Xu Cang stopped what he was doing, turned his head slowly, and found a man standing at the end of the corridor outside the simulated cabin. He was tall and tall, probably over 1.8 meters five, with an inch head, a square face, and bulging cheeks. Drumming, just from the appearance is extremely majestic.

The man walked over quickly with a cold face. Teacher Wang Long, who was sitting on the left seat, was pleasantly surprised when he saw the man coming: "Mr. Cheng."

This person is none other than Mr. Wang's savior, Cheng Qiming, the boss of Muhua Aviation Hanjing Branch.

As soon as Cheng Qiming came in, the entire simulation cabin felt a lot more depressed. A pair of tiger eyes glanced at Wang Long, and didn't stay for long, then fell on Xu Cang: "That's it."

Xu Cang smiled lightly, and looked at the open simulated cabin door: "Tsk tsk tsk, I should have closed the door earlier, and then put the ladder up."

Cheng Qiming frowned, and looked down at the inspection notice in Xu Cang's hand.In the column of inspection results, Xu Cang had already ticked the unqualified box, so he was short of signing.His eyelids twitched, if he was slower, this would be the result of a final conclusion.

"You kid, how dare you fail to sign the contract?" Cheng Qiming shouted in a low voice.

Just from the inspection notice he saw just now, Cheng Qi clearly believed that Xu Cang was really not fooling people, but really dared to hang up Teacher Wang Long.

Teacher Wang Long was startled when he heard the words, stood up from the seat, and stretched his neck to look at the inspection notice. With just one glance, cold sweat broke out all over his body.

"Xu Cang, do you really want to hang up an appointed representative of the bureau?" Teacher Wang blushed with anger. Shocked and angry.

Xu Cang tapped on the table lightly with a pen: "Why don't I dare?"

"You..." Teacher Wang was so angry that the seven orifices were full of smoke, but when he saw Cheng Qiming in the cabin, he immediately suppressed it a little, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Cheng, what do you say about this?"

Cheng Qiming snorted, "Not to mention whether the flight commissioner of the International Civil Aviation Organization has the power of temporary supervision. Even if there is, it has never happened in the history of domestic civil aviation. Whether it can be implemented is another matter."

This is a very realistic answer. There are two completely different concepts of something and whether it can be realized. This is a good distinction.At least Cheng Qiming is right about one thing, that is, in the history of domestic civil aviation, there has never been a situation in which ICAO's flight commissioner inspected the bureau's appointed representatives.

"Oh?" Xu Cang was not in a hurry: "Then what are you going to say?"

"Naturally, we will directly ask the General Administration for its opinion. If the General Administration thinks it's okay, we will naturally obey." Cheng Qiming said flatly.

Now Teacher Wang is in a hurry: "Mr. Cheng!"

Teacher Wang felt that Cheng Qiming was just out of the picture, so he didn't know how eager he was.If the General Administration thinks it's okay, wouldn't I really have no way to survive?He wanted Cheng Qiming to come over to support him, not to let Cheng Qiming come over and cut off his back.

However, Cheng Qiming raised his hand to stop Teacher Wang, and kept his eyes on Xu Cang: "how? This should be the fairest suggestion. There has never been a precedent in China for your supervisory power. We have Doubts are the right thing to do. We don’t deny it, but I hope to get a definite result from the General Administration.”

It can only be said that Cheng Qiming's words are very reasonable. He does not refuse to recognize Xu Cang's supervisory power, but since there is no precedent for reference before, it is reasonable to want the General Administration to come out to preside over it.

Xu Cang was silent for a moment, then shrugged: "Very good, and very reasonable."

Teacher Wang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, leaving nothing else alone, at least it seems that it can be delayed now.

However, before Teacher Wang was happy for more than two seconds, Xu Cang said the next sentence: "But why should I listen to you?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Cheng Qiming and Wang Long, held the pen again, and planned to sign when they were a little caught off guard.But before writing, there was another roar from outside the cabin: "Xu Cang!"

If it was someone else, Xu Cang wouldn't care about it at the moment, but Xu Cang could distinguish the voice. He turned his head and saw that it was Wu Yue, the director of the flying bid department.

I saw Wu Yue with a straight face, facing the cabin, and shouted heavily: "Come out for me."

The nib of the pen touched the paper slightly, but Xu Cang still didn't write in the end.

Xu Cang, Cheng Qiming, Wang Long, the captain of Feiyu Airlines, and Wu Yue all left the training building one after another. Just as they walked to the open space in front, Wu Yue stopped and walked towards the captain of Feiyu Airlines. Waving his hand: "It's none of your business here, let's go."

The captain of Feiyu Airlines was startled, he didn't actually know Wu Yue at his level, but judging from Wu Yue's behavior, he must be a big shot at the General Administration.However, he still did not forget about the inspection, and glanced at Teacher Wang Long: "Then my inspection?"

"Inspection?" Wu Yue chuckled: "The inspectors are almost gone, still inspecting? Let's go, we will talk about the inspection later."

The captain of Feiyu Aviation twitched his mouth, secretly glanced at the gloomy Teacher Wang, and found that he did not speak, which should be regarded as acquiescing.So, hurriedly said: "Then I will go first."

To be honest, he didn't want to stay here either. They were all big shots that he couldn't afford to offend. It was really not enough for him as a captain to be here, and he didn't dare to breathe.

After the captain of Feiyu Airlines walked away, Wu Yue cast his eyes on Xu Cang, but there was a hint of coldness in it: "Xu Cang, you forgot what you promised Director Li not long ago?"

Xu Cang smiled and said, "How could I forget?"

"Then you should know that dealing with a bureau representative is the upper limit we can tolerate!" Wu Yue growled.

With Wu Yue's temperament, this tone can already explain the matter very well. It can be seen that Wu Yue is a little anxious.

On the side, Cheng Qiming showed a trace of displeasure on his face, while Teacher Wang's heart shuddered.Good guy, it turns out that my fate has already been decided in the previous meeting between Xu Cang and Li Ju.

"I know!"

"You know, then you still sent investigation letters to those three companies, involving a total of eight bureau representatives, what do you mean?"

