Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 301 An epoch-making flying method!


In an instant, the autopilot of the plane was cut off, Xu Cang hurriedly held the steering wheel, and at the same time applied the accelerator to control the plane.Fortunately, the moment just lasted only for a moment, and the state of the plane quickly recovered.

After adjusting the plane back to the normal descent rate, Xu Cang switched on the autopilot and autothrottle again, and let out a long breath: "Just now I dropped more than [-] feet in an instant."

Shi Qi's face was slightly pale, but he had some psychological preparations before, so the situation seemed to be fine.On the contrary, the bureau inspector sitting behind was sweating from his forehead.

Shi Qi originally wanted to say a few words to Xu Cang, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the bureau inspector who was frightened, and suddenly said, "Have you never encountered this kind of airflow in the east?"

The inspector of the Bureau shook his head instinctively, but when he met Shi Qi's gaze, his expression froze suddenly, and he stopped shaking his head.

Shi Qi sneered in his heart, this person was just putting on airs as a bureau inspector, for fear that others would underestimate him, it really didn't make any sense.

"Ask the back, the fall just now was a bit severe, don't hurt anyone." Shi Qi said to Xu Cang.

"According to the procedure in the cabin, the landing announcement should have been made, and the seat belts have been checked." Usually, half an hour before landing, the crew will make a landing announcement and the last cabin inspection, which should include checking seat belt.

Shi Qi's face was a bit serious: "Some passengers are just disobedient. When the flight attendants checked, they fastened their seat belts, and when they left, they undid the seat belts with their backhands. They felt uncomfortable wearing the seat belts."

"Is there such a boring and disobedient person?" Although Xu Cang said so, he still sent a signal to the cabin, but as soon as the signal was sent out, he heard a noise from behind, and then a flight attendant answered the call. Phone: "Front cabin."

Before the flight attendant finished speaking, Xu Cang asked directly: "Was someone injured just now?"

"Well, someone fell off the seat due to the turmoil just now, and now the purser has gone to deal with it."

Xu Cang frowned: "Is there an empty seat next to that person?"

After waiting for a while, the voice of the flight attendant sounded again: "Yes, that person is sitting in the middle, and there is no one on either side. It should be because he didn't wear a seat belt. He just flew out of the air and fell down and hit the armrests on both sides. .”

"Then ask the purser to sit on the seat next to him first, fasten his seat belt, and ensure his own safety first. If there is no need, just sit there, there may be bumps in the back, and make another passenger announcement to let them fasten it Seat belt." Xu Cang thought for a moment, "Is that man unconscious?"

"No, just say it hurts."

"Okay, you should also pay attention to safety." Xu Cang just hung up the call, and a look of worry flashed across his face: "It's true that some people don't wear seat belts."

In any case, having a passenger injured on a plane is taboo for the crew.Even if it is the objective cause of the airflow, if the injury is serious, the crew and the airline must bear the responsibility, which cannot be escaped.

However, the matter has come to this point, it is better to land as soon as possible, so as not to worsen the passenger's injury.

Erhai Airport is different from other large airports. It is under procedural control. Without radar guidance, direct flights cannot be carried out. You can only follow the procedures step by step.

Soon, when the plane was approaching the sky above the field, Shi Qi reported: "Tower, Chunxia 9442, the sky is over the field."

"In spring and summer 9442, you can descend according to the procedure, establish the VOR/DME channel of runway 28, and report the turn in the procedure."

"Descent according to the procedure, runway 28, VOR/DME course, report the procedure turn." Shi Qidao: "There is a severe turbulence area in the area about 900 meters in the seven nautical miles away from this field. A passenger on board is suspected to have been injured. , after landing, please arrange for medical personnel to board the plane."

Shi Qi's words were still very serious. Whether the man just knocked and hurt for a while, or was really injured, it is difficult to distinguish without medical staff.Therefore, Shi Qi only used the word suspected.

