Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 294 Take over Muhua Airlines!

"How long has he been standing outside?" In the conference room on the seventh floor of the Erhai Base Building, Xu Cang stood in front of the window and looked down. A middle-aged man, he stood in front of the small gate of the company, motionless like a sculpture.

The day after Xu Cang returned from Hanjing, he began to make arrangements for the future.Soon, he will go to England with Rolls-Royce's chief engineer, Jonathan Meyers.Many of the things he arranged started with the cooperation with Luo Luo, so the trip to the UK was imperative.

Previously, Xu Cang was not too worried about cooperating with Luo Luo on the test flight.However, after his left hand was injured on ANA Flight 45 last time, Xu Cang was a little shaken.However, fortunately, after returning from Japan, there was no problem with his left hand, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

After returning from the UK, he will go to the Southwest Medical Center to make sure that his left hand complies with aviation safety regulations.Otherwise, Xu Cang will always be in a state of suspension of flight guards in flight operations.

However, when Xu Cang came to the base building, he found the man standing at the gate of the company.After asking, he found out that the person was Shen Yishan, the vice president of operation of Jianchuan Airlines. Then he asked why he came here, and it seemed that he was here to apologize.

The vice president of operations of Jianchuan Airlines came to plead guilty, and everyone knew what kind of crime he was guilty of.It's just that, compared to the Blue Sky Airlines and Muhua Aviation's Jianchuan base that are still supporting, the speed of Jianchuan Airlines' soft service is really a bit faster.

Xu Cang couldn't say he hated Jianchuan Airlines, who played the role of a dog's leg in this matter, and such a marginal role was not worthy of his hatred.Just like flies, they can't kill people, but they are disgusting, so Xu Cang didn't intend to accept Shen Yishan's apology.

If he wants to plead guilty, he should bear it.

"It's been more than an hour." Beside Xu Cang, Lu Jinghua said, "When I came here in the morning, he was standing there."

Xu Cang raised his eyebrows: "How many captains have been suspended by Jianchuan Airlines recently?"

"Huh?" Lu Jinghua thought for a while: "Four or five, what's wrong?"

Xu Cang snorted: "Then let him stand for five hours first."

After finishing speaking, Xu Cang stopped looking at him, turned around and found a chair and sat down.In front of him, Yu Fengtian was standing upright, looking very well-behaved.

"The things you gave me are very useful, and I have been watching them well during this time." Xu Cang smiled.

Yu Fengtian hurriedly said: "Those two people were secretive at first, but after a long time, they thought that no one would find out, so they became less cautious. However, I can only get some transaction records of their low-value aviation materials. , Those core aviation materials are not very easy to get."

"No hurry! Perhaps, with their courage, they only dare to get some cheap aviation materials, and they dare not touch those core aviation materials for the time being." Xu Cang smacked his lips: "It doesn't matter, just keep it. Wait. They will become more and more courageous in the future, and greed will completely blind their eyes. Now these deals are not fatal, as long as they dare to make a list of core aviation materials, in a sense, they will also contribute to the company.”

Yu Fengtian knew that Xu Cang was fishing for big fish with a long line.At this stage, Zhang Desheng and Zhang Desheng are just playing small fights. Even if they have the evidence, at most they will punish Zhang Desheng's two little fishes.

What Xu Cang wants to do is not to get rid of Zhang Desheng's two little fishes, his goal is Tianrong Aviation Materials.

"Mr. Xu, Tianrong Aviation Materials must have extremely strict control over the core aviation materials, and they will not supply them to Zhang Desheng at will."

What are core aviation materials?For example, the toilet paper box that Zhang Desheng manipulated before, is a marginal low-value aviation material.Even if those things are counterfeit, can they affect flight safety?That is definitely not possible.

However, some aviation materials are closely related to flight safety.These aviation materials are not only expensive, but also have large profit margins.

However, Zhang Desheng and Zhang Desheng are now "newcomers", timid, and dare not play tricks on core aviation materials.But courage can be fattened, and it will not be necessarily the case in the future.

However, this matter is not what Zhang Desheng is willing to do, and Tianrong Aviation Materials is willing to do it.This thing is also risky. After all, if it is found out, if you are implicated, it will be a big trouble.Therefore, in this matter, the big fish Tianrong Aviation Material is really not easy to catch.

"After the thread is released, the bait will naturally have to follow." Xu Cang said with a smile: "I will find a reason to promote the two of them in the future. Now their positions are too low and they have too many worries. When their positions are promoted, then Naturally, the scruples will be small. The company’s aircraft will increase in the future, and the demand will become more and more strong. I don’t believe that Tianrong Aviation Materials will not take the bait.”

