Online infrastructure for raising cubs

Chapter 101 A Strong Country Is Not 23 Days

Before he could react, the weak, helpless and dazed Qian Duoduo was taken to the well-organized fields outside Yancheng City.

The wind blows the green fields, and the wind sweeps the forest tops.

Qian Duoduo walked into the rice field with surprise in his eyes.

Although the starry sky seen at night is beautiful, both the residence and Yancheng have a strong sense of technology, which did not make Qian Duoduo feel the specialness of the planet where the planting base is located.

The starry sky at night and the blue sky and white clouds during the day can be set through a large-scale environment simulation system.

Residents of many non-habitable stars use environmental simulation systems to protect the entire planet, regulate the air composition, air humidity, temperature and climate on the planet, and weaken the radiation from space.

Even though most races have evolved protective scales to adapt to the environment, some races still do not adapt to the environment.

Too much radiation can easily lead to physical distortion. In order to settle down more safely and stably, the major civilizations have joined forces and developed various protective devices under the leadership of the Star Alliance.

One of them is the environmental simulation system, which has a relatively single function and consumes a lot of energy.

The high price is enough to discourage many low-level civilizations, and the energy consumed for subsequent use is a huge expense.

Therefore, there are very few planets that can use the planet-level ecological environment simulation system.

Qian Duoduo's previous resident planet was one of the main planets of the Interstellar Alliance, with a stable climate and temperature.

The oxygen content in the air is always maintained within a small fluctuation range, and occasionally there will be wind, which means the wind-making system is working.

The wind produced by the wind-generating system usually has a steady wind speed, bursts, and regular intervals.

There will be no floral fragrance that changes with the seasons, and there will be no freshness after the rain.

The main star buildings are numerous and orderly, and the business district is brightly lit all night.

The four large logistics ports are under the control of the master in charge of the main star's transportation and logistics, and the cargo volume is handled non-stop. Tens of thousands of starships are moored or leave the port every day.

Living in the central residential area of ​​the main star, each house has its own small ecological environment simulation system, equipped with gardening robots, and the owner of the house can have a small garden on a planet covered by technology—with the help of technology.

The environment on the main star is good, and there is no need to wear protective clothing when going out, but no one will pay attention to whether there is a fragrance of flowers in the air or whether the wind will be contaminated with the breath of the season.

They are always in a hurry.

Suspended vehicles and aircraft travel on different tracks at different heights, and the streets reserved for urban construction have no residents except for the robots that maintain the streets on a daily basis.

Luyuan Star ranks high in the livability index, with natural forests, meadows and lakes. Such a livable planet is also under the protection of the ecological environment simulation system.

The difference is that the main star's environmental simulation system is to provide residents with a suitable living environment, while the green source star's environmental simulation system is to assist in regulating sunlight and rainfall to protect the original ecology.

There are not many people living on the Green Origin Star, and without a background or sufficient wealth, they may not be able to set foot on the land of the Green Origin Star for the rest of their lives.

Only the rich and those in power can not only go to Luyuan Star for vacation at will, but also buy houses and land, and have relatively permanent residence rights.

"These farms are cultivated by human power?" Qian Duoduo was a little dumbfounded, the edge of the field in front of him couldn't be seen at a glance.

The crops are lush green, stretching their branches and leaves freely in the sun.

Entrance is full of vitality.

This means that the environment here is very suitable for the growth of these crops.

But Qian Duoduo did not find traces of the ecological environment simulation system here.

When the starship entered Taichu Planet yesterday, Qian Duoduo was sober.

The body is extremely uncomfortable, and the mind is extremely clear.

He didn't see the channel that was opened up alone, and he didn't see the logistics port.

In other words, this planet is not protected by an ecological environment simulation system.

A livable star without the protection of an ecological environment simulation system!
It is not in the existing habitable star list, and there is no new habitable star occupied by several major forces!

"Part of it is human reclamation and planting, and more is machine."

The red-haired young man combed his hair with his fingers, and pulled a palm leaf to tie his hair up.

