Return to 2000: Captain of the Great Powers

Chapter 327 How's Your Heart?

The huge airflow hit the plane, and the plane immediately entered an incredible state.As Xu Cang said before, the wind speed in the outer places with the highest speed may exceed [-] kilometers per hour. Even Xu Cang has never encountered such a strong airflow.

Xu Cang's thinking quickly recovered after the initial shock of the airflow.He is a human being, so he will naturally have an instinctive stress response, but Xu Cang is not an ordinary person, not to mention that he is in a peak state that surpasses any previous period, and his reaction speed is unparalleled.

Many pilots have encountered windy and turbulent weather, but few people will encounter the terrifying airflow with a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

You know, the speed of many large passenger planes is only [-] kilometers per hour.

In fact, if the airflow at [-] kilometers per hour is relatively stable, it will be fine.Because at a high altitude, sometimes the aircraft will encounter relatively strong high-altitude winds, and it is not uncommon for the speed to exceed [-] knots.

But the problem is that the current airflow is not only extremely strong, but also very, very unstable. Xu Cang glanced at the wind direction and speed display on the navigation page. Orientation is from west to east.

The wind speed display changes wildly from [-] to [-] knots, with a very large up and down span.

In fact, this degree of wind speed variation is very dangerous.Of course, the flying altitude is not too high at this moment, and there is still a little speed margin. If it is at a high altitude, the speed space is relatively small, and the speed of the external airflow changes so much, the aircraft will only pass through the overspeed and stall warnings.

Therefore, in a sense, Xu Cang's entry point of view is relatively good, or fortunately.

The entry angle of Xu Cang's plane is from north to south, and it enters almost vertically, which makes this violent airflow only a crosswind to the plane.

In the low-altitude low-energy state, the aircraft is very afraid of crosswinds.Because at that time, the aircraft had to be aligned with the runway and the flight trajectory had to be maintained in a relatively stable environment. If the crosswind was too strong, the approach would easily fail.

However, at a slightly higher altitude, the aircraft does not need to approach, and there are no other aircraft in the no-fly zone, and there is no need to worry about traffic conflicts. As long as the aircraft is not smashed, it is acceptable.

Obviously, such a huge degree of freedom is more comfortable for Xu Cang than various restrictions on approach.

The reason why it is said that vertical cutting is better than straight cutting is that the key to the problem is speed.

Even if the airflow direction and speed vary greatly, the general wind direction and wind speed are within a certain range.Therefore, the value of the component in the flight direction will not change too much due to the vertical angle.

But if it enters directly against the wind, with the superposition of the two, the airspeed of the aircraft can increase from more than 250 knots to nearly [-] knots in an instant.

At the beginning of the design of the aircraft, safety margins are taken into consideration, such as the handling of overspeeding. In general, there is no special treatment for small and occasional overspeeding. It is only necessary to record the duration of overspeeding and Maximum overdrive speed.

In daily flight operations, whether it is the company or the civil aviation management agency, the tolerance for overspeeding is significantly higher than that for stalling. At least under the same circumstances, the penalties for the two are obviously different.

However, a high speed tolerance does not mean that you can speed at will.Usually the limit speed of the aircraft is more than 400 knots, and there is not much difference between the various models.Generally speaking, speeding within a dozen knots is tolerable, but if it exceeds one hundred knots, it is not tolerable.

The reason for setting the limit speed is to protect the structure of the aircraft.If the speed of the aircraft is too high, the impact on the structure of the aircraft will be very large. An overspeed of [-] knots is unacceptable regardless of the type of aircraft. With such a high degree of overspeed, the aircraft may even disintegrate.

If it enters with a tailwind, the speed of the aircraft will plummet, and it may enter a stall in an instant, which is usually very dangerous.Moreover, the current wind speed is too high. If the wind is downwind, the speed may even drop to zero. This is obviously extremely terrifying.

Generally speaking, whether it is overspeed disintegration or stalling to zero, the danger is far greater than the situation at this time.Under crosswinds at this height, most of the danger lies in the change of the aircraft's attitude, and this danger is at least controllable by Xu Cang.

