Chapter 113 The Great Change of the End Times (21)

How wonderful, Qiao Ran's ability should be used to deal with zombies.

How can it be used against humans?

Qiao Ran looked at Chu Yin angrily.

Laugh coldly.

As long as Yun Yizhou is returned to him, what else can Gu Shuang threaten him?

At that time, he can really do whatever he wants, and he will be invincible. Yun Yizhou is a person full of ability and wisdom.

She and Yun Yizhou are a perfect match.

"You are really stupid, very stupid, but I won't say why you are stupid." Qiao Ran couldn't help but sneered.

Yun Yizhou was imprisoned by Gu Shuang for so long, and treated like this by Gu Shuang, he must hate Gu Shuang to death.

When Yun Yizhou regains his freedom, he will also think about taking revenge on Gu Shuang.

Now Gu Shuang is only greedy for the crystal nuclei of [-] high-level zombies.

Chu Yin didn't say a word, but there was an inexplicable smirk on the corner of his mouth.

Sang Yang brought Yun Yizhou out, and within two months, Yun Yizhou's injury was almost healed.

Seeing Qiao Ran, the lifeless Yun Yizhou seemed to come back to life.

"Of course." Yun Yizhou, who hadn't spoken for a long time, had a hoarse voice.

Qiao Ran burst into tears when he saw Yun Yizhou who had been missing him for many days.

Sang Yang let go, and Qiao Ran and Yun Yizhou hugged each other affectionately.

Chu Yin nodded in relief: "Not bad."

"It was so touching, I was almost moved to tears."

"Let's go." Chu Yin waved his hands: "May you be as happy as a couple of gods in the future."

Qiao Ran looked at Chu Yin coldly: "Don't worry, we will have a good life."

Gu Shuang really had the guts to return Yun Yizhou to her.

Then wait for the next storm.

If it wasn't for the fear of exposing the existence of the space, she would have wished to put Yun Yizhou in the space and kill him.

Many people died because of Gu Shuang, can Gu Shuang still be a hero?
It's ridiculous.

She wants to take away everything from Gu Shuang, including the reputation of a so-called hero.


The space is not easy to expose, that is the last card.

"Yun Yizhou, goodbye." Chu Yin waved at Yun Yizhou.

Yun Yizhou looked at Chu Yin with extreme indifference, and didn't say anything.

He is Gu Shuang's defeated opponent.

It was still relying on Qiao Ran to escape from the clutches of the devil.

In this world, only Qiao Ran is the best to him.

He only had Qiao Ran in his heart.

Qiao Ran and Yun Yizhou left the base.

Sang Yang was a little worried: "Now the only thing that can threaten Qiao Ran no longer exists."

"If Qiao Ran does anything wrong, it will be very difficult for us to stop him."

What Sang Yang was worried about was also what Tong Chengze was deeply worried about before.

Chu Yin promised Sang Yang just like he promised Tong Chengze.

"Don't worry, Qiao Ran won't be free at all."

"I have tampered with Yun Yizhou, and Qiao Ran will probably be busy fighting zombies in the future."

It was a drug that he worked hard to research on his own brain cells.

Sang Yang didn't question Chu Yin's words at all, and then thought of how many times he had given Yun Yizhou some unknown potions.

That should be the moving hands and feet.

He let out a cry: "Good sister, why didn't you say it earlier."

"It made me worry for nothing for a while."

Chu Yin spread out her hands: "You didn't ask earlier!"

I thought Sang Yang realized it by himself.

"Let's go, pack up and go out to fight zombies." Chu Yin patted Sang Yang on the shoulder.

"We're going a little further this time."

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with staying at the base.

In the past few months, Chu Yin personally led the team out to deal with the zombies, which indeed accelerated the speed of cleaning up the zombies.

Chu Yin firmly believed that it would be faster in the future.

As soon as Yun Yizhou left the base and reached a safe place, he couldn't wait to say to Qiao Ran: "I want to go to space."

"I want to drink the spirit liquid and eat the fresh vegetables in it."

After being imprisoned for so long, what he ate made him miserable.

Qiao Ran hesitated to speak.

Yun Yizhou's eyebrows twitched: "Could it be that you don't want to let me in again?"

"No." Qiao Ran pursed her lips.

If Yun Yizhou sees the current space, he will be very sad.

He likes to drink the spiritual liquid the most, and he is very intoxicated every time he drinks it, and he is full of praise.

He liked the paradise that belonged only to the two of them the most.

The Yun Yizhou in it is the most real and the most relaxed. In the past, in the space, I spent happy and precious years with Yun Yizhou.

That sweet time just for the two, beyond anything.

"What happened?" An ominous premonition rose in Yun Yizhou's heart.

Just as Qiao Ran was about to speak, Yun Yizhou suddenly felt uncomfortable and asked Qiao Ran, "Crystal nucleus, is there a crystal nucleus?"

"Crystal nucleus?" Qiao Ran was stunned.

Yun Yizhou's expression became very painful: "Yes, I need a crystal nucleus."

"Why is that so?" Qiao Ran was inexplicably ironic.

She hasn't told Yun Yizhou that space is actually related to zombies.

As a result, Yun Yizhou needed crystal nuclei.

The crystal nucleus has to be taken from the zombie's brain, which means that the zombie must be eliminated.

Yun Yizhou's complexion turned black, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his handsome face became ferociously distorted.

Qiao Ran had a double image in his eyes.

"Crystal nucleus, I need a crystal nucleus, without it I will die." Yun Yizhou pleaded.

Qiao Ran's mind was full of thoughts: how could this happen?
Fortunately, in order to get [-] crystal nuclei before, Qiao Ran got more crystal nuclei and gave Yun Yizhou all the remaining crystal nuclei.

Yun Yizhou almost robbed him, he had never lost his composure before.

Snatched it from Qiao Ran and absorbed it quickly.

Emotions are stabilized and painful symptoms recede.

Back to normal.

Yun Yizhou was surprised: "I didn't expect it to be so painful without a crystal nucleus."

"When do you need a crystal nucleus?" Qiao Ran asked.

Yun Yizhou thought for a while and said, "Two months ago, after I was cut off, after I got better, I had a desire for crystal nuclei."

"Gu Shuang and the others also provided it to me. I haven't missed it, and I didn't realize that it would be so painful if I didn't."

"It's Gu Shuang who has tampered with me, otherwise I wouldn't have reacted like this." Yun Yizhou finally came to his senses.

Gu Shuang gave him some unknown potions more than once.

It turned out to be this effect.

Without the crystal nucleus, it will be painful and unbearable.

When he didn't get the crystal nucleus just now, he wished he could commit suicide.

Especially like a junkie.

Qiao Ran's face was pale.

It turned out to be waiting for her here.

Gu Shuang, oh Gu Shuang.

One step counts as a hundred steps.

The underpants were all taken away by Gu Shuang.

"How many crystal nuclei do you need a day?" Qiao Ran asked.

Yun Yizhou thought for a while and said, "About twenty pills a day."

Qiao Ran exclaimed, "So many!"

With such a big demand, wouldn't it be exhausting to find crystal nuclei in the future?

Gu Shuang actually made a potion that made Yun Yizhou unable to live without the crystal nucleus.

Qiao Ran felt desperate for an instant.

She had thought of many revenge plans before, and as long as Yun Yizhou returned, she would take revenge on Gu Shuang.

He even laughed at Gu Shuang's stupidity.

Qiao Ran blushed, and now it seemed that she was the one who was stupid.

How could a person like Gu Shuang easily return Yun Yizhou to himself for the sake of hundreds of crystal nuclei.

(End of this chapter)

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