"The robot is recording the growth data of the crops over there." The young man pointed in one direction, and Qian Duoduo looked over there, and saw a few gardening robots that did not use the appearance of bionic human beings shuttling in the field, taking some samples from time to time, recording some data.

When will gardening robots appear in groups in the same space?

In Qian Duoduo's impression, Lin was still that mysterious and somewhat impoverished partner.

It is precisely because of this first impression that Qian Duoduo has been very generous in giving up profits.

After all, he does not lack these benefits, and Lin can create more value with these benefits.

"These are just part of Shenglin's planting base. We also have original ecological forests, lakes, rivers, and valleys, where we can breed and catch naturally grown aquatic products."

"Further south, there is still the ocean. There are no plans to develop marine resources in the near future."

"Do you have any questions? I can answer them as best I can."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sheng Yi, and I'm in charge of the field in front of you." Sheng Yi didn't tidy up his messy hair, but bent down and pulled out a few grasses.

Qian Duoduo had the experience of working in the fields by himself, so he immediately recognized that these grasses were not crops but weeds.

The overly friendly eyes made him notice the weeds in front of him all at once, his heart itching and his hands itching for a while, and he joined the weeding team.

Sheng Yi had been trained for a period of time, and it was easy to see that although Qian Duoduo's movements were unfamiliar, he was quick, precise and ruthless in weeding. He looked like a proficient weeder, and he immediately felt relieved and immersed himself in the great business of weeding.

Weeds have always been more viable than well-maintained crops, let alone in fields with excellent water and fertilizer conditions.

The weeds grew one after another, and a lot of weeds were mixed into the crops that had been doing well for two days after pulling them out.

Each field has a person in charge, responsible for daily weeding and communicating with gardening robots about the growth of crops.

Both of them started pulling weeds, and the rest of the people who followed were either responsible for the field or just watching the fun.

The spectators also learned to pull weeds after realizing that they had nothing to do.

Both crops and weeds are grass, and there are always fools who can't tell the difference.

After Sheng Da yelled and threw a mischievous partner out of his field of responsibility, Qian Duoduo held a handful of grass in one hand and straightened up with some difficulty.

Backache, back pain, leg cramps.

There is still a burning pain in the arm.

Upon closer inspection, several small cuts were made on the forearm.

Pulling weeds requires frequent bending over. It is a physical effort for daily lying or relying on money. The sun is shining directly on the top of the head. The wound is soaked in sweat and the stinging pain is obvious.

Qian Duoduo finally remembered the business.

It's true that he came to visit the plantation base in name, but he didn't really want to visit the plantation base.

Qian Duoduo, who has never actually farmed land but only supported by game farming experience, looks at a loss.

Why did he go down to the ground and pull weeds all of a sudden?
Why did he feel so tired from the originally easy job of pulling weeds?

Sheng Yi just drove away all the troublemakers, seeing Qian Duoduo's dull look, his mind turned so fast for the first time.

What else could be the reason?Can only be tired.

"It's not too early now, do you want to go back and have a rest? It will be lunch time in a while."

"The City Lord's Mansion brought in a lot of good things today, maybe you can go back and prepare for the banquet." Sheng Yi tried his best to speak to Qian Duoduo in elegant language.

The boss told him that he must treat this guest well and make him feel at home.

Sheng Yi pondered for a long time, and checked the information on Xingwang.

In the end, I decided to adapt to the situation and follow the guest's ideas.

Hearing about going to the banquet, Qian Duoduo, who was originally feeling exhausted, suddenly lifted his spirits.

After a night of rest and the previous three meals of gourmet meals that were not considered dinners, Qian Duoduo now has extremely high expectations for the big meals that can be eaten at the banquet.

Nodding happily, he was surrounded by a group of people and sent back.

Qian Duoduo took a bath, changed his clothes, and meticulously gave his hair a perfect curl. When he was sitting in the yard waiting for someone to pick him up, Qian Duoduo's expression froze.

This is not on the main star, the City Lord's Mansion is nearby.

According to the residents who spoke to him before, it only takes five or six minutes to walk from his residence to the Santo's Mansion.