That's right, this weird state change is controllable by Xu Cang.

After a very short period of surprise, Xu Cang's mind immediately came to his senses.With his incomparable reaction ability, he immediately analyzed the situation at this moment. Due to the impact of the huge amount of left wind, the plane began to roll to the left uncontrollably. At the same time, the vertical tail was impacted by the left air flow, and the tail Start moving to the left, which drives the nose of the aircraft to the right.

If only this is the case, the aircraft should only have roll and yaw state changes, not such a terrible and complicated phenomenon now.Therefore, why is it said that the wind tunnel can never completely replace the flight test, because the complexity of the air flow in nature can be completely simulated by human instruments.

"Has the headwind increased?" Xu Cang smiled slightly, already aware of all the changes in the airflow.

Although the airflow encountered by the aircraft is mainly west wind, the southwest wind accounts for more of it, which causes the aircraft to be continuously affected by the headwind, and even if the wind is too strong, it will cause the decomposed The headwind strength is also very high.

Remember, roll is not the same as rollover, and similarly, roll and yaw will not cause rollover even if they occur at the same time.If you want to roll over, you need to increase the attitude of the aircraft, and it must be increased by a large amount.

For example, if you want to overturn something, you often lift it up first, and then move it to one side.

And due to the huge increase in the headwind, the performance of the aircraft has also become extremely strong in a short time, which makes the aircraft start to look up involuntarily.

However, if only this is not enough to form a rollover.The last condition for a rollover is a side slip!

Why did Richard react so much when he noticed the plane was skidding?

It is because as soon as the sideslip occurs, and the sideslip is not artificially generated, the aircraft begins to become unstable.In fact, Richard didn't understand why the aircraft would skid, which only existed when the thrust was unstable or the stalled spiral.

Due to the existence of the yaw damper, the aircraft will automatically self-correct the sideslip.

Even though the state of the aircraft is extremely complicated now, it seems that there are no conditions for skidding.He also couldn't understand the changes in altitude and speed. On the CDU progress page on his side, the wind decomposition was already displayed.

On the CDU display, the aircraft was basically facing the headwind.Under such circumstances, the speed of the aircraft should increase, instead of falling like mercury.

But judging from the airspeed gauge, the airspeed could no longer be stopped, and it began to plummet.

And that height!
In fact, for an experienced pilot, he can roughly judge the rate of descent of the aircraft at the moment by the pitch attitude of the aircraft.Moreover, Richard drove the FPV, so he could see the state of the plane more clearly.

Although it is always changing, the attitude of the aircraft is roughly maintained between two and three degrees. This attitude is a standard level flight attitude in a cruising environment.Even if it is not level flight, it is impossible to have a sharp drop.

In addition, from the perspective of FPV, its display is almost consistent with the horizon, which means that the plane should not be descending.

The reason why there is a difference between the pitch attitude of the aircraft and the FPV is because of the angle of attack.

For example, the pitch attitude of an aircraft is two degrees, that is, the aircraft is slightly raised, but in fact, on the trajectory, the aircraft is flying level.Therefore, it is not that the layman consciously thinks that the pitch attitude of the aircraft is zero degrees, and the aircraft is in level flight, but that the FPV is zero degrees, and the aircraft is in level flight.

But now, the aircraft pitch attitude is two to three degrees, the FPV attitude is close to zero, and the adjustable meter shows a huge descent rate of [-] feet per minute, which is almost breaking Richard's cognition.

It is precisely because Richard is familiar with the principles of flight that he has this doubt, otherwise the kind of half-knowledgeable pilot would not have thought so much, and naturally he would not be able to understand the horror.

"The plane is slipping, if it rolls over, it will go into a spiral!" Richard shouted loudly.

What is a spiral, there are many explanations for this.However, in Richard's eyes, it is stall and sideslip. As long as the two are met, the conditions for forming a spiral are met.

At this moment, the speed of the plane is already very high. If it enters the spiral, the speed of the plane will increase exponentially.

Xu Cang pressed the pressure plate to the right again, but this operation to suppress the roll didn't seem to have any effect, the wind was too strong, and the ailerons alone couldn't hold it down.

