Cold coriander chose to live broadcast in the way of shared perception.

Viewers in the live broadcast room can choose to observe the environment within the range that the registered character can see from a fixed perspective, or they can directly turn on the holographic mode.One-sided acceptance of the perceived sharing of coriander salad.

At this time, in the live broadcast screen, there is an ID of coriander on the top of the head, the hair is messy, the lower body is covered with a rough leaf skirt made of leaves and vines, and the upper body is wrapped with the fur of an unknown animal. The branches are showing half the effort with twice the effort. The player who sweeps away the fallen leaves in the wind is still trying to make a way for himself. Regardless of the identity of the player, he is just like a savage who has escaped from civilized life.

The audience didn't know what this image represented, let alone what was going on in the head of the cold coriander.

They simply pulled out the character images in the live broadcast screens of several other major anchors and compared them with the cold coriander, and then took a look at the live broadcast rooms of other public beta players who had live broadcasts. presumptuous.

The style of "The Other Shore" is very bold. Aside from the fact that the first batch of open beta places is not much, users can log in to the game through the equipment in the offline experience store to create a player character that is bound to their identity information, regardless of whether they are beta players or not. .

Public beta players have an exclusive game cabin that is paid for by the public beta quota.

Before the public beta starts, you can also make image settings for your character.

There are no equipment with attribute bonuses, and the choice of ordinary clothes to cover the body is quite large, from rich clothes to tattered clothes, all clothes are in line with the background settings of the other side of the world.

It's just that each piece of clothing has no name and introduction, and players can only choose based on their feelings and preferences.

The appearance can be pinched at will. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, the face pinching system database has previously blocked the appearance combination data of famous stars in the interstellar world, and added a facial recognition system.

The re-launched "The Other Shore" has been completely reborn, with multiple official supports.

Xingwang Intellectual Brain has opened up some data sharing permissions, which allows the face pinching system of "The Other Shore" to pass identity recognition, preventing players from creating a character image that is too similar to other interstellar citizens.

As long as they don't pinch themselves into other people with citizenship, players can pinch them however they like.

Once it is matched with the clothing, the character image is created, and once the guiding story that briefly introduces the world background is over, you can log in to the game.

After logging in to the game, it's time to compare the players' personal Oufei worth.

The place where the player is "born" is completely out of his choice, but his body is delicate and fragile.

Some chose a sunbathing suit to go to the snow field where the north wind is blowing and the snow is fluttering, and there is also a gorgeous dress that appeared in the dense forest covered with thorns.

Compared with those rookie players who have little knowledge of the planning nature of "The Other Shore", the "old" players have much more stable choices one by one.

Zhaozhao slept in white clothes, her long silver hair was tied with a blue ribbon, soft and smooth, with a fairy air.

The landing site is also on the edge of the water stream, and the view is fairly wide.

Compared with other people, it can be regarded as very lucky.

If you didn't see how he was looking around with a fairy appearance, he almost dug into the ground, and finally randomly selected a willow tree as the goal of completing the task of making an entry-level sound repair weapon for him. Maybe you will be attracted by the anchor's beauty.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

After watching the whole process, the audience only cares about the anchor's task selection and game ideas.

When registering a character, you can pre-select the path you want to practice. The system gives many options and clips to show. At that time, I fell asleep and was directly attracted by a short piece of music played by Yinxiu. I copied it without hesitation. Fluttering.

The first task is to explore the surrounding environment and choose materials to make starter weapons.

When he saw the task, Zhao Zhao hadn't given up hope.

Yinxiu's weapon needs to be able to play music. Zhao Zhao picked a leaf and tried to blow it out. In the end, his cheeks hurt and he could only make a "puff puff" sound. irrelevant.

After failing the first mission attempt, Zhao Zhao cast his eyes on the stones on the ground.

He vaguely remembered that there was a way of playing music that was put in a container——

No, the condition is not met.

Zhao Zhao turned his attention to the bamboo forest behind, maybe he can make a bamboo flute.

When he was doing the task of repairing the imperial city, he saw NPCs making bamboo flutes.

After reviewing the steps of making the bamboo flute, Zhao Zhao was a little confident, and just about to take a step, he found that his hands were empty.

【What is Sleeping Baby thinking?Why did you suddenly lose your mind? 】

[Blind guess is that I fell in love with the bamboo in the bamboo forest, but found that I have no tools. 】

[If you don’t have tools, just do it with bare hands. I checked the information and found that bamboo is a herbaceous plant, so it shouldn’t be a big problem to get started directly. 】

Actually, the problem is huge.

The delicate player fell asleep face to face, and even with the weight of his whole body, he couldn't break a single bamboo.

So, another attempt failed.

The pottery xun, which has only been heard but never seen and does not know the production steps, is excluded, and the qin, erhu, and suona that jump out are also excluded.

Before deciding to repair the sound, Zhao Zhao also specifically learned about the musical instruments that appeared in ancient human civilizations that are similar to the world background setting of "The Other Shore".

The records of most musical instruments are very simple, and the production methods of some simple musical instruments are attached, and interested readers are encouraged to try to make them by hand.

But Chao Zhao didn't cherish it. He only watched some audio and video recordings using these instruments, and he didn't get help in choosing the instrument in the end.

At that time, he never thought that there would be a time when he would need to collect materials to make musical instruments by himself, but now it is too late for him to regret it.

The game cannot be archived, and every minute and every second in the past is real.

In the end, a good memory came to the rescue, and Zhao Zhao remembered that in a certain promotional clip of "The Other Shore", the cowherd boy folded a section of wicker to make a willow flute, and sat on the back of a cow to play a ditty.

Wicker, material quantity is bulk.

The willow flute is simple to make, and it is possible to make it successfully.

Chao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment when the target is selected, the original weeping willows, green grass, fluffy grass and birds chirping, a beautiful, vibrant and spring-like waterfront has changed its style of painting.

There is not only one willow tree on the shore, Zhao Zhao chose the most luxuriant one among the willow trees.

Among the words handed down from a certain ancient human civilization, there is such a poem describing the willow tree - the jasper is made up to the height of a tree, and ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down.

This willow tree is extremely tall, and ten 1.7-meter-high willows can't compare with it.

There are more than a thousand willow branches hanging down.

In Zhao Zhao's eyes, the willow trees in front of him had all lit up with red names.

【LV10 Willow Spirit】

【LV8 Willow Spirit】

【LV15 Willow Spirit】

【LV13 Willow Spirit】

【LV20 Willow King】

Among the red names expressing hostility, only LV0 fell asleep and suspected that what he had experienced before was a fake game.

Swinging gently with the wind blowing before, the extremely soft willows waved towards Zhao Zhao's direction, and some of the willows even made a sound of breaking through the air.

Chao Zhao, who was defenseless and defenseless, was a little dumbfounded.

Why are the game styles of the closed beta and public beta completely different?

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