Su Xianyu has never been a troublemaker.

"The Other Shore", which is now online, is not only an explanation to the game fans who have been looking forward to "The Other Shore", but also the biggest bargaining chip and sincerity in the previously established cooperation.

The publicity of the public beta of "The Other Shore" can have such a row, all thanks to the enthusiasm of the fans of the official blog.

Why does a game that has clearly closed the login entrance for internal maintenance have such a popularity when it is re-launched?

The young monarch fed himself a grape and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

This time, it was not the handiwork of the infrastructure system.

With this period of running-in, Su Xianyu has already figured out the nature of this infrastructure system whose origin is not yet clear.

Su Xianyu was the first to be skeptical that it was a technological product of a higher technological plane.

Saying that it originally existed in Taichu Star, Su Xianyu also felt that something was wrong.

Occasionally, I tried once or twice, and because I was not proficient in the business, I failed to find out what I wanted to know, so I let the infrastructure system guess my true intentions first.

In addition to going to bed early and getting up early, eating three meals a day on time, and raising cubs at three o'clock, the part left for "work" can reach an hour.

In order to mark the importance of the affairs, ordinary affairs are sent to the terminal, and the intelligent assistant handles them in a unified manner.

What's more, except for some trivial matters on Su Xianyu's side, which can be taken care of by the puppet, and some routine matters can be answered by the intelligent assistant, Su Xianyu still has to take a look at the other letters handed over.

This cannot be completely ignored, and that cannot be completely ignored.

In order to urge himself to deal with these letters in a timely manner, Su Xianyu set a "strict" schedule for himself.

In the end, we have to manage this and that.

Even if Su Xianyu had fun saying that he "doesn't overwhelm himself with too many things" and could share the affairs in his hands, he couldn't completely let go of them.

When Su Xianyu came to Yancheng, the pile of letters turned into a white and cute Xiaojiu followed her.

The reason given is also very strong - the power of the system has not been replenished, and it is necessary to reserve power for emergencies. Su Xianyu, the current monarch of Wanglin Kingdom, will make persistent efforts to revive the star of the beginning.

It is about cooperating with other civilizations or forces, and the specific content will be organized into letters and sent to the Imperial City of Lin Kingdom by carrier pigeons.

Later, the infrastructure system put away the all-round auxiliary butler style that Su Xianyu felt vaguely familiar with, and became the hands-off shopkeeper very aboveboard.

The original words were more official and more impeccable, not only blocked Su Xianyu's mouth, but also doubled the business volume that Su Xianyu, who could have fished for three days and posted nets for four days, had to deal with several times.

This hour is usually fixed after breakfast and before lunch, but Su Xianyu chose to watch the live broadcast of the game at this time today.

The little white dove, who has no intelligence but only a little bit of spirituality, yells "Jiujiu" along with Xiao Feijiu, who is conscientiously urging his master to work, and Su Xianyu, who still wants to pretend to be a big brother in front of Yan Nuo, breaks his defense instantly .

Su Linyuan recorded the changes in the body data when the sheep horn defeated the giant beast in the game, and has already started to compare it with the physique, strength and other data of the existing owners of the blood of the beast.

Standing on the shoulders of the handsome young man who was concentrating on his work, the fluffy and dazzling Suzaku uttered a clear cry. He fixed his eyes on the girl who was holding a knife in the projected picture and began to disassemble the body of the giant beast. It's a raging fighting spirit.

It depends, good night

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