Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 289 Representatives of Anti-Investigation Bureau!

In the working area of ​​Jianchuan Airport, there is Muhua Aviation Jianchuan Base with incomparable style and carved dragons and phoenixes, and there is also the calm and atmospheric Jianchuan branch of Guoda Airlines. Although the Jianchuan branch of Tiandong Airlines is simple in shape, it is It reveals a modern technological beauty.

And those local airlines, such as the blue sky aviation base building, exude a kind of old-fashioned and old-fashioned all the time.

However, the base building of Blue Sky Airlines has never been the ugliest among the airline buildings in the Jianchuan Airport working area. The ugliest base building has always belonged to Jianchuan Airlines.

That's right, the airline that bears the name of Jianchuan is always doing things that belittle its own name.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that Blue Sky Airlines and Jianchuan Airlines are right next to each other, and the two ugliest buildings in the airport work area complement each other, which is really eye-catching.

However, compared to the boxy and old-fashioned Lantian Aviation Building, the Jianchuan Aviation Building is ugly in all aspects, the kind that can't pick out any advantages.If you look at the Jianchuan Aviation Building alone, most of you will have an illusion that time goes back to the last century.

The dense white square tiles and dark blue surface and wall paint, if not for the words Jianchuan Aviation hanging on the top, from the architectural appearance alone, it really looks like a mainstream building more than 20 years ago.But the problem is that Jianchuan Aviation's base building has not been completed for less than five years.It's hard to imagine that Jianchuan Airlines hired some god who was dug out of the tomb to design the building.

However, compared with the earthy appearance, the interior decoration and display of Jianchuan Airlines are quite fashionable. This sense of difference really makes people wonder whether the designer suffered from schizophrenia during the unearthed process.

In the office on the top floor of the Jianchuan Aviation Building, Shen Yishan, the vice president of operations, was shocked after hearing Qin Yi's words.

"Mr. Qin, you mean that after two months, our transportation contract with Chunxia Tourism will be terminated and will not be renewed?"

Shen Yishan was standing in the center of his office, while Qin Yi, who was a guest, was sitting leisurely on the sofa. The scene seemed a bit strange.

Qin Yi always maintained an indifferent expression in front of others. He flicked the wall of the cup on the coffee table and realized that the tea seemed to be still very hot, so he leaned back slightly and stared at the operation of Jianchuan Airlines in front of him with a strange expression. Vice President.

To be honest, compared with the executives of other airlines, Shen Yishan's external image is not very good.He is 50 years old, short and fat, and his hair volume is quite worrying. He does not have the temperament of a successful person at all.

"Mr. Shen, I should have made it very clear just now?" Qin Yi said softly, calmly: "Or did I use some ambiguous words that made you have some other thoughts?"

The corner of Shen Yishan's mouth twitched, Jianchuan Airlines cooperated with Spring and Summer Tourism earlier than Blue Sky Airlines.After all, on Jianchuan's side, apart from the branches of the three major airlines, Blue Sky Airlines and Jianchuan Airlines have some strength.In fact, there are not so many choices for spring and summer tourism.

Jianchuan Airlines is in the same position, because it is not yet rich enough to completely ignore the transportation contract of the spring and summer travel industry.

According to the normal development, the previously signed contract should expire in two months.This kind of contract originally had a great possibility of renewal. A few days ago, Jianchuan Airlines was still discussing who to send to Chunxia Tourism Group to discuss the renewal of the contract.

However, Jianchuan Airlines has not yet decided on a candidate, and the spring and summer travel industry came first and blocked the road.

"Boss Qin, what I mean is...why?" Shen Yishan was obviously a little anxious: "There should be no unpleasantness during the cooperation between our two companies. Why did you suddenly terminate the contract?"

Qin Yi waited for a while before slowly picking up the teacup: "You suddenly used it very well. If there is no accident, we will indeed renew the contract with you."

"But now something happened." Shen Yishan gritted his teeth: "Boss Qin, is it convenient to reveal it? Maybe we can still save it."

"Rescue?" Qin Yi seemed to have heard the most ridiculous thing, put down his teacup, and Huo De stood up.In front of the short and fat Shen Yishan, Qin Yi's posture seemed so modified, and the nobility that came from the bottom of his heart was even more unmatched by Shen Yishan.

