Online infrastructure for raising cubs

Chapter 103 Remarkable Results

Chapter 103 Remarkable Results
Qian Duoduo and Yan Nuo got together and went to the project team of "The Other Shore".

Only Su Xianyu, Yan Shu, and Su Linyuan were left in the restaurant.

Xu knew that Su Xianyu had something to say, and both of them looked at her quietly with gentle and tolerant eyes.

"Brother Huang, Sister Yan Shu, I'm going back." Su Xianyu found it difficult to speak at first.

She lives very comfortably in Yancheng, and is also very happy to stay with her brother and sister-in-law.

After living for a long time, it is easy to have a sense of belonging.

But Su Xianyu is more aware that her roots are in Lin Country and Taichu Star.

There is also a soft and cute baby in the imperial city waiting for her to go back. She has been staying in Yancheng for more than half a month. At this moment, Su Xianyu's heart is like an arrow.

"I don't see you caring about that child on weekdays." Yan Shu said warmly.

Su Xianyu shook his head and smiled.

"I was planning to leave at the beginning, but it was Yan Yan who suddenly appeared and left me behind."

"The original me didn't have deep feelings for Lin Guo."

"However, if Lin Guo at that time was equated with a weak cub, my conscience tells me that I cannot abandon such a small child."

"If I hadn't grown up under the care of the lady official, if the emperor hadn't taught me how to read and given me a scroll to read the history of Lin Kingdom, I would have known nothing."

"Now that I know, the Lin Kingdom was once strong and prosperous, and the successive rulers of the Lin Kingdom only wished for the people in a corner of the Lin Kingdom to live and work in peace and prosperity..."

"And I just happened to sit in this seat, and I just had a special opportunity."

"At that time, I didn't know how serious the consequences would be if I chose to leave. I just asked myself, if I didn't do this, Lin Guo would cease to exist, and the incarnation of Lin Guo's fortune would completely dissipate. Would I be willing to accept this? as a result of."

"The answer is that I don't want to."

"If Lin Country is just an ordinary country, it doesn't have any important places, it doesn't leave records about its glorious history, it doesn't give me protection, it doesn't give me power and responsibility, I can still let it go."

"It's just not if."

"I am the last royal bloodline of the Lin Kingdom. I am the monarch who was presided over by the lady official at the enthronement ceremony and recognized by the Taihe Mountain Spirit. I am the emperor, and my choices represent the whole of the Lin Kingdom, even though at that time, Lin Kingdom was the only one I had. "

"If I don't do it, no one will take over this responsibility, and no one will remember Lin Guo."

"There used to be bigger and more powerful countries on the planet Ancestor, and their inheritance was cut off earlier."

"It is extremely difficult for Lin Guo to persist until today."

"Yan Yan's appearance made me make the most correct choice."

Su Xianyu may not have known what she was going to do before, but after the infrastructure system appeared, and after she had an extra cub that she had to take care of, Su Xianyu began to think about what she could do and how far she could do it.

"I have selfish intentions." Finally, Su Xianyu said softly.

Yan Shu stroked her hair gently, and said seriously: "Whether it's selfish or dedicated to the Lin Kingdom, Xianyu is a good monarch."

"I won't say it again, Xianyu is just a little girl who needs protection."

"Because Xianyu is already an excellent monarch who can support a country on his own."

"An excellent monarch must know people and make good use of them. Your brother is a very useful tool man. He has a good mind and is serious in doing things. He doesn't need a vacation. If there is anything, just let him do it."

"Your people, they have their own strengths, and I will let them play their roles."

"It's still the same sentence, just do whatever you want, we are your solid backing."

Su Linyuan also laughed when he heard his wife's words.

He's not good at saying such warm words to his family members who he cares about, he can't even speak soft words well.

"Xianyu also knows what kind of person your brother is. He doesn't talk much, he just knows how to do it."

"We've always stood by your side, and we've always stood firm."

"Everything is up to me." Su Linyuan nodded and promised earnestly.

Su Xianyu was sitting in the carriage back to the palace, still thinking about these words.

Before, she only thought that these words were promises, but the promises themselves did not mean anything, it depended on how to implement them.

Fortunately, since the reunion, Su Linyuan has been silently fulfilling every promise he made.

All the trivial matters, my brother took care of them as much as possible.

Brother also solves the troubles he encounters in his own way.

It really made her feel that she was not alone.