"What?" Cheng Qiming's face changed, he looked at Xu Cang, and then turned to Teacher Wang: "He sent an investigation request to the other appointed representatives of Jianchuan base?"

Just now, Teacher Wang happened to encounter this incident while talking with Zheng Yuanming, the general manager of Jianchuan base, so he could only grimace and nodded: "Yes."

Cheng Qiming took a deep breath, and said with hidden anger in his tone, "Xu Cang, you are still alone."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Xu Cang said calmly, "I don't have any good qualities, except that I have a better memory, especially when it comes to holding grudges."

Wu Yue didn't care about the confrontation between Xu Cang and Cheng Qiming, he approached Xu Cang one step at a time: "Are you going to kill them all?"

Now Xu Cang felt a little innocent, and spread his hands: "I am a fair person. I am a simple subject, and the second officer can do it. If the bureau representatives can't fly down, will they be punished?" Is it okay to hang up?"

"Huh?" Wu Yue was stunned for a moment, his face paled. If this is the case, then being hanged can only be said to be inferior to others.But Wu Yue feels that this matter is absolutely impossible to be so simple.

"Xu Cang, you're not playing tricks, are you?" Wu Yue doubted.

Xu Cang smiled brightly: "What kind of cleverness can I do? It's really what the second officer can do. I'm not lying, Director Wu."

"He's just lying! The second officer is him!" Teacher Wang was the most excited at this moment, he pointed at Xu Cang, his body was shaking: "He wants me to restore the landing at Yulong Airport, Change from the spiral to a straight cut five-sided landing!"

The corner of Wu Yue's mouth twitched, and Cheng Qiming, who was beside him, was also taken aback for a moment, and then his expression became a little strange.

This is indeed a bit inappropriate.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." Xu Cang corrected him righteously: "I was indeed at the second officer level at that time."

Teacher Wang was very excited: "Then you are you, others are others, can it be the same?"

Wu Yue heard Teacher Wang swearing there, a trace of disgust flashed across his face: "Be careful with your words."

Teacher Wang pointed at Xu Cang: "Director Wu, he started it first."

"Shut up!" Wu Yue yelled, Teacher Wang trembled, how could he dare to refute?

The Flying Standard Division of the General Administration is the representative appointed by the bureau directly under the jurisdiction of the companies. When Wu Yue got angry, Teacher Wang really didn't dare to fart.

"Xu Cang, you must abide by what you said." Wu Yue said in a deep voice: "You only deal with one bureau representative, and the bureau will take care of you. After that, when you clean up those three companies, the bureau will not interfere. Society It’s not black and white, there’s a lot of sophistication in it, why don’t you guys understand it?”

When it came to the end, Wu Yue's tone was obviously as if he was teaching his juniors a lesson. He really regarded Xu Cang as his junior and didn't want him to go the wrong way.

Wu Yue's words actually admitted that Xu Cang has the power to supervise and review any pilot in his jurisdiction.Before that, Muhua Airlines Jianchuan Base, Jianchuan Airlines and Blue Sky Airlines joined forces to hang the captain of Spring and Summer Airlines, which was a horrible sight.

Now that Xu Cang wanted to take revenge, that was justified.

However, in order to take care of the situation of the bureau, Li Jie asked Xu Cang to deal with only one representative of the bureau and then stop there, just put on a show.This obviously did not meet Xu Cang's expectations.Therefore, as compensation, when Xu Cang deals with those three companies, the bureau will ignore them on the grounds that they are just commercial activities and stay out of the matter.

This is actually a deal.

Xu Cang saved face for the Bureau, and the Bureau will naturally save face for Xu Cang.

But now, Xu Cang wants to deal with eight representatives of the bureau in one go. If this is rumored, where will CAAC lose face?
Wu Yue was afraid that Xu Cang would break up with the General Administration because of this incident.As long as he is still in the country, as long as he is still engaged in the civil aviation field, Xu Cang, as a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization, may be free from restraint, but if Spring and Summer Airlines can stand above the outside world, isn't it going to be restrained by CAAC?

Xu Cang had an unpleasant relationship with the General Administration. In fact, Xu Cang's loss would be even greater.

It seems that Wu Yue came here to run errands for Li Jie, but in fact, he came here to give Xu Cang a hand, lest he get in the way and mess things up.

However, compared to the General Administration's acknowledgment of Xu Cang's supervisory power, the information revealed in the second half of the sentence is even more shocking.

"What do you mean cleaning up those three companies?" Cheng Qiming looked at Wu Yue, then at Xu Cang: "You not only want to take revenge on the bureau representative who is your captain, but also at the company level?"

Xu Cang's expression was very flat, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing: "Is it their own decision for the representatives of the bureau to target our captain? That must not be the case, since they are under the management of their respective companies. Insistence from the higher-ups. If someone has a restless hand, then you only need to chop off that hand? No, no, no, how can the owner of that hand let it go?"

This could no longer be described as crazy, but a complete provocation, provocative in front of Cheng Qiming.

Cheng Qiming's face was ashen, and he didn't look at Xu Cang again, but looked at Wu Yue: "Director Wu, I don't question the power of the ICAO flight commissioner. I just care more about how he, a co-pilot, obtained the International Civil Aviation Organization's authority. As far as I know, the qualifications of the organization's flight specialists have to go through layers of selection, right?"

According to Wu Yue's words, there seems to be no objection to the supervisory power of the ICAO flight commissioner.To be honest, Cheng Qiming really didn't expect it.Before he proposed to seek arbitration from the General Administration, he expected that the General Administration would never sit idly by and watch this happen.

The representative of the bureau is the face of CAAC, but he was hanged up by ICAO people. Can this be tolerated?
As a result, what Cheng Qiming didn't expect was that the General Administration not only tolerated it, but also agreed on it before, even though the upper limit was only set at one.

In any case, there seems to be no sign of refusing to recognize this power from the General Administration.

