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Chapter 114 Krypton Gold Clue

"Master Shanling doesn't know, and the old turtle naturally doesn't know either." The Lingshi turtle stiffened its neck.

It really doesn't remember many things, including when it was born with wisdom and the memory before it was discovered by the stingy emperor Lin Guo. All it has is some messy memories. Those memories are not clear and fragmented. It's a big old turtle, and the Lingshi turtle doesn't bother to look through those memory fragments one by one.

What's more, if you encounter something or hear any familiar words, useful and useless memories will emerge by themselves, allowing it to pretend to be a deep and deep turtle.

It's good to be a tool tortoise who trades labor for rations. The old tortoise doesn't want to worry about the troublesome things of resuscitating the primordial star.

Thinking of this, the Lingshi turtle retracted its neck, moved its four legs, and then put away the turtle jio.

Su Xianyu flicked an eye knife, but unfortunately her eyes could not penetrate the shell of the turtle, nor could it pose any threat to the Lingshi turtle who was content with the status quo.

The clue that Lingshi Turtle is Xuanwu's reincarnation was exchanged by her for the fortune value of the country.

After verifying that Qian Duoduo has the blood of the white tiger, Su Xianyu exchanged the fortune value for clues about the descendants of the remaining two kinds of beasts.

After Xiao Krypton, Su Xianyu got the hint that the descendant of the divine beast Qinglong's aura is too shallow to get more detailed clues, and the hint that the divine beast Xuanwu is on Taichu Star.

There is also a descendant of the divine beast beside her, and Su Xianyu has caught all the turtles in the rivers, lakes and mountain streams of the Lin Kingdom one by one to confirm that they are not the descendants of the divine beast indicated by the clues, and in a fit of rage, she chose krypton gold and got This is a bit outrageous but highly believable detailed prompt.

In order to make Lingshigui admit that he is the reincarnation of Xuanwu, Su Xianyu also gave Lingshigui a bunch of top-quality spiritstones.

I never thought that a certain spirit stone tortoise would not do anything after taking the spirit stone, and would not even do his own job...Su Xianyu, who couldn't think of a more effective way, slapped the table and came with the spirit stone tortoise who refused to cooperate Taihe Mountain.

Lord Shanling does have a solution.

I tried one method after another, but the Lingshi Turtle was still in the same posture that I will lie down and let you be busy and anxious, and Su Xianyu's fists were clenched tightly.

"Master Shanling—" The QD Research Institute under the jurisdiction of his elder brother has already produced a fully functional talent testing instrument, and the supporting spiritual energy testing instrument has also been put into production.Lingshi Gui, who will be laid off in minutes, should go back to the corner of the private warehouse to collect ashes!

The national fortune she spent in krypton gold is enough to buy one hundred and eighty beautiful clothes for Yan Yan!

Thinking of this, Su Xianyu's eyes were not friendly, and then he looked at the Lingshi turtle that had cost him a large amount of national luck and didn't even see a splash.

"It's okay, I have a solution." Under the sun, Taihe Shanling's eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

"As the lord of the country, Xianyu must get used to such things."

"Not all investments can bring double returns, and not all efforts can get positive feedback."

When Taihe Shanling said this, he emphasized his tone, as if he was emphasizing something.

After finishing speaking, Taihe Shanling turned around with an unnatural expression.

And Su Xianyu, who took every word of Lord Shanling as a code of conduct, listened carefully, only thinking that Lord Shanling was reminding her that she didn't need to bother about this matter, nodded solemnly, and did not notice Lord Shanling's expression at all. Variety.

The fingers in the sleeve moved slightly, Taihe Shanling raised his hand, and the sunlight falling in the hall turned into a pale golden light curtain.

"I slept for a long time, I forgot that there was a Xuanwu used to pretending to be an ordinary turtle."

"That Xuanwu was born crippled, with excellent talent, but it was difficult to make progress in cultivation. In the end, he gave up practicing the inherited skills of the Xuanwu clan and turned to cultivating the soul."

"The bloodline can be passed down, it is the power of the soul to rely on."

"When the ancestors of the gods and beasts left inheritance, they also left behind a ray of divine soul power to protect the inheritance."

"This ray of spirit carries the complete inheritance of the ancestor beast. When the ethnic group is prosperous, only the appropriate inheritance will be passed down."

"Whenever there is an amazingly talented and brilliant generation in the ethnic group, and they create powerful exercises, they will go to the ancestral land to leave their own inheritance."

"Only that Xuanwu has never been to the ancestral land of the Xuanwu clan, and when the Xuanwu ancestral land closed itself in the end, that Xuanwu never appeared."

The picture on the light curtain changes with the narration of Taihe Mountain Spirit, and finally a picture of a group of turtles coming ashore is condensed.

While the other turtles on the beach were busy making baby turtles and laying eggs, one of the tortoises, which seemed to be in its prime, slowly climbed to the top of the reef, turned itself over slowly, and leisurely The sun was up.

After watching the set of movements of the turtle basking in the sun, Su Xianyu felt familiar.

"Is this the turtle that Xuanwu disguised as?"

"The tortoises live long and can survive without spiritual energy, but what the Taichu star lacks in these years is not only spiritual energy, but also vitality."

"If it's this basalt, if the body dies, it's not impossible for the soul to be preserved."

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