Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 239 4 Flight Procedures... Wrong!

Chapter 239 The 4000 million flight program is wrong! (Please subscribe!)

Time passed by in a flash, and a month passed smoothly.Since his rebirth, Xu Cang seemed to have never had a rest, but in the past month, Xu Cang enjoyed the long-lost peace.

During this period, most of the company's personnel have moved to the dormitory building of the new base, and the cafeteria has also been opened. However, the main administrative building still needs to wait. Some small interior decorations have not been fully completed, and it will take a while to ventilate.

However, after most of the employees moved out from the old base, a lot of space can be vacated in the small yard before. Even if the new main administrative building has not yet been opened, at least in terms of working space, Spring Airlines is already relatively comfortable.

According to Xu Cang's idea, when the new base is fully activated, the old base will also be kept and used as a warehouse in the future.The new base is very expensive, and it would be a waste to put an aviation material warehouse in it.

Having happily moved to a new house, and having nothing to worry about this month, Xu Cang felt refreshed.However, if nothing bad happened, at least Ji Dong’s father, Ji Kaiming, seemed to be hiding from Xu Cang on purpose. He clearly said that he would be back in a few days, but he kept procrastinating, and it’s been a month. Neither has yet met.

Of course, Xu Cang didn't insist on this kind of thing.Maybe something really happened to Ji Kaiming?If it's okay, then he can hide from him, he doesn't like to push up hard, if Ji Kaiming doesn't want to, he can forget it.

It doesn't have to be the Northwest fruit airlift to get a good start in your freight business, there are many other entry points.For example, Jianchuan is rich in flowers, and there will be a great demand for flowers in China, especially in the east coast. Xu Cang can completely transport flowers by air.

However, flowers are in great demand, but they are not as good as fruits.If there is a choice, it is naturally better to transport the fruit by air.

Compared to Ji Kaiming who Xu Cang can't understand, his son Ji Dong is very warm.He came here to play at the Erhai Base twice in three days, and still insisted that Xu Cang accept him as his apprentice.However, after getting along for this period of time, Xu Cang almost understood why Bi Lin was unwilling to let Ji Dong learn to fly.

This person is really too jumpy, like a little rabbit, he can't settle down for a moment.It seems that the two years of field work in the surveying and mapping team did not wear down Ji Dong's temper.From a personal emotional point of view, Xu Cang still prefers to get along with Ji Dong.

Ji Dong is quick-witted and doesn't have the stink of the rich second generation. He easily gets along with the employees of the company. Who wouldn't like it?However, being a friend is fine, but being a master is fine.

In the past month, Korean Air and Asiana Airlines have been fighting fiercely, and the two airlines have frantically fought a price war.This was nothing at first, but as a result, the boss and the second died, and the small airlines behind were affected, and they could only passively participate in the price war, which led to serious financial crises for the lower-ranked airlines.

The small airline company that was later affected had no choice but to ask the government for help, asking the government to intervene to stop the commercial competition between the two companies.However, the marketing and legal departments of Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are a group of elite people, and all business competitions are within the scope of the law. The official cannot find evidence of vicious competition between the two, so There is no reason to intervene at all.

However, things are getting bigger and bigger, and they have been in the newspapers more than once.Xu Cang predicted that even if there is no sufficient reason in the future, South Korean officials will still intervene.

Xu Cang watched South Korea Civil Aviation's boss and second son fight from thousands of miles away, and he knew that Asiana Airlines was really not as bad as he thought.However, this is just right. If Asiana Airlines is too weak, Korean Air will get down as soon as it exerts its strength, so how can it bleed Korean Air!
Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are fighting to the death, Xu Cang enjoys watching the show.In addition to such a happy event, Chunxia Airlines is also making good progress in recruiting pilots.

Liu Minxue from Muhua Airlines started to set up the recruitment office after joining the company.Since Spring Airlines is not big at present, it will not recruit many students, so there is room for Liu Minxue to personally condition, otherwise there will be too many people, and Liu Minxue's body and bones will not be able to do what he wants.

Liu Minxue has worked in Muhua Airlines for a long time as the Director of the Recruitment Office. He already has some contacts, but once he joined the company, he was in a hurry. After a few agency recruitments, he still found some good seedlings, including some mature pilots .

