Chapter 115 The Great Change of the End Times (23)

That day Gao Lang told Chu Yin: "I found a flying zombie."

Chu Yin's eyes widened: "Can zombies fly?"

Gao Lang nodded heavily: "Yes."

Chu Yin turned his head and entered the room, and took out a long and big machete from the room: "Where is it?"

"Let me go meet him!"

"Don't be impulsive, flying zombies are definitely not kind." Tong Chengze stopped Chu Yin.

"We are going to activate the weapon to see if we can bomb him directly. He can fly fast and maybe he can escape."

Chu Yin put down the machete: "Go and try."

"The key is that now this zombie has sneaked into the safe area of ​​Rong District and has fallen. Many people have died. Fortunately, everyone has been vaccinated and no one has been infected with the zombie virus."

Sang Yang twitched the corner of his mouth, no one was infected with the zombie virus but some people died.

Chu Yin heard that no one was infected with the zombie virus anymore, and he basically judged that although the zombie has become able to fly, the zombie virus he carried has not mutated, and his own vaccine is still effective.

The number of zombies in the world will no longer increase.

But can zombies fly?

Could it be that the Zombie King is about to appear?
Is this the last means of self-saving in that space?
If the zombie group has a wise zombie leader, this can slow down the speed of the zombie group's demise.

Zombies are immortal, space is immortal.

3308 told himself that the space and the zombies signed a contract of life and death, and they didn't have enough energy to break away from this contract before.

And with the huge reduction of zombies, the space can obtain less energy. It took a long time to break away from the zombie group in the plot. Now that the energy is not so much, there must be no energy to leave.

So what changes will the existence of the Zombie King bring?

Could it be that the zombie king will mutate the zombie virus in the future?Or lead the zombies to destroy humans?
Or is the Zombie King absorbing huge energy and providing it to this space?
Chu Yin thought about it quickly, but couldn't figure it out, but it is absolutely possible to kill the Zombie King first.

No matter which step the space intends to take, it will be over as soon as it takes a step and blocks the way for him.

Rong District Safety Zone is very close, less than an hour's drive away.

Tong Chengze continued: "Although we have managed to save most of the people, we don't know the specific location of this zombie, nor are we sure if there are any people inside."

Chu Yin picked up the machete again: "Then it seems that I will meet him."

"Since it is impossible to confirm how many people are inside, using large weapons is an indiscriminate attack, which will hurt innocent people."

"Furthermore, the safe zone was finally rebuilt. With that kind of weapon, a safe zone will be destroyed, and the economic loss will be huge."

"The most important thing is that there is no 100% guarantee that he will be killed, and he will not escape."

"Go, don't delay, things will change sooner or later." Chu Yin asked Sang Yang to arrange people and cars.

Tong Chengze said: "It is recommended to prepare with both hands."

"Bring your weapons, and if it doesn't work, just bomb it."

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes."

"Then yours is called plan a, and mine is called plan b."

"I'll go to the research room to get something." Chu Yin went to the research room to get a lot of energy supplements.

Pack up and go.

Arrive at the safety zone of Rong District.

Outside the safe zone, there are some survivors who were finally rescued.

There was deep fear on their faces, and some were trembling all over.

Chu Yin got down from the car, dragging her huge machete, and everyone shouted: "Dr. Gu."

"Is that Dr. Gu?"

"It's Dr. Gu, Dr. Gu is here!" Someone shouted excitedly.

She was wearing a white shirt with an unbuttoned neckline, her slightly curly long hair tied up high, a few strands of hair scattered on her forehead connected to the end of her eyebrows, and her bright red lips raised slightly.

Equally eye-catching as her was the huge machete in her hand. The machete looked heavy and big, and it dragged on the ground with an indescribable momentum.

"Can Dr. Gu lift such a big knife?" Someone couldn't help but wonder.

Someone said: "You actually questioned Dr. Gu?"

"Did you forget that Dr. Gu taught you how to absorb crystal nuclei?"

"Dr. Gu must have come here to deal with that flying zombie."

"It's scary, that zombie can tear people in half by grabbing them!"

"Hurry up and let these people evacuate to the safe area next door." Chu Yin urged.

This cannot stay.

What if the Zombie King flies out now?

The person in charge of the safe area came to report to Chu Yin about the situation inside.

"There should be some people who have not been rescued, and we cannot determine the exact location."

"They should have gone into hiding themselves."

"Got it." Chu Yin nodded.

Driving into the safe zone with a group of people, which was the urban area before, Chu Yin saw that the streets and alleys were full of dead people.

And most of the limbs were separated, and blood flowed all over the ground.

The death was extremely tragic.

Some corpses had deep bone scratches on their faces, and the flesh was scraped into a pulp.

"3308, can you help me find it?" Chu Yin felt that he didn't have time to wander around this big city.

3308 said, "It's in the church on West Street."

Knowing the specific location, Chu Yin glanced at the map, then at the street signs, and directly told Sang Yang, "Go there."

"Turn right."

"Go straight."

"I feel like maybe it's up ahead."

"Go ahead and try."

"Let's go straight again."

She didn't directly say that she was at the West Street Church, but pretended to observe along the way before giving directions.

When the car stopped outside the West Street Church, Chu Yin got out of the car first, and said to the last few cars: "Everyone is in your place and prepares."

Those of them are the ones who will directly activate Plan A at that time.

"I will provide you with more specific directions for sending signals at that time, and try to minimize the losses in the Rong area."

They drove away to make preparations, and there were dozens of heavily armed people on Chuyin's side.

After Chu Yin entered the safe zone, she was also fully armed when she was in the car. Naturally, she couldn't go up to fight in a white shirt.

Someone pushed the door of the church open, and Chu Yin faintly heard some cries for help. Looking down, there were bloodstains and corpses all over the ground. Chu Yin followed the blood and walked through the center of the church. There was a small door there, and Chu Yin pushed it open. Small door, come to the back of the church.

Scattered stumps were all over the ground, and the smell of blood was very strong.

A zombie sits by the well in the backyard of the church.

The well was facing a room full of people whose escape route was blocked by zombies.

The corpses next to the zombies had piled up into a hill.

Of course, if it didn't turn its face away, Chu Yin couldn't immediately judge that it was a zombie.

He has thick black hair and he wears a floral shirt.

From the back, there is really no difference with people.

It's just that when he turned his head and face, his gray skin, misty white eyes, fangs that couldn't be hidden, and the rotten skin exposed by his open floral shirt all showed the characteristics of his zombie.

"Help us." Seeing you coming, the desperate face of the person blocked by this zombie climbed into hope.

(End of this chapter)

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