Chapter 195 Venom
Losid glanced at Zachary, who dodged his eyes but still did not leave Khaleda's side.

He pulled his lower lip and didn't say anything, probably feeling empathy.

Sela intervened between the two to interrupt the discordant atmosphere, "I think Khalida's flowers are pretty."

She pulled Loxyd away from the two of them, and went to watch other flowers.

Anna Xi also had flowers on display, but affected by the factory incident last time, no one cared about her flowers no matter how beautiful they were.

She stood there lonely, and none of the partners she had made friends with before had a good look at her, and Mira even gave her a look of contempt when she passed by her side.

They surrounded Sera, talking and laughing with her.

"Miss, would you like champagne?"

Yolanda held the tray and asked her with a smile.

Anna Xi glanced at the champagne glasses, withdrew her gloomy expression, and smiled, "Is the wine good?"

“Of course, a good vintage wine is good to drink.”

Yolanda replied politely.

"Then go and give everyone a drink."

The other party nodded and walked away holding the tray.

While Sera was discussing with Roxide what to eat at night, the organizer of the flower show, the pregnant baroness, came to invite Roxide to play a song.

"Earlier in the morning, I heard from Anxi that Mr. Roxide's piano skills are superb. The piano over there was originally just a decoration. Can you play a piece for the sake of your face?"

Sierra looked in the direction of Anna Xi, she smiled purely, and just raised her glass to her, it seemed that she just praised Lorshid from the bottom of her heart.

However, Losid didn't want to leave Sierra to give the wolf a chance, but the girl next to him pinched his waist with a small hand, telling him not to refute people's face.

"I haven't heard you play the piano for several days, go."

Facing those expectant and soft eyes, Losid could not refuse, "Yeah."

He went to sit in front of the piano, put his fingertips on the keys, and his playing skills were not inferior to the famous musicians in the capital, which made the people present with artistic talents sigh.

"Would you like champagne, madam?"

There were only two glasses of champagne left in Yolanda's tray. She wandered around deliberately, waiting for everyone to have a glass before finally going around to Sera.

These two glasses of wine were specially prepared for her.

Sierra came all the way through the rain, and was stared at by Eric's piercing eyes for a long time. His mouth was indeed dry, so he took a glass casually.

When she glanced at Yolanda's face from the corner of her eye, she turned around curiously, shook the wine glass in her hand, "I think you look familiar."

Yolanda smiled at her and said politely, "I only saw you in newspapers."

She turned away quickly, and Sera didn't pay attention, and took a sip of the wine with her lips pressed against the rim of the glass.

Anna Xi, who was far away from her, saw her drink the wine, her eyes lit up instantly, and the corners of her lips widened.

The vampire's venom was the only thing that werewolves and mermaids couldn't tell the difference. It was colorless and tasteless when mixed in a wine glass, but it had the fastest effect.

Serra just took a sip of the wine and felt unwell.

She touched her throat, and the sudden burning pain burned all the way from her throat to her stomach, as if a big hand had smashed her stomach severely.


The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and shattered, and the sudden noise attracted everyone's attention.

Eric was the closest to her and rushed over to catch her before she fell.


Shouting in horror, shattered eyes, Sera only had time to see these expressions, and then began to twitch in pain.

Her brain went blank in pain, she scratched her neck with her fingers, and let out an unbearable yell.

The severe pain seemed to have invaded her internal organs, and the flesh and blood were smashed to pieces by the pain.


it hurts.

"Doctor, doctor! Is there a doctor here!?"

Someone was shouting, someone ran past and brought a gust of wind.

Eric picked her up and swept off the flowers on the booth with one hand as quickly as possible.

The crackling vase shattered, and the culprit himself didn't notice it, but put Sera flat on it, supporting her head.

"Selah, look at me, Selah, what did you eat?"

Her eyes were unfocused, her nasal cavity and esophagus were blocked by the feeling of suffocation on the brink of death, the veins on her slender neck bulged, and the twitching of her body slowed down.

Losid immediately issued an order to evict everyone.

He had a fierce look in his eyes, with the dark light of a beast, "Get out!"

The Charm skill infected everyone except Anaxi, who was immune.

She stood there watching for a long time, wishing she could just watch Sierra die in front of her eyes, but because she wanted to hide her identity, she could only slowly follow a group of dull-eyed people out of the flower show.

[bug fix, Sierra character is popping up]

This is the second time, Sera saw this sentence very clearly in a blur of vision.

It is true that the system has messed up again, and it wants her to be forced to eject.

Probably meant to go home.

Gradually, she no longer wanted to struggle, and let the dark vortex drag herself into the abyss.

Her collar was torn off by Eric. Under the snow-white skin, the beating speed of her heart had already exceeded the normal beating range of humans.

"Loxyd! Damn you, do something!"

Loxyd came to Sera, snatched her from Eric, and pressed her soft lips to her.

His saliva is the best medicine in the world. Although Eric felt extremely offended by the scene of him kissing Sera, he just endured it and looked anxiously at the pale girl who gradually became silent.

The entanglement between the lips gave Sera's tightly closed airway a little more space.

Fresh oxygen was brought in by someone, and her body's survival instinct prompted her to take a breath, and her entire chest bulged.

But this is not the end, as if magma was flowing in the blood vessels, the burning pain caused her to start screaming like crazy after receiving oxygen.

Just don't save her, she seems to see the way home.

Loxyd's saliva did not relieve her much, and she could vaguely hear the hoarse heart struggling for the last time.

Her fingers visibly raised and trembled, and her fingertips touched Lloyd's face, gently pushing him away.

"Huh, don't, no more."

She was in pain, and his saliva had no great effect on her, and both parties knew it well.

Eric snatched her away from Losid, and said in a trembling voice: "Even your saliva doesn't work, go to Rossier, as long as the time is fast enough, maybe there is time, he may know what to do."

He outlived any of them.

Not even the greatest doctor in the world could save her, only Rosehill.

Sierra was held in Eric's arms and rushed directly into the vigorous rain.

The rain falls through the fir trees that stretch out in the mountains and forests, and falls from the branches.

The cold water splashed on Sierra's pale face, and her lips became bloodless.

(End of this chapter)

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