A country in exile with a promising future and a unparalleled limelight could have been the overlord of the star sea as before, occupying a few planets to develop, and it might not have power beyond the top civilization after it stabilized.

However, no matter whether it was Sister Yan Shu, Yan Nuo, or the core members they brought, they all joined Lin Kingdom without any objection, gave up the life of free navigation in the star sea, and chose to take root in Taichu Star and personally participate in the construction This planet is not much different from Desolate Star.


The carriage was moving steadily on the road outside the imperial city, Su Xianyu got off the carriage some distance away from the city gate, and the spirit puppet horse lowered its head obediently.

The city gate had already been opened, and at the gate, a three-headed cub was sitting in the corner of the city wall, looking towards her.

Su Xianyu is not sure that it is her own cub.

After all, she earned so much National Luck to raise a cub, and the National Luck she fed in the early stage was also quite a lot. Why hasn't this cub been seen for half a month, and it has shrunk?
The cub raising player said that there was a problem, and he poked the infrastructure system to solve it.

"You said that Lin Country has entered a period of rapid growth, and Yan Yan needs to sleep and absorb the growth of the country's luck."

"The national luck value before was enough to make Yan Yanba tall, why is the national luck value increased this time, and the cub has become shorter!"

Although she likes small cubs, it doesn't mean she hopes that her cubs will always be this big!
Then what fun is raising cubs!She's not a dress-up player!
[Perhaps you can communicate with the incarnation of the National Games and find out the reason yourself. 】The infrastructure system responded for a while and gave an answer.

The cub raising player was not very satisfied with this answer, but he didn't want to continue wasting time on this question. He walked quickly to the gate of the city, pulled the little dragon robe that Yan Zai was wearing, and carefully arranged the clothes and hair of the next cub. This action measured Zai Zai's height and waist circumference, and Su Xianyu had a serious expression.

Big problem.

Not only did Yan Yan shrink in stature, her round belly also disappeared.

She didn't come back for half a month, and finally raised a bigger cub, which became thinner than when she just picked it up.

Su Xianyu bent down, trying to pick up the cub.

Zai Zai also stretched out her hand, Su Xianyu thought it was cooperation, and felt even more guilty, and wanted to take Zai Zai back quickly and get a table of delicious food to raise, but she didn't pick up Zai Zai when she was exerting a little force Su Xianyu didn't notice something was wrong when she was in bed, and when she tried her best and didn't hug Zai Zai, Su Xianyu, who almost lost her waist, changed her face.

"Yanyan, are you growing on the ground?" Su Xianyu looked around, making sure that her cub was still intact and hadn't grown into the ground.

Yan Yan shook her head, her voice was soft, her small face froze for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal.

"It's me."

"Yuyu can't hold it."

Su Xianyu didn't believe how much a three-headed cub could weigh. She didn't believe in evil, so she tried to hug her again.

Subconsciously used the imperial object technique to help save effort, and only then did Yan Yan's jio leave the ground.

Su Xianyu didn't use much effort to support Yan Yan's body with the Imperial Object Technique.

Xiao Zai Zai shook his jio, realized that his behavior was inappropriate, and stayed still.

Seeing that Zai Zai is so well-behaved, Su Xianyu looked at Yan Yan's panel while hugging Zai Zai.

[Identity: Incarnation of National Fortune. 】

[Status: Rapid growth period. 】

[Note: Guoyunhua's body shape, personality, and psychological age during the rapid growth period are unstable, and it is necessary to supplement the Guoyun value to help stabilize the state. 】

Seeing the extra note, Su Xianyu squinted his eyes, and said to the infrastructure system in an unfriendly way: "What does this note mean?"

[The literal meaning is that in the period of rapid growth, the incarnation of the national fortune needs a large amount of national fortune to stabilize the form. 】

[To put it bluntly, you should work hard to earn national luck. 】

The infrastructure system is not polite at all.

Su Xianyu was not angry either.

"Then you post a few more tasks, I'll figure it out." Su Xianyu didn't try to bargain.

The infrastructure system doesn't cooperate at all.

[National luck value accumulated by daily behavior does not need to issue additional tasks to obtain, and a large amount of national luck value rewards will be issued only after completing important tasks. 】

Speaking of important tasks, Su Xianyu also remembered the business.


The little tit on the virtual panel chirped.

