Chapter 119 I'm not a lover

In just a few seconds, the sound of the car's engine came from far to near, and slowly stopped at the door.

Sierra stood up, "Who's here?"

"No one, it's time for you to go back to the house and go to bed. Remember to lock the door so that no one can come in." Eric stood in front of her, his thick black eyebrows frowned, and a ferocious look was about to overflow from his eyes.

"It's Rose Hill?" Sera could guess who it was from his facial expression.

"You go back first, Eric." She patted him on the shoulder, "That gentleman must have something important to visit late at night."

"What if he came for you? Do you want to go out?" Eric wanted to grab her right wrist, but seeing that it was still fixed with a splint, he turned his hand abruptly in the air and held her shoulder.

Serra thought for a while, then nodded, "I'm going out, if he calls me, I will definitely go out."

What else can I say?Rose Hill was at home, and he probably could hear their conversation in the yard, but if she said a wrong word, she would be finished.

There was a moment of disappointment in Eric's eyes, he lowered his hands and drooped his head, "For you, he is the most suitable marriage partner, right, so you don't have to worry about collecting dowry. "

"Eric, do you think I'm a money digger?"

"No." He denied it flatly, his handsome face was full of entanglements and worries, "I'm just telling you as your friend that he is not a good match, just like that mermaid, they are not good people."

Sera couldn't help laughing, she patted off some fine dust that fell from his shoulders when he climbed the wall, and pressed her white and tender palms against his neck, feeling the special body temperature above.

"You always say they're all bad guys, aren't you a bad guy, Eric."

For a teenager, his view of love is still immature, but this feeling that keeps her away from bad guys has always been pure.

"I'm not." He lowered his head, his brown eyes were clear, "I'll protect you."

The professional speaking skills of the male protagonist of Yiyou are here again, whether it’s Losid’s preference or Eric’s protection, these originally belonged to the little white flower with the core of the cannibal flower upstairs, and she is not a real person at all. relation.

Sera suppressed her heartbeat, she can fall in love with another immediately every few hours this day, it is really scumbag and clear.

"Are you a knight?" Sera rubbed his hedgehog-like short black hair, "You still want to protect me, a fake princess."

"Yeah." He lowered his head slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You say so."

"Miss Serra! Where have you been?!" the servant called from the house as she walked towards the back garden door.

Sera withdrew her hand, "Okay, you go back, I'm going in."

"must go?"

"Do I have a reason to refuse?" Sera asked him with a smile, turned around and opened the wooden door of the department, and walked into the castle.

The smile on the corner of Eric's lips disappeared, his heart throbbed, and he looked down at his rough palms due to long-term work.

In terms of financial resources, he really can't let Sera say no to that disgusting vampire. His clan only walks on the fringes of society. Even if he wants to change the clan system that has been followed for hundreds of years, he still has to consider the thoughts of his family , and their inherently misanthropic nature makes it nearly impossible for them to want to go downhill and blend into town life.

Sera followed the servants to the living room, and Lizzie said to her mildly: "Mr. Rose Hill invited you to watch the midnight movie, I think it's late, what do you think, Sera? "

"Movie? What movie?" She had never been to a movie theater here.

""Nosferatu"" Anna Xi said to her: "The newly opened movie theater in the town just opened, and it is said to be a horror movie."

Sierra stared at the pale vampire standing by the door and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The author who wrote this novel is really not a human being, why did he integrate this film into it? The key is why did he choose this time to invite her?Very suspicious.

"Selah is actually quite afraid of watching horror movies, Mr. Rose Hill." Mrs. Josie said with a smile, "She is much more timid than her sister."

Ross Hill is no longer in the same black suit. He wears a light gray woolen coat, a handmade red scarf around his neck, and a string of silver cross necklaces hanging underneath.

The fingers he took out of his pocket stretched towards Serra, and the rings on his knuckles were taken off cleanly.

Under the watchful eyes of Mrs. Josie and Lizzie, he grabbed Sera's left hand without any courtesy, and his cold voice condensed into ice, "I took her away, and I will send it back later."

The tone was more like a notice, and it didn't give the family a chance to stay.

Mrs. Josie was afraid of his authority, but she also didn't like his impoliteness. She asked aloud: "What do you mean to our family Selah now? Are you taking her out in the middle of the night to train her to be a lover? We The family can't afford to lose this person, even if she is willing to be your lover, I don't agree."

Although the lady's own mistress is in charge, what she said is quite correct. Sera nodded in agreement. She really wanted to know what Rose Hill would say, but his response in the next second shocked her. .

"Are you willing to agree?"

Rose Hill was like a king who had been suggested an extremely good solution, with a half-stern face, he restrained his excitement and asked her condescendingly.

Even he himself probably didn't realize how obvious the anticipation in his tone was.

Sera said without a smile, "If I wasn't afraid that my left hand would be broken, I would leave a fingerprint on your face."

He was absolutely out of his mind. Some time ago he asked her to work for him, but now that Mrs. Josie mentioned it, he actually wanted her to be his mistress.

She didn't even bother to pretend that her words were astonishing, which frightened several family members present.

Lizzie slammed her cane on the soft carpet on the ground, "Selah! What are you talking about!"

"He wants me to be his lover, I can't be angry anymore?" Sera turned her head angrily.

Anna Xi, who didn't think it was a big deal, tried to make amends in the back, "There are not many nobles who don't take care of their lovers. In fact, this is not bad?"

Sera didn't bother to pay attention to her, and wanted to take her hand out of that big cold hand, "I won't watch a movie with you, so let go!"

"I didn't tell you to be my lover." Rosehill's expression twisted when she heard her angry and rude words, "Maintain your self-cultivation and talk to me well."

Sera snorted heavily, "It's because you don't talk to me well. If you really dare to make me your lover, I will definitely hate you. I will do what I say."

Rose Hill's flashing unnatural emotions were crushed by indifference, her sexy lips were tightly pressed, and she held her hand tightly without saying a word, leading her away.

(End of this chapter)

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