Chapter 120 The Great Change of the End Times (28)

Human beings are still working hard, and Chu Yin is also concentrating on research.

After experiencing a zombie virus, the cards were reshuffled for human beings.

Power has also undergone redistricting.

In this zombie virus, many people rose up and many people died.

Life has to go on, and the road ahead is bright.

Chu Yin tried her best to develop some useful medicines, which she has always been interested in.

In the previous world, she painstakingly learned Chinese medicine, and in this world, she directly obtained the professional knowledge learned by the client for many years. Chu Yin only sighed that the harvest was huge.

Sang Yang brought food: "Sister, come and eat."

As Chu Yin's neighbor, Sang Yang is very happy to cook for Chu Yin.

"Is it delicious?" Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin expectantly.

Chu Yin nodded and smiled contentedly: "It's very delicious."

"Your skill has improved so fast that even a five-star chef would bow down to you after tasting your dishes. He sighed and knelt down on the spot to learn from his master."

Sang Yang was elated when he heard it: "Is it really so delicious?"

"But I haven't eaten the dishes cooked by my sister, can my sister cook me a meal?" Sang Yang asked.

Chu Yin said without hesitation, "Of course."

"I am glad to."

Sang Yang has always taken care of her most of the time, and she is the first thing Sang Yang thinks of when he has something good.

We have experienced many battles together, and our friendship is very deep.

I am about to leave this world, and I feel a little reluctant just thinking about it.

Moreover, Sang Yang seldom asked himself to do something for him, and he was always very considerate of his busyness.

"Then I won't go to the research room this afternoon. I plan to concentrate on cooking a few dishes at home." Chu Yin couldn't wait to get up and open the refrigerator, wanting to see what dishes were there.

Sang Yang smiled and said, "Sister, don't tell me you have vegetables in the refrigerator."

"Have you ever bought food?"

Chu Yin was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say.

"You're so busy all day, you eat when I serve you food, but you don't eat when I don't, how can there be food." Sang Yang made a decision: "We'll go out to buy vegetables together later."

Chu Yin nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

After buying the vegetables, they brought them home and put them in the kitchen, and Chu Yin realized that these dishes were all his favorites.

Thinking of her eating habits, Chu Yin is not too picky about eating. She will eat some of most dishes, and she will not only eat this when she meets her favorite food, and she will not express it when she likes it.

Even so, Sang Yang observed his preferences, Chu Yin was secretly startled, Sang Yang's observation ability is very strong.

Chu Yin asked Sang Yang to go to work, so she could do the work herself.

The plate is arranged with heart, the carving is decorated with heart, and the sauce is squeezed out into a lovely shape.

When Sang Yang came over from work and saw the table full of exquisite dishes, he clicked his tongue twice: "I am lucky in this life."

"I can eat my sister's food."

Chu Yin raised her chin: "My cooking skills are not bad."

There is nothing to do in the last world, and I have practiced cooking.

"It's really good." Sang Yang praised while eating: "The rice cooked by my sister has a special taste."

"What special smell?" Chu Yin asked back.

Sang Yang shook his head: "It's hard to describe, but it's very special."

"Maybe others can't taste it, but I can." He tasted it very carefully.

Chu Yin smiled.

Is this what I muttered in my heart?
I didn't taste any special taste.

She quietly watched Sang Yang eat.

In my heart, I wish Sang Yang a smooth, safe and happy life in the future.

I sincerely wish this younger brother who calls me my sister every day but takes care of me in everything in life.

After Chu Yin left this world, Gu Shuang came back.

A large-scale and most authoritative research institute in the country was newly built. Based on past achievements and personal abilities, Gu Shuang became the director of this research institute.

Sangyang also gained a high status.

Gu Shuang continued to do what she liked, doing research, and when others mentioned emotional matters to her, she shook her head.

He said that he would never fall in love again in this life, but would dedicate his life to the medical cause.

Committed to solving various problems that human beings cannot overcome at present.

Everyone couldn't help admiring this. As Gu Shuang developed another medicine with great significance, Gu Shuang's reputation once again swelled.

After Gu Shuang went back, he quickly established a friendship with Sang Yang and maintained an excellent relationship.

Who wouldn't like a good-looking younger brother who can take care of others and praise others.

It's just that the good times didn't last long. At the end of the second year after the zombies were completely cleaned up, that is, more than a year after Chu Yin left this world, Sang Yang passed away unexpectedly.

Gu Shuang was very sad and was sad for a long time.

It is very difficult to find a bosom friend in life, and she lost one, and she fears that it will be difficult to meet again in the future.

Countless people feel sorry for it, and Sang Yang is also very famous.

They left messages to comfort Gu Shuang, and at the same time wished Sang Yang's next life.

Chu Yin, who returned to the system space, was looking at the screen.

Tasker Chu Yin No. 3308 completed the task of client Gu Shuang, and obtained task rewards: points: 2000 points, wish power: 150 points, merit: 150 points, soul power: 3 points.

No.: 3308
Name: Chu Yin

Race: Terran

Gender: Female
Rating: one star

Points: 2000+3000
Willpower: +150
Merit: 150+230
Soul power: +3
Seeing that the points had accumulated a full five thousand points, Chu Yin was relieved.

The reward this time should be the most rewarded since doing the mission.

Well, save a world?
Chu Yin has a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Thinking of Sang Yang, she thought in her heart that Sang Yang and Gu Shuang should be able to get along.

Will become good friends too.

Gu Shuang is a very powerful and capable woman.

He has a very good personality and will definitely become a good friend.

Thinking of how she dealt with the zombie king alone at that time, and Sang Yang risked his life to come back with her, Chu Yin would be moved when he thought about it.

It also proves that Sang Yang is worth making as a friend. After analyzing the temperament and temper of Gu Shuang and Sang Yang in his heart, that friendship should last.

Chu Yin absorbed the power of will and soul, and tidied up the system space.

In addition to the books exchanged before, there are also some Chinese medicinal materials. I have collected some energy supplements, nutrients, and various medicines during this mission, which can detoxify.

Then there are some crystal nuclei, it is not impossible to use the crystal nuclei as spirit stones.

For example, if you encounter some tasks and urgently need force value, you can absorb some crystal nuclei for a quick boost.

The principle of energy supplements is to supplement according to the upper limit of one's own strength. If the body is compared to a container, the body's own capacity of [-] ml can replenish [-] ml of energy. One hundred milliliters can be added.

Chu Yin thought it was just as useful, so he put some in the system space.

Nutrients, you won't be hungry after drinking it.

Some various medicines are also used.

Chu Yin put all the things into a box, arranged the books, sorted out his mood, and said to 3308: "I want to start the next task."

3308: "No problem, please prepare."

(End of this chapter)

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