Moreover, the flight crew is obliged to report some weather phenomena to the control unit, such as encountering wind shear, such as encountering severe turbulence areas.

"In spring and summer 9442, Erhai Tower received it. Medical personnel will be arranged after landing. Do you have any other needs?"

"Not at the moment, thank you."

"It seems that your company's flight department and safety supervision department are going to be busy." The bureau inspector suddenly said.

If the passengers are injured, this matter is really troublesome, enough for the people in the flight department and the safety supervision department to worry about it for a long time.

Xu Cang ignored these unclear words, and directly called up the next altitude of 1000 and [-] feet, which is the limit altitude of the five-side entry point IF, and the program turning point mentioned by the tower does not have a corresponding altitude. limit.

The aircraft descended below [-] feet and passed the transition level shortly after passing the home point.

"Transition level, 1010." Xu Cang pressed the barometric reference knob, directly switching the barometric reference from STD to 1010: "Approach checklist."

As an assisting PM, Shi Qi, in addition to switching the barometric reference on his side to 1010, was also responsible for adjusting the barometric reference of the backup instrument to 1010 before starting the approach checklist.

"Approach checklist, altimeter 1010, cross-check, one, two, three, verify!" After confirming that the three altimeters have been correctly adjusted to correct sea pressure, Shi Qi inserted the checklist card back: "This is Erhai Lake. The side is still too dangerous, and I feel that the descent procedure needs to be readjusted.”

Xu Cang said with a gloomy face, "Let's talk after landing."

In fact, Spring Airlines’ drop-off procedure is already very conservative, and it is stricter than other airlines.However, this matter can't stop the passengers from being disobedient, and today's incident is an example.

But the terrible thing is that he was obviously injured because of his disobedience, but if something goes wrong, the responsibility of the crew and the airline cannot be avoided, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Although Xu Cang felt that this regulation was very unreasonable, he knew that this regulation would not be changed, and it would remain the same after more than ten or twenty years, and even the punishment became more and more severe.

After the plane passed over the field, it departed with a track of 170. After flying 9442 nautical miles, Shi Qi continued to report: "Chun Xia [-], the procedure has turned."

"Spring and summer 9442, the five sides report to Taiwan."

"Five sides report to Taiwan, spring and summer 9442."

Immediately after the call was over, the aircraft just crossed the fifteen nautical mile procedural turning point.

"Turn according to the horizontal navigation first, then turn around and then pre-position the channel." Xu Cang added.

Shi Qi didn't have any objection, he just hummed.

Therefore, according to the turning track calculated by the computer, the plane relied on horizontal navigation to continuously turn left along the turning track and cut into the fifth side.

Under horizontal navigation, the aircraft is aimed at the fifth edge, Xu Cang is suitable for the course setting and navigation frequency, press VOR/LOC, and the FMA on the main flight display will soon display the course interception.

"Chun Xia 9442, runway 28, the five sides are approaching Taiwan."

"Spring and summer 9442, surface wind 100/7, gust 15 meters, corrected sea pressure 1010, wet runway, runway 28 can land, pay attention to the five-sided airflow."

"The runway 28 can land, the corrected sea pressure is 1010, spring and summer is 9442." Shi Qi: "It can land. The gust is 15 meters, and it is strong again."

"The wind is not the problem, but the visibility is the problem." Judging from the current situation outside the windshield, the visibility of this field is indeed very poor, it is foggy, and nothing can be seen.

After the plane passed the final approach point IF point, Xu Cang adjusted the altitude to the final approach fix point FAF altitude of [-] according to the procedure, and then launched a descent rate of about [-].

"The height is fine, five hundred is enough."

"Go down quickly, the wind may be a little less down here, see if you can see the ground sooner." Xu Cang said.

Although the report says that it is estimated that the clouds can only emerge at more than 300 meters, this kind of thing is still based on the subjective feelings of the crew.In this kind of mountainous area, it is more reassuring to see the ground earlier.

"up to you."