Now Zhang Desheng and Zhang Desheng are still grassroots employees and need to be supervised a lot, so it is reasonable that they can't let go.Tianrong Aviation Materials will definitely take this into consideration, and it is relatively risky to give the two core imitation aviation materials.

But if the two were promoted to relatively high positions in the aviation materials procurement department, they would lose a lot of supervision.In this way, both Zhang Desheng and Tianrong Aviation Materials will greatly increase their confidence.In addition, with the increase of aircraft in Spring and Summer, the demand increases, and the bait is getting bigger and bigger, so it is impossible for Tianrong Aviation Materials not to bite the bait.

"By the way, follow-up replacement of aviation materials is very tight, right?"

Yu Fengtian nodded: "The imitation and counterfeit aviation materials brought by Zhang Desheng were all replaced without their knowledge. It's just that the recent expenses of our department are a bit high. The financial side is complaining."

"It's okay, I'll make an agreement with the financial side." Xu Cang waved his hand: "That's it, you go to work, accompany the two of them to act well, this thing is done, and you will get a satisfactory return. "

Having said this all the way, Yu Fengcai's spirit was lifted: "Okay, okay, I will pay attention to them."

After finishing speaking, Yu Fengtian left contentedly.

After Yu Fengtian left, Lu Jinghua frowned: "Xu Cang, is Yu Fengtian really trustworthy? Shall we hit him to let him know where the boundary is?"

"Although I don't like such a metaphor, there are some things in common." Xu Cang said calmly, "Have you ever raised a puppy?"

"Ah?" Lu Jinghua was taken aback, "Is it a dog, you have raised it before."

"Do you think dogs need collars?"

Lu Jinghua didn't quite understand Xu Cang's meaning: "That's for sure."

"Why wear a collar? Because it needs to know that the end of the leash is the limit of its activities. However, if for some reason the collar falls off and the rope breaks, it will leave you without hesitation. , and even bite you back." Xu Cang said flatly: "The puppy treats you as its master because you put a collar on it? No. Because you are the one who feeds it!"

Lu Jinghua nodded thoughtfully. He seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to fully understand.

"Are you talking about the art of manipulating people?"

Xu Cang smiled and said, "I am such a shy person, do you want to resist others?"

"Shy? Do you have anything to do with that word?"

Xu Cang thought for a while, and confirmed very seriously: "I think I am."

"You." For Xu Cang's serious and solemn performance, Lu Jinghua was speechless for a while, but he didn't say anything, but quickly changed the topic to the serious matter: "Xu Cang, the matter of Tianrong Aviation Materials I don’t think it’s that simple. I’m afraid they have developed a relatively complete chain of counterfeit aviation materials, and they haven’t exploded after so many years of operation, which shows that they have their own means of avoiding risks.”

"It should be." Xu Cang still agreed with this: "However, the existence of Tianrong Aviation Materials has indeed squeezed the upper limit of our development in the aviation materials market. Moreover, we did not deliberately target him. In a sense, we are also contributing to the safe development of domestic civil aviation, right? The trouble is a bit troublesome, be patient, they will show their feet."

Lu Jinghua nodded. This kind of matter is beyond his ability. He just asked and couldn't interfere.

"By the way, I read what you sent me yesterday." Lu Jinghua looked a little solemn: "Xu Cang, are you serious?"

Xu Cang took a sip of tea leisurely: "Is it such a big impact on you to form an Airbus fleet?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Jinghua said solemnly: "Our company is only so big, and now Boeing and Airbus are running in parallel. If ARJ series is added, there will be a total of three models. This is too outrageous. I don't even need it." Go to a financial audit and do the costing, but anyone who knows anything about flying knows it's wrong."

"Then you mean to say, I don't know how to fly?"

The expression on Lu Jinghua's face suddenly froze: "I didn't mean that."

Xu Cang waved his hand: "Let's start promoting the formation of the Airbus fleet."

If you want to build an Airbus fleet, you will not only need to buy Airbus aircraft, but also need to support related personnel, including dispatch, operation and control, and personnel qualifications, training and other links. In addition, additional maintenance is also required. A maintenance system.

This is the source of the increased cost of multiple models.

"Xu Cang, aren't you going to explain something?"

Xu Cang raised his eyebrows: "Explain what? Isn't it obvious that building an Airbus fleet will increase the cost? What should I explain? If I explain it, the cost will not increase?"

"Then since you want to increase the cost, you can also build a fleet of Airbus planes, and you can buy more Boeing planes and rent more."