Su Xianyu never forgot the new mission brought by the guardian Suzaku.

Holding the treasure of distinguishing the descendants of the bloodlines of the beasts obtained from the four great beasts on the totem stone pillar in his hand, it was not good to waste the opportunity, Su Xianyu walked quickly to the palace, unconsciously, the posture of holding the cub changed from hugging to carry.

The infrastructure system watched this scene, not knowing for a moment whether Su Xianyu treated this cub well or badly.

I still felt so distressed before, and I wanted to settle accounts with it.

Now it's like carrying a doll again.

Thanks to the good workmanship and fabric of the little dragon robe worn by Yan Yan, Su Xianyu was tired from carrying the cub and switched hands to pick up the cub halfway. When he returned to the bedroom and was about to put the cub away, he realized that he was like that stepmother. .

She is obviously a real mother player.

But she doesn't seem to be nice to the cub at all.

Seeing that the cub was so thin and small, she even ran with the cub.

Yan Yan sat down on the exclusive chair by herself, with a soft and lovely smile.

After talking with Yan Yan for a while, he bought a bunch of food suitable for the cub with the fortune of the country, and Su Xianyu sat next to him and sorted out the clues while accompanying the cub.

[Current awakening progress: 0/4. 】

[Current clues to the descendants of divine beasts: 2/4. 】

On the task panel, the clues of the descendants of the beasts have changed.

"Aren't there three clues to the descendants of the divine beast?" Su Xianyu has a good memory, and clearly remembers that the infrastructure system explained that she had contact with the three descendants of the divine beast.

【System problems.The system is unable to determine the situation, and it has been upgraded recently, and the task data is more accurate. 】

The infrastructure system was silent for a while, and answered honestly.

Su Xianyu did not hold on to the problem of system errors, but noticed the sentence that the infrastructure system has been upgraded recently.

During this period of time, the infrastructure system appeared relatively rarely, mainly because she had nothing to ask for the assistance of the infrastructure system.

So, the infrastructure system took advantage of the relatively free time to upgrade it?

Sorting out the recent events in chronological order, Su Xianyu's eyes froze slightly.

Although there have been a lot of things in the past few days, it is not long before the day when the task is released.

If you want to say which day the infrastructure system behaved the most abnormally-it would only be when she was on Mount Taihe.

Suppressing doubts, Su Xianyu asked about the new mission clues.

[Clue 2/4 of the descendant of the divine beast indicated that within 24 interstellar hours, creatures with the blood of the divine beast appeared within a radius of 500 meters from the missioner. 】

[It is not certain that the owner of the bloodline of the divine beast that appears as a clue of the descendant of the divine beast can be awakened. 】

Su Xianyu was reminded, and she didn't think about it at first, but after being reminded, her mentality became more stable.

"If due to my negligence, I didn't find the owner of the bloodline of the beast who might be missed once, I would be under a lot of psychological pressure."

"Now that I know that the owner of the divine beast's bloodline that appears as a clue is not necessarily the descendant of the divine beast's inheritance recognized and allowed to awaken the bloodline, I have more room to play."

As soon as he finished speaking, on the opened panel, the little tit kept chirping.

[The owner of the divine beast bloodline prompted by this clue needs to pay attention, it is likely to be the descendant of the divine beast that the mission is looking for. 】

Su Xianyu was a little puzzled, and when he looked at the series of account information displayed on the panel, his eyes gradually became dull.

Each string of numbers has many digits.

"Chirp~" the little tit called out again.

This time it was a message from Qian Duoduo.

[Qian Duoduo: The reworked "The Other Shore" is so different from before...]

[Lin: In your opinion, is this difference good or bad? 】

After two hours of experience, Qian Duoduo's eyes were bright, and he carefully edited the words to reply.

[Qian Duoduo: Compared with the previous "The Other Shore", the current Beyond the Shore world is more like a game world, I like it very much. 】

[Lin: Then what did you think of the previous "The Other Shore"? 】

[Qian Duoduo: High degree of authenticity, interesting NPCs, delicious food, and terrible planning. 】

At Yan Nuo's request, Qian Duoduo, the leader, added the last sentence.

However, Su Xianyu didn't care about being plotted by the dog at all, and she wasn't a kind plotter at all.

[Lin: Let Yan Nuo prepare well, at most one month later, "The Other Shore" will make a strong comeback. 】

Su Xianyu calculated the time and reserved enough time to promote other game companies that are planning to launch new holographic games in the near future.