The rate of descent of [-] feet per minute is not too great, the only difference is that it leveled off earlier, as long as it does not exceed the altitude limit, then everything is fine, and Shi Qi has no objection, it is just a small problem.

Following the descent arc, the aircraft descends to a predetermined altitude of [-] feet approximately four nautical miles before the final approach fix.Xu Cang waited for a while, and felt that it was necessary to confirm something: "If the go-around, according to the standard procedure, the altitude will be raised normally, but the turn must wait until after the go-around point. The MaPt point is one nautical mile away from the field. Pay attention to the reminder."

The go-around point MaPt is an anchor point different from the precision approach. Generally speaking, there is no such point in the precision approach procedure.In a non-precision approach, such as this VOR approach, if a go-around occurs, its horizontal roll action cannot occur before the go-around point, that is, the turn cannot be made before the go-around point.

In any case, VOR approach is a relatively seldom-used approach method, and it is always good to mention it to avoid some low-level mistakes later.

After the plane leveled off, Xu Cang pre-adjusted the next altitude which is MDA.The minimum descent altitude for runway 28 of Erhai Airport is [-] feet.However, after calling out the corresponding altitude, the method cannot be given, but the descent rate can only be pushed after passing the final approach fix point, otherwise it will be lower than the restricted altitude.

"How much descent rate are you going to push in a while?" the bureau inspector behind suddenly asked.

"Two hundred feet per minute, 1000? It's too big, it might cause a terrain warning."

The bureau inspector nodded: "Almost."

The VOR approach adopts the so-called rapid descent to level flight mode, that is, after passing the final approach fix point, descend to the minimum descent altitude with a relatively large descent rate, and finally maintain the level flight state.

However, this relatively large descent rate is a relatively vague concept. It can be as high as [-] feet per minute, and it can be as small as [-] feet per minute.At the plain airport, it doesn’t matter if the drop rate is higher, but at the mountainous plateau airport in Erhai Lake, the drop rate should not be too high, and a huge approach rate may cause a terrain warning.

1000 or two hundred feet per minute is a more appropriate value.

The inspectors of the bureau were also worried about this, so they made a point of asking.However, in fact, this is superfluous. Both Xu Cang and Shi Qi have more operating experience in mountainous areas than the bureau inspectors who have been operating in Pingyuan Airport for a long time.

In order to prevent the increase of workload in the future, the landing configuration was established about 1.5 nautical miles from the final approach fix, the landing gear was fifteen, and the landing gear was lowered.Due to the deceleration in level flight, basically the configuration is reached, and the speed will drop accordingly.

At 0.8 nautical miles near the final approach fix, the flaps [-] were just lowered green.Reasonably speaking, the time to establish the landing configuration is already a little late.

After passing the final approach fix, Xu Cang launched a descent rate of 1000 to [-] feet per minute.

Descending from 1 feet to [-] feet, the middle is [-] feet, and it takes a little more than [-] minute to level off.If it is at night, it is best to turn off the lights at this time, otherwise the light reflecting clouds and fog from the lights will obscure possible visual references.However, it is still daytime, and it doesn't matter if the lights are turned off or not.

During this time, Shi Qi raised the lower seat height slightly so that the visual reference could be clearly seen.

Rarely, no one spoke in the cockpit for one minute. Some people looked at the instruments inside the cockpit, and some focused on the outside.Not long after, the plane leveled off to an altitude of 1 feet. At this altitude, the front was still a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Horizontal visibility is not good, let's fly forward." Shi Qi said.

The horizontal visibility of this field is also at the marginal level this time, and it is estimated that it will not be visible for a while.The three people in the cockpit were prepared in their hearts, and they were not surprised that they could not see the approach lights or the runway.

"If you go around in a while, come on, press TO/GA, set the thrust for the go-around, set the thrust for the go-around, flap [-], go up, retract the wheels. [-] feet, turn on the horizontal navigation, and then speed up and close Flaps."

