Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 315 God... Chapter Answered His Prayer!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Amidst a burst of angry cursing, the door of the cockpit of British Airways Flight 531 was opened, and the captain David, who had just gone out to check the right wing, entered the cockpit with a livid face.

At this moment, Xu Cang was already sitting in the captain's seat on the left.As soon as David came in, the captain Schneider, who had just changed to the right seat, naturally began to unbuckle his seat belt to make room for David.

Although he is the first captain in name, when something goes wrong, Schneider's status as a captain is still not as important as the flight commissioner of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Fortunately, Schneider saw the situation clearly and consciously accepted this change in control.

"The fire of the No. [-] engine has not stopped yet." David was still cursing: "The fuel control switch has been cut off, where is the oil for combustion?"

At this moment, Xu Cang was controlling the plane to rise slowly, and did not respond to David's question.Because even he couldn't understand that the fuel had been cut off, but the fire of the No. [-] engine never showed any sign of decreasing.

However, the systems involved in large airliners are too complicated, and in some cases, even the aircraft manufacturer may not be able to figure it out clearly, so Xu Cang is too lazy to worry about such things anymore.

Although the oil has been drained to reduce the overall weight of the aircraft, after all, there is only one engine, and the ascent speed is very fast.However, there is one thing that makes Xu Cang feel lucky, that is, as the altitude increases, the head wind becomes stronger and stronger, which means that it is more conducive to fire fighting in the high-altitude environment.

At this moment, the plane is not far from Munich Airport, and the stronger head wind will definitely slow down the landing time.However, there is also a time gap of about 2 minutes, which is acceptable.The top priority is to put out the fire first, otherwise the wing of the plane is burning like this, who knows how long the wing will last?
Schneider vacated a seat, and David sat on it naturally, then glanced back through the right side window, and said nothing.

"After we reached the altitude of 5 feet, we can only maintain that altitude for about [-] minutes, and then we should descend." David just took the seat, and began to prepare for the landing in advance: "Due to the problem of the right wing , we can’t maintain a fast descent rate during the descent, and the speedbrakes can’t be used either. At such a high altitude, if you still want to land as soon as possible, you need to descend in advance, otherwise a lot of time will be spent in circling down."

In the basic principle of energy conversion, low speed and large descent rate are inherently contradictory.For airplanes, a high rate of descent often also means a high speed.However, at this moment, the right wing of the plane is extremely fragile, and David is one of the 1 people who dare not subject the right wing to excessive load, so he must control the speed of the plane.

However, if you want the aircraft to maintain a relatively conservative speed during the descent, even under slow conditions, the aircraft's descent rate will not be too large.The aerodynamic layout of the Boeing 777 body is quite good, which makes it more advantageous than other aircraft in the case of unpowered gliding.

In most cases, this should be a good advantage, but now it has become one of the factors restricting British Airways 531.

The height of 20 feet is too high. If you go down slowly, it is estimated that you can go down for more than [-] minutes.What's more, David didn't dare to use the speedbrake.Speedbrakes are a relatively common means of increasing the rate of descent, which can destroy the lift of the wing.

However, David did not dare to try at this moment.

One side effect of speedbrakes is that they can cause buffeting of the aircraft fuselage.That's because the speed brake will block the smooth flow of air on the upper surface of the wing after it is raised, and form some turbulence on the upper surface of the wing.It is in this way that the speedbrake achieves the effect of destroying the lift of the aircraft.

However, the existence of turbulence on the upper surface of the wing will cause relatively subtle buffeting of the fuselage.Therefore, during the flight, there are strict restrictions on the raising position of the speedbrake. If the crew misuses the position of the speedbrake handle beyond the flight stop, the buffeting of the fuselage will no longer be subtle, but It is quite obvious that even a normal organism may not be able to bear this situation.

Of course, for a normal aircraft, as long as the position of the speedbrake does not exceed the standard, the buffeting effect it produces is within the acceptable range.

However, the aircraft of British Airways Flight 531 seems to be no longer compatible with normal aircraft.Even if it was a slight buffeting, the right wing of the plane probably couldn't bear it.More importantly, the buffeting effect produced by the speedbrake is transmitted from the wing to the fuselage. That is to say, the first point of action of buffeting is the wing. Isn't this worse?
Based on this reasonable and convincing inference, David dared not use the speedbrake to increase the rate of descent.