"The Other Shore" does not need to compete with other games, nor does it need to compete with other game companies for promotional resources.

However, it is impossible for "The Other Shore" to go online in a low-key manner after the rework.

To choose a suitable time to launch "The Other Shore" to the Xingwang community game zone, this time "The Other Shore" has provided a linkage opportunity with Shenglin Foodstuffs in the added home gameplay.

It's still early, don't worry.

[Qian Duoduo: By the way, we have just reached cooperation intentions with some livable star planet owners. Youyu restaurant branches will be opened on those livable stars. The intention money should have been transferred to Lin's account. 】

Su Xianyu rested her chin in one hand, and tapped the table lightly with the other.

"Is there any kind of divine animal blood that is more profitable?"

"I think Qian Duoduo has great potential as a beast."

The infrastructure system does not want to answer this question, but it needs to maintain its setting of dedication and love.

[The mythical beast white tiger can attract wealth. 】

"Is there a possibility that Qian Duoduo has the blood of a divine beast?" Su Xianyu fell into deep thought.

With the bloodline of divine beasts, all the divine beasts are so powerful. If you have the bloodline of divine beasts, your physique should be stronger, and your body should be healthier.

With Qian Duoduo's appearance, he is barely related to other divine beasts, White Tiger?
Thinking of the white tiger on the totem stone pillar that I saw on the altar before, Su Xianyu couldn't help emmmmm.

She respects Qian Duoduo as her partner very much.

She also wants to pay a lot of money to take care of her body.

However, the descendants of the mythical white tiger?

[There is a saying in human beings, that is, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. 】

The perception of the infrastructure system is much sharper than that of Su Xianyu. Even if the perception of certain things is blurred, he can still guess by intuition.

It didn't pay attention before, but now that I think about it carefully, Qian Duoduo is really special.

In particular, in a certain aspect, it is very consistent with the characteristics of the white tiger blood.

Lucky fortune is not the most obvious.

The non-pure blood white tiger, before the blood is awakened, will be much weaker than ordinary races.

In the interstellar era, the genetic modification technology is perfect. If Qian Duoduo is just an ordinary human race, and he is allergic to certain substances, he can undergo gene modification surgery.

Such operations are not uncommon, and many babies born with a genetic defect will have the gene corrected.

Due to the existence of genetic modification technology, interstellar people basically have excellent physiques and good-looking appearances.

Except for unsightly racial features.

But when transformed into a humanoid form, their appearance is usually taller and more beautiful than the other.

Su Xianyu squeezed the soft flesh on her body, and sighed faintly.

She still prefers her fleshy body, even if it doesn't look so good-looking.

"Looks like I have to rush back to Yancheng again."

[Why don't you invite guests to the imperial city? 】

Seeing the proposal of the infrastructure system, Su Xianyu didn't even want to deny it directly: "Now I haven't confessed to Qian Duoduo that the world on the other side was the real world of Lin Kingdom before, and all he knows so far is that "The Other Side" was built with Lin Kingdom as the background. World frame, maybe he has guessed, maybe I have hinted, but we didn't make it clear between us."

"It's not the best of times yet."


Yangjiao's surname is Song Minghuang, and she is Song Xun's adopted daughter.

She was born on Phoenix Mountain, and after destroying the sycamore trees that survived so hard on the mountain, and taking turns torturing the weak animals outside the mountain, she was thrown into the military academy by Song Xun for several years.

It has been a dark decade now, but mankind has encountered a new crisis.

The status of military academies is much higher than that of ordinary academic institutions.

More schools are named after a certain comprehensive military university.

This is the requirement of the times.

Song Huang didn't like the military academy, but the environment and atmosphere of the military academy was inexplicably suitable for Song Huang.

The little Song Huang stayed in the military academy for five years, and when she was an adult, she came back to guard Phoenix Mountain.

She has Song Xun's blood in her body, and what's more, she belongs to the phoenix that originally only existed in myths and legends.

Yes, Phoenix.

"Song Xun asked me to come out to continue school?" She fiddled with the tassels on her jacket, and said casually.

"I didn't study the Eight Classics seriously, so I should be regarded as illiterate if I put it outside?"

"It's fashionable for illiterate people to go to university now?"

"Since it was the teacher's arrangement, there must be a reason for her."