However, Cheng Qiming's mind turned quickly.Since the power of the flight commissioner cannot be questioned, then the qualification of the flight commissioner itself should be questioned.To be honest, there were no ICAO flight specialists in the General Administration, but at least they were at the captain level. How could there be a co-pilot who became an ICAO flight specialist?
Although in the ICAO regulations, there is no rigid regulation on the technical level of flight specialists, but not only in China, this almost customary rule is also applicable abroad.Why did Tongtong's things suddenly change for so many years? Cheng Qiming strongly felt that there was something to dig out.

As long as there is a flaw in any link, there is room for fuss.

Wu Yue was in a bad mood at first: "Cheng Qiming, what do you mean by questioning the fairness of our selection?"

If ordinary civil aviation personnel faced Wu Yue's doubts, they would have been terrified, but Cheng Qiming replied very calmly: "I just want to know why this rare thing happened."

"Why?" Wu Yue sneered, turned around suddenly and pointed at an old man walking slowly not far away: "Then you have to ask him."

Xu Cang looked in the direction Wu Yue pointed, and couldn't help being stunned. Isn't the old man one of the meritorious pilots who united to let him get the title of meritorious pilot?
At the beginning, the old man didn't notice who the group of people standing in front of him was, and it was only when Wu Yue turned around that he could see clearly which people were in front of him.

"Guo Yongqiang!" Cheng Qiming even knew the old man, and shouted in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Guo Yongqiang can't stay idle after retirement. After all, he has been flying all his life, and he doesn't usually have any hobbies.However, he couldn't fly anymore, so he found a position as a simulator instructor at the NUS Simulator Center. He usually takes the simulator with him, which is very comfortable.

When Guo Yongqiang saw Wu Yue, Cheng Qiming and the youngest Xu Cang, his expression suddenly became strange.

Wu Yue raised his chin: "Isn't it you, the meritorious pilots, who jointly nominated Xu Cang to become the flight commissioner of the International Civil Aviation Organization?"

"What!?" As soon as this remark came out, Teacher Wang Long's reaction was the most intense, and he yelled directly: "Teacher Guo, why are you like this?"

If Xu Cang was still an ordinary co-pilot, wouldn't they be so passive?The role of ICAO flight commissioner is really serious. Combined with Xu Cang's unparalleled flying skills, he is almost out of breath.

Guo Yongqiang doesn't quite understand the current situation, but he can clearly see the hostile relationship in the field today.His mouth opened, Guo Yongqiang was about to say something.

At this time, Xu Cang said lightly: "Teacher Guo, how is Teacher Wang Baotian these days?"

Originally, Guo Yongqiang was still struggling, but when Xu Cang mentioned Wang Baotian, his expression suddenly tightened.

It is embarrassing for Rongcheng Airlines to deprive Wang Baotian of the title of meritorious pilot, but in any case, Wang Baotian was the most injured.The honor accumulated all his life was just gone. Now Wang Baotian is in a daze all day long. Guo Yongqiang's heart trembles when he sees it. He doesn't want to become like Wang Baotian.

Xu Cang's words seemed to be greetings, but Cheng Qiming saw through the threatening meaning in Xu Cang's words at a glance: "Do you dare to threaten people?"

However, Xu Cang lost his patience at this time: "I am not standing here to save face for you Cheng Qiming, but to save face for Director Wu."

"Xu Cang, don't be arrogant to me." Cheng Qiming snorted coldly: "The spiral cuts straight to the five sides and lands. I admit that this operation is very technical, but if it is only done on a simulator, there are people in China who can do it." Done, like me!"

Of course, if it was a real flight, Cheng Qiming still felt powerless.After all, Xu Cang was in an emergency at that time, and there was no time to react, and the decision-making incident was in the blink of an eye.But if it is restored on the simulator, it is prepared, and the flight environment of the simulator is not as varied as the real flight, which is relatively easier.

However, even with this reduced difficulty, it is still out of reach for most pilots.In fact, even Cheng Qiming couldn't guarantee that he would complete it [-]%.However, there is a chance that it is more meaningful than surrendering without a fight like Wang Long.

"Not to mention, I still have some friends in the domestic civil aviation industry. Do you think that the captain's investigation will only be in the area? Although there are not many cross-area investigations, there will always be some. If you do everything right, the future It’s hard to say what’s going on with the cross-area captain’s investigation.”

At present, most of the inspections are only carried out within a large civil aviation region. For example, the inspectors of Spring and Summer Airlines before were all appointed representatives of the Southwest Region.But it doesn't mean that there won't be bureau representatives from other districts coming to inspect Spring Airlines.

If there is a problem with the cross-district inspection, then the matter will be more serious.

Because once it is a cross-regional inspection, the level involved is generally relatively high.For example, the inspected person may be the leader of the company's flight department, and the company's inspector may even be the appointed representative of the bureau.It is because these people are relatively high-level and may have connections in the same district, so cross-district inspections are required.

These are the real backbone of the company, but if one is lost, the impact will be much greater than that of a captain.

Anyway, the meaning is very simple now, Xu Cang is the only one who can count on Chunxia Airlines.Although he has the power of a flight commissioner to designate personnel to conduct inspections, Cheng Qiming does not target Xu Cang. In terms of flying skills, Xu Cang is already natural and almost impeccable, so he only targets the captain and instructor of Spring and Summer Airlines, and even more High level flight crew.

If Xu Cang can't be dealt with, let Xu Cang be a polished commander.

Three companies targeted Spring and Summer Airlines before, which has already made Spring and Summer Airlines very uncomfortable.If the scope is expanded, Spring Airlines may not be able to sustain it.

Moreover, from Wu Yue's words, Cheng Qiming got an important message.The General Administration allowed Xu Cang to exercise his power, but the scope of this exercise was limited.However, unless it was absolutely necessary, no one wanted to develop to this point, after all, no matter which bureau's appointed representative could not stand Xu Cang's revenge.

Therefore, Cheng Qiming's final wish is to force Xu Cang to give in and seek compromise through struggle.

But Xu Cang didn't make a statement yet, but Wu Yue shouted in a deep voice: "Cheng Qiming, do you know what you're talking about? The bureau's inspection is to ensure the safety of civil aviation, not to be used as a tool to blackmail you."

