Man did not refuse, she looked at her brother with a concerned expression and stretched out her hand: "Then you carry me down."

Without saying a word, Xu Ziyin put on his coat and walked downstairs with his sister on his back.


As soon as he walked downstairs, before Xu Ziyin had time to lift his foot, Xu Man who was on his back suddenly said in surprise.

"Old Chi, it's snowing."

Looking for the sound, Xu Ziyin looked up.

I saw pieces of crystal snowflakes floating in the dark night at this time.

"It's really snowing."

After murmuring a few words blankly, Xu Ziyin's expression became astonished and dull.


Suzhou, which has not had snow in ten years, had its first snow tonight.

(The following plot will usher in the biggest turning point and climax plot of the book, after which the hero's attitude towards life will also undergo a complete change.)
(Friendly reminder, book friends who are not yet full remember to watch it accompanied by their parents, don't say it is unpredictable.)

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