The carriage that came to pick him up stopped in front of the courtyard, and Su Xianyu's news had been sent to Qian Duoduo earlier, which made the young master who had always attended banquets in a floating car a little relieved.

He is not used to walking on the street in exquisite and decent clothes, and he usually sits in a corner drinking juice on all the occasions when he is well dressed.

The carriage drawn by the puppet horse gave Qian Duoduo a novel riding experience.

The carriage didn't go directly to the City Lord's Mansion, but pulled him around in Yan City.

Finally, the carriage stopped at the City Lord's Mansion, and the four masters of the City Lord's Mansion appeared together to welcome the guests.

Seeing this scene from the car window, Qian Duoduo felt inexplicably flustered.

He felt that he was not quite worthy of such a welcome standard.

He recognized Yan Nuo, and when he swiped the terminal in the middle of the night, he saw the live video of Yan Nuo that went viral.

A young man who had been officially certified as the emperor of the country in exile by Xingbo stood at the very edge.

The other three people were neither high nor low.

He is just an ordinary rich n generation with a little money in his hands, so what can he do——

At the dinner table, Qian Duoduo completely changed his mood.

Regardless of his status, cooking is the business!

There are more than a dozen dishes, each of which has its own fragrance, and each is full of color, fragrance and taste.

The soup is delicious, the dishes are delicious, and even the rice has a different taste.

Qian Duoduo had eaten the rice produced by Shenglin, but at that time he only regarded it as a side dish, and the rice was delicious.

Later, I saw the players of "The Other Shore" who got the gift box of vegetables, fruits and ingredients boasted that Shenglin's Mi Hao ingredients were good. Qian Duoduo just flirted with Yourong for a while, and randomly took the players' spontaneous promotion as promotional materials. It raised the value of the food supplier of Youyu Restaurant.

By the way, the price went up a wave.

Shenglin Natural Foodstuffs has put a wave of products on the shelves. Later, batch after batch of inspection reports of ingredients were released, and users who were concerned about the nutritional content and quality of ingredients were numb.

Are they looking for inspection reports?I don't want to watch it for a long time!
What they want is stock!New products!Want lots of stock!A lot of new products!
Shenglin official, you have the ability to release the inspection report of new products, you have the ability to update!Don't think we don't have interstellar coins!The balance in the account has long been impatient!

The voices of the crowd were very loud, and Su Xianyu, who had forgotten that he had a store in the Xingwang Mall, didn't hear it at all.

Even if he was frantically urged under Xingbo, Su Xianyu only responded with omnipotence.

There will be new ones, and there will be stocks.

As for when it will be new and when it will be put in stock, I don't know.

A dining table for five people does not eat quietly.

Su Linyuan and Yan Shu are enough to scare Qian Duoduo into a daze. There was a big meal before Qian Duoduo was tempted, and Qian Duoduo was soft-spoken and confused. He basically had questions and answers.

Quietly following Qian Duoduo's words, Su Linyuan and Yan Shu looked at each other and suppressed their smiles when they learned that Qian Duoduo came to Lin Country only to cook for happiness and help the poor with precision.

Yan Nuo was serious about cooking the whole meal, and listened to it by the way. When Qian Duoduo said that he wanted to help the poor, he quickly robbed Qian Duoduo of a piece of braised pork.

"There are wastelands everywhere, and the transportation is not very convenient. It is really poor to spend a lot of manpower and a lot of money on the rework project of "The Other Shore." Yan Nuo's words are [-]% true and [-]% false, except for the last sentence. Yes, everything else is true.

Qian Duoduo watched helplessly as the braised pork he liked went into Yan Nuo's bowl, and put another piece on the plate instead.

The braised pork sauce is rich and soft and not greasy. Qian Duoduo likes this mouthful very much.

Maybe it’s because he eats too many light dishes, and it’s rare to encounter such a meaty dish. Qian Duoduo has to remember the dining etiquette he learned before, and he can’t show his special love for a dish, and he can’t eat the same dish all the time.