Cheng Qiming said with a sullen face, "But he opened the head first."

"Whoever starts first, you have to think clearly." Xu Cang said coldly.

Teacher Wang has a ghost in his heart, and naturally he is the most guilty: "Director Wu, the thing about being the captain of Spring and Summer Airlines before"

"Shut up!" Wu Yue was so annoyed that he didn't want to listen to Wang Long's words at all. He looked at Xu Cang and said, "If you do this, the bureau will not ignore it. Eight bureaus appoint representatives all at once. It will be held. There have been ICAO flight specialists in China before, but they have never exercised the supervisory power over the representatives of the bureau. It’s not that they don’t know they have this power, but they know what can’t be done too much. Bureau Li has already indulged you and allowed you to deal with a representative of the bureau. But if you take this connivance for granted, the general bureau will not treat you conveniently in the future."

"Why, after I clean up those three companies later, the Bureau will still intervene. Isn't this all normal business behavior?"

"Commercial behavior? Then why does the establishment of an airline company not only need the approval of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, but also the quota given by us? We can manage everything that involves civil aviation." Wu Yue frowned: "Xu Cang, you have to recognize the reality .”

Cheng Qiming sneered at the side: "Do you really think you are lawless?"

Xu Cang glanced at Cheng Qiming: "Come here, does Ma Cheng know?"

"Ma Cheng?" Cheng Qiming laughed loudly: "He also manages me?"

"what about me!?"

Suddenly, a deep and old voice came from behind Cheng Qiming.A moment ago, Cheng Qiming, who was still complacent, turned around like a deflated ball, and suddenly found that Si Linglong was slowly walking over while supporting Si Weimin.

When passing by Guo Yongqiang, Guo Yongqiang respectfully said: "Teacher."

Si Weimin was born as a pilot, even at Guo Yongqiang's age, he had to respectfully call Si Weimin a teacher.Some people in the flying circle don't like to call them administrative positions, but call them by the technical level of flying.

Si Weimin just nodded slightly, and then directly passed Guo Yongqiang, and walked in front of Cheng Qiming: "I asked you to attend the Civil Aviation Conference, what are you doing here?"

Cheng Qiming didn't take Ma Cheng seriously, but it didn't mean he dared to ignore Si Weimin.

"Chairman, I just came here to deal with some things, and I can go back soon."

Si Weimin glanced at Xu Cang: "Are you going to hang up the instructor of our Muhua Airlines?"

"Grandpa, do you need to trouble yourself to come over for such a trivial matter?" Xu Cang saw that Si Weimin was already very old. It seemed that the living fossil of Civil Aviation was about to reach the end of his life, and he couldn't stop it anymore. up.

Si Weimin waved to Xu Cang, and Xu Cang came over obediently to help him, then Si Weimin gently grabbed Xu Cang's wrist: "Can you save face for the old man?"

Si Weimin's tone was very sincere. If it was at any other time, Xu Cang would have refused directly, but seeing Si Weimin's already cloudy eyes, Xu Cang instinctively softened his heart.To be honest, Si Weimin was still very good to him, and with Si Weimin's current state, it might be the end of his life. At this time, Xu Cang was still shaken.

At the side, Wu Yue saw Xu Cang's expression move slightly, and knew that Xu Cang was moved by Si Weimin, so he hurriedly interjected: "Xu Cang, everyone take a step back, take back the investigation letter you sent to the three companies, and you will deal with it later." For those three companies, the Bureau stays out of the matter, so there is no need to be so nervous."

Xu Cang sighed: "Director Wu, if I want to deal with those three companies, what can I do if I don't stay out of the matter? You underestimate me. I don't do some things. It's not that I can't do them. Trouble. However, this cannot be your bargaining chip to threaten me."

Wu Yue's heart trembled: "Xu Cang you"

"At the beginning, why did I need the qualification of a flight specialist from the International Civil Aviation Organization? I just wanted to get rid of the influence of CAAC on me." Xu Cang said indifferently: "Yes, you can still control Spring and Summer Airlines, but now is a special time point."

Wu Yue's eyelids twitched: "What do you mean?"

Xu Cang turned his head slowly, looked at Wu Yue, his eyes were full of indifference: "CAAC has been a second-class director for 18 years, and now it is going to run for a first-class director of ICAO, do you think that in this important position, Isn't it usable?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Wu Yue, but also Cheng Qiming, and even Si Weimin next to him all changed expression.

"Do you dare to threaten the bureau?" Cheng Qiming couldn't believe his ears. Xu Cang was so courageous that he dared to publicly threaten CAAC.

No matter how much Wu Yue admired Xu Cang, Xu Cang's words were a little too much.

"Xu Cang, don't say such things in front of others, something serious will happen." Wu Yue said coldly.

Xu Cang took a deep breath: "As I said, I am now... free."

"Freedom?" Cheng Qiming laughed disdainfully: "As long as you are still in CAAC, then you will be bound by CCAR. Freedom, where is freedom?"

"Xu Cang, I said, come to me, and I will set you free." Just as Cheng Qiming's voice fell, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, many people came from that distance, and the leader among them was General Dynamics CEO Yu Chen, and the words just now came from Yu Chen.

Behind Yu Chen, there were some white people, some of whom Xu Cang knew, and some of whom Xu Cang didn't.For example, Clark, the president of Pratt & Whitney Power, Jonathan Meyers, the chief engineer of Rolls-Royce's aerospace development department, and Leo, the chief financial officer of Airbus (later to become Neo).

In addition to these people, Huang Jing, head of Boeing Asia Pacific, Li Rongxian, head of Airbus Asia Pacific, Song Xinyang, head of Rolls-Royce Asia Pacific, and Lee Hyuk-jae, representative of CFM, as well as Guan Yueling, president of ANA, Hideki Nagano, president of JAL, and even Even Park Suk-won, president of Asiana Airlines, and Choi Sang-do, president of Korean Air, came.

"Civil Aviation Conference?" Xu Cang raised his eyebrows.When Si Weimin mentioned Cheng Qiming's participation in the Civil Aviation Conference just now, he was probably referring to this matter.