Just in case, Xu Cang said the go-around in advance.Of course, Xu Cang didn't question Shi Qi's ability, it was just a habitual behavior when he was the left seat.

Shi Qi hummed, but didn't say anything.

At this moment, as time went by, Shi Qi's brows became tighter and tighter.The view is rarely sudden, usually the ground, then the approach lights, then the runway.

But now it's almost the go-around point, and I can't even see the ground, which is not a good sign.

"Erhai Tower, has the weather changed?" Shi Qi couldn't help asking.

The control tower replied immediately: "Spring and summer 9442, the weather here has not changed. If there is any change, I will notify you in time."

As soon as the voice fell, the plane was almost at the go-around point.

"Couldn't it be impossible to fall?" Shi Qi had just finished speaking, and suddenly said lightly: "The ground can be seen."

Sure enough, when Xu Cang looked down, he could already vaguely see the rolling hills, but he couldn't see the approach lights.

The moment Xu Cang looked up, a sentence came from behind: "It's time for a go-around."

Xu Cang gritted his teeth and slammed the gas pedal up: "Let's go around."

As the two engines increased to go-around thrust, the roar gradually increased. There was a certain delay in the thrust of the CFM56 engine. After about two seconds, the majestic thrust exploded. Xu Cang took the stick, and the plane soared into the sky.

"Flap Fifteen!"

Even without Xu Cang's instructions, Shi Qi had already retracted the flaps to the fifteenth position, and then retracted the landing gear during positive ascent.

During the speed increase, the flaps receive the five position again.

"Let's keep flaps five." Xu Cang's hand is very steady, and in the high elevation angle state of the go-around, he can accurately control the plane without any unexpected state.

When the plane stabilized slightly, Shi Qi reported: "Control tower, Chun Xia 9442, go around."

"In spring and summer 9442, according to the standard go-around procedure, the sea pressure was corrected to 500 meters, and the sea pressure was corrected to 1010."

"Standard go-around procedure, correct the sea pressure to 500 meters, and correct the sea pressure to 1010."

"Chun Xia 9442, report your intentions, second approach or alternate landing?"

"Wait a minute!" After Shi Qi finished speaking, he looked at Xu Cang: "What do you say?"

"I didn't see the approach lights just now, did you?"

Shi Qi shook his head: "No, but if I see it, I will definitely remind you. However, at the initial climbing stage, I vaguely saw the light row, but I am not sure. I feel that if I fly forward, I will almost be able to I see. But we can't go past the go-around point."

After finishing speaking, Shi Qi asked the control tower again if there was any possibility that the weather would improve.As a result, the information obtained is that not only will the weather not improve, but it may even worsen in the future.

In fact, this is also understandable.When the convection is the strongest during the day, the clouds and fog have not dissipated. When the sun sets, it is even less likely to dissipate. The situation will only get worse.

"How about landing in Jianchuan?" Shi Qi suggested, "There are people from us in Jianchuan, so the follow-up flight can also be adjusted."

Although Jianchuan is not a base, with the acquisition of airport priority, Jianchuan is even better than Erhai in terms of airport security.

Xu Cang looked at the fuel gauge, and there is quite enough fuel at the moment, and it is safe to try it again.

"Let's try again." Xu Cang said suddenly: "I think we can adjust it a bit, as we are very close to seeing the approach lights."

"But we can't pass the go-around point. It's useless to get close. If you can see it, you can see it. If you can't see it, you can't understand it. How can you just try?" the inspector of the bureau objected.

It's like a blind landing, when the pilot passed the decision altitude, he had vaguely seen the visual reference, and wanted to descend a little further.This is a very wrong behavior. Breaking through the decision height with the support of visual reference is actually a principled wrong behavior.

Even if you know that you are very close to establishing a visual reference, but you are close, you are close, you can't, you can't break through the decision altitude, and you can't go beyond the go-around point for non-precision approaches. If you dare to cross the red line, you will be punished. Very severe punishment.

The inspectors of the bureau only felt that Xu Cang was so courageous that he dared to do this under the situation of the bureau's route supervision, which was a bit outrageous.

However, obviously Xu Cang would not make such a lowly mistake, he said solemnly: "Of course you can't go past the go-around point, but maybe you can see the runway by adjusting your sight."

"What do you mean?" Shi Qi was stunned: "I have already adjusted the seat higher, so it has nothing to do with the line of sight?"

If the seat is too low, the line of sight will indeed be limited, so under low visibility conditions, the crew will choose to raise the height of the seat slightly, and Shi Qi did this before, and he naturally feels that he has no vision. question.

But Xu Cang didn't mean this.

"I'm not talking about the height of the seat, I'm talking about the pitch of the nose. If we can reach the same minimum altitude with the attitude down, instead of in a level flight attitude. Then in the state of the nose down, We should be able to see references more easily."

"Are you kidding? If the nose is attached, isn't it going to break through the minimum descent height?" The bureau inspector first expressed his objection.

"No, no, what I mean is to directly change the descent mode from rapid descent to level flight, but start from the final approach fix and use a continuous and stable descent trajectory to reach the minimum descent altitude. In this way, we will neither break through The lowest descent altitude can also obtain a nose-down attitude at this altitude node, so as to obtain a better visual field of view. Of course, in view of the inertial effect of the aircraft from descending to climbing, the estimated loss altitude of the aircraft is at Twenty to thirty feet, we need to do some resetting of the minimum descent altitude in order to prevent the minimum descent altitude from being breached during the go-around."

Not only Shi Qi, but even the bureau inspector looked at Xu Cang blankly.After a long while, the inspector of the bureau asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Xu Cang, I don't quite understand what you mean, maybe you can say it again?" Shi Qi said in the same way.

"It doesn't matter how much you say, and it's not a theoretical explanation now, so don't worry about it, I'll just fly once myself. Anyway, I won't break through any restrictions."

The bureau inspector was a little uncertain: "You mean you are going to fly a new VOR approach?"

"To be precise, it is suitable for all non-precision approaches and only requires basic navigation capabilities." Xu Cang corrected.

The bureau inspector's eyelids twitched, he didn't really believe that Xu Cang had such ability.According to what Xu Cang said, this should be a new flying method with universal significance.This kind of theory should require the wisdom of many people to gain something. How can one person figure it out?

But before the bureau inspector and Shi Qi had any opinions, Xu Cang directly contacted the control tower: "Erhai Tower, spring and summer 9442, we apply for a second approach, please guide us."

"Chunxia 9442, then you go to the standard air pressure of 800 meters, fly directly over the field, and then join Erhai 01A to enter the field, descend according to the procedure, and report to the station from five sides."

"The upper standard air pressure is 800 meters, fly directly to this field, join Erhai 01A to enter the field, descend according to the procedure, and report to Taiwan on the fifth side." Xu Cang repeated.

As soon as this was said, the inspector of the bureau couldn't help it: "How can you make your own decision? Does this new method require additional qualifications, does it need additional aircraft equipment, and whether it meets the requirements of the regulations? We have no idea. I don't know at all. Under such circumstances, how dare you make a decision on your own?"

"Don't worry, you don't need these, it's a very simple method." Xu Cang smiled.

But Shi Qi was still a little worried: "How should I cooperate with you?"

"We still have to establish the landing pattern before the final approach fix. The content is the same as before. After that, I will leave the work to me. You can help me compare the height-to-distance ratio."

"Height-distance ratio?" Shi Qi was stunned for a moment: "You mean the height-distance ratio chart starting from Erhai Terrace on the approach chart?"

Xu Cang nodded: "Well, that's the one."

"What are you going to use this for?" This sentence was said by the inspector of the bureau.

Xu Cang smiled faintly: "Manually set a downward trajectory."

"I said that I will not break through any of the restrictions, so please don't interfere with me any more." After speaking, Xu Cang looked at Shi Qi: "Teacher, let's start."

Having said all that, Shi Qi was definitely willing to believe Xu Cang, so he nodded in agreement very naturally.The inspector of the bureau had a cloudy face, but in the end he really didn't say anything.Since Xu Cang said that he would not break through any of the restrictions, let's just wait and see. If there is any behavior that crosses the line later, he can stop immediately.

After Shi Qi and the inspectors of the bureau had no further opinions, Xu Cang controlled the plane to fly over the field, descended according to the procedure as before, and established a landing configuration before the final approach fix.

Thereafter, the aircraft leveled off and pre-adjusted to the next altitude.

According to the display on the chart, the minimum descent altitude is 8000 two hundred and eighty feet. This altitude can be recalled on the PFD, but on the MCP board, the minimum altitude variable is [-] feet, so it can only be rounded up, that is, [-] Three hundred feet.

But this time, Xu Cang was different.On the PFD, Xu Cang tuned out 320 feet, while on the MCP board, he tuned out [-] feet.

"No, what do you mean by that? Why is it different from the MDA value on the chart?" the bureau inspector asked puzzled.

"It's okay to be lower than MDA, but higher than MDA, do you care?"

Xu Cang choked the inspector of the Bureau, and was immediately speechless.This is equivalent to restraining oneself with a higher requirement. The Bureau can say that such and such requirements are too low, or even exceed the requirements of the rules, but they cannot say that such and such requirements are high.

The inspector of the Bureau snorted: "It's up to you, I will watch. But as long as you violate the restrictions, I will point it out directly."

Xu Cang didn't manage the bureau's inspectors any more, but before approaching the final approach fix point, he told Shi Qi, "Now the landing configuration has been established, and the ground speed is 138 knots. According to the chart, the estimated rate of descent is [-] knots. Between [-] and [-]. Let’s push the drop rate to [-] after passing the point, and then make corrections.”

Since it takes a certain amount of time for the aircraft to form a descent rate, if the estimated descent rate of [-] to [-] is still followed, it will cause the aircraft trajectory to be high.Therefore, the initial rate of decline needs to be pushed higher, and after subsequent corrections are made, it will return to the rate of decline of the benchmark interest rate.

Shi Qi nodded half-understanding: "Then I will be responsible for reporting to you?"

At this moment, just after the plane passed the final approach fix point, Xu Cang gave a descent rate of 7980 feet per minute.Afterwards, Shi Qi reported: "The altitude of Erhai Terrace is [-] feet at nine nautical miles."

The VOR of runway 28 is equipped with DME function, so the distance can be verified more conveniently.

At nine nautical miles, the actual altitude of the aircraft was 7997 feet.

"Seventeen feet taller."

"Almost." Xu Cang reduced the descent rate to 850 feet per minute.

At eight nautical miles, the altitude of the plane was only five feet higher than the standard, which was basically met, so Xu Cang reduced the descent rate to [-] feet per minute.

Since then, Xu Cang has not adjusted the descent rate, and the height of each distance point is in good agreement.

Shi Qi and the inspectors of the bureau are veterans, and they seem to understand Xu Cang's thoughts.

When approaching [-] feet, Xu Cang shouted softly: "Pay attention to the runway."

This time is different from the level flight just now, the current state is to look down, even though it is slightly higher than the minimum descent altitude, but Shi Qi can find that the current vision is better than before.

Suddenly, when it was about to reach [-] feet, Shi Qi suddenly said pleasantly: "The approach lights can be seen."

Xu Cang also saw the row of approach lights from the corner of his eyes, and said with a smile: "Check, continue."

The inspector of the bureau changed his face slightly: "Can it still be like this?"

He could feel that Xu Cang's method seemed to have epoch-making significance for non-precision approach.The light that was clearly invisible at a lower place just now was actually seen at a slightly higher place. There is definitely a lot to dig out.

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