Richard is not afraid of airliner spirals. He is also an aerobatic pilot himself. He is confident that he can stop the spiral on the first lap, but this does not mean that he wants to enter the spiral under the current situation.

The current airflow environment outside is too complicated. Once entering the spiral, who knows what incomprehensible situations will be encountered, at least the current situation is beyond his comprehension.

Seeing that Xu Cang pressed to the right to no avail, Richard broke out in a cold sweat immediately. The plane could no longer resist the impact of the strong wind on the roll.

At this moment, the weight of the headwind suddenly increased, the nose of the plane began to rise uncontrollably, and the attitude of the plane exceeded five degrees in an instant.Due to the high attitude, the stall limit indication on the CS300 all appeared on the attitude indicator.

However, with such a big attitude, the aircraft's descent rate was only slightly reduced.

Xu Cang pushed the stick immediately, wanting to press down the attitude of the aircraft, but the attitude was too big, already exceeding the critical angle of attack.

But this headwind was too strong, and the performance increase it brought to the aircraft was unimaginable, just like a runaway wild horse, Xu Cang couldn't rely on the reins to control this muscular wild horse at all.

The attitude of the aircraft was only slightly reduced under Xu Cang's push rod, and then continued to rise uncontrollably, and it was about to exceed the stall limit indication.

"It's really going to stall!" Richard shouted suddenly.

Why did Richard say the word "true"?It was because he realized that the airspeed and altitude might be inaccurate, otherwise he would not be able to explain many contradictory data. Although he was still not completely sure about the reasons for the unreliable airspeed and altitude, he already had some rough guesses in his mind.

Since airspeed is unreliable, stall warnings derived from airspeed may also be false.

Therefore, before this, although Richard was terrified, he hadn't been too anxious or stalled yet.

But now it is different, the airspeed may be false, but the pitch attitude of the aircraft will not cause problems and is reliable.

The airspeed unreliability checklist for almost all aircraft types states that the aircraft's attitude is trustworthy.

The airspeed-derived stall warning is false, but the attitude-derived stall warning is not.You know, the difference between the pitch attitude of the aircraft and the FPV is basically equal to the angle of attack.

The essence of an aircraft stall has never been any speed or attitude, but the angle of attack.As long as the critical angle of attack is exceeded, the aircraft will stall.

But now the difference between the pitch attitude of the aircraft and the FPV attitude is constantly increasing, which means that the angle of attack of the aircraft is constantly increasing, and the distance to stall is getting closer and closer.

At this time, if the aircraft stalls, coupled with the side slip of the aircraft, and the wind blows a little more, it will end in a rollover, and then switch to a spiral in an instant, with almost no stagnation.

"Why is there a side slip? There shouldn't be a side slip!" Richard can accept and understand many things, but he cannot accept and understand the existence of this side slip.

"Because of the poor lift!" Xu Cang said calmly, not looking very anxious.

"What?" Richard was stunned: "How can there be a difference in lift, and it's not the wings."

However, Xu Cang had no time to answer Richard at this time.If you can't correct the plane back to level flight, you have to find another way.

I saw that Xu Cang directly changed the pressure from the right to the left. The plane was going to turn to the left, but without the restraint of the aileron, it was simply a leak, and the slope increased instantly.

What's more, Xu Cang not only didn't stop it, but intensified it, added fuel to the fire, and continued to press the left stick in the direction of the plane's roll.

"What are you doing!" Richard could instantly understand Xu Cang's operation from his physical senses, but he hadn't understood the reason for Xu Cang's crazy operation before he heard Xu Cang chuckle: "It's okay, just change the direction. Sit still."

"Sit still?" Richard actually didn't understand what Xu Cang wanted to do, but he could taste some flavor from this sentence.

Richard thought of Xu Cang's unpredictable manipulation ability and unrestrained imagination that day, so he didn't ask any questions, and immediately tightened his seat belt.

At the moment when Richard tightened his seat belt, Xu Cang pressed the side stick, relying on the impact of the airflow, the slope of the plane increased all the way to [-] degrees, and the cockpit was full of slope warning sounds.

