See the moon again

Chapter 51 Temporary relief

Chapter 51 Temporary Relief of Worrying in Summer
"Mother, I'll do it together with you, the baby is much better now, and I want to make some delicious food for my mother."

In fact, when moxibustion just started, the body often has some reactions, making people look weaker and weaker, and even some old diseases are directly exposed.

Li Lan kept these questions hidden all the time, and by the way, took the opportunity of cooking with her mother to make some medicinal and healthy soups for Mrs. An's health.

Seeing that autumn was here, Li Lan simply cooked a bowl of mutton porridge while Li Qiu was sticking to the autumn fat.

Two catties of mutton, one tael of astragalus root, one tael of white poria cocos, five pieces of gray dates that the Empress of Xirong sent to An's mansion, three-in-one japonica rice...

All the medicinal materials that the emperor sent into the mansion before came in handy, especially the high-quality ginseng from Changbai Mountain in Northeast County. Li Lan also took a couple of them and cooked them together with mutton porridge.

"Where did Lan'er learn this porridge?" Mrs. An watched her daughter make the mutton porridge. "I went to the palace before, and I made such a dish at the palace banquet. It is an excellent medicinal food."

"It's the prescription given by His Highness the Third Prince, and my daughter followed suit."

This recipe was actually learned by Li Lan from her master in the 21st century. Li Lan was weak, and the master knew that she didn't like to drink medicine, so he used these delicious medicinal foods to adjust Li Lan's body.

But since His Royal Highness the Third Prince knew his identity, and the recipe for medicinal food was used in the palace, Li Lan just passed it on to Li Mu.

"It turned out to be so."

Mrs. An didn't ask any more questions, she just took the spatula silently, "Lan'er, go and have a rest, look at your sweaty head, mother will be fine when you come."

"Your body is inherently weak. The previous doctors have said that you should be more cautious. You will be overwhelmed by sweating so much later."

After leaving the steaming stove, Li Lan already felt uncomfortable, so she took her pulse lightly, and she knew it, so she listened to Mrs. An's words and went back to the house.

"This child is really worrying..." Mrs. An muttered, her hands didn't stop making porridge, "Put so much, it will be enough for two or three days."

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Lan to waste food, but knowing that she is not in good health, she plans to travel around these few days. What are Taoist temples all about?

To prepare more, I also hope that Mrs. An can warm up her body before she is out of bed, and recuperate as soon as possible, so that she can have another son and a half in the future.

"Cough cough..."

In theory, coughing is a good thing, at least it can bring out a little bit of cold air in the body, if you find a time to do acupuncture, and then bring out the cold poison, your body should be better.

Before it was time to eat, Li Lan sat on the couch and began to meditate.The warmed meridians are indeed much better than before.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

A violent cough forced Li Lan to stop her luck and lean on the steps.

Frowning, Li Lan felt that the cold poison that had accumulated for a long time should not be in Yuanshen's body - it seemed that something crooked had been placed in his body.

The way Li Lan cultivated is very tolerant, as long as it is the right way, no matter which part of the sky you are, if you practice your way, I will cultivate mine.

But for these crooked ways, Li Lan really couldn't tolerate them: harming people and doing evil, but under the guise of ghosts and gods, it was even worse than those who stood on the so-called moral high ground to do evil!

"Lan'er, it's time to eat."

"What are you thinking again, so lost in thought?"

"Mother... I want to go for a walk. The climate in the south is warmer. I want to go to the south for a while."

Mrs. An's hand holding the porridge was stunned, she picked up a spoon to fill a bowl for her daughter, and passed it over, "If you have made up your mind, mother will prepare it for you in two days."

(End of this chapter)

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