Qin Yi raised his chin: "Shen Yishan, it took you 17 years to get from a dispatcher to your current position. I originally thought that someone like you who came up from the bottom would have enough vision .But it looks like I was wrong."

The executive vice president of Jianchuan Airlines was actually a dispatcher of Tiandong Airlines.He spent the first ten years of his career in Tiandong Airlines, and later took advantage of the Jianchuan air route to start a new job.Perhaps this decision was the most important decision in his life. As a founding member, he jumped from a middle level to a high level.

Generally speaking, this kind of hardworking people are very good at judging people, which is why Qin Yi was disappointed with Shen Yishan.

"You asked why just now?" Qin Yi said coldly: "You or Jianchuan Airlines are not wrong, but you are in the wrong team. This is the reason, is it enough?"

Shen Yishan was stunned for a moment, his eyes rolled, and his mind turned a thousand times, but no matter what, he couldn't figure out what wrong decision Jianchuan Airlines made regarding the decision about the spring and summer travel industry.

"President Qin, I...I don't understand, I still don't understand, where did I stand in the wrong team?" Shen Yishan fell into panic, Qin Yi's statement is the most deadly, the question of standing in a team is always a matter of principle, Although he didn't understand what was wrong, there seemed to be no turning back in this matter.

"Does Lu Jinghua know?" Qin Yi asked suddenly.

"Lu Jinghua?" Shen Yishan was stunned, and immediately responded: "The former general manager of the flight department of Blue Sky Airlines?"

The working area of ​​Jianchuan Airport is not big, and there is still some understanding among various airlines.It is reasonable for Shen Yishan to know about Lu Jinghua.

"Then what do you think of his future?" Qin Yi continued to ask.

"This..." Shen Yishan didn't quite understand what Qin Yi meant.Obviously, we were talking about the cooperation between Jianchuan Airlines and Chunxia Tourism, why did the topic suddenly change to Lu Jinghua?To be honest, in Shen Yishan's heart, Lu Jinghua was just an ordinary person, nothing special at all.

However, it was not easy for Shen Yishan to express his inner thoughts frankly.He organized his language a little bit: "If he stays in Blue Sky Airlines, he may still be able to achieve the position of vice president of operations. However, the vice president of operations should be over."

Qin Yi smiled lightly and said, "Why do you think so?"

"Because he has no backer." Shen Yishan gritted his teeth: "I can better understand where the ceiling is for people like us who have no backer and no background. The kind of destiny that can ignore everything is always a very small minority, and most people still Choose a suitable backer."

"That's right!" Qin Yi nodded and said, "Lu Jinghua has some abilities, but they are limited to some abilities. However, you are wrong about one thing. His future will be much higher than yours. The two of you are not at the same level at all. .”

Shen Yishan obviously didn't expect Qin Yi to make such a comparison, the muscles on his face twitched twice, obviously he didn't agree with Qin Yi's words.

He climbed up from the bottom step by step, and he only has his own arrogance.How could he be willing to be evaluated by Qin Yi like this?

If it was compared to Qin Yi, he would be completely convinced.But if compared to Lu Jinghua, Shen Yishan asked himself that he was weaker than him at all.

"Boss Qin, we seem to have gone a little too far." It was obvious that Shen Yishan didn't want to continue this topic.On the one hand, this is also the truth, Lu Jinghua has nothing to do with the cooperation between the two parties, and on the other hand, Shen Yishan can't listen to Qin Yi's words, but he doesn't dare to refute Qin Yi, so he can only avoid this topic.

However, Qin Yi snorted and said, "You think it's biased, but I don't think it's biased at all. You just said that there are only a very small number of people who ignore everything, so you will only judge your own position with the most superficial cognition. That’s right, Lu Jinghua is about the same ability as you, but his future is much higher than yours. Back then, you resigned from your middle-level position in Tiandong Airlines and came to the newly established Jianchuan Airlines. This was a turning point in your life. Now Lu Jinghua He also did the same thing, and he also found his backer, that is to say, the fate that ignores everything in your mouth. For ordinary people, finding a backer is indeed very important, but it is obvious that Lu Jinghua's vision is much better than yours gone."

Shen Yishan's body trembled violently, and he took a step back unconsciously, with his mouth slightly open. If he still can't hear it now, then his past 40 years will be in vain.