"Lu Jinghua!" Xu Cang suddenly asked in a deep voice, "I want to form an Airbus fleet, can I?"

No reason, no explanation, just to build the Airbus fleet, it's that simple.

Lu Jinghua's heart tightened, and finally he lowered his head: "I see, I will do it."

"Yeah." Xu Cang put down the teacup: "Also, tell Director Liu to let him open a quota for recruiting pilots. Our company wants to recruit a female pilot."

Now Lu Jinghua's reaction was more interesting: "A female fly?"

Listening to Xu Cang's tone, it seems that he has already thought about who the female Fei is going to recruit: "Xu Cang, it's convenient to reveal, who is that female Fei?"

Anyway, everyone will know later, so Xu Cang didn't intend to hide it: "You also know Xia Shuyue from the flight attendant."

"Xia Xia Shuyue." Lu Jinghua's mind turned, and he immediately thought of something: "I heard that foreign female pilots are all flying Airbus."

Xu Cang nodded: "Well, what's wrong?"

"Xu Cang, you formed the Airbus fleet. Could it be because of her?" Lu Jinghua asked cautiously.

But as soon as he said this, Lu Jinghua regretted it, as if he was talking too much.

"That's right!" Xu Cang admitted very frankly: "The General Administration said that if you want to recruit female pilots, you must have an Airbus plane."

Lu Jinghua was about to go crazy: "Building a fleet just for one person? Xu Cang, you."

Xu Cang's face slowly sank: "You talk a little too much today."

Lu Jinghua took a breath, he could feel that Xu Cang was unusually irritable when it came to Xia Shuyue's topic.He knew that he seemed to have touched Xu Cang's bottom line on this topic, and if he continued talking about it, he might suffer disaster.

Thinking of this, Lu Jinghua has no objection anymore: "I know, I will push forward with all my strength."

"Yes, this is what makes people feel comfortable." Xu Cang clapped his hands: "Go, go and get busy."

Time passed by, and the morning quickly turned to noon. After more than three hours, Xu Cang already felt a little hungry.He looked at his watch, put down his work, and planned to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

After leaving the building, Xu Cang suddenly felt something. He looked towards the company gate and found that Shen Yishan was still standing there, motionless.If it weren't for the hem of the clothes that flutters in the wind, some people might wonder if this is an exquisite sculpture.

After thinking for a while, Xu Cang still headed towards the gate. Through the fence of the small gate, Xu Cang glanced at Shen Yishan: "Boss Shen, it's been several hours, and you're not tired?"

Seeing Xu Cang, Shen Yishan finally moved his body and opened his mouth: "I'm here to apologize."

"Oh." Xu Cang drew the end of the sound, and it seemed that he didn't want to accept it.

"Mr. Xu, I have asked our bureau representative to apply for resignation." Shen Yishan said suddenly.

Xu Cang raised his eyebrows: "Well, this is good news."

"In addition, our company is willing to make a total sum with your company. Our company is willing to bear the economic losses caused to your company due to the captain of our company."

"It seems that you have thought it through." Xu Cang nodded: "As the first one, you should get some preferential treatment. Stand for five hours, and then you can go back."

After finishing speaking, Xu Cang no longer cared about Shen Yishan.

Although Xu Cang was very annoyed by the fly of Jianchuan Airlines, but I have to say that Jianchuan Airlines' kneeling posture is really pretty, and Xu Cang couldn't do it too much.In any case, some extra treatment should be given to the person who surrendered first.

After leaving the gate, Xu Cang took only two steps when his cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it belonged to his master Chen Xiangdong.

"Huh?" Xu Cang was a little strange, didn't he just come back from Hanjing, and something happened.Answered the phone: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Xu Cang, where are you, have you returned to Erhai Lake?" Chen Xiangdong's deep voice came from the opposite side.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" Xu Cang heard something wrong with Chen Xiangdong's voice: "Master, something happened?"

Chen Xiangdong paused for a moment: "If it's convenient, you can come here. Si Lao is critically ill, and I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on."

"What?" Xu Cang was shocked on the spot: "Didn't I see him before, why did he become critically ill all of a sudden?"

"I don't know why." Chen Xiangdong said in a low voice, "Si Lao treats you pretty well, and you should come over to have a look. Besides, there is one very important thing."

Xu Cang frowned: "Master, what happened?"

"Xu Cang, you have to be prepared in your heart." Chen Xiangdong said solemnly: "Si Lao started to feel better all of a sudden this morning. The doctor said that this is likely to be a flashback. Since this morning, Si Lao has been in the It's time to explain the funeral. However, there is a problem now, he seems to want you to take over Muhua Airlines."

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