Chapter 117 The Great Change of the End Times (25)

Chu Yin was startled when he saw him come back: "It's not that I told you not to come back."

"Now the zombie is provoked by me and will attack indiscriminately. I suggest you go out and hide now, and come to you after sister kills this zombie."

Sang Yang: "...I think I can help you with something."

As soon as Sang Yang made a sound, the zombies immediately attacked in Sang Yang's direction.

Chu Yin snapped, "Get out."

"Don't affect me!"

Chu Yin said this out of desperation, and immediately regretted it.

It felt like an inappropriate thing to say to someone who risked his life to come back to her.

Sang Yang trembled all over, frightened by Chu Yin's aura, and quickly analyzed the battle situation.

He really can't participate in the fight of gods in this high-end game.

It's better not to delay here and affect my sister.

My sister can fly, and now she still has the upper hand, entangled with zombies, and the zombies can't escape, so it should be fine.

All he could do was comfort himself.

Sang Yang retreated in a hurry, and closed the church door when he went out.

Waiting anxiously at the door, the time passed by, and there were rumbles from inside from time to time, probably because heavy objects fell to the ground or something in the church was damaged.

Gao Lang and the others who were waiting outside to execute Plan A were very worried.

Why hasn't Dr. Gu sent them a signal yet?

"I want to go in and find Dr. Gu." Gao Lang was blocked by someone just as he took a step forward.

"Dr. Gu asked us to obey the order!" the man stopped Gao Lang and said.

Gao Lang worried: "Sang Yang went in too."

Tong Chengze also came, and he was also extremely worried.

Also clamoring to go in.

Everyone hurriedly persuaded the two leaders.

It probably means that you can't be so impulsive.

If you go in, who will direct the next thing?

Use your body to block these two people, if you want to go, then kill them and step over their corpses.

"We believe in Dr. Gu. Dr. Gu said that she has a way to escape. People like Dr. Gu will not do things that are not sure."

"Don't you believe in Dr. Gu? What's the use of you going in? If you must go against Dr. Gu's order and send someone in, then we will go in."

"You must not take this risk."

This makes Tong Chengze tangled.

Dr. Gu repeatedly ordered that no one should be allowed in.

Should it be against her will?

Sang Yang listened anxiously to the movement inside, which tugged at his heartstrings.

Anxious, every minute and every second is torture.

Suddenly it became quiet inside, and there was no sound.

Sang Yang pushed open the door and saw Chu Yin standing in the center of the church, with the zombies that had been dismembered by Chu Yin under his feet.

In her hand, she held a crystal nucleus that was bigger than an egg. It glowed with a little pink fluorescence, beautiful like a pink diamond.

"Sister, you are too good." Sang Yang stood there, dumbfounded.

It felt like she would win, but she didn't expect to win so quickly.

"Sister, I admire you so much." Sang Yang exclaimed exaggeratedly.

Chu Yin lifted her chin slightly, a little proudly: "Is it?"

"There should be no such zombies in the future."

The Zombie King can't be born all the time. Now that this one is useless, even if the small space gathers energy to give birth to another one, it's too late.

Just looking at the special crystal nucleus of the Zombie King, one knows that it will take a long time for this Zombie King to form.

Strive to exterminate the zombie group before the birth of the next zombie king.

Sang Yang suddenly realized something again, and quickly looked Chu Yin over and over again, only to find that the blood on Chu Yin's arm was dripping down his fingertips.

Stride over, worried and urgent: "You are hurt."

Her clear eyes were full of distress.

Hurry to help Chu Yin take off the protective armor. Chu Yin was injured in one arm and was grabbed by the Zombie King.

Fortunately, he used strength to protect himself, so that the bones were not visible, but he also pulled out a few centimeters of scars.

The blood kept flowing, staining the sleeves of her white shirt red, and Sang Yang felt shocking.

"There is hemostatic medicine in the car." Sang Yang dragged Chu Yin out, and frantically disinfected Chu Yin's bleeding.

Chu Yin leaned back on the passenger seat, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"If it's convenient, you can give me a painkiller."

Sang Yang came to his senses and slapped himself hard in anger.

"Damn it, I forgot about that."

With five deep scars, how painful my sister must be.

Just because my sister didn't speak doesn't mean she doesn't feel pain.

Chu Yin was shocked by his loud slap.

Then a little guilt crept into my heart.

"Don't do this, Sang Yang, don't blame yourself like this."

"I'm actually not in pain. I just remind you habitually. It's probably an occupational disease." Chu Yin comforted.

"What's more, when I asked you to go out just now, my words and tone were a bit heavier. I feel guilty and sorry for this. I'm sorry, Sang Yang."

Chu Yin reached out and touched Sang Yang's head.

Sang Yang shook his head: "It's not heavy, not at all."

"I disobeyed orders."

"But I'm really worried about you."

"We have fought so much together and are the closest comrades in arms. I can't help but come back."

"I've made up my mind. If you can't deal with zombies, I must go forward and retreat with you, and live and die together."

"But how can you fly... I really didn't expect it, it's so handsome."

"Good sister, tell me honestly how many crystal nuclei you have absorbed."

Sang Yang asked Chu Yin endlessly while administering the medicine.

When asked how many crystal nuclei he had absorbed, Chu Yin was instantly embarrassed: "Ahem..."

"Then what, in the laboratory, there are many crystal nuclei..."

All crystal nuclei should be given priority to the research laboratory, and she has indeed absorbed a lot.

"Isn't there no way to do it? I have to become stronger in case of emergencies. Isn't this just in use?" Chu Yin pursed her lips.

Sang Yang couldn't help laughing: "What? My good sister still has a guilty conscience?"

"I don't think there is anything. The crystal nucleus is originally provided to those who are capable."

"It doesn't matter if my sister absorbs more, my sister absorbs it and has done something for mankind."

"If it weren't for my sister, I don't know if this zombie can be solved. Although there is a plan, it is not 100% sure to solve it."

"If the zombie is not solved, it will harm other places, and there will be more serious consequences. I even think it already has its own thoughts, but it can't speak yet."

Chu Yin nodded: "You think it is right. During the battle, I did find that it has a thinking existence."

"By the way, I can fly..."

Sang Yang immediately promised: "I will never tell anyone."

Although flying is really cool, but... But it's still not convenient to make it public.

Sang Yang gave Chu Yin good medicine and started the car: "Let's go, our people's hero, go out and receive the adoration of everyone!"

"They will be shocked!"

Sang Yang was also very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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