In short, there are many rules, Qian Duoduo can only secretly lock his eyes on the next piece of braised pork he wants to eat while eating other dishes.

But he didn't expect that the robbing of his fancy braised pork was just the beginning.

For the meatball soup, Qian Duoduo likes the mushrooms in it, Yan Nuo scooped up most of the mushrooms with a spoon.

When it comes to steamed fish, Qian Duoduo likes the meat of the fish ribs, and there are only two fish ribs in one fish. Yan Nuo is quick, Qian Duoduo just looked at the fish, and snatched the upper part of the fish ribs.

Qian Duoduo would not be able to respond.

Now he put all those dining etiquette aside, no matter what restraint or not, and put what he likes directly in the bowl.

Until the end, there were two deboned chicken feet with a refreshing and sour taste, and Qian Duoduo was going to grab one later to eat, but the second he looked away, Yan Nuo grabbed both of them.

The cheeks are bulging, chewing like a squirrel.

Qian Duoduo, who was a little angry at first, suddenly became impatient.

Yan Nuo is still a minor, a child, so what's the point of being serious with him?
The last table was full of CDs, Qian Duoduo took a sip of tea to clear his mouth, recalling how he and Yan Nuo "scrambled for food", couldn't help but blush.

"Okay, Nuo Nuo, eat slowly, go out for a walk after eating, don't hold on." Yan Shu originally wanted to stop Yan Nuo, but saw that Qian Duoduo, who was still a little restrained, let go under Yan Nuo's lead There are many, and I don't care.

Both are young people and have their way of exchanging feelings and building friendships.

Su Xianyu had eaten early, and it was very interesting to watch Yan Nuo and Qian Duoduo grab food.

Yan Nuo, who was stuffing herself up in order to grab food, touched her stomach with a guilty conscience, took the hawthorn tea that Yan Shu had poured for him, and nodded obediently.

Qian Duoduo has a big appetite, and he subconsciously controlled his food intake. He didn't overeat, and drank hawthorn tea. His eyes subconsciously stayed on Su Xianyu's side.

He knew the partner's name before.

It's just that I'm more used to calling each other "Lin".

The eldest brother found out very early on that behind Sheng Lin was a small country called Lin Country, and Qian Duoduo himself had also met Lin and the liaison officer of the Star Alliance in the Star Network community.

The results obtained after information integration are somewhat unbelievable, but it seems that they are basically facts.

A country that was still a low-level civilization before and was about to be removed from the Star Alliance contract list, quietly, with the support of the Star Alliance's policy for low-level civilizations, has a large number of treasures that are enough to make super civilizations envious.

A livable planet with only one weak country that has not recorded detailed coordinates and resource information by the Star Alliance, and a weak civilization that can grow a large amount of natural ingredients containing special substances.

This civilization is also holding a brand new holographic game that has been initially proven to be able to exercise mental power...

If these news are released, I don’t know how many civilizations will attract them.

It's just that coveting is okay, I'm afraid there will be many civilizations who will tear off the hypocrisy and directly reach out to plunder.

Qian Duoduo looked at Su Xianyu and felt that his partner was weak and helpless.

Qian Duoduo looked at Yan Nuo who was grinning and staring at him again, remembering Yan Nuo's identity, his expression changed.

"I'm so sorry, but I have a question that I need answered."

"If the information I got is correct, this place should be Lin Country."

"And my partner is His Majesty the Emperor of Lin Kingdom."

"I want to know, what is the identity of this emperor in exile who appears here."

Qian Duoduo looked serious.

No matter how young the little emperor was, no matter how minor he was, he was still the emperor of a country in exile known for plundering resources.

"I forgot to introduce, this is my elder brother, Su Linyuan."

"This one is my brother's lover, Yan Shu."

"This little emperor in exile is my sister-in-law's younger brother, Yan Nuo."

Su Xianyu has never entertained guests before, and she has completely forgotten these etiquettes, and with an embarrassed but polite smile on her face, she introduced them to Qian Duoduo one by one.

When Yan Nuo was introduced, Su Xianyu secretly laughed.