"Xu Xu Cang?" Shen Yishan took a deep breath, hoping to calm down the turmoil in his heart: "You are talking about Xu Cang! He...he is the source of everything."

At this moment, Shen Yishan finally knew where he was on the wrong team.

"Impossible, why did you listen to him?" Due to the huge shock, Shen Yishan even forgot the etiquette of addressing Qin Yi.

However, Qin Yi obviously didn't care about these small problems.He looked at Shen Yishan pitifully: "Do you think that joining forces with Blue Sky Airlines and Muhua Aviation Jianchuan Base can force Xu Cang to submit? Do you know what you are doing?"

Qin Yi sighed: "You are making up your mind for Xu Cang."

"Make up your mind, what is your resolution?" Shen Yishan's heart skipped a beat.

"If you are honest, with Xu Cang's temperament, even if he has the priority right of Jianchuan Airport, he may still allow you to drink soup. Xu Cang has a suspicion with Blue Sky Airlines and Muhua Aviation Jianchuan Base, then It's their business, you have grudges with Xu Cang, what are you getting involved in?" Qin Yi said coldly: "National Airlines is still too loose. But also, in their hearts, you are a dispensable It’s no big deal to lose Xu Cang’s holding subsidiary by accident. It’s okay now, your small actions have strengthened Xu Cang’s mind.”

Hearing these words, Shen Yishan was terrified, he felt as if he had provoked a great existence: "What is he going to do?"

"You will be trampled underfoot as a step for the new king to ascend to the throne." Qin Yi said: "Besides, your behavior will definitely be known by the industry, so Xu Cang's counterattack is not logical, everything is in line with love. Until then When you do, no one will help you."

Shen Yishan swayed again, he could understand Qin Yi's words.If Xu Cang took the initiative to provoke them by taking advantage of the priority of Jianchuan Airport in his hand, it would be a deliberate suppression.Even if it is not subject to the constraints of the General Administration, it will cause resentment in the industry and be isolated.

But now, the dispute was initiated by the three of them.Then Xu Cang's counterattack is no longer a suppression, but a reciprocal measure that is in line with nature.Not only will it not give people the impression of being powerful and domineering, but it will make others feel that the three of them are to blame.

"How could this happen? His company has only been established for one year, so why should he fight us?" At this moment, Shen Yishan roared hysterically, completely ignoring his own image: "It took me 17 years to climb Now that he is in his current position, how can a kid in his 20s rule the entire Southwest, why?"

Looking at Shen Yishan, who was already mad with jealousy, Qin Yi was expressionless, and he just said lightly: "Do you know what Xu Cang's greatest advantage is? That is his natural wealth! He just ignores all destiny. But it doesn't matter, it's just an appetizer now, when he comes back, none of the three of you can escape."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yi seemed to have lost interest. He waved his hand: "Let's go! I will send someone to take care of the termination of the contract."

Just when Qin Yi walked to the door of the office, Shen Yishan's distraught voice suddenly came from behind him: "Boss Qin, do you think I still have a chance to repent?"

Qin Yi stopped, looked at Shen Yishan who had calmed down but looked extremely depressed: "That depends on what you do."

At this moment, at the gate of Hanjing National University Aviation Simulator Center, a taxi appeared at the gate.Xu Cang, who was in uniform, got out of the car, adjusted his clothes a little, and went inside.

Xu Cang didn't have the key card in the center of the simulator, so he walked to the small door, waved inside, and shouted to the guard, "Master, open the door for me."

"What's the matter?" It can only be said that China National Airlines is worthy of being the largest airline in China, and even the doorman is more tempered than the doorman of other airlines.The gate guards of other airlines saw that Xu Cang's uniform had already opened the door, but this one wanted to ask deliberately.

Xu Cang didn't mind either: "I fly a simulator."

"Flying simulator, your uniform doesn't belong to our National University, does it?"

Xu Cang was really speechless, the guard was too lenient.However, he still showed his flight crew boarding pass: "I am from Spring and Summer Airlines."

"Spring and Summer Airlines? I haven't heard of it." The doorman raised his eyelids, squeezed the creases on his face a few times, glanced at the flight boarding pass that Xu Cangliang showed, and walked over slowly, it seemed that he was finally going to give it to him. Xu Cang opened the small door.

When Xu Cang saw the doorman coming over, he was also relieved.