At the same time, Xu Cang stepped up to the left rudder, slightly straightened the nose of the aircraft, and at the same time eliminated part of the sideslip.

"Don't press down, that's enough, that's enough!" Richard's body was almost parallel to the ground, he stretched out his voice and shouted, trying to let Xu Cang be more gentle.

With such a strong crosswind, the aircraft does not need ailerons, even when the wind is blowing, the aircraft can generate a huge rolling moment. If the ailerons are added, it will appear too rough.

Richard was not a young lad, and his heart couldn't take it.

"If you don't turn around faster, the plane will fall down." Xu Cang had a calm demeanor, and there was even a bit of teasing and ease in his words, as if he didn't take the current situation seriously at all.

Richard was taken aback: "What fell?"

"Literally!" Xu Cang said with a light smile, "Hold on to your seat."

Richard's face froze: "You"

Before he could finish his words, since the plane's slope had reached nearly [-] degrees, the airflow could not directly hit the vertical tail. During this time, the yaw moment exerted on the plane decreased rapidly, and Xu Cang straightened the plane immediately.

However, this is not the end.

When the plane's slope was close to [-] degrees, Xu Cang's movement of pressing the lever did not stop at all, and the plane was directly reversed under the dual action of the ailerons and airflow.

"Xu Cang, push the rod, push the rod!" Richard is indeed an old man, and his mind is still clear at this time, and he even has the energy to remind Xu Cang.

However, does Xu Cang need to be reminded, he is omniscient and omnipotent.

At the moment when the plane was about to buckle, Xu Cang pushed the stick forward while pressing the stick to the left, and the plane had no tendency to fall at all.

However, this state lasted only for a moment.The torque of the left roll was too great, and the plane didn't stop for a moment. It didn't fly upside down continuously.

After crossing the apex, Xu Cang's movement of pressing the left stick remained unchanged, but as the plane continued to roll, he gradually switched from the push stick action to the stick stick action softly, and the control action was done in one go without any blockage.

However, when it was about to level off, the plane suddenly seemed to lose its strength, and the nose began to fall uncontrollably.

"Tail wind!" Richard immediately realized that after the plane rolled to the left and added part of the left rudder, the nose of the plane began to deviate to the left. decrease.

After Richard thought of this question, he immediately shouted: "Don't bring the pole!"

In this case, it is impossible to suppress the huge tailwind by using the stick. If the stick is forced, it will aggravate the stall of the aircraft.

However, Xu Cang had expected these things a long time ago.From the beginning of the transition to close to the positive tailwind, Xu Cang immediately switched from the lead bar to the ejector bar, increasing the speed at the cost of losing altitude, so as to prevent the speed of the aircraft from entering the red zone.

However, this is obviously not enough, the tailwind is too strong, and the altitude of the aircraft is not high, it is impossible to maintain this deformed state.

Therefore, Xu Cang kept the movement of the left pressure stick unchanged, and the plane rolled to the left after leveling off, leaving the downwind area generated by the cyclone in an instant.However, this time, there is no need to roll to such an exaggerated point of flying backwards. After leaving the downwind zone and the nose of the plane stopped bowing, Xu Cang reduced the slope of the plane, and at the same time increased the throttle to relax Turn on the thrust handle: "Turn on the control."

"Huh?" Richard froze for a moment, didn't say anything, and naturally took over the thrust handle and side stick: "Take control."

At this moment, the plane had left the cyclone area. Although it was still very turbulent, it was much better than the previous thrilling state, and it was already in a state that Richard could fully control.

However, due to the continuous roll to the left, the aircraft almost turned 180 degrees and began to fly back.

"Fly a little forward, and then hover on the spot." Xu Cang said.

"Hmm." Richard glanced at the airspeed and altitude.At this time, the two altimeters of the aircraft have even all returned to zero, and the values ​​​​of the airspeed indicator are also very different. The left side is constantly decreasing, and it is about to approach the red zone.

The stick shaker warning is triggered once the aircraft has reduced to the red zone.