The Civil Aviation Conference is regarded as the most grand conference in the world's civil aviation industry, which includes major airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and various aviation material manufacturers, such as engines, avionics, and so on.However, this kind of meeting etiquette is more in nature. Although it is lively, it has little practical significance. It is just to gather a group of people together and talk about the scene.If you really want to talk about important matters, you will meet privately during the meeting.

As one of the three major domestic airlines, Muhua Airlines will definitely send representatives to participate.Perhaps it was for the sake of convenience, and I guess they wanted the boss of the Hanking branch to attend on behalf of Muhua Airlines directly.It's just that Cheng Qiming left the Civil Aviation Conference and came directly to help Teacher Wang Long.

However, judging from this posture, civil aviation may not have started yet.Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people wandering around.

As the leader of General Dynamics, even among the bigwigs, Yu Chen's status is very high.Among them, the status of these people can be seen from the order of the crowd.

Among them are Yu Chen, CEO of General Dynamics, Clark, President of Pratt & Whitney Power, and Neo, Chief Financial Officer of Airbus, followed by the next-level executives of aircraft manufacturers and aviation parts manufacturers, such as Jonathan, Chief Engineer of Rolls-Royce Aviation Development Department Mayes, Huang Jing, head of Boeing's Asia Pacific region, etc., and finally the big leaders of the airlines.

From this point of view, in the big ecology of civil aviation, the status of airlines is actually slightly inferior.

"Originally, Mr. Cheng, as the host, was going to send us to the hotel, but he left by himself halfway. Anyway, we had nothing to do, so we came to take a look. I didn't expect to see such a good show. I said A place with Mr. Xu is interesting, and such a boring meeting, Mr. Xu will add something interesting to me."

When he was in Japan before, Xu Cang met Yu Chen once, although the atmosphere was not very good.At that time, Yu Chen said that he was going to attend a boring meeting, which was probably this year's Civil Aviation Conference.

However, Yu Chen made a trip to Japan ahead of time, and it seemed that he was doing some business along the way.

There are some things in Japan that can interest Yu Chen. Of course, the most likely one is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The cooperation between the two has a long history.

Xu Cang didn't bother to talk to Yu Chen at all, but turned his attention to Airbus Chief Financial Officer Neo, and nodded slightly: "Long time no see."

Neo has a good impression of Xu Cang. The two of them teamed up to cheat Boeing severely. It was because of that that Xu Cang traded 1566 flight data recorders and cabin sound recorders for some Boeing aviation records. The original license of the material.

"Mr. Xu, it's been a long time. I was thinking about going to Jianchuan to find you, but I didn't expect you to be here." Neo passed Yu Chen, and didn't even shake hands with Xu Cang, but patted him affectionately. Get off Xu Cang's shoulder.

In front of so many people, many things could not be said, Wu Yue moved his mouth, and finally fell into silence.

"I plan to go to England later, even if you don't come to me, I will go to you." Xu Cang said with a smile.

"Oh?" Neo's eyes lit up, "What's wrong?"

Xu Cang didn't hide it: "I want to buy some Airbus planes, and I want to give me some price discounts through Mr. Neo's line."

There is a big difference in the preferential strength of aircraft manufacturers for various customers.The price gap between new customers and old customers can even reach 30.00%, which is quite scary for a high-value commodity such as a large airliner.

Generally speaking, only after the two parties have cooperated for a long time can the preferential intensity increase accordingly.Xu Cang had never purchased an aircraft from Airbus before, so he should be a new customer, so the discount would not be very strong.

Xu Cang is not short of money now, and he can save some money, so he thought of Airbus Chief Financial Officer Neo.

"Mr. Xu wants to form an Airbus fleet?" Although Spring and Summer Airlines has never cooperated with Airbus before, if Xu Cang is present, it is estimated that it will develop well in the future, and it is good to establish a cooperative relationship in advance.

However, the teacher Wang next to him snorted: "The big fart company still runs multiple models, and I don't know how to die in the future."

Xu Cang didn't care about Teacher Wang, but whispered: "Well, the number is not much, less than three."

Neo nodded: "If there are three fights, I can still fight for it. If there are too many, it will not be easy for me."

After all, money is involved, and if there are too many discounts, the amount is not small.Even as Airbus' chief financial officer, Neo has to bear the pressure.However, if there are only three, then Neo can probably still call the shots.

"By the way, there is one more thing, the matter of the General Assembly Plant in Jinmen." Xu Cang didn't speak very clearly, but he thought Neo could understand it.

When this matter was mentioned, the expression on Neo's face was a little awkward.Due to a series of operations by Airbus, the assembly cost of the Airbus General Assembly Plant in Jinmen is actually higher than that in Europe. This kind of thing can no longer be described as outrageous.

Neo coughed twice: "This matter is more complicated. I can't be the master by myself, it's the board's intention."

"Mr. Xu, people like Airbus can't afford to suffer. If they suffer in some places, they must make up for it from other places." Huang Jing who was next to him came out in time to make up for it.

For Boeing, whenever you can disgust Airbus, you can feel comfortable and happy.

Huang Jing also knew about the Airbus General Assembly Plant in Jinmen. After all, Hanjing, where Boeing's Asia-Pacific region is located, is actually very close to Jinmen.Moreover, the circle is not big, so how could Huang Jing not know about such a big joke?

Neo knew he was wrong, even though Huang Jing teased him, even though Huang Jing's rank was lower than him, he didn't refute.

At this time, Jonathan, the chief engineer of Luo Luo's aviation development department, came over: "Mr. Xu, I have read the email you sent before. I sincerely admire Mr. Xu's boldness."

I have to say that Jonathan's Chinese has improved rapidly. The last time the two met, he still had a lot of accents, which have basically disappeared now.

Although he said that he was engaged in technology, he still had some thoughts. When he spoke, he said two points and left three points, which made people feel confused.

"Since I have seen it, I should have evaluated it, how about it?" Xu Cang said bluntly.

"Hahaha!" Jonathan laughed heartily: "Since Mr. Xu himself is not afraid, what are we afraid of? Everything depends on Mr. Xu's arrangement!"