In the office of the recruitment office, Liu Minxue spread out more than a dozen thin recruitment files for Xu Cang.The ones here are all Liu Minxue's fancy, three of them are mature pilots from other airlines, two co-pilots, and one captain.

"This year, we are still a little slow in social recruitment. The three major airlines snatched all the people, and the rest were divided by other smaller companies. We can only pick and choose the last batch of people."

Speaking of this, Xu Cang felt a little embarrassed: "It's my fault. I'm used to poaching people from other airlines, so I didn't think about recruiting pilots, which delayed the matter."

In the past, domestic airline companies did not recruit aggressively. After all, the domestic civil aviation market did not develop very fast in the past few years.But since the civil aviation control was released, everyone in the industry knows that there must be a shortage of people in the back, so this year, the major airlines, led by the three major airlines, began to recruit a large number of people, so that the slow Spring and Summer Airlines can only Eat some leftovers cold sunburn.

Liu Minxue was sitting on a small stool. The office assigned to Liu Minxue was undoubtedly much shabby compared to his previous office in Muhua, but his face was always filled with that long-lost enthusiasm for work.

"It's okay to suffer a bit in terms of social recruitment, the key is the aviation school. If the social recruitment can recruit good mature pilots, it is naturally excellent, but this is a minority after all. The people recruited by the social It's too big. I know it's cruel to say this, but from the perspective of company benefits, students from aviation schools are definitely the best."

The reason why airlines like fresh graduates is somewhat similar to the labor market's preference for fresh graduates, which contains quite realistic factors.Liu Minxue doesn't like these things very much, but he has to do them.

Xu Cang nodded and agreed: "The aviation school does need to communicate. Director Liu, do you have any contacts at the aviation school? Do we want to cooperate with the flight academy?"

Liu Minxue sighed: "In the past, based on the relationship between me and the flight academy, it would be no problem to intercept some students. But you also know that now the national airlines are robbing people everywhere, and the social recruitment market In the rush, don’t aviation schools have to grab more? In the past two years, a graduate student who took a private business instrument and completed high-performance training was about 60. Now it has risen to 80, and it will definitely increase in the future. As for I don’t know how much it will go up. However, I heard that the latest batch has reached 100 million yuan per person, but it’s not known whether the negotiated price will be realized in the end.”

There are generally two ways for aviation schools to train students. One is company-directed training, that is, the airline itself recruits people, then signs a training agreement with the aviation school, pays the corresponding training fees, and the aviation school trains the students appointed by the company. Even the process is over.

The other is that the aviation school recruits people by itself, and first pays for them to train students. After the students graduate, the aviation school comes forward to negotiate with the airline.As long as the airline wants as many trainees as it wants, it only needs to pay a certain fee. This is a buy and sell, and it is more suitable for those airlines that have unexpected personnel shortages.

Generally speaking, aviation schools have some assessments of the domestic pilot demand market, and they will definitely not train students without brains, otherwise there will be too many, so they can’t be smashed?However, with the sudden release of civil aviation control, almost all domestic airlines have staff gaps, and all of a sudden the lukewarm student pilots have become popular, and the prices have naturally risen.

It's just that the price increase really made Xu Cang feel incredible.

"100 million, the aviation school is robbing money!" Xu Cang cried out his heartache, this is in the early 2000s, and 100 million at this time is very valuable.Although he expected that due to the explosive development of the civil aviation market, the price of pilot students would increase, but the increase to 100 million is too outrageous.

Liu Minxue was also quite speechless: "Now there are airlines and no one is flying them. 100 million is nothing. As long as you can fly the plane, you can earn back the money casually. Xu Cang, it's not a question of money anymore. There are more wolves and less meat. No, this expression is not accurate, it means that there are many wolves but very little meat."

The pilot industry is very special, and the barriers to entry are too high.First of all, a lot of people have been brushed off by the physical test, and it is not a one-off, as long as they fail the annual inspection, they will be finished. Later, they will be brushed out for technical reasons in the aviation school, and the elimination rate is still quite terrible.

The threshold is high and the training cycle is long, which means that even if the aviation school wants to, it is impossible for the aviation school itself to increase the number of trainees at once, which has a very large lag.