However, when the doorman came to the door, just as he was about to open it, he suddenly withdrew his hand and locked his eyes on Xu Cang's face, with a hint of doubt flashing across his face.

Such behavior made Xu Cang think that there was something on his face, and even touched his face: "Is there any problem?"

But the guard didn't answer, but stretched his neck and looked at Xu Cang closer.After a long while, when Xu Cang couldn't stand it anymore, the doorman suddenly ran into the training center, shouting while running: "The person who set the fire is here!"

Xu Cang: "."

In a lecture room of the simulator training center, the bureau representative from Muhua Aviation Jianchuan Base had arrived, and opposite his desk was a captain with four stripes.Xu Cang was not alone in this inspection, there was also the captain of Feiyu Airlines.

At this moment, it was less than 5 minutes before the start of the inspection, but Xu Cang still did not show up.

"The co-pilot of Spring and Summer Airlines is very arrogant, let's wait for him." The bureau representative of Muhua Airlines' Jianchuan base sneered, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with Xu Cang's absence for a long time.

In fact, this kind of inspection usually needs to arrive 10 or 15 minutes in advance, which is a matter of attitude.Of course, not arriving early is not a rigid standard for passing, but it will greatly affect the impression of the inspected person in the inspector's mind, which is relatively important.

The captain of Feiyu Airlines echoed twice: "Yes, young people nowadays are a little ignorant. Teacher Wang, why don't I come first?"

According to the schedule, it should be Xu Cang who flew first, followed by the captain.Of course, this is not unchangeable, as long as it is negotiated, it doesn't matter who comes first.

"Okay, if I let him fly first, I'll hang him up, and I'm afraid I won't be able to cooperate with you well later."

Xu Cang and the captain of Feiyu Airlines just cooperated with each other, so there was no need to find another person.It can be seen that Teacher Wang didn't mean to target the captain of Feiyu Airlines, and planned to check normally.This made the captain of Feather Airlines secretly heave a sigh of relief.During this period of time, a large number of captains in the southwest area were hanged, of course, most of them belonged to Spring Airlines.However, under such a general environment, the captain of Feiyu Airlines was also worried that it would harm Chi Yu.

However, according to what Teacher Wang said, it was basically a preset position. It seemed that the co-pilot of Spring Airlines was doomed.

Of course, this is normal.Not to mention the co-pilot, the captain of Spring Airlines was merciless when he was killed. It is not news that Spring Airlines is being targeted now.I just don't know what Chunxia Airlines is doing, and it was boycotted by many companies.

If things go on like this, Spring Airlines will probably run out of captains.He heard from his friend that Spring and Summer Airlines has already started to cancel flights. The reason is that many of them are due to insufficient capacity.The impact of a large number of captains being hanged has begun to appear.

However, speaking of it, the co-pilot of Spring and Summer Airlines is indeed outrageous.The inspection by the bureau is done step by step, and the shelf is not usually big.

Thinking about it, the captain of Feiyu Airlines took out his mobile phone and wanted to check the emails of the previous simulator plan.Before that, he didn't pay much attention to who was cooperating with him. In the eyes of the captain, what difference could the co-pilot have?But it's different now, he's still a little interested in such a grand co-pilot.

Seeing the actions of the captain of Feiyu Airlines, Teacher Wang glanced at his mobile phone screen: "Where are you reading the email?"

"Yes, I'll take a look at the simulator plan."

Teacher Wang looked at his watch, and it was only the last minute before the start time, but the co-pilot of Spring Airlines hadn't appeared yet: "If he's late, we'll be flying one flight today, and I'll sign him as unqualified. By the way, look at that person's name, it's the first time I've been late for an inspection by the bureau."

Like the captain of Feiyu Airlines, this Instructor Wang didn't pay close attention to who he was going to check.Although before coming here, he had already thought about hanging up, but he still felt a little surprised when he encountered such outrageous things as being late for inspection by the bureau.

He wants to see who is so courageous!
"Wait a minute!" The captain of Feather Airlines dug out the previous email, clicked on the personnel attachment, and was taken aback when he saw the name of the co-pilot.

Seeing that the captain didn't speak, Teacher Wang frowned: "What's the matter, who is it?"

The moment Teacher Wang's voice fell, a loud voice came from outside the door: "It's me!"