If British Airways 531 does not want to spend too much time in the sky because of the altitude, it needs to descend in advance.That is, when there is still some distance from Munich, go down from a height of [-] feet, and then as you move away from the core area of ​​the cyclone, you can try to break through the top of the no-fly zone at [-] feet and continue to descend.

Otherwise, if you really wait until it is close to Munich Airport and then start to descend, you really need to hover for less than half an hour, and this time is too exaggerated.

"5 minutes?" Xu Cang didn't have any special expression on his face: "5 minutes is enough. Basically, if the fire can be extinguished, you will know when you go up to that height. If you go down, after decelerating to a suitable speed, put down The landing gear, that should increase the rate of descent a bit."

David nodded: "The biggest problem right now is the big right wing. As long as it's okay, it's fine. If it's a problem, then"

With David's level, he is quite confident in completing the single-shot landing by himself.Moreover, as long as the distance from the cyclone area is far enough, the impact of the snowstorm on the aircraft will not be so great. He also believes that he can deal with the strong wind and turbulence in the cyclone edge area.

The only problem is the broken wing. As Xu Cang said, this is a problem that no one can solve unless the person sitting in the cockpit is a god!

"Xu Cang, if the right wing is broken, is there anything you can do?" After a long silence, David still asked this question.

He knew Xu Cang's previous experience. If those situations really happened, only Xu Cang could do it if he wanted to help the building collapse.

"The wing is broken." Xu Cang moved the left hand holding the steering wheel, then turned his head to look at David: "You will control it?"

David was taken aback: "What?"

"I mean hand in manipulation."

"Now?" If it's just the current situation, or as long as the wing doesn't break, David can complete all the manipulations by himself.However, judging by Xu Cang's appearance, he should just let him help, not leave the problem of the broken wing to him.

David grabbed a half-wet towel in the storage compartment by his side, wiped off the sweat in his palm, and quickly grasped the steering wheel: "Take control."

"Hand over the steering." Xu Cang let go of the steering wheel directly: "The rudder is also handed over to you."

During the climb, the No. [-] engine basically maintains high thrust.Therefore, the side slip of the aircraft is very obvious, and a large amount of left rudder input is required.Sometimes, in this case, the hand control is limited to the steering wheel, and the rudder is still controlled by yourself.However, Xu Cang knew that David was also a flight specialist of the International Civil Aviation Organization, so he must have nothing to say about his control skills, so he also handed over the rudder with confidence.

Now it is David who operates the aircraft all by himself.

At first, David felt that Xu Cang was a little tired, and wanted to hand over the control to himself, so as to take a short rest.However, David caught a glimpse of Xu Cang's face during the manipulation, and his heart skipped a beat.

Obviously, Xu Cang is not a person who likes to hide his emotions in his heart. His inner activities can be seen from his face, such as his assessment of the current situation of the plane.

"Xu Cang, is what Schneider said just now true?" The current manipulative load is not great for David, and he can devote a lot of energy to it. However, the real load lies in Xu Cang's performance. How does he feel Xu Cang's pressure? Also big?

Just now, Schneider mentioned that Xu Cang had other considerations for releasing a large amount of oil, such as preparing for a crash.

Of course, a large amount of fuel is drained to increase the ceiling of the single engine of the aircraft, but there is no need to put more than one ton of fuel, which means that the aircraft has almost only one chance to approach, and there is no way out for yourself. of.

The only explanation is that Xu Cang believed that the plane had a high possibility of crashing, so he released the fuel in advance to prevent a violent explosion after the crash.

Otherwise, once dozens of tons of aviation fuel exploded and burned, the harm would be unimaginable.

Generally speaking, if it reaches this point, the plane is already struggling on the verge of death.David knew that his situation was very dangerous now, but he didn't expect Xu Cang's prediction to be worse than his own.

"You can't do anything about the broken wing?" Schneider, who was sitting in the back, was also nervous: "You could have fallen that time in Jakarta."

Xu Cang remained silent, just kept opening and closing his left hand, and the discomfort began to appear.

The doctor once said that the strange feeling in Xu Cang's left hand is most likely not a physical problem, because various examinations have reported that Xu Cang's hand nerves are fine, and he has recovered well, and it can still be completed under normal conditions. extremely complex operation.

That abnormal feeling is real, whether it is the inability to feel the temperature for the first time, or the unsmooth feeling of not being able to integrate man and machine when approaching Erhai Lake later.One time may be just an accident, but two, three times are not.

Now that uncomfortable feeling is back.