"I see the current situation. Even with my most conservative estimate, there will be a shortage of pilots in domestic civil aviation in the next ten years." Liu Min said earnestly: "The price of going to other airlines to poach people may still be acceptable. But in the future, the price of poaching people will become higher and higher. Unless there is an urgent need, the benefits of poaching people from other airlines are not very high. Aviation school students are relatively low-cost and have higher long-term benefits. choose."

Xu Cang remained silent. In fact, Liu Minxue's estimate was too conservative. At least as far as Xu Cang knew, domestic pilots would be very nervous in the next 15 years, and the situation would turn around in 20 years.

Moreover, Liu Minxue was indeed right.Xu Cang remembered that the price of excavator captains became more and more exaggerated, and even reached tens of millions later.In addition, poaching people from other airlines is always a disgraceful thing, and it is easy to be hated by other airlines.

Although they are both airlines, as long as the difference in size is not too big, there is nothing they can do.But who would feel itchy and feel that they have made too few enemies?

Xu Cang clicked his tongue: "But Director Liu, I heard what you mean, your words are not easy to use in the aviation school now."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Liu Minxue's face: "No way, it's too fierce to rob people. Especially the three major airlines. I heard that the senior management of the three companies have intervened, and some even went to the aviation school in person. We can't compare with this face. .”

Xu Cang touched his chin, and immediately began to feel embarrassed.All the people in this flight academy were snatched up by the three major airlines, and there were not many people left, and they were all mediocre.For this, Spring Airlines has to continue to compete with other airlines except the three major airlines, which is really too difficult.

"We are cooperating with the aviation school, what about the orientation training?" Xu Cang asked.

"No, aviation schools are limited by the number of flight instructors and trainers, and the number of students they can train remains roughly the same. Now it is a seller's market for students, and the profit of targeted training is not high. It is impossible for aviation schools to expand the number of targeted training. Yes. The quota for targeted training has been reserved for three years, so where is our business?"

Airline directional commission training is considered a guarantee for drought and flood for aviation schools, so the fees charged by aviation schools are naturally lower.As for the aviation school's self-cultivation, although there is a market assessment, there is a high probability that there will be no mistakes, but if something goes wrong, the aviation school will lose money.In this way, in the second type of self-training of aviation schools, since the aviation school bears a certain amount of risk, the fee charged after selling it to the airline company will be higher.

In the past, the directional training of airline companies and the self-training of aviation schools maintained the same quantitative ratio in order to share risks.But now that pilot students don't have to worry about selling them, aviation schools are definitely more willing to train them themselves, and then sell them at a higher price.

In this way, the number of students trained by the aviation school after expanding the number of flight instructors and trainers will be added to the scope of self-training, rather than being assigned to airlines for directional training.

Looking at it this way, the directional committee training with a lower price must be a favorite.Moreover, it is often several years before an aviation school signs a training contract with an airline.The aviation school is unwilling to expand the number of targeted training, and the airlines that have already signed the contract are definitely unwilling to let go, so Spring and Summer Airlines has no chance at all.

Basically, the market for directional commissioned training is more fixed than the market for self-trained aviation schools, so there is basically no need to consider it.

"The pilot reserve in the company is still sufficient, but I don't think you are the type who expects to be steady and steady. If you want the company to develop rapidly, if the reserve force can't keep up, it will be a major constraint."

Previously, Xu Cang had mainly recruited a lot from Muhua Aviation, as well as some scattered mature pilots, such as the Guan brothers, and the crew who followed the twenty ARJ21s were the most numerous.

However, the ARJ21 aircraft is too special, and those crew members are basically destined to die on the ARJ21, and cannot be transferred to other aircraft types, unless the company is willing to pay a huge modification fee.


Probably due to Xu Cang’s behavior of handing over the 1566 flight data recorder, Boeing not only sold the original authorization of some aviation materials according to the agreement, but also delivered one of the other two 737-900s promised earlier. , the last one is said to be delivered in the near future.

In fact, if there are two 737-900 planes, as long as the flight schedule is slightly adjusted, the three sets of flights Jianchuan-Hanjing, Hanjing-Yangcheng and Yangcheng-Jianchuan can be completed within one day.

According to Xu Cang's idea, two 737-900s took off from Jianchuan at the same time, one flew along Jianchuan-Hanjing-Yangcheng-Jianchuan, and the other flew along Jianchuan-Yangcheng-Hanjing-Jianchuan fly.Theoretically speaking, the Hanking-Yangcheng round-trip voyage will be carried out in almost the same time.It's just that the timing of other flight segments needs to be adjusted slightly to match the time.

However, once this is done, the internal transportation capacity of the company will be somewhat stretched, so Jianchuan-Hanjing and Jianchuan-Yangcheng are still flying separately, and the route of Hanjing-Yangcheng is still operated by Guoda Airlines.

Perhaps it was because the digging went so smoothly that Xu Cang did neglect the training of reserve talents. Today, when Liu Minxue reminded him, the sense of crisis came immediately.

"How many pilot students do you think is more appropriate to recruit each year?" Xu Cang asked.

"It depends on the speed of the company's development you want." Liu Minxue thought for a while: "If you don't have a clear concept, like the current size of the company, it is best to recruit about [-] pilot students every year. However, now everyone knows that civil aviation is going to explode, but to what extent it is still unknown for the time being, and the number of follow-up recruits needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation.”

In fact, Xu Cang didn't know how much the civil aviation market would expand in the future. He only had a rough impression. After all, he was the chief pilot before his rebirth, not in the transportation department or the airport department.

"Twenty?" Xu Cang thought for a while, "I feel that this number is still too small."

Liu Minxue: "This is the minimum number requirement, but I think it will be very difficult even to achieve this goal. The deregulation at the General Administration is too sudden, and the Flight Academy seems to be unprepared, Xu Cang. That"

"Well, what happened?"

"Right now, the flight academy is taking care of the airline companies. We are soft-spoken. If we want to get enough students in the flight academy, we have to take a harder path. For example, your master?"

Xu Cang was not surprised by Liu Minxue's proposal. He even said that when Liu Minxue mentioned the current student pilot market, he thought of his master Chen Xiangdong, the former dean of the flight academy.

Chen Xiangdong has been the dean of the Civil Aviation Flight Academy for nearly 20 years. Even though he has left now, his influence is still quite huge.If Chen Xiangdong is allowed to come forward, the embarrassing situation of Spring Airlines may turn around.

It's just that Chen Xiangdong's position is more sensitive now. If Xu Cang handles affairs through Chen Xiangdong, it always feels a little bad.Chen Xiangdong is only one step away now, and Xu Cang is not willing to cause trouble for Chen Xiangdong at this point.

Seeing Xu Cang's delay in speaking, Liu Minxue probably understood Xu Cang's concerns.To be reasonable, if Chen Xiangdong used his relationship with the Civil Aviation Flight Academy to benefit Xu Cang, it would indeed become a target for others to attack him.

Since Xu Cang was silent about it, Liu Minxue couldn't say anything more, after all, it was related to Chen Xiangdong's future.

"I will try my best to mediate the matter of the flight academy. If there is a shortage of personnel, I can hire foreigners appropriately."

Before Liu Min finished speaking, suddenly, a person broke in from the office door. It was Lu Jinghua, the general manager of the flight department.

Seeing that Lu Jinghua was in a hurry, Xu Cang seemed to be in a hurry: "What's wrong?"

"Xu Cang, the procedural test flight at Jinghong Airport just ended."

"Well, is there any problem?" Xu Cang said casually.

Previously, Xu Cang had spent a full 4000 million yuan to ask the National Design Institute to customize a set of flight procedures for Jinghong Airport. Not long ago, the procedures were completed.To be precise, Jinghong Airport is not called a test flight, it should be called a test run.

Compared with the life-saving test flight at Qitai Airport, the program test run at Jinghong Airport is a normal two-engine flight, and it is enough to fly a few times according to the program, and there is no danger.

However, it was such a logical thing, Lu Jinghua's face was quite ugly: "Xu Cang, the program issued by the Design Institute seems to be wrong!"

 Recently, during the Spring Festival, there are fewer updates, and the amount of updates will resume after the festival.

(End of this chapter)

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