Teacher Wang was taken aback when he heard the sound: "This voice"

Then, under Teacher Wang's surprised eyes, Xu Cang walked in slowly.As soon as he sat down, he looked at his watch and said with a smile, "The time is just right!"

Actually, Xu Cang came earlier.Just a few hiccups at the door.In view of the fact that he burned an emulator here before, Xu Cang has some "reputation" here.This revisit to the old place was directly recognized by the guard, and it took a long time to let him in.

"You." Teacher Wang knew Xu Cang, and he was obviously unprepared for Xu Cang's appearance: "What are you doing here?"

"Accept the inspection." Xu Cang said with a smile: "Aren't you going to inspect our company's co-pilot? I am a real fourth-level co-pilot."

Teacher Wang's mouth twitched and fell into silence.The captain of Feather Airlines next to him silently put away his phone without saying a word.For a moment, the entire commentary room fell into an eerie silence.

"Teacher Wang?" Xu Cang asked, "Is there any problem? If there is any doubt about my grade, I can show my business license."

"No need, no need." The muscles on Teacher Wang's face trembled a few times: "I know you are the co-pilot, and I have no doubts about this. I just said...what are you doing here?"

Xu Cang smiled brighter: "Didn't I say it? Accept the inspection by the bureau. You want to inspect the co-pilot, and I happen to be the co-pilot, so this is it? Teacher Wang, you said there is no doubt." , but why do you keep saying things that I don’t understand?”

"But." Teacher Wang licked his dry lips: "You can ask another co-pilot to come over."

"Let another co-pilot come over?" Xu Cang's smile disappeared instantly: "And then let you hang up?"

It is hard to imagine that such a rhetorical question would happen on such an occasion, and it was the person being inspected who asked the inspector, especially if the inspector was a representative of the bureau.The captain of Feiyu Airlines who was next to him didn't dare to say a word. In this level of confrontation, the captain should not interrupt, so as not to get burned.

However, Xu Cang is too strong.Obviously it was only a fourth-level co-pilot, so that a bureau representative didn't dare to fart.

Teacher Wang stopped talking again, because he didn't know what to say or what to say.

Spring Airlines and Xu Cang cannot be equated, let him target Spring Airlines, he dares!Let him target Xu Cang, he dare not!
"What's the matter? Let's check. It should be a theoretical inquiry now, right? You can ask whatever you want, and you only have one hour." Xu Cang sat there, and he was like a golden sword, immovable like a mountain: "Recently, our The questions asked by the co-pilot who turned to the left seem to be very interesting, and I hope Teacher Wang can also make me feel happy."

Teacher Wang took a deep breath and asked as calmly as possible: "Xu Cang, where is your checklist?"

Xu Cang raised his eyebrows, but he still took out a list: "Here, what's the matter?"

Teacher Wang took Xu Cang's form directly, ticked the qualified column at the bottom, signed his name, and then returned to Xu Cang: "You passed, no need to check, go back."

After finishing speaking, Teacher Wang looked at the captain of Feather Airlines: "You have a base in Hanjing, let your company send someone to cooperate."

The captain of Feiyu Airlines saw that his eyelids jumped. Teacher Wang wanted to send Xu Cang away like a plague god. He didn't even check the inspection, and directly signed the pass.

"Then I'll make a call?" the captain of Feather Airlines asked.

Teacher Wang hurriedly waved: "Hurry up and find someone."

How did he know that the captain of Feiyu Airlines was just getting ready when Xu Cang pressed his shoulders down.

"Look for someone, I'll just cooperate."

"No, no, haven't you passed everything?" Teacher Wang said hurriedly, "Go back and rest."

However, Xu Cang shook his head: "Won't the extra two hours be wasted? Well, there happens to be a captain there, and if you cooperate, it should be enough."

Teacher Wang was stunned: "Cooperate with me, what are you cooperating with?"

"I've checked your plan, and there were no flights or simulator missions for two days before and after, and there is no problem with the rest period during the duty period." Xu Cang played with his air crew boarding pass, and then said lightly: "I am an international civil aviation airline. In the name of the organization's first-level flight commissioner, I will exercise temporary supervision rights on you, number 41357. From now on, you have one hour to challenge my procedure for exercising supervision rights. However, if an hour later, you have no reason to refuse this time Supervision, then please enter the simulator obediently."

Teacher Wang was stunned: "What are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do?" Xu Cang laughed, "Of course I'm the one checking you!"

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