When Xu Cang was holding the steering wheel just now, the situation that he encountered in the approach to Erhai Lake hit again.

On the surface, he can still complete the control of the aircraft, even the top controls that many ordinary pilots cannot touch.However, Xu Cang knew that he could no longer achieve a certain sense of harmony with the plane.Most of the time, this is not a problem, because Xu Cang's technique has reached the point of perfection.

But in some special moments, this sense of dissonance is the culprit that prevents him from becoming a miracle.

Can Xu Cang be copied?Of course not!
Can flight technology be replicated?Yes!
After all, flying is a skilled job, if you put in the hard work that ordinary people can't match, then there is a high probability that you can polish your skills to a near-perfect level.

Are those old teachers who have been flying for decades really much worse than Xu Cang purely on the technical level?
However, there are many excellent pilots, but Xu Cang only has one!
Because he is a born pilot, Xu Cang could feel his thoughts, thoughts, and perceptions connected with the plane when he first held the cockpit of the Cessna 152 during aviation school.While other trainees were still practicing the most basic maneuvers, he was already able to complete complex maneuvers such as tail spin recovery.

Therefore, Xu Cang's flying has never been based on technology, but on instinct, that kind of innate instinct.However, at this moment he felt that instinct was leaving him.

"Is the psychological pressure too great?" Xu Cang thought.

Before, he was worried that his left hand had some irreversible physiological injury, so he was unable to sense the temperature for the first time and the subsequent approach to Erhai Lake.

But now, Xu Cang began to waver not because of the problem of his left hand, but because of the huge potential pressure of the broken wing.

There is an old saying that when the sky falls, there is a tall man holding it up, and Xu Cang is the tall man holding it up.

Although David and Schneider both know the severity of the situation, the psychological pressure they bear is completely different from that of Xu Cang.Both David and Schneider subconsciously relied on Xu Cang. They knew that they would not be able to do it when the wing broke, so they pinned all their hopes on Xu Cang, and they felt less pressure.

As long as there is support, everything is actually not so scary.

However, they can rely on Xu Cang, who can Xu Cang rely on?

Xu Cang alone bears almost all the pressure of the broken wing.

He was not talking nonsense just now. There have been very few successful landings in history where the horizontal stabilizer or vertical tail broke off.However, no matter it is the horizontal stabilizer or the vertical tail damage, the impact is far less than that of the large wing.

However, once the right wing is broken, the huge lift difference can directly turn the plane over, and there are almost no countermeasures.

Xu Cang, who has already stood at the top of the pilot, said that the problem of the broken wing is still unsolvable.

"You can control it later." Xu Cang said suddenly: "It doesn't make sense whether I control it or not."

David was startled, and immediately understood what Xu Cang meant.

If there is no problem with Dayi, then David can land on the ground himself; if something goes wrong with Dayi, Xu Cang has nothing to do.Therefore, in essence, there is really no difference between whether Xu Cangcao manipulates or not.

Schneider turned pale, but he didn't say anything more.

It is indeed a bit cruel and irresponsible to push all the unsolvable problem of the broken wing to Xu Cang.

David pursed his lips, and he also heard the meaning of Xu Cang's words, the sense of dejection was irresistible.If Xu Cang had no choice, then their fate could only be handed over to the heavens.

"British Airways 531, altitude FL400, expected to cruise for 5 minutes." David didn't ask Xu Cang any more, but reported his intention to Milan control after leveling off.

If Xu Cang is helpless, then he can only rely on himself.

At this moment, in the cabin of the plane, the first-class flight attendant has been arranged in the middle of the economy class, and she is sitting next to the window by the wing.This arrangement was made by Captain David just now when he came out to check the condition of the engines and wings.

Ever since he realized that there was a problem with the large wing of the plane, the wing lights had been turned on in the cockpit.Under the illumination of the wing lights, part of the large wing surface can be seen clearly.

The wing lights were originally intended for the crew to observe ice accumulation on the wing surfaces, especially at night.However, at this time, it has become a light source for visually observing the damage of the leading edge of the wing.

Now nothing is important, the biggest problem is to see if the right wing can hold up.Therefore, Captain David asked the experienced first-class flight attendants to do nothing but look at the right wing.In fact, the captain, David, wants the cabin manager to take on this responsibility, but after all, he has to take care of the cabin order a little bit, and he can't ignore it completely. Seeing that the first-class flight attendants are also old employees, they are barely reliable when they think about it, so they have to retreat Secondly.