"The pitot tube and the static pressure port are blocked?" Richard frowned, and looked at the thrust and attitude of the aircraft. He remembered the standard thrust and attitude values ​​at all altitudes and stages. Under the standard thrust and attitude values, It is impossible for an airplane to have such a speed.

Moreover, the fact that the altimeter is directly reset to zero obviously indicates that there is a problem with the static pressure port of the aircraft.The abnormality of the airspeed indicator also reflects that there may be a problem with the pitot tube.

Richard had guessed this situation before, but he didn't expect the ice to be so menacing.

It is almost certain that the wind, snow and ice are blocking the pitot tube and the static pressure port, which will cause the abnormal altitude and speed.

"It's useless to heat the probe?"

The protection of the detectors on the plane is in place, and the ice accumulation on the detectors is naturally taken into account.Therefore, as long as it is in normal flight, all detectors, including pitot tubes, etc. will be electrically heated to prevent ice from blocking.

Richard looked up at the heating panel of the probe. The position of the switch on it was correct, and there was no indication that the heating function was abnormal.That is to say, the wind and snow outside have dropped to the point where electric heating is useless.

"The intensity of the ice accumulation has completely exceeded our expectations." Xu Cang's left hand fingers kept tapping on the top of the left side stick. This is not a good habit, but it can also reflect how helpless Xu Cang is from the side. anxiety.

"It's not just ice accumulation, the airflow is too strong." Richard still had lingering fears when he thought of the situation of the plane just now: "As long as you enter from the outside, you will inevitably encounter a positive crosswind, and the plane cannot withstand such a strong wind at all." There is a crosswind, I am afraid that a big guy like the 747 can resist it, this plane is too small."

There is ice accumulation and air currents again, these two almost insoluble problems are blocked in front of Xu Cang like a natural moat.

Xu Cang has tried his best to prevent the aircraft from accumulating ice, but it is still useless, and the airflow has exceeded the control performance limit of the aircraft, and it cannot be suppressed at all.

That is to say, Xu Cang was bold and careful, and directly turned the plane over to get out of the airflow area. If he stayed in it for a while, he really didn't know what would happen.

With the skills of a pilot of Richard's level, he doesn't care about unreliable altitude or speed. He is already familiar with the CS300 manual by heart. The standard thrust values ​​and attitudes of all stages of cruising, descent, and approach are all clear. He doesn't need to look at the speed, and he also has a way to solve the altitude.

However, the situation of ice accumulation and strong air flow cannot be solved by him. This is already a problem beyond the performance of the aircraft, and it is impossible for a god to save it.

"Although the blockage of the probe is not a big problem for us, in this situation, why not return first?" Richard really couldn't think of any solution: "Long-term plan?"

Xu Cang shook his head: "No way! The window period for landing is only ten or twenty minutes. If you miss it, you won't be able to land."

"But, now it's not a question of whether we want it, but a question of whether we can." Richard licked his lower lip, which was an obvious expression of anxiety.

"Contact the control and tell this field to let Bombardier upload the latest satellite cloud image." Xu Cang said.

There are representatives of Bombardier in Munich, and CS300 can share data via satellite.However, most airlines do not have this feature.

"What are you going to do?"

"Determine whether the window period is approaching."

Richard took a deep breath: "So what, we just can't get in. This is an objective fact. I raised this doubt when I was on the ground."

"I said I would let them live." Xu Cang pursed his lips and said, "I won't break my promise."

"But." Richard didn't know how to persuade Xu Cang: "You have to consider the reality...,..."

Before Richard finished speaking, Xu Cang suddenly asked, "How is your heart?"

"Huh?" Richard was taken aback: "Heart?"

"Yes, how is your heart?" Xu Cang repeated.

"I am fine."

Richard is a pilot, and he is airworthy, so he naturally has no major heart problems.

However, he is old after all, and he is definitely not as good as a young man.

Only from Xu Cang's words, Richard smelled a trace of uneasiness: "What are you going to do?"

Xu Cang smiled: "I guess we are going to do some exciting things."

PS Ask for a monthly pass.I've been very busy these two days, so I'll write less, and I'll write more later to make up for it.Double monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!

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