Yu Chen and Clark, the president of Pratt & Whitney Power, didn't care much about Xu Cang's conversation with Airbus, but when Jonathan and Xu Cang talked so intimately, they became nervous.The outside world has long rumored that Xu Cang and Luo Luo have a very good relationship, and it seems that it can no longer be described by just being infallible.

"When are you going back?" Xu Cang asked.

Jonathan was stunned: "Two days later. This kind of meeting is just for meaning, and I will go back after the meeting."

"Two days later?" Xu Cang thought for a while: "Two days later, I will go with you."

Xu Cang's visa to the UK had not yet expired, so it was very convenient to go to the UK.

Jonathan glanced back at Song Xinyang, and Song Xinyang immediately understood and nodded: "I will arrange it."

As soon as Xu Cang finished speaking with Jonathan, the president of Pratt & Whitney Power came up to him with a kind smile on his face: "Mr. Xu Cang? Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times."

Clark's Chinese level is very good, but Xu Cang is not surprised by this. It is normal for an executive of this level to hire a private foreign language teacher. As long as he is willing, learning a foreign language is not a big problem.

Clark stretched out his right hand: "Pratt & Whitney Power, Clark."

"Puhui power?" Xu Cang raised his eyebrows, and looked at Yu Chen not far away from the corner of his eyes.

Clark naturally noticed Xu Cang's small movements, and said with a smile: "I have some cooperation with Mr. Yu Chen, but not only with him."

Xu Cang was startled, and immediately understood what Clark meant, and nodded slightly: "I will go to the United States to talk to Mr. Clark, and I believe we will have a lot to communicate with."

"Oh?" Clark's expression turned serious. Originally, he just came here to say hello casually, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected rewards: "Then I will wait for Mr. Xu in East Hartford."

As soon as Clark accepted, the president of Korean Air, Choi Sang-do, had already stepped up to the front.Cui Xiangdao, who had been frowning for a while recently, finally relaxed his brows. When he saw Xu Cang, he approached him enthusiastically: "Mr. Xu, Korean Air is very grateful for the matter of Muhua Airlines."

"You want to thank me?" Xu Cang pointed to Xia Si Weimin: "The chairman of Muhua Airlines is here."

"Huh?" Cui Xiangdao just looked at Xu Cang, and he really didn't notice Si Weimin beside Xu Cang. After Xu Cang reminded him, he finally came to his senses, and apologized: "Mr. Si, I'm sorry." , I didn't see you just now."

Si Weimin smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you young people can talk as long as you want, don't worry about me."

Cui Xiangdao nodded very naturally, and then turned his gaze back to Xu Cang: "If Mr. Xu arrives in Korea, he must inform me so that I can show my kindness as a landlord."

What Cui Xiangdao said was naturally that Muhua Airlines cut off the cooperation with Asiana Airlines on international routes.Muhua Airlines has communicated with Korean Air on this matter, and it is estimated that it has been disclosed.

"President Cui, isn't it good for you?" Xu Cang smiled and said, "President Park is still here."

To be honest, Cui Xiangdao is quite insidious.Muhua Airlines may have revealed the news inadvertently, but Cui Xiangdao mentioned this matter in front of the president of Asiana Airlines, obviously trying to sow discord.

However, Pu Xiyuan just sneered, but didn't say anything.

Cui Xiangdao thought that Pu Xiyuan was a deep-minded person, but he didn't expect that Pu Xiyuan had already belonged to Xu Cang's side, and this small trick was just futile.

Cui Xiangdao pretended to be deaf and dumb: "President Park won't have any associations in normal communication."

For a moment, Cui Xiangdao was surrounded by cheerful laughter.

Among this group of people, Cui Xiangdao is the happiest.Asiana Airlines, which has not been won for a long time, has finally lost a major source of income. It seems that Asiana Airlines should not be able to support it.Previously, Korean Air really did not expect that it would take so much effort to win Asiana Airlines. Now that the dust is about to settle, it is naturally very exciting.

On the other side of the crowd, Xu Cang was chatting and laughing. Si Linglong blinked her eyes and looked around. She could tell that these people were all well-known figures in the civil aviation industry. Some of them knew each other, while others had never met.

Si Weimin looked at Xu Cang's position like the stars and the moon, and felt a lot of emotion, so he whispered to Wu Yue: "Do you think you can really restrain him now?"

Wu Yue's eyelids twitched, and he didn't answer right away, but he said after a while: "It seems that Spring Airlines is only a small part of his territory."

The Bureau cannot control Xu Cang, but they think they can restrain Xu Cang by controlling Spring and Summer Airlines.But now it seems that whether Spring Airlines has an irreplaceable position in Xu Cang's heart is really hard to say.

Xu Cang said that he is free, I am afraid that he did not mean it casually.

In comparison, Teacher Wang was the one with the least emotion because he didn't know most of them.The so-called those who don't know are fearless, so they can't quite understand what these people's attitude towards Xu Cang means.

"Mr. Cheng, who are these people?" Teacher Wang secretly asked Cheng Qiming.

Cheng Qiming glanced at Wang Long with some disgust. In fact, he had a mediocre personal relationship with Wang Long, and even said that he didn't have a deep personal relationship with the entire Jianchuan Base executives.It's just that out of interest, he must be on the same front as the Jianchuan base.

"They're all people you can't afford to mess with."

Teacher Wang let out a light snort. He is an appointed representative of the bureau anyway, so there is nothing to offend: "How can he know someone I can't offend?"

"Humph! Ignorance." Cheng Qiming sneered inwardly, but said: "The ones who talked to Xu Cang just now were the CEO of General Dynamics, the Chief Financial Officer of Airbus Headquarters, and the President of Pratt & Whitney Power, Luo Luohang. Chief engineer of the development department and eventually the president of Korean Air. Who do you mess with?"

"General Dynamics!" Teacher Wang was shocked. These people are all big shots without exception. Even Cui Xiangdao, who is the lowest among them, has a reputation: "How can he know so many people?"

Cheng Qiming's mouth twitched: "How do I know?"

This network alone is really terrifying to the point of daunting, half of the people in the civil aviation circle, Xu Cang can speak.

