Chapter 131 Became a Queen (11)

When the profits from the stock market arrived, Chu Yin couldn't wait to find the company to terminate the contract with the money.

She came with liquidated damages, regardless of whether the company agreed or not, she had to terminate the contract, which was also stipulated in the contract.

Xu Muyin made a phone call to mock Chu Yin: "Leave Ruiyao, never want to come back."

"Don't worry, I'll go to Sheng Xiao right away, the lineup is no worse than Rui Yao."

Xu Muyin: "..."

"Where did you get the money from?"

Chu Yin: "I want you to take care of it."

Chu Yin announced on Weibo that she had terminated the contract with Ruiyao Entertainment.

It drew ridicule.

[What is the termination of the contract, does Ruiyao Entertainment not want you anymore? 】

[An entertainer like this should get out of the entertainment circle. 】

[Support Ruiyao, don't let this kind of person pollute Ruiyao. 】

【Let's see which company will want this kind of person. 】

Three hours later, Chu Yin updated the second post.

@ Sheng Xiao Entertainment, and Sheng Xiao Entertainment's gold medal manager Lu Xi.

She told the netizens that she has already signed a contract with Sheng Xiao Entertainment, and her agent is a very capable gold medal agent.

Netizens were stunned.

[Sheng Xiao Entertainment is crazy, this kind of artist is also wanted. 】

【Sheng Xiao and Ruiyao have always been competitors, probably because of trying to get rid of Ruiyao. 】

【According to your logic, does Sheng Xiao follow everyone Rui Yao doesn't want?Could it be that there is some transaction in this. 】

【This Xu Jiameng is really disgusting. After leaving Ruiyao, he went directly to Sheng Xiao. Isn't this just a disgusting person? 】

【Yes, especially her sister is still in Ruiyao now, she went to the rival company. 】

[Is this the rhythm for the two sisters to start tearing apart? 】

[Xu Jiameng may be Ruiyao's tool for disgusting others, she still takes herself seriously, and @人人, will others care about her? 】

Everyone sit and wait to see the joke.

half an hour.

Both of her @ accounts responded.

Expressed his welcome to Chuyin, saying that future cooperation will be pleasant.

Xu Muyin fans waiting to see the joke: ...

[I'm really speechless, family members. 】

【Sheng Xiao is so disgusting to our Goddess Yin, let's boycott their company. If we don't drive away Xu Jiameng, we will continue to boycott. 】

[Yes, this kind of person is not worthy, resist and resist. 】

Sitting opposite Chu Yin was Sheng Xiao's gold medal manager Lu Xi.

and Yang Yunxiao.

"You're really good, you got the money so quickly and terminated the contract."

Yang Yunxiao was sure that father Xu and the others would not give money.

Chu Yin smiled modestly: "Reluctantly."

"I really can't wait to come here."

"Don't worry." Yang Yunxiao looked at Chu Yin: "Judging from your own conditions, you are very malleable. Lu Xi is a very capable manager and will definitely make you more famous than Xu Muyin."

Leng Hanting was able to make Xu Muyin into a first-line star in such a short period of time, could he be weaker than him?
Yang Yunxiao shook his hair handsomely: "My damn desire to win."

Chu Yin nodded confidently: "I'm actually very popular now, and I feel that it will be a matter of time before I become an actress."

Yang Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Not bad, you are ambitious and confident enough, I appreciate you!"

"Lu Xi, train me well." Yang Yunxiao instructed Lu Xi.

Lu Xi was staring at Chu Yin dumbfounded at the moment.

what does she say?That she is actually very popular now?
The words echoed in her mind.

She shook her head.

Is Xu Jiameng serious?

Indeed, at least many people know of her existence.

But it's black and red!
Black and red!
This black artist must be cleansed!

"Sister Lu, I will rely on you from now on." Chu Yin's words brought Lu Xi's mind back.

Lu Xi smiled and resigned to her fate: "I will train you well."

"I hope we can cooperate happily."

Yang Yunxiao looked at the phone, raