Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 247 New Plane! CRFP carbon fiber reinforced plastic!

In the small garden downstairs of the inpatient department of Weiyang Hospital, Liu Jinxin was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette, looking old-fashioned.Although Liu Jinxin is not too young, but the appearance of smoking is exactly the same as that of the old man.

Beside Liu Jinxin, Xu Cang frowned and endured the trouble of second-hand smoke.

"Smoking is so interesting? It feels like you are very ecstasy." Xu Cang waved his hand, trying to disperse the smoke that gathered, but there was still a strong smell of tobacco in his nostrils.

Xu Cang doesn't smoke, doesn't like drinking, and doesn't have much interest in luxury cars. In terms of women, he is only limited to intellectual Yujie and innocent types, and has no feelings for the rest.

It can only be said that Xu Cang only accounts for two or three out of ten hobbies of ordinary men, so he doesn't understand why so many people like smoking, which is boring and hurts the body, and Liu Jinxin is still engaged in medicine, which is not knowingly committed Well.

Liu Jinxin smiled all over his face and smacked his lips: "So you are not considered a man, just a boy. What you smoke is your emotions, your feelings."

"Then you just get out of the way, you have to come to my side, deliberately let me inhale second-hand smoke?" After Xu Cang went to Yangcheng, he didn't go back to Erhai Lake immediately, but went to Weiyang first to see his own Mother, it turned out that Liu Jinxin was also there.

Liu Jinxin curled his lips, seeing Xu Cang's livid face, he could only put out the cigarette embarrassingly: "Oh, you boy really don't understand the romance of men, you can't die after smoking second-hand smoke once, and you lose your temper like this."

Xu Cang didn't speak, just glanced at Liu Jinxin.When Liu Jinxin received Xu Cang's self-explanatory eyes, he immediately lost his temper: "Okay, okay, it's all turned off, what eyes? Hey, hey, tell you something, and you will be happy after hearing it. "

Only then did Xu Cang's face turn pale: "What?"

"Okay! I trust Dr. Xu, then you will have another job. You have to work both at home and abroad."

Of course, Xu Cang didn't curse Liu Jinxin. Anyway, from Liu Jinxin, Xu Cang can get huge and continuous income.What Xu Ruxing thought was right. Taking advantage of the lack of drugs that can replace rapamycin in foreign countries, making a lot of money during this window period is the best solution to maximize the economic benefits of rapamycin.

"The Lancet? That medical journal?" Even people outside the medical field like Xu Cang knew the name of The Lancet. Unexpectedly, Xu Ruxing directly included rapamycin in his paper and submitted it to The Lancet.

Therefore, in the long-term inherent impression, it has almost become a consensus that aluminum alloy is the best choice for manufacturing aircraft.

"Farewell!" Xu Cang waved his hand: "What's delicious about potatoes. I really don't understand why people here like to eat potatoes so much. Baked, fried, boiled, steamed, fried, a small The potatoes are almost ready to make flowers. Forget it, forget it, let’s get down to business. Qin Xin has already told you about 757, what do you think?”

In fact, the most ideal situation is that Xu Cang finds that expert when he boards the plane, and then he doesn't take flight 552 directly.In this way, he does not have to take any risks.However, this situation is more difficult to happen.

Although Xu Cang always thought that he was lucky on the whole, it didn't prevent Xu Cang from encountering special circumstances.If you can accumulate some merit and virtue, so that you will encounter less special feelings in the future, it must be very good.

Xu Cang knew about the Incheon Air Disaster before his rebirth, so he didn't take it too seriously.The hidden dangers on the crew have been eliminated, and if something can happen, then it is really a ghost.

Yi Feng smiled and said nothing, just waved his hand: "Taste it first, see if it's baked well?"

First of all, Xu Cang's memory was too vague. To be honest, even if the expert stood in front of him, he might not recognize it immediately.Moreover, at this time, the expert is probably quite young, and his temperament may be very different. Xu Cang is basically not sure that he can find someone when he boards the plane.

In addition, the Incheon Air Disaster had nothing to do with the plane at all. It was simply caused by the weather and the crew, and it was very easy to avoid.Since it's just a little effort, why not save the person on the next plane by the way?
Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so Xu Cang has accumulated virtue for himself.

In fact, if the safest approach is to follow, it must be for Muhua Airlines to cancel flight 552 directly.However, Ma Cheng basically would not agree to cancel the flight for a metaphysical reason.This is an international flight between China and South Korea. Although the time is not long, the fare is very expensive. If it is cancelled, the loss will be too great.

Xu Cang asked while arranging his clothes, "What?"

"Even if rapamycin will be improved in the future, the basic framework has been determined, and there will be no big investment in the future. I just want to start another new project, but I don't know which direction to go."

"Thank you, I don't have your money. I'm still looking for investment now." Liu Jinxin said, "However, this is not the only thing I want to tell you. Teacher Xu has helped us a lot this time."

Xu Cang didn't understand at first, but it became clear immediately after being compared by Liu Jinxin.

Xu Cang directly stopped Yi Feng from asking this question, but he really didn't pay attention.

"Don't use aluminum alloy, what else can I use?" Yi Feng asked back.

"It's because he doesn't care about me. In his mind, I should be a passer-by, and he doesn't care about the student's name at all." Liu Jinxin also seemed puzzled: "To be honest, I don't understand why Teacher Xu is willing Help me with this. Or is our rapamycin really an epoch-making medical achievement? However, I don’t think it has reached that level at all.”

"What's that composite you're talking about? Lighter?"

After returning to Erhai Lake, Xu Cang took Yi Feng to the city, found the most famous barbecue restaurant in the city, and ordered several skewers of lamb kidneys.Since Xu Cang came back from Shule, after eating the lamb kidneys roasted by Zhou Yanping, it was like opening the door to a new world, and he didn't have any disgust at all, and now he even wants to recommend it to Yi Feng.

"How to say?"

Yi Feng's eyes froze: "Hearing what you mean, do you already have some eyebrows?"

The unit price of Boeing 777 is close to one billion US dollars. This price is outrageous, and it is reasonable for Yifeng not to consider it.The cycle of cost recovery is too long.

"Listen, I don't have to do what you say. The main reason is that I'm a little confused now and need to listen to more opinions."

The two had discussed this share ratio before, and there was no objection, so Xu Cang nodded immediately: "Let's do it like this. You need to worry about the following things."

Xu Cang pointed to the cigarette in Liu Jinxin's hand: "I'm afraid you won't have any medicine in the future."

Xu Cang is not what he used to be, he is no longer the person who doesn't care much about money.He wants to buy Pratt & Whitney's planetary gear, he wants to buy Asiana Airlines, and he wants to buy the Boeing 757 production line.Although Xu Cang has tried his best to keep the prices of these "commodities" to a minimum, Xu Cang still has huge pressure on money, so he needs more income. If rapamycin can open up foreign markets, That will undoubtedly bring a huge profit.

Xu Cang is not at all surprised that foreign countries are also researching things like rapamycin.If Xu Cang hadn't injected capital into Liu Jinxin halfway, it would be hard to say who would get the rapamycin out first.

Moreover, there is another most important reason, which is the expert who can help Xu Cang solve the problem of superalloy materials.

"My idea on the wing structure is not very clear, maybe I am making a fuss about the winglets. However, I am a pilot after all, and this kind of thing still has to be left to professional people. However, in the lightening I have some experience with the weight of the aircraft."

This made Yi Feng feel surprised. Unexpectedly, Xu Cang really figured out something.

Xu Cang: "Just remember what you said before."

After visiting his mother, Xu Cang went straight back to Erhai Lake.For Muhua Airlines, although Lu Yongjian spoke harshly, the crew was replaced in the end, and Xu Cang was also added to the crew.

"Oh, we are kind-hearted, and we can't earn too much money from our own people, so we can earn money from foreigners, but there is no psychological pressure. Teacher Xu said that rapamycin is a top-level immunosuppressant even abroad. The sales prospect is quite good. Moreover, he advised me to act quickly, as far as he knows, foreign pharmaceutical groups also have related research, if it is slow, it will be difficult to occupy the market in the future. "

Xu Cang glanced at Liu Jinxin, and seeing the cigarette between his fingers, he suddenly smiled and said, "Try lung cancer targeted drugs."

Xu Cang can probably understand, but he doesn't quite understand what level of exposure is considered to show his face in The Lancet.But seeing Liu Jinxin's face as red as Guan Gong's, Xu Cang probably knew it.

Xu Cang thought for a while: "If it is exported to the United States and Europe, additional medical certification is required?"

Now Xu Cang was a little surprised: "You mean the export of medicines? What's the prospect?"

"Seeing that you are so enthusiastic, it's not easy to refute your face. It's best for you to recognize the reality yourself." Yi Feng smiled, took a sip of barley tea, picked up the baked potatoes next to him and gnawed: "The baked potatoes here are One must, try it."

Originally, Liu Jinxin didn't intend for Xu Cang to say something, but he didn't expect Xu Cang to give a relatively detailed direction.Now Liu Jinxin couldn't help being curious: "How to choose a targeted drug for lung cancer?"

"Yes, otherwise, which Lancet is there?" Liu Jinxin looked extremely excited: "Even if Mr. Xu enjoys a great reputation internationally, his papers will definitely receive considerable attention. I read that The manuscript of the paper is ready, and the evaluation of our rapamycin is very high, which is undoubtedly an excellent promotional opportunity.”

"The effect of rapamycin is very good. You saw it just now. Your mother has no immune rejection at all, and all the physiological indicators are also normal. How could the previous immunosuppressant have such a good effect?"

Therefore, Xu Cang basically didn't prepare for the Incheon air crash, and started to deal with the flight procedures at Jinghong Airport when he returned to Erhai. There are too many things to ask about the Boeing 757.

The world is so big, if you only vaguely know what it looks like, it's basically tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.However, since we know that he will take flight 552, we can just sit back and wait.

Seeing that Xu Cang was about to leave, Liu Jinxin called out immediately: "Xu Cang, I have something to ask for your opinion."

In the earliest days, airplanes were even made of wood.Wood is a fairly common material that is inexpensive and lightweight.However, after the aircraft enters a high-speed state, the strength of the wood is quite worrying.

"It's shrunk. Isn't that the 737? Why do I still expect the 757? Reducing the weight of the aircraft doesn't necessarily mean reducing the size of the aircraft. Maybe other means can be used, such as replacing the material of the aircraft fuselage."

After changing people, Xu Cang still stared at it, presumably the Incheon air crash could have been avoided.

However, whether it is the FDA certification in the United States or the COS certification in Europe, it is not so easy to get, and it will depend on Liu Jinxin's ability later.

"Dr. Xu is very kind to you. He gave you the platform and wrote a paper to promote it for you. You said that Dr. Xu didn't care about you." Xu Cang laughed.

Mentioning this, Xu Cang's expression finally returned to normal, and he hummed: "I need to thank you for this matter."

If you can find it, that's naturally the best, if you can't find it, Xu Cang still has a way later.

Xu Cang got up slowly: "Then you have worked hard."

Later, with the popularity of jet aircraft, metal materials became a better choice.

Before rebirth, Xu Cang didn't pay much attention to information about engine development.Therefore, he only knows that the country has solved the material problem of high-temperature alloys by itself.This information comes from an exclusive interview with the material expert, and Xu Cang just read the self-provided magazines on the plane while killing time.

"You're such a good man, let me mention this at this time." Liu Jinxin said speechlessly, "I know, I know, I will reduce the price after recovering the initial investment in rapamycin and preparing for the subsequent research and development costs." .Oh, I need to say it again, it makes me look like an unscrupulous rich man. We will get four or six of the sales profit in the future, and you will get four and I will get six. That’s fine.”

"Make money from foreigners?" Xu Cang felt that this idea was very feasible, and he also believed in Xu Ruxing's vision. He recommended Liu Jinxin to go abroad, which was definitely after careful consideration.

In addition, it was also mentioned in the interview that he had experienced the Incheon air crash and was one of the very few survivors of the air crash. This is a key clue.

"What else can you use? What you said, doesn't the Boeing 777 have 12.00% supporting materials? National Airline should have evaluated the Boeing 777 before, you don't know?" Xu Cang asked.

To be honest, Xu Cang even forgot the name of the expert because he was looking at it casually at that time, but he roughly remembered the photo of the expert attached to the magazine.

"How do you say, shrink the plane?"

Rapamycin is a high-end drug, and its price is relatively high.This pricing can only be so at the beginning, because the research and development costs are allocated.In any case, Liu Jinxin also wanted to make money, but he was willing to make less in the future and lower the price of medicines so that more people could use them.

Yi Feng found an excuse: "Boeing 777 is too expensive. I didn't plan to introduce it from the beginning, so I didn't put much effort into it."