Yangjiao heard the unfinished meaning of the woman, what else could be said, what the teacher said was right.

Song Xun has a reason for everything he does, and everything he does is right.

Yangjiao tilted his head to look at Phoenix Mountain. It rained a while ago, and there seemed to be a little more green on the bare mountain.

"Then go."

Seeing that Yangjiao nodded, Su Xin immediately contacted the school and bought a suitable house nearby. She only waited for Yangjiao to nod and said she could go.

The school that Su Xin contacted was Kyoto University, where Song Xun was the principal.

Kyoto University is a top academic institution today, and quite a few researchers in the research institute graduated from this university.

Su Xin herself also completed her studies at Kyoto University.

When Song Huang's little ancestor got off the boat with his hands empty and his pockets in his pockets, Su Xin almost saw him as Song Xun.

Free and easy and meaningless, but also live according to your own ideas.

The talent is extremely high, and the mind is also delicate, so it is easy to be trapped in a cocoon.

Not daring to let Song Huang realize that she was too emotionally leaked, Su Xin pinched herself hard, closed her eyes, and it took only a second or two to open them again, regaining her composure as Song Xun's successor.

It doesn't matter if you don't have extreme power, but you must have the ability to keep calm.

"This is the teacher's research institute, which stores some of the teacher's work logs and research manuscripts."

Yangjiao thought for a while about what topics a stupid woman like Song Xun could study, but she didn't have any interest in those things for a moment.

Su Xin briefly visited the research institute with the horns, which made most of the researchers know the face of the horns, and then the two of them entered Song Xun's usual work place.

"This is the school that has been selected for you. You can go directly to the school to register with your identity information terminal."

"The teacher's account has been bound to your personal account."

As Su Xin said, she unconsciously glanced at the clothes on Yangjiao's body many times.

The material is good, and it is known to be the clothing of ancient civilizations, and it looks very suitable for sheep horns.

However, looking at the color, no matter how you look at it, it feels like it has been polished for a long time.

It should be a weapon that could have received such treatment.

Yangjiao didn't know that because of her attire, Su Xin had already thought of her as a little girl who was not well cared for in material life.

So when Su Xin proposed to take her out to buy some necessities for school, the horn was successfully taken away.

Since they are already necessities, you have to buy them when you need them.

When she was standing outside the luxury big-name store that was opened to satisfy the shopping and consumption emotions of the rich, Su Xin found the thin girl next to her, she was actually!drag!Do not!move!

"Actually, people can't be judged by their appearance."

"Don't look at me as thin. In fact, I'm quite heavy, but I look thin." Yangjiao thought about his real weight, and thought it's better not to say it, and it's not good to scare Su Xin.

"Song Xun asked me to call you Aunt Su, so you don't have to address me with respect."

"Just take me as the gatekeeper of Song Xun's family." Yangjiao didn't care about his identity anyway, and was quite casual.

"Then I'll call you Song Song?"

"You'd better call me Yangjiao, I like the name Yangjiao." It's not that the name Song Huang is rejected, nor is it that the name Song Huang is bad.

It's just that sometimes the words are unclear or fluent, so it's easy to say "Phoenix".

The word "phoenix" trapped Song Xun in his whole life.

"Aunt Su, are clothes necessary for school?"

"Clothing is of course a necessity for going to school. Not only do you have to buy it, but you also have to buy a lot of sets." Su Xin half-pushed the person into the store without any defense.

"Welcome the guests, I am very happy to serve you, I am your exclusive service staff for this shopping."

The sheep's horn cooperated with Su Xin to change one set of clothes after another. She didn't have any requirements for her attire, it was enough that the clothes could cover her body and keep out the cold.

As for the style, color, and fabric, I don't understand the horn, and I don't need to understand it.

"Thank you Aunt Su."

"You're welcome, it's just a welcome gift." Su Xin, who seldom spent such carefree consumption, waved her hand and helped Yangjiao hang up the clothes.

The clothes that have been washed and dried can be directly hung in the cabinet.

After Su Xin confirmed that Yangjiao didn't need her help to leave at present, Yangjiao opened the closet and took out a piece of clothing, folded the clothes along the creases that were not so obvious, and then took out a heavy wooden box from the storage bracelet. box.

The carved solid wood box is [-] meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meter high.

Such a body shape is not standard, but it is a carved mahogany box with fine carvings, and the lines are not stiff and blunt.

