If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 186, 【Sophia and Sophia】

It was already dark when we got home.

But Xiao Xianyu hasn't slept yet, she is sitting on the sofa with her knees crossed and watching TV quietly.

The faint TV light shone on her small face, and the picture was indescribably soft.

"Why don't you turn on the lights?"

Opening the door, walking into the room, looking at the dim living room, Xu Ziyin wondered.

"you're back?"

Hearing the movement, Yun Xianyu immediately ran to Xu Ziyin's side, bent down to get him slippers.

Xu Ziyin didn't dare to look her in the eyes.

I was afraid that I would look at her with her, and the matter of accepting two Ukrainian sisters tonight would be revealed immediately.

"Well, have you eaten?"

"Have eaten."

"Where is Xixi?"

"Sister has gone to sleep."

"Why don't you sleep?"

"You haven't come back yet, I'll wait until you come back to sleep."

After replying sweetly, Yun Xianyu ran into the bathroom to put hot water for him, and then said.

"Have you drunk tonight, then take a hot bath first, so that you can sleep comfortably at night."

"it is good."

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin rubbed the girl's hair, and then strode into the bathroom.


After a while, Xu Ziyin walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Yun Xianyu had already cooked hangover soup and put it on the table, holding a knitted sweater in her hand.

Seeing Xu Ziyin coming out, Yun Xianyu hurriedly walked up to him and gestured in front of him with a sweater.

"Would you like to try it on and see if it fits?"

Xu Ziyin didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took off his pajamas, and put the sweater on his body with his bare upper body.

Yun Xianyu looked around with a red face, and then said sweetly.

"It seems to be pretty good."

"That's right, it doesn't matter who weaves it, it's the ingenious little Xianyu weaving it."

"Whoever can marry Xiao Xianyu as his wife in the future will have accumulated virtue for eight lifetimes."

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, Yun Xianyu's face seemed to be dyed red.

Although Xu Ziyin often said these words in front of her, every time she heard them, she felt shy.

But while being shy, there is also a sweet emotion lingering in her heart.

"Well, then, then I'll go to bed first."

After all, Yun Xianyu ran back to her bedroom like a frightened deer.

Seeing her gracefully leaving back, Xu Ziyin felt soft in his heart.

This feeling is really blissful.

No matter when I come home, there is a gentle and lovely little daughter-in-law waiting for me.

She doesn't ask what she did when she went out, she just expresses her concern in her own way.

For a man, meeting such a girl is really hard to find.


The words are divided into two parts.

It is said that after Sister Sophia came to Jinyuan, she was obviously shocked by this luxurious villa located on the mountainside.

The housekeeper got Xu Ziyin's instructions in advance, so he naturally knew that the pair of sisters were different from the dozens of women before, so he showed them around the whole villa very politely and respectfully, and introduced the facilities in the villa.

Until the two sisters stood in the extremely luxurious room, their minds were still a little dizzy.

Opening her mouth, Sophia still couldn't believe it.

"Sister, will we live here in the future?"


Rubbing her younger sister's hair, Sophia was also a little taken aback.

But this emotion was fleeting, she lowered her head and seriously warned her sister.

"Sophia, tell me, do you like that guy just now?"

"I don't know, but I think he's pretty good and handsome."

After hearing this, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew the position of herself and her younger sister, but she could see it openly because she was afraid that Xu Ziyin would be unhappy if her younger sister played petty temper.

Speaking of which, it was indeed an accident that the two sisters could come to Huaxia.

Ukraine was hit by war, and their families were also unavoidable. When they were displaced, they met Sister Yu.

In that case, they have no choice if they want to live. After all, Ukraine's national conditions are not as stable as China's.

While going around, I came to China, an ancient oriental country.

For Huaxia, Sophia has always been curious, but she never had the opportunity to come here.

Now that I have come to Huaxia with such an identity, it is a lie to say that I am not depressed.

But after spending a brief time with Xu Ziyin tonight, she found that she didn't seem to be so disgusted.

Xu Ziyin is gentle and elegant, with a gentle personality, which makes her feel like a gentleman, which is different from what she imagined when he came up with hands and feet.

Of course.

Appearance is justice.

If Xu Ziyin was an old man of 60 years old, no matter how gentlemanly he was, it would be a different matter.


into the night.

The two sisters lay side by side on the soft big bed after taking a bath in the luxurious bathroom.

Huddled in her sister's arms, Sophia said softly.

"Sister, isn't that person coming tonight?"

"Didn't he say that he has something to do tonight and come to see us tomorrow?"

"oh oh."

"Sister, are you nervous?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm afraid that you are nervous, sister."

Whispering a few words in her sister's ear, Sophia cried out.

Seeing how her younger sister was satisfied with the status quo, Sophia felt emotional.

Meeting Xu Ziyin was a blessing among the misfortunes of the two sisters.

As for the days to come, as long as the two sisters make Xu Ziyin happy, life in the future should not be too bad.

Think here.

Sophia was inexplicably nervous and looking forward to tomorrow's arrival.



The next day.

When Xu Ziyin woke up, it was already broad daylight.

After breakfast, Xu Ziyin didn't leave in a hurry, but sat at the desk and quietly read the history books he bought from Xinhua Bookstore yesterday.

The system offers a reward task to read ten historical books within a month.

It seems that this task seems very simple, just read books.

But if you think about it, it's not that simple.

People who are not interested in history-related knowledge basically can't read history books, let alone read ten books.

Xu Ziyin also found it extremely boring at first, but found that after deep reading, it was easy to be attracted by the magnificent and powerful epics in it.

So in his opinion, this task is far easier to complete than letting Song Shi take the initiative to tell her husband that you want me.

While Xu Ziyin was reading, Yun Xianyu walked in quietly with a plate of fruit, stood behind Xu Ziyin for a moment, Yun Xianyu didn't bother him, and left with a gentle face.

Time passed unknowingly, and soon it was ten o'clock in the morning.

Putting down the book, Xu Ziyin rubbed his stiff neck and walked out of the bedroom.

in the living room.

Yun Xianyu was sitting on the carpet with her sister and playing with toys.

Glancing at them, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Xianyu, Xixi, I won't be eating at home at noon."

"Got it, Dad, you go and come back quickly."

Xixi raised her head and replied softly, then ran to Xu Ziyin's side, jumped into his arms and gave him a sweet kiss.

Yun Xianyu didn't speak, but watched the scene with gentle eyes.


After leaving the apartment, Xu Ziyin drove directly to Jinyuan.

After a night.

It is time for this pair of Ukrainian sisters to make proper arrangements.

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