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Chapter 116 Xuanwu Divine Soul

The light green spiritual liquid fell from his fingertips, dripping like rain into the soil.

Su Xianyu held his breath, afraid that the airflow he breathed would overturn the tender shoots that emerged from the soil.

The psychic liquid is not a pure wood attribute psychic liquid, but a wisp of spiritual energy extracted by the Taihe Mountain Spirit from the spiritual veins at the bottom of the Taihe Mountain.

As the spiritual liquid dripped down, the soil became moist, and the seeds whose vitality was almost exhausted were wrapped in the soil that had absorbed the vitality of life, and slowly absorbed the spiritual energy.

The speed of absorption is getting faster and faster, and the shriveled seeds in the core become full.

The slight sound of the core breaking did not escape Su Xianyu's ears, so Su Xianyu witnessed the resurrection of a seed.

The air of life flows in the translucent stem under the sun, and the leaves are young and tender, which is the tender green that best represents the growth of all things in spring.

That is, in the blink of an eye a few times, the seedling grows into a small tree, blossoms and bears fruit.

The fruit is blue.

Su Xianyu has never seen a fruit of this color.

The blue was very similar to the blue sky she saw when she looked up inadvertently in an ordinary day in the past, and also like the calm sea she saw in the promotional video of "The Other Shore".

The sea area of ​​Primordial Star is quiet, there are few winds and waves, it is quiet and peaceful, like a huge mirror, reflecting the color of the sky.

It's just that the blue is deeper and clearer.

The fruit looks thin-skinned and juicy, and even exudes a soft light.

That is the pure water attribute aura overflowing with fruit.

It can be said that the juicy and delicious appearance hanging on the tree has nothing to do with the shriveled appearance when it was first obtained.

The Lingshi tortoise, pretending to be asleep, jumped to the flowerpot with a "swish", and was intercepted by a white jade-like hand before it got in close contact with the fruit.

"Spirit Stone Turtle is so fast." Su Xianyu admired it sincerely.

The Lingshi Turtle raised its neck, and no matter how much it raised its short neck, it couldn't reach the palm of Taihe Mountain Spirit.

"What kind of fruit is this? Why does it smell so tempting to turtles!" It's not that Lingshi Turtle didn't hear the discussion between Lord Shanling and the stingy monarch about himself.

But it is just an ordinary spirit stone turtle, how could it have anything to do with Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts.

It is impossible to be related, so how could it be the reincarnation of Xuanwu, a descendant of Xuanwu?

Although... the past that Lord Shanling said later, it sounds a little familiar...

Lingshi Turtle shook his head, unwilling to think about those complicated things.

It might be an unusual spirit stone turtle, after all, it came out of the imperial palace, so it has a bit of dragon spirit.

What's more, it has lived for a long time, and there is something in its brain, enough for it to fool ignorant humans.

But human beings are only human beings, divine beasts are high above, and Lord Shanling is a legendary existence. It is a great blessing to be able to see it.

Can Master Shanling hold it in the palm of his hand and tell it in the future, who would not envy it?

Thinking of this, Lingshi Turtle blushed, and the cheeks carved from Lingshi were still slightly pink.

"I seem to have eaten this fruit before."

"Look at this fruit, how juicy it is, how tempting the turtle is." Lingshi Turtle continued to try to stretch its neck to get closer to the fruit right in front of it while elongating its tone. Try to "stand up".

"Xuanqi, the Xuanwu you were waiting for is here, you can wake up and see it." Taihe Shanling let go of his hand, let the Lingshi turtle fall into the soft soil holding the Xuanwu fruit, and called out the name of guardian Xuanwu.

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