If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 192,【My girlfriend may be more concerned】

Although it is the first class of the new year.

But within a few minutes before the class started, the eyelids of Zhao Bing and the others began to fight.

It is easy to get sleepy in this season, coupled with the old professor's melodious lecture voice, the listeners nodded frequently.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ziyin, who was in a daze, was pushed.

When he opened his eyes, he found Du Xiaoyu and Song Shi sitting in front of him.

"What? get out of class is over?"

"What do you say?"

"You are a pig, sleeping so dead?"

Then, Song Shi picked up the book and pointed it at Zhao Bing's head.

"Still asleep, the teacher called you to answer the question."

Like a conditioned reflex, Zhao Bing stood up abruptly.

"Teacher, I'm not sleeping."

When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, Zhao Bing was speechless for a moment.

But seeing Du Xiaoyu's stern little face, he smiled shyly and stopped talking.

At this time, Du Xiaoyu said slowly.

"Zhao Bing, Xu Ziyin, April will be the spring sports meeting. You two have a high prestige among boys, so let them sign up more."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was a little surprised.


"Isn't it still more than a month, so anxious?"

"Can you be in a hurry?"

Curling her lips, Song Shi echoed from the side.

"In previous years, our Chinese language major was basically ranked at the bottom, and everyone was unwilling to participate in activities of the nature of the sports meeting, and they were basically forced."

"You boys know how to play games all night every day. When you really participate in the competition, wouldn't it be embarrassing to go up again?"

"So prepare early, and you can get a good ranking by then."

Nodding his head, Xu Ziyin felt that what Song Shi said was indeed reasonable.

It is really rare for modern college students to maintain a self-disciplined living habit.

The sports meeting is a special test of a person's physical fitness.

I often stay up late and smoke, so it's no wonder that my body can't stretch.

"I applied for the 1500-meter long-distance race and the high jump, how about Xu Ziyin?"

"Then I'll sign up for a 3000-meter long-distance race."

Hearing this, Song Shi jumped up in an instant.

"After that, you come to school early in the morning, and we make an appointment to go to the playground to exercise together, and then go to the cafeteria for breakfast."

Listening to the conversation between Xu Ziyin and Xu Ziyin, Zhao Bing thought for a while and said.

"Then I'll apply for 800 meters and long jump as well."

In fact, Zhao Bing really didn't catch a cold for the sports meeting.

But Du Xiaoyu is responsible for this matter. As his man, he naturally has to support his girlfriend's work.

After hearing this, Du Xiaoyu hummed, and then said again.

"Then you should smoke less during this time, it's not good to smoke too much."

Du Xiaoyu didn't say to ask Zhao Bing to quit smoking directly. Her father smoked. She naturally understood that quitting smoking is really difficult, but she just asked him to smoke less out of concern.

This is not just for the sports meeting, but more for the sake of my boyfriend's body.

Zhao Bing naturally agreed, vowing to quit smoking in the future.

As for whether it can really be done, it is unknown.


A group of four parted ways after lunch in the cafeteria.

Xu Ziyin didn't go home directly, but returned to the library with his books.

The task of reading ten history books in a month that the system offered as a reward has not been completed yet.

Now that there are not many days left before the deadline, he naturally has to speed up his progress.

The library of Suzhou University in the afternoon is quiet and peaceful.

Finding a corner by the window, Xu Ziyin sat there quietly, and after a while, his mind was immersed in the magnificent historical sites.

When he looked up again, three hours had passed.

Just as he was about to close his book and leave, a delicate girl with glasses walked up to him and sat down.

"Student, are you a freshman?"

The girl said with a smile, also holding a book related to history in her hand.

Nodding his head, Xu Ziyin said politely.

"Well, freshman."

"Then we need to add a contact information, so we can meet in the library to read books together in the future?"

While speaking, the girl looked into Xu Ziyin's eyes with a smile on her face.

Xu Ziyin naturally understood her reason for coming.

But after thinking for a while, he politely raised his right hand, and there was a silver-white bracelet on his wrist.

"Student, I'm sorry."

"My girlfriend may be more concerned about me being friends with other girls, and she is usually with me. She didn't come over today because of something."

If it was normal, Xu Ziyin might not refuse such a girl.

But now he no longer needs to earn points through frequent love breakups, so he naturally doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Besides, he had enough debts.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin politely rejected her, the girl was not annoyed, she just smiled and went to the seat next door.


Get out of the library.

The afternoon sun is just right.

Xu Ziyin left the school at a relaxed pace.

Jin Yuan.

When Xu Ziyin arrived.

Sophia was sitting on a bench in the garden, playing with her phone boredly.

Seeing Xu Ziyin, Sophia threw herself into his arms immediately.

After patting the girl's slippery back twice, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Where's Sophia? Why didn't you see her?"

"My sister is taking a nap."

Sophia replied sweetly.

"Are you still sleeping?"

"My sister read books about the marketing of milk tea shops all afternoon, and she squinted for a while when she was sleepy. She should be waking up soon, brother, do you want me to call her?"

"No need, I'll just come around."

With a smile, Xu Ziyin pulled Sophia to sit down on the bench, and asked with concern if there was any inconvenience in life these days.

Although Xu Ziyin has no emotional fetters with Sister Sophia.

But after all, the two sisters are following him now, so Xu Ziyin naturally can't leave them aside and ignore them.

Tired for a while, Sophia whispered in Xu Ziyin's ear.

"Brother, shall we go back to the room?"

back to the room?

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was a little moved.

It was self-evident what he was going to do when he returned to the room, but Xu Ziyin did not seem to have such a raging lust at the moment. After thinking about it, he kissed the girl's delicate red lips and smiled.

"Tomorrow night, I have something to do later, so I just stopped by to see you."

After hearing this, Sophia didn't insist, she quietly lay in Xu Ziyin's arms and enjoyed the warm afternoon sun.

Sophia was really happy during this time.

She is also very satisfied with her current life.

She understood that all this was hard-won, and naturally she knew that she had to please the man who brought her a new life.

After staying in Jinyuan for about half an hour, Xu Ziyin drove away to Huijin Xindi.


Since Xixi was discharged from the hospital, Xiao Xianyu resumed her day-to-day life.

I have classes during the day, and in my free time, I go to the jewelry store to help out.

At this point in time, she should be in the shop without accident.

Just when Xu Ziyin was about to arrive at the store, he passed by the previous cafe, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the familiar figure by the familiar window again.

She is well dressed.

With an elegant face, he is quietly holding a book and looking at it seriously, with a cup of coffee in hand.

Speaking of it, it seems that I haven't met Luo Xuan for a while.

The life of the two pretending to be a couple has not yet come to an end.

She seemed to know that Xu Ziyin was walking with her niece, and Luo Xuan rarely looked for Xu Ziyin during this time.

During the winter vacation, Wei Fang specifically asked Xu Ziyin when his parents would come back. When she learned that they would not come back during the Spring Festival this year, she put off her idea of ​​meeting the parents.

Looking at the dignified and graceful figure, Xu Ziyin thought for a while and walked in.

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