Su Linyuan and Yan Shu nodded to Qian Duoduo with smiles on their faces.

The only one who didn't laugh was Yan Nuo.

Yan Nuo thought that she was being provoked by Qian Duoduo, so she bared her teeth, like a fierce little beast, thinking that her eyes were fierce enough to intimidate her opponents.

Qian Duoduo saw Yan Nuo bared his small white teeth, stared at him in a daze, and Su Xianyu introduced his identities, and clarified the relationship between these people. He didn't care about being surprised, and Yan Nuo first gave him a brief introduction. Amused.

Seeing that Yan Nuo seemed about to turn into anger from embarrassment, Qian Duoduo immediately looked away and straightened his expression.

"With the protection of the country in exile, then I can rest assured."

After only two seconds of seriousness, Qian Duoduo leaned back in his chair after eating and drinking, imitating Li Yannuo's sitting posture that he had seen in the live broadcast before and relaxed his body.

"When I came here before, I was still thinking about what gifts to prepare, expensive but impractical ones, practical but cheap ones, and in the end I picked and picked—I prepared the gifts that you don't lack here."

Su Xianyu couldn't help laughing when she thought of the gift she received yesterday.

Qian Duoduo prepared a lot of gifts, among which the gardening robot was the most valuable.

They are packed in space buttons, and some other expensive gifts that look good and have little practical value are also packed in boxes with space buttons.

It can make the recipient of the gift feel the heart of the person who prepared these gifts.

"The gardening robot is the most practical gift, I love it."

At first, he gritted his teeth and bought one, but later on, Su Xianyu was not willing to buy too much when he had more money.

If you send a lot of money, you will get three sets, which is really a big deal.

Other gifts are not chosen randomly, jewelry and the like are all masterpieces, and the styles are also suitable for young women.

After a brief conversation, the terminal friend was added again.

Habitually clicked on the friend's information to check, Qian Duoduo was breathless again.

Pure blood human.

Pure blood humans can be equated with rare and delicate.

The Covenant even has a special human protection law.

All interstellar races have basically integrated human genes, and they are usually called interstellar people.

True pure-blooded humans are very rare.

But they usually have special abilities, and their brains are generally very good.

Qian Duoduo's mind was spinning quickly at this time, and he asked with a smile: "Then the anchor of the virtual lover's live broadcast, Sunan, is also from your family?"

Knowing that the Baiqihei God of War and Lin on Xingwang are a family, and knowing Lin's surname and race, combined with the analysis of known information, it is easy to speculate and come to this conclusion.

"Yes, it's my second brother."

"He doesn't look very smart." Qian Duoduo hesitated slightly.

Almost no pure-blooded humans have pursued people of other races in this way, and it is usually the pure-blooded humans who appear in public view that are fanatically pursued by various races.

Being in the public eye and being loved by too many people is not a good thing.

Unless there is enough self-protection ability, like Zhao Zhao.

Qian Duoduo has a private relationship with Chao Zhao and knows something about Chao Zhao.

But Sunan in the live broadcast, except for some small tricks to make people happy, doesn't seem to have any special abilities.

And the image he displayed can easily attract the attention of some people.

Qian Duoduo wanted to remind him, but felt that he might be thinking too much.

Lin Guo's background is extraordinary now, since Sunan dared to appear in front of the public openly, he should have something to rely on, right?

Su Xianyu smiled, and said: "Everyone's choice is different, all we can do is respect his choice."

Support will not be supported.

Su Er had the ability to spend all the gold and silver reserves in the national treasury, and if he had the ability, he made a fool of himself outside.

Su Linyuan smiled and said nothing, obviously agreeing with Su Xianyu's words.

Qian Duoduo noticed that there seemed to be some kind of conflict between the three brothers and sisters, so he didn't continue this topic.

"I have already visited the planting base, and it has the feeling of "The Other Shore". If I can participate in the cultivation process, many people will be moved."

The main reason is that it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together, and it is interesting for Dora people to go to the fields to farm.

Qian Duoduo's bad intentions directly 1.

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