Yangjiao didn't take all the clothes away, but only picked two sets each season, took them down, folded them, and put them in wooden boxes.

The wooden box is already filled with half a box of clothes, all of which are ancient civilization costumes in the same shape as the clothes that Yangjiao is wearing now.

Packing his luggage without much effort, he turned the bracelet on his wrist.

She wore a string of thin bracelets, silver and white in color, and her wrists were also thin and white.

Bracelets are not simply decorations, but storage devices that are scarce in stock and expensive.

This is a legacy of another civilization.

The current level of science and technology is not yet able to break through the space technology in this area to produce the same storage device.

In the hands of Yangjiao, there is only storage function, and Yangjiao habitually simply sorts the collected things into categories and throws them into the corresponding bracelets, just like throwing them into a warehouse for stockpiling.

Su Xin thought that Yangjiao liked such a bracelet, so she prepared an information terminal of the same style for her.

The information terminal has already bound the identity information of the horn, and the personal savings account is associated with Song Xun's account.

In fact, Su Xin also shared his account balance with Yangjiao.

Her place of work is in the research institute, and she seldom leaves the research institute once a year. When she is busy, it is not uncommon for her to end up at the end of ten days and half a month without remembering to take a look.

This time, I took a special leave of absence, just to finish the matter of sending ram horns to school.

The child in the family is going out alone, so let her have more money no matter what.

Su Xin thought to herself: If you earn money, you have to spend it. You can’t let the children go out and want to buy something and have to be embarrassed because of the money.Although the balance in the teacher's account is enough to support Yangjiao to buy almost all the things she wants to buy to support trading.

After dealing with the backlog of affairs, Su Xin quickly turned off the lights and went to sleep, but before falling asleep, she vaguely felt that there was something she had ignored, but the feeling of exhaustion forced her to fall into a drowsy sleep.

At this time, in the room next to Su Xin, the sheep horn is doing the final inventory.

With the identity information certificate and the school admission notice, you can prepare to run away.

Yangjiao stood by the window to observe the surrounding environment, and noticed that the lights in the next room had been turned off, went back to the table and tore up half a page of paper, held a pen and struggled with words for a few seconds, and pressed the game console that Su Xin bought her. , and then jumped down from the window and left according to the established route.

Yangjiao, who doesn't get in touch with outsiders often, is the only woman she knows best. Song Xun didn't put any extra effort into Yangjiao, but only cared about her growing up safely.

Then Song Xun couldn't hold on any longer. She had done everything she could and should do to the extreme. She resigned from all the positions she held, handed over the tasks at hand one by one, and returned to her Phoenix Mountain.

On Phoenix Mountain, the sheep horn is a person.

Now on Phoenix Mountain, Song Xun slept with her lover forever.

After leaving Phoenix Mountain, Yangjiao was still alone.

At this time, the streets were lit with lights, and the business district was brightly lit.

Yangjiao walked silently in the dark, and suddenly a large area lit up in the distance.

That is the publicity screen of the central building.

A big piece.

A trailer for a holographic game called "The Other Side" is playing.

Yangjiao walked slowly and came to an offline game experience store that was decorating the store.

Or "The Other Side".

Open the terminal, the publicity about "The Other Shore" is overwhelming.

Yangjiao leaned against a lamppost and watched the trailer played by the central building.

A drop of water slips off the leaf and drips into the ground.

A seed sprouts and breaks through the ground.

A big tree blooms, and the tree is full of flowers.

A small boat drifts with the current, swaying with the waves.

A suzaku with bright feathers flew across the sky and sprinkled light golden feathers.

A white tiger walks against the wind, majestic and majestic, and the roar of the tiger is deafening.


A somewhat familiar world is slowly revealed, and the horns are gradually fascinated.

It was a world where one could cultivate, where spirit beasts and humans lived together.

Animals can be trained to become monsters, understand human language, and transform into human form.

Human beings can practice spiritual power, walk in the sky, and discuss the law with fellow Taoists.

It's very similar to another civilization I heard about in the horn.

She wants to see the world.

At this time, just after midnight, the 2-minute trailer was played, and Yangjiao opened the terminal to quickly make an appointment for the public beta.

Xingwang Xingbo has long been captured by fans of "The Other Shore".

While reveling, they clicked on the public beta link to make an appointment.

It was silent before, and only selected some people for internal testing.

The people who participated in the internal test were not interesting enough, and kept the news to death.

Occasionally come out to throw a message to hook people, but the important information is not disclosed at all.

The official is even more powerful. At [-]:[-] today, the commercial buildings of several major stars have played the trailer of the holographic game "The Other Shore".

The official blog also announced the address of the offline experience store at Zero Point.

Few holographic games will open offline experience stores, and they will start publicizing when they open.

Only "The Other Side" is particularly different.

The offline experience store also didn't reveal the slightest bit of news, and the site selection and decoration didn't let people notice the signs.

Yangjiao looked at the fast-moving comments under Shenglin's only official latest star blog, and turned his head to glance at the black-decorated shop next to him.

It can only be said that the officials are too cunning.

Who wants to make a profit in the shop secretly decorated at night.

At this time, the decoration of the store was completed, the lights were turned on, the tassels were pulled by the horns, and he walked towards the experience store.

"Welcome to the "The Other Shore" offline experience store."

The bionic man who was already in business but before business hours greeted the guests in a daze.

"It's not business hours yet, come back during the day—" Qian Duoduo, who just happened to be in the main star, simply came to the store to check the situation, turned his head and saw the customers coming in.

It looks so thin that a gust of wind can blow it away.

But the back is straight and the eyes are bright.

Su Xianyu was in video communication with Qian Duoduo at the moment, when she saw the girl who suddenly appeared from Qian Duoduo's side, she had no reaction at first, and the infrastructure system jumped out.

[This is the bloodline of the Phoenix!Leave her behind! 】

Su Xianyu coughed lightly when it was rare to see such an intense emotion in the infrastructure system.

"Duo Duo, let this customer rest in the store for one night."

Their offline experience store covers a large area. It is said to be a holographic game experience store, but it also provides accommodation and catering services.

It was built after the Internet cafes recorded in historical materials.

However, it is strictly operated in accordance with the relevant laws of the Star Alliance, and minors under the age of 14 are not allowed to enter.

Those who are over [-] years old but under [-] years old will not provide experience services for more than four hours.

Only adults can choose the 24-hour immersive experience.

There are [-] places in the first batch of public testing.

Compared with the previously released internal test quota, it is much more, but compared with the vast user group who are looking forward to the launch of "The Other Shore", it is really too small.

So when preparing for the public beta of "The Other Shore", Qian Duoduo spent a lot of money buying land, building an experience store and decorating it under the banner of opening Youyu Restaurant after leaving Taichu Star.

The holographic cabins are all specially customized by a factory on a mechanical planet that once belonged to the country in exile and is now under the name of the country of Lin.

"When will the offline experience store open?"

She already had more than 1000 million candidates when she made an appointment. She knew that she was unlucky, and she didn't report her hope of being selected for the first batch of public betas.

"At ten o'clock in the daytime, the game is open for beta testing. Customers who have not obtained a place for the internal beta testing can use the holographic cabin in the store to create a temporary character and log in to "The Other Shore" to experience the game." Qian Duoduo noticed Su Xianyu's unusual attitude and explained carefully.

"Guests can rest in the store, there are rooms upstairs, you can choose one to stay in."

Yangjiao, who rarely dealt with people, was silent for a moment, and said, "How do I pay the fee?"

"The store hasn't officially opened yet. Tonight's accommodation is free. We'll talk about later consumption during the day, okay?"

"The service android will take you to the room to enter information, and the bedding and toiletries in the room are ready-made."

Yangjiao nodded and thanked softly, but his eyes were on the holographic image of Su Xianyu that only Qian Duoduo could see.

The android got the order and went upstairs with the horns.

"Is she special?" Qian Duoduo thought about what happened to him, his eyes moved slightly.

"about the same as you."

"Arrange a top game cabin for her, I want to meet her."

"Got it, see you in the daytime."

Qian Duoduo gave the store manager an order to close the door and activated the defense system.

He also went upstairs to wash up and rest.

However, before entering the room, Qian Duoduo's eyes lightly passed over the room where the service bionic came out.

Divine beast bloodline.


Qian Duoduo would not have believed it if he hadn't seen and felt the changes in his body after the bloodline awakened.

Fortunately, when he met Lin for the first time, he seized the opportunity.

 Oh oh oh~ Wan is even better!
  Let me explain again, I will rest next month, and I will resume updating in December and end it (`)

(End of this chapter)

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