Suddenly, an idea began to form in Cheng Qiming's mind.

Xu Cang was too lazy to say some boring words to Cui Xiangdao. He turned his head and said softly to Si Weimin: "Old man, if you open your mouth, then I will obey. This time, I will not sign him as unqualified." .”

Si Weimin smiled and said, "Good boy, Jianchuan Base did some bad things before, and we will give you a satisfactory answer."

"If you want me to be satisfied." Xu Cang paused: "Originally I planned to talk about it after I came back from England. Since the old man is here, then I'll just say it. I don't want to check what information is in the Jianchuan base. I was the first to propose this plan, and I have neither the skill nor the interest. Therefore, all those above the M2 level in the Jianchuan base will be expelled and will never be hired.”

Cheng Qiming was dumbfounded.Generally speaking, the ranks are divided into P level and M level. P grades are mostly used for technical positions, while M grades are used for management positions.Generally speaking, the management of M2 is like a department manager. That is to say, Xu Cang wants to fire all the directors above the department manager, the vice president, and the general manager.In this way, there are basically no executives at the Jianchuan base of Muhua Aviation, which is really a bit ruthless.

"Xu Cang, if you do what you say, then our Jianchuan base will basically be abolished." Si Weimin sighed.

This is not pretending, but to be honest, all leaders above the level of department managers have been abolished. Which company can stand such a practice?

"It's okay, I can give you a month's buffer time." Xu Cang lowered his eyes and said.

Cheng Qiming laughed angrily: "One month, do you think we will agree to such a ridiculous thing?"

"Cheng Qiming!" Si Weimin snorted coldly, stopped Cheng Qiming's words, and then whispered to Xu Cang, "This is indeed a big problem."

"Is it difficult? Which is more difficult than getting Air China to let you put the A380 at Hanjing Airport?" Xu Cang asked rhetorically.

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Qiming's expression changed greatly: "What did you say?"

Even Si Weimin opened his eyes a little: "Xu Cang, is this true?"

"That depends on how sincere you are." Xu Cang said flatly.As he said that, Xu Cang looked at Wu Yue calmly: "I don't need to check those eight people, but as a price, they should resign themselves."

Teacher Wang stopped breathing for a while: "You want us to resign as representatives of the bureau?"

"The old man came here in person, and I'll give you dignity. But if you don't want it, then I can only help you with dignity." Xu Cang's face was frosty: "Do you really think that you don't have to bear the corresponding responsibility for doing something wrong? "

After finishing speaking, Xu Cang stopped listening to Si Weimin and Teacher Wang's answers. This kind of matter cannot be decided immediately. Since Si Weimin is here, the scene does not need to be too embarrassing.He nodded slightly towards Si Weimin, then looked at Si Linglong beside him: "I'm leaving, give me a treat!"

Si Linglong didn't expect Xu Cang to have such a request, she was taken aback for a moment and then smiled like a flower: "How old are you, do you still want me to give it to you?"

"Isn't it normal to send the boss off?" Xu Cang tightened his clothes and walked outside.

Si Weimin patted Si Linglong on the head: "Go."

Si Linglong hesitated for a moment, but still followed.

Seeing that Xu Cang was going to leave, Yu Chen had no point in staying here, so he followed Xu Cang out.This group of people had nothing to do to watch the excitement. Now that the show was over, they naturally had no reason to stay, and they all followed suit.

Si Linglong just caught up with Xu Cang, but before he could speak, Xu Cang grabbed Si Linglong's wrist with one hand, pulled her to his side, and leaned against her tightly.

Si Linglong didn't expect such a change, Xiao Lu bumped into each other, but this kind of ambiguous atmosphere didn't last long, then Xu Cang's serious voice: "Go back and tell the old man, now Muhua Airlines is split. It's a bit serious, and we need a chance to shake the mountain. The Jianchuan base is just right in size, and it won't hurt the muscles and bones when it's cleaned up, and the effect is enough."

Si Linglong's heart trembled: "Who is the tiger? Cheng Qiming?"

"Hey." Xu Cang sighed, Si Linglong is really younger, and Muhua Airlines is not just Cheng Qiming, a big tiger with a different heart: "Just tell the old man what I said, and he will understand."

At the end, Xu Cang caught a glimpse of Si Linglong from the corner of his eye. Si Linglong's blush was flushed and her face was peachy. She looked very attractive.

Xu Cang was startled, and blurted out: "No, what's wrong with you, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Ah?" Si Linglong was startled, and touched her face subconsciously, only to realize that it was extremely hot, so she hurriedly found an excuse: "Maybe it's too hot. Xu Cang, I will talk to my grandfather about that." As I said, I won’t send you off later.”

After finishing speaking, Si Linglong ran back as if fleeing, like a frightened little rabbit.

"What?" Xu Cang asked, "It's not very hot either."

Just when Xu Cang was puzzled, Hideo Nagano suddenly appeared beside Xu Cang, and said in a low voice: "I asked someone to contact you before, but you didn't reply either."

Xu Cang glanced at Hideki Nagano: "Reply, didn't you say you won't cooperate?"

"It's not about cooperation." Nagano Hideki looked around and said, "Mr. Xu, someone is going to target you."

"Huh?" Xu Cang was stunned for a moment, but before he could say anything, his cell phone rang suddenly, and when he took it out, it turned out to be Wu Yue's number.

Xu Cang was even more puzzled now, he glanced back and found that Wu Yue raised his mobile phone and waved towards him.

Xu Cang raised his eyebrows: "It looks like something really happened."

About half an hour later, Xu Cang, Chen Xiangdong, and Wu Yue were all in a lounge of the CAAC General Administration Building, and a recording was playing on a device in the corner of the room.

"Captain, did I open the door?"

"open it!"

"Don't open!"

"What did you say?"

"I say no!"

"But the captain said to open the door."

"I am Xu Cang, first-level flight specialist of the World Civil Aviation Organization, number 41357, and I am now taking over this aircraft. Listen to my password, and don't open the door!"