It can only be said that seeing some things is more beneficial than not seeing them.

If it was a relatively hidden fault, the passengers in the cabin would have no idea, or they could not realize the seriousness of the incident and there would be some riots.Some people's self-awareness is superfluous. Even when faced with a special situation, they probably know that they can't do anything, but they will still do some meaningless behaviors to add some troubles to the cabin.

But now it’s different, the No. [-] engine wrapped in flames is really too eye-catching, all passengers don’t need to ask the flight attendants what happened, and don’t have to question whether the flight attendants have concealed anything from them, just rely on their eyes to know what the plane is facing now what is the situation.

This naked display of everything in front of passengers is cruel, but extremely effective.

Some of the passengers were silent, some wept secretly, and some began to pray, but they didn't stand up to disrupt the order of the cabin.

The cabin manager and some other flight attendants have a lot to do compared to the first class flight attendants who have nothing else to do.When the captain David came out just now, he mentioned one thing to the cabin manager, that is, the plane may make an emergency landing.

Although the captain, David, could not guarantee that the plane would make an emergency landing, he still directed the cabin manager to make preparations on the premise of an emergency landing on land.

Even though the cabin manager has worked in British Airways for so many years, he has never encountered an emergency landing.Therefore, even if he is prepared, the cabin manager is still under great psychological pressure.

Unlike ordinary passengers, the cabin manager communicated with the captain David in private, and she understands the current situation of the plane better.

To be honest, according to what Captain David said, the so-called forced landing on land is unnecessary.At this moment, there are three top-notch pilots gathered in the cockpit. As long as there is no problem with the wing, there is no possibility of forced landing, and any pilot among them can guarantee that the plane will land safely.

But as long as there is something wrong with Da Yi, there is probably no need to make an emergency landing, just wait for death.

Die!This is the vocabulary that Captain David explicitly told her.

However, the cabin manager did not tell the other flight attendants.Therefore, like Xu Cang, the cabin manager is the one who bears the most pressure in the crew.As a result, the experienced cabin manager frequently made mistakes and did many substandard things during the preparation process.

The first-class flight attendant watched the crew in the same group nervously prepare for the emergency landing. This kind of thing would actually be mentioned in the flight attendant's pre-flight meeting, but it really happened and they needed to breathe again.Because although there are standard procedures, individuals will have their own little habits during the implementation process. This difference may cause problems in the cooperation of forced landing procedures, and the procedures need to be determined in advance.

This is actually the same as the flight side. Even if there is an SOP, there are still differences among pilots in handling issues.However, there are only two people working in the cockpit at one time, so the scope of this difference is not so large.

After all, the difference between the cooperation of two people and the cooperation of a dozen people is obvious.

Because the first-class flight attendants had to undertake the duties assigned by the captain, she was not brought along in the preparations for the emergency landing and evacuation.However, the crew configuration of normal flights is excessive, even if there is one less first-class flight attendant, the execution of the emergency landing procedure will not have any major impact.

However, the first-class flight attendants can understand the extremely bad situation just by looking at the cabin manager's expression.

Suddenly, the first-class flight attendant stared, and for the first time since the accident, she saw a smile on her face.The flames outside the No. [-] engine were gone, at least visually.

The first-class flight attendant immediately unfastened his seat belt, and was about to tell the cockpit the good news.At this time, the other flight attendants are still busy preparing for the forced landing, so it is better not to let them spread the word.

However, the first-class flight attendant left his seat and took two steps forward when his right wrist was suddenly grabbed.Turning around and looking down, I found that a female passenger sitting on the aisle seat had grabbed her.

Although most of the flight attendants were outstanding-looking people, the girl holding her wrist in front of her was suffocatingly beautiful, with shoulder-length black hair and eyes shining like black gemstones, as if she could speak.

"Hello, do you need any help?" Although anxious, the first-class flight attendant asked in a controlled tone.

The girl pulled the flight attendant's right hand down, and at the same time moved her face closer.

The first-class flight attendant was startled, but immediately understood, bent down, and listened attentively.

I saw the girl close to the ear of the first-class flight attendant: "Tell the cockpit that there is a problem with the swing range of the right wing tip. It is best to let them come out to verify it for themselves, and they need to bring additional lighting equipment."

The first-class flight attendant trembled and looked at the girl who seemed to have stepped out of a painting in disbelief: "Do you know about airplanes?"

The girl didn't say much: "I think you should go to the front, it doesn't make much sense to know me."

The first-class flight attendant was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this girl to be so calm and composed at this time, but this kind of demeanor was beyond the reach of many people.

"How much does the wingtip swing?" The first-class flight attendant silently recorded it, and then she really ignored the girl and ran forward quickly.

"Is there a problem with the swing of the right wing tip?" During the internal call, when David heard what the first-class flight attendant reported, his face was full of doubts: "Is this the original sentence?"

"That's right, it's the exact words of that passenger." The first-class flight attendant added: "She also said that you'd better take the lighting equipment to check for yourself."

"How much does the wing tip swing?" Xu Cang frowned, thinking about what this sentence meant.

A fixed-wing aircraft like the Boeing 777 is not actually a fixed-wing. Its large wings will actually swing up and down like a bird, but the amplitude is not as large as that of a bird's flapping wings.This is to increase the strength and toughness of the wing, otherwise the wing may not be able to support it under ultra-high aerodynamic strength.

After all, there is an old saying that the past is easy to break.

Suddenly, Xu Cang thought of something, and his face changed suddenly.Grabbed the earphones and switched the transmitter to the cabin voice: "The flame on the number two engine is gone?"

"Yes, I saw the fire was out just now."

Xu Cang directly threw the earphones onto the visor, and hurriedly said to David: "Apply for the height."

"Down to thirty thousand feet?"

"No, it's lower!" Xu Cang was already taking off his seat belt: "The approach is starting. Use the weather radar to scan and find a relatively safe passage."

"So urgent?" David was stunned: "If you enter the cyclone zone earlier, the plane will encounter turbulence earlier, which will increase the aerodynamic load on the wings."

"You are not allowed to enter the cyclonic area now. It is just that we are running out of time. There is a problem with the swing of the right wing tip. I don't know how that person saw it, but if it is true, then the right The impact of the crack on the leading edge of the side wing is far more serious than we expected, and the situation may deteriorate faster than we expected." Xu Cang said: "Don't put the flaps down, slow down and put the landing gear first. You Control the rate of descent, and then fly eight nautical miles forward to try to break through the top altitude of the no-fly zone."

"Eight nautical miles?" David looked at the weather radar. Eight nautical miles away, the red radar reflection area is basically out, and the intensity of weather activities will indeed be smaller.Moreover, it is far away from the core area now, so the risk factor should be relatively low.

Of course, this is just what it should be, and no one knows what's going on inside unless they fly inside.

"Where's your flashlight?"

David was taken aback: "My box is not here."

"In the outermost pocket." Schneider said.

Xu Cang rummaged through the left box, and soon found a palm-sized flashlight: "I'll go to the cabin to have a look."

After speaking, he got up directly.

"What if the rear control doesn't let us go down?"

"It doesn't matter!" Xu Cang sternly said, "It's not a flight ban for military activities or some other purpose, but purely due to weather considerations, why don't we let us cross?"

After finishing speaking, Xu Cang directly passed Schneider, regardless of the protective measures outside, opened the door and left the cockpit.

As soon as Xu Cang came out, he went straight to the middle of the economy class, while the first-class flight attendants followed closely behind.

Soon, Xu Cang took the turned on flashlight and shone it on the leading edge of the wing through the porthole.

To be honest, even if the power of Schneider's flashlight is still good, there will not be much light left after passing through the thick porthole and falling to the leading edge of the wing.Xu Cang leaned against the window and searched carefully for a while, then his face suddenly changed: "Damn it."

A thin crack extended from the place where the metal fragments were inserted. If Xu Cang hadn't been shining it all the time, it would be really difficult for Xu Cang to spot it, and it could easily be mistaken for the shadow of the light.

Fortunately, this crack is not too long, and now it seems to be limited to the leading edge device of the wing, and has not spread to the main structure of the wing.

However, this is still a very bad sign.The damage to the wing structure was much more serious than he had expected. Such a wing would definitely break, it was just a matter of time.

Xu Cang turned off the flashlight, and turned to the first-class flight attendant: "Who told you just now that there is a problem with the swing of the wingtips?"

The most direct reason for the problem with the swing amplitude of the wing tip is the damage to the wing structure.However, although there are cracks on the leading edge, in fact, the change in the swing amplitude of the wingtips should not be large, and many old pilots may not be able to see it.

Can this be seen by an ordinary passenger?
Or, that passenger is also a master pilot.

The first-class flight attendant pointed to the seat not far ahead: "Over there."

Xu Cang walked over, wanting to see who this extremely insightful passenger was.

As a result, he walked over and took a look, and was immediately taken aback: "It's you?"

The girl also noticed Xu Cang who was sizing her up: "You know me?"

"I know you, but you don't know me."

"I saw you coming out of the cockpit just now. Although I don't know why you are not wearing a pilot's uniform, it seems that now is not the time to chat."

This girl has black hair and black eyes, and she speaks extremely fluent Chinese. I didn't expect that she is a Chinese.

Xu Cang pondered for a while: "If I can survive, I will go find you."

After finishing speaking, Xu Cang did not stop, but walked forward.As he said in the cockpit before, they can't wait now, they can only give it a go.

Looking at Xu Cangyuan's back, the girl showed deep thought. After thinking for a long time, she was sure that she didn't know the man just now.

However, she didn't last long, as Xu Cang said, if they can survive, the premise of all thinking is that they can survive, and judging from the current situation, this requirement seems a bit high.

She can see the slight difference in the amplitude of the wingtip swing, how can she not understand the situation she is facing now?
Back in the cockpit, Xu Cang found that David had already slowed down at the beginning of the descent.According to Xu Cang's meaning, David controlled the descent rate, focusing on deceleration.

The speed at which the landing gear is extended, the speed at which the landing gear is retracted, and the maximum speed at which the landing gear is extended are all different.And generally speaking, the maximum speed that can be maintained with the landing gear down is greater than the maximum speed with the landing gear extended, which means that after slowing down and deploying the landing gear, they can speed up a little to get a bigger descent Rate.

After Xu Cang came in, David glanced at the airspeed indicator: "What will you say later?"

Xu Cang's face was sullen: "There are obvious cracks in the leading edge device, and it hasn't spread to the main body of the wing, but the situation is not optimistic. What does the control side say?"

"You can go down, but the control reports that Munich Airport is affected by strong winds and turbulence, and the airport has been closed, but Munich Airport can accept us." David wiped his chin: "Xu Cang, do you want to fly north for a while?" ? Or don’t be so eager to lower the altitude, turn off the fuel in the air, and we will fly to the north, away from the cyclone area, where the problem of strong winds may be much better.”

"Where are you going?" Xu Cang asked back: "As long as there is a crack, the process of breaking the wing will be greatly accelerated. This is a 777, not a 737. Those nearby that can receive 777, besides Munich, are also in the north." Which one? Frankfurt, Luxembourg, which one doesn’t need nearly an hour’s flight, do you think the right wing can last for an hour? No, no, no, it can’t even last for 10 minutes.”

The huge size of the Boeing 777 makes it have high requirements for landing airports, and only some hub airports can undertake the Boeing 777.

In fact, they have been very lucky.Munich Airport is not the top-ranked airport in Germany, but the airport was expanded not long ago to cope with possible future passenger traffic increases.It was this expansion of the airport that allowed Munich Airport to receive Boeing 777s. Otherwise, the time would be pushed forward by more than a month, and Munich would not be able to serve as an alternate airport.

Now Milan and Turin, which can land in the south, are covered by the cyclone area, and to the south is Rome, but Rome is too far away.In addition to Munich in the north, there are only Frankfurt and Luxembourg to choose from.But it is not allowed in flight time.You can go east to Vienna, but the time is not much faster than going to Frankfurt, and it is not a good choice.If you turn around and go west, you can return to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, but the flight time is estimated to be one hour and 10 minutes, which is impossible.

God has already taken good care of Xu Cang and the others, and gave them a Munich airport very close by, otherwise, they would have to consider a real forced landing now.

As he spoke, Xu Cang pointed to the screen of the weather radar: "Munich has already been covered by a cyclone area, we can't avoid it, so we can only give it a go. 10 minutes, no, this is the most optimistic estimates, we should have less time."

"Two 10 minutes." Sweat dripped from David's forehead, and it was really time for life and death.

10 minutes is the longest expected time. If they are unlucky, the right wing may break in the next second.

In terms of time pressure, they are indeed quite urgent.

"How much is the gust?" Xu Cang asked.

"21 meters."

Xu Cang pursed his lips: "Then can you fall?"

"As long as the wings are continuous, even if it is a single shot, I have the confidence to fall." David sullenly said: "But the problem now is...some things are beyond my decision."

It can only be said that David's level is already very, very high, and he has the confidence to deal with gusts of more than 20 meters in a single shot.Ordinary people at his level are already at the peak of flying skills.However, even for David, there was always a big stone in his heart, which made him unable to breathe.

"Then leave our fate to God." Xu Cang heaved a sigh of relief. There were some things that he couldn't decide.

David licked his chapped lips, he knew whether life or death was out of their subjective influence, even Xu Cang thought so.

"I see."

After speaking, David manipulated the aircraft to slow down slowly, and after confirming that it was enough, he lowered the landing gear.However, David increased the rate of descent slightly, to something like 74 to [-] fpm, and the speed was increased to Mach .[-].

This speed is not very high, but in David's heart, he should not increase the speed any more.

"At a low altitude, keep the speed at 280 knots." Xu Cang said softly.

Below about 280 feet, Mach becomes less accurate and starts to revert to using indicated airspeed. [-] knots is a more suitable speed to deal with turbulence. At this speed, the aircraft can bear a larger load, but I don’t know if the right wing is also like this.

David did not speak, but manipulated silently. When the altitude exceeded [-] feet, Captain Schneider notified the control.The control has no restrictive instructions, and there are no aircraft in this airspace. As long as the crew can bear the consequences of entering the no-fly zone, there will be no traffic conflicts or other problems, and the control will basically not intervene.

After breaking through the altitude of [-] feet, the plane's position has left the most dangerous red radar wave reflection area.However, even if it is a yellow reflection area, it should be slightly better in theory, but as soon as it went down, David almost lost his grip on the steering wheel.

Xu Cang turned on the landing headlights and found that the plane had entered the cloud, and immediately turned on the anti-icing of the No. [-] engine.In such a cloud layer, the ice accumulation must be very serious. The No. [-] engine has been scrapped, and the No. [-] engine has also been used.

However, although the airflow was chaotic, Captain David's hands were steady, and the plane could still maintain a relatively stable state while drifting.

In fact, Xu Cang lowered the landing gear earlier, first to increase the descent rate without increasing the speed, and second to increase the stability of the aircraft.After the landing gear is lowered, the stability of the aircraft itself is increased, which is a relatively neglected point.

The function of the lowered landing gear is a little bit like a vertical tail, except that this "vertical tail" cannot swing left and right.

Xu Cang rested his right hand on the visor, and kept touching the surface of the visor with his fingertips, showing his extremely anxious heart.As previously decided, he still did not take control, but let the captain David take full control.

With the support of the landing gear, the plane descended relatively quickly, and it didn't take long before it descended to nearly 35 feet.At this time, under the guidance of Captain Schneider, Xu Cang called out the navigation frequency for the blind landing on Runway [-] of Munich Airport.

Xu Cang didn't fly over European airports, and David was busy operating the plane. Fortunately, there was a captain, Schneider, who reminded Xu Cang of various data.

Xu Cang saw that although the attitude of the plane was unstable, it basically remained within a certain range, which was a good sign.After thinking about it, he called the cabin manager: "It is expected to land in 10 minutes, and prepare for an emergency landing."

The cabin manager quickly replied in the intercom: "Received, we are ready."

"After landing, if there is no instruction from the cockpit, follow your procedures and decide to evacuate on your own." Xu Cang added: "The economy class did not report the situation of the new wings or engines."


"it is good!"

Xu Cang directly hung up the internal conversation, let out a sigh of relief, this is the best, just go on like this, and land steadily, the best!
In just 2 minutes, David's face was flushed with sweat, and his shirt was almost completely wet from the back.

After flying for so many years, David now feels like he was back when he first flew.

Nervous, anxious, apprehensive!

Schneider could clearly see that David's muscles were tense, unnaturally tight.For a pilot of David's level, flying should be a fairly natural behavior, and the body should be very relaxed.

The reason why David is always tense is not because of the chaotic airflow, but because he has to prepare for the drastic state change after the wing breaks at any time.

Just like a leopard hunting, its nerves are so tight that it seems to break at the touch of a finger.

Although this can maintain the best concentration, it is easy to feel tired after a long time.The sweat on David's face is proof. Whether he can last 10 minutes like this is a matter of opinion.

However, Schneider didn't have any thoughts of ridicule. He knew that if he was replaced, his performance might not be as good as David.

With David's current ability, he is fully worthy of his status as a flight commissioner of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

"That's it, another 10 minutes!" David's eyelashes were dripping with sweat, but he didn't dare to relax for a moment. His left hand, right hand and both feet were constantly operating. It is easy to get into a complicated state.

However, David knew that this was the most difficult thing. The truly desperate thing hadn't happened yet, and he didn't want it to happen.

As long as it lasts another 10 minutes, the plane will almost land.

Perhaps the cry in David's heart was heard by God. After spending more than 8000 feet in fear, Schneider reported to the control again when he was approaching the transition level of 1 feet: "British Airways 531, Altitude FL120, 21 nautical miles from Munich Airport."

Schneider's report this time is to inform the controller of the current status of the aircraft, and the second is to obtain the local corrected sea pressure in Munich. Standard air pressure cannot be used at low altitudes.

"Received, corrected sea pressure 1015. British Airways 531, you can choose your own landing direction, two runways, all four directions are open for you, now contact Munich for approach 133.35."

At this moment, in the passenger cabin, due to the severe turbulence, some people began to realize that the plane had descended. In addition, some people found that the fire of the No. [-] engine had gone out. The passengers in the cabin guessed that the fault had been controlled, and the crew was making an emergency landing nearby. .

For a while, although the vibration was severe, the atmosphere in the cabin was not as depressing as before.

However, those who knew the truth, such as the cabin manager, such as the girl who first realized the serious problem of the right wing, did not have the slightest happy expression.

After meeting Xu Cang, the girl kept thinking whether she had met Xu Cang before, but she just forgot.However, suddenly the girl's body tightened and her ears moved slightly, as if she heard something.

However, just before she realized what the sound was, a dull tearing sound came, as if it was a huge noise caused by twisted metal.It was so loud that most of the cabin could hear it.

"not good!"

At this time, how could she still not understand what happened.

The wing is really about to break!

In the cockpit, Captain Schneider just picked up the microphone to repeat the controller's instructions, and the sound of metal deformation that made teeth sore rang in his ears.

At this moment, a chill rushed straight into his brain, and the hairs all over his body stood on end, like a disturbed beast.

The next moment, the plane that was still under control suddenly had a violent right roll.

"The wing is broken! The wing is broken!" Schneider held the handheld microphone, and his thumb mechanically touched the call button, and Schneider's extremely frightened call echoed in the communication frequency.

David just felt dizzy. He was always afraid of the most terrifying thing happening, and he was always taking the most cautious attitude to meet the possible wing breakage.He knew that once it happened, it was a problem that manpower could not change, but he had no choice.

Maybe maybe he can find a glimmer of life out of desperation.

However, when everything really happened, when the wing really broke, he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were.

The huge lift brought by the left wing could not be balanced, and the plane rolled over to the right without control.He pressed the plate to the left at the first time, but under such circumstances, such efforts are undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

After the left wing rises to a certain degree, it is almost perpendicular to the ground, and at this time it has almost no lift.The plane kept its large wings tilted, and fell downwards in a posture that was almost perpendicular to the ground.

"What to do? What to do?" David kept manipulating the steering wheel. He had already lost his mind. There was no mention of how to deal with a broken wing in any manual. This was a dead end.

"Obviously it's about to land, it's about to land!" David couldn't think normally anymore, he manipulated the steering wheel randomly, but even so, the plane only slightly changed its attitude, and still dived towards the ground go down.

The bird with broken wings is like this, lifeless!

"Why is this happening!" David cried out in his heart, "I don't want to die yet!"

At this moment, he finally understood Xu Cang's words thoroughly.

Nobody survived a broken wing, and if so, only God!
Unfortunately, he is not a god, he is just a humble mortal, a mortal struggling to survive in despair!

Where is God?Who can save him?
In this way, the infinitely expanding fear between life and death almost overwhelmed David. He forgot to breathe, forget to think, and forget the meaningless survival. All he had left was his instinct, the instinct of survival.

During the descent rate of more than [-] feet per minute, when the behemoth that had almost lost its lift fell, under the suffocation of despair that he had already tasted, he burst out the last bit of inspiration in his thoughts that were about to freeze.

David almost exhausted all his strength, and suddenly shouted: "Xu Cang, save me!"

It was at this moment that David felt the steering wheel jerk and someone took over the plane.He turned his head suddenly, only to see that Xu Cang's left hand was already on the steering wheel.

God. Answered his prayers!
PS Everyone subscribes and rewards, the results are getting worse day by day, and the plot is not broken, maybe this is the pain of streaking.Your support is my biggest motivation, thank you.

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