"That's for sure!" Liu Jinxin nodded: "It needs FDA certification in the United States and COS certification in Europe. With these two certifications, it can basically be sold in most places in the world. By the way, it is like your civil aviation FAA and COS certification. EASA's certification is the same."

Among many metal materials, aluminum alloy stands out, durable, light and relatively low price.Of course, for the equipment in the aerospace field, titanium alloy is actually better at most times, but that thing is too expensive, so we can only choose aluminum alloy under the maximum common divisor.

"Mr. Xu wrote a paper on your mother's case and the effect of rapamycin in this case, and published it on The Lancet. Our rapamycin is going to be famous, just now several representatives of pharmaceutical companies Already contacted me."

Xu Cang put his hands in his pockets: "You mean you can't afford to develop any new medicine, right? You ask me, I'm an amateur, how dare you listen to me?"

"It's not good." Yi Feng bit the last piece of potato and threw the skewers aside: "How to solve the wake strength of 757, at least you have a plan, really give it all to AVIC, you trust them so much? "

Xu Cang threw the remaining half of the lamb's kidneys onto the plate: "Then why don't you say it earlier."

Xu Cang tightened his clothes: "The strength of the aircraft's wake is nothing more than three factors, the total weight of the aircraft, the structure of the wings, and the weather conditions. Among them, we can't do anything about the weather and meteorological factors. So we can only start with the weight of the aircraft and the weather conditions. Wing Structure Context Chapter."

"It doesn't matter, it's like this anyway, we took advantage of it, and why are we asking the bottom line?" Liu Jinxin is free and easy, and he doesn't think about it if he can't figure it out: "As soon as the Lancet paper came out, domestic hospitals treated our rapamycin I thought there would be no doubts. I plan to contact a suitable pharmaceutical factory to start large-scale production. At least in China, this medicine will not worry about selling. Xu Cang, although I don’t like this word, I have to say , we are going to send it."

"It doesn't take much effort." Liu Jinxin waved his hand: "By the way, Xu Cang, Mr. Xu called me not long ago and asked me if I have thought about entering the US and European markets?"

After finishing speaking, Xu Cang went directly back to the inpatient department, leaving only Liu Jinxin with a confused face.It wasn't until Xu Cang's figure disappeared from sight that Liu Jinxin came to his senses and cursed: "You boy cursed me!"

Liu Jinxin seemed to be very motivated: "What is this? Those foreigners used to make money from us, now it's my turn to make money from them."

In fact, Xu Cang even thought about standing at the cabin door when boarding Flight 552 in the next few days, like the flight attendant welcoming passengers, and observing the passengers one by one to see if any of them matched the appearance he had imagined.

Yi Feng saw that Xu Cangquan vomited, and laughed loudly: "Besides being able to fly, you really can't use your brain well. Will there be fresh lamb kidneys here? Lamb kidneys are not fresh, can they be delicious?"

According to that expert, in fact, the problem of high-temperature alloys should have been solved a long time ago.However, his research and development funds were not enough before, and he was not well-known before, so he could not apply for research and development funds, so the research results were delayed again and again.

Being able to say this shows that Liu Jinxin is still clear-headed, but the more clear-headed he is, the more he can't figure out why.

"Let me tell you, how much I disliked this stuff before, and how much I like it now, it's outrageous. What did I think before? Why did I think it was not tasty?" Xu Cang looked at the lamb kidneys brought by the waiter, It was drooling, talking, and urging Yi Feng to eat it quickly, because it won't taste good when it's cold.

"Then I won't be polite." Xu Cang was also not polite, biting half of it in one bite.But as soon as it came into his mouth, a strong fishy smell came, which made Xu Cang feel sick, and vomited it all up in one mouthful.

Xu Cang nodded: "CRFP carbon fiber reinforced plastic."

"Plastic?" Yi Feng was stunned.

Xu Cang explained: "It is carbon fiber reinforced plastic! Thousands of extremely fine carbon fiber filaments are bundled together to form a fiber bundle, and then many fiber bundles are bonded together by resin to achieve sufficient rigidity requirements. CRFP Components are made of precisely shaped sheets stacked on top of each other and then bonded, often under heat and pressure in an autoclave oven, resulting in a high-performance composite."

"Hiss..." Yi Feng took a breath: "Then it."

Xu Cang was very helpless: "Yes, it is still plastic!"

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