"Mr. Xu, the purser's life is in danger if she doesn't open the door now. Not only her, but other passengers also have to bear the risk. Should we just watch the people in the back cabin die?"

"Even if everyone on the plane is dead, the door is not allowed to open!"

The recording is short and all in Japanese, but there is a paper file on the table with a translation of the recording.At the end, Chen Xiangdong couldn't help but frowned after comparing the translation: "Xu Cang, did you say that?"

Xu Cang clenched his right hand into a fist and knocked rhythmically on the table. His eyes were far away, as if he was thinking about something.

"Xu Cang?" Chen Xiangdong called softly again.

This time, Xu Cang returned something: "Master, what did you say?"

Chen Xiangdong shook the translation in his hand: "Did you say what I said?"

"Yes." Xu Cang did not deny it at all: "Master, although I speak Japanese, you should be able to hear my voice clearly."

"You're still laughing." Chen Xiangdong snorted seriously: "It's noisy outside, don't make a playful smile."

Xu Cang seemed to have figured it out, and leaned back: "It's so noisy, why didn't I know?"

"Outside is not domestic, it refers to foreign countries, Japan!" Wu Yue patted his forehead, just now he received a call from Li Jie asking him to bring Xu Cang back to the headquarters immediately.At that time, just listening to Li Jie's voice, Wu Yue felt that something was wrong, but when he came to the General Administration, he did not expect it to be so difficult.

Xu Cang didn't take it seriously: "Noisy? What's so noisy? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"People in our industry think it's okay, but those people don't think so. This recording was leaked in Japan not long ago, and the phone number of the Civil Aviation Administration of Japan has been ringing, and it will probably occupy the headlines soon," Wu Yue said. .

Xu Cang smiled and said, "So what?"

"So what?" Chen Xiangdong said anxiously: "Now the public thinks you are a butcher who carelessly ignores human lives, watching the entire plane die! Can you bear this hat?"

Wu Yue thought for a moment: "Xu Cang, as far as I know, ANA's hijacking procedure does not strictly require opening the cabin door. This alone is not good for you."

"I'm not from ANA, why should I abide by ANA's regulations?"

"The common people will care about you?" Wu Yue said eagerly: "You don't know what the social trend over there is like? It's getting more and more left, and the left is getting a little sick. You can reason with them?"

"Director Wu, people like you shouldn't say such things. It won't affect you well," Xu Cang reminded.

Wu Yue knew that this was Xu Cang's kindness, so he took a deep breath: "I know, I got confused, and started to speak indiscriminately."

"What do those people at JCAB mean? Can the sound of the cabin be leaked?" Chen Xiangdong scolded, "Now that there is a lot of discussion in Japan, I don't know if it will spread here."

As if responding to Chen Xiangdong's words, the door of the lounge was pushed open abruptly. Tan Linlin of the transportation department walked in with a solemn face, and said, "JCAB has sent us a formal notification letter."

Chen Xiangdong's heart tightened, he was really afraid of something: "Say what?"

Tan Linlin glanced at Xu Cang, and let out a sigh of relief: "They asked Xu Cang to go to Japan to attend the cabin sound hearing of ANA Flight 45."

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiangdong's reaction was the most intense: "Listen to TM!"

Tan Linlin's expression was also not good: "Chen Bureau, that is an official letter."

"What's none of our business?" Chen Xiangdong snorted coldly, "Xu Cang, you don't need to worry about this matter, just treat the JCAB gang as farting."

In comparison, Wu Yue was calmer. He asked Tan Linlin, "What's the opinion from Director Li?"

"Boss Li doesn't recommend Xu Cang to go there either." Tan Linlin said, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes. At this time, Xu Cang, as the person involved, was calm and relaxed, as if nothing happened: "However, we must listen to Xu Cang's opinion in everything." .”

"What's your opinion?" Chen Xiangdong said in a deep voice, "Just go back to JCAB directly. Xu Cang won't attend that shitty hearing. They want to do it, so go play by yourself."

However, Xu Cang, who had not expressed his opinion, asked, "Is there a time limit?"

Tan Linlin shook her head: "No. JCAB said that it can follow your wishes, after all, you may need to prepare. Xu Cang, I asked the company director, and he said that you don't need to participate in this kind of hearing, and JCAB's requirements cannot be restrained. your."

The director of the company that Tan Linlin was talking about was Lian Zhili, the director of the Department of Policy and Regulations, and his words were somewhat convincing.In other words, from a legal perspective, Xu Cang can completely ignore it.

"Listen, Xu Cang, don't worry about this." Chen Xiangdong persuaded: "They still can't control us."

"However, if you don't go, what if JCAB votes against CAAC's election for a category of director soon?" Xu Cang said suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yue, Tan Linlin and even Chen Xiangdong were stunned. They really didn't think of this joint.

"That..." At this moment, even Tan Linlin, who has always been calm, was a little confused: "Xu Cang, then you..."

Xu Cang thought for a while: "I will go."

Chen Xiangdong said anxiously: "Xu Cang, what are you doing there? Those people have brain problems, they all presuppose positions, what can they say?"

At this time, Wu Yue sighed: "Xu Cang, you don't have to do this."

In Wu Yue's perception, Xu Cang did it for CAAC.If it wasn't for this reason, there was no need for Xu Cang to go to Japan.

Xu Cang went to Japan on this trip, and there would definitely be no legal problems.After all, even according to Xu Cang's statement, it is technically logical and self-consistent.However, once you go to Japan, you will bear unimaginable pressure from public opinion.

If there are too many spittle stars, it can drown people.It was really hard for Wu Yue to imagine how much pressure Xu Cang had to bear when going to Japan.

"It's okay." Xu Cang shook his head, then turned to Tan Linlin: "Tan Linlin, then you can reply to JCAB and let me set the time."

Tan Linlin's face was a little heavy: "Xu Cang, have you really thought about it?"

"Think about it."

Tan Linlin let out a long breath: "Okay, when do you want to go?"

Xu Cang blinked his eyes: "This year's September NO.11!"

So many words make up for yesterday's leave.Nothing serious happened to the child. He had a common cold and a fever. If there was a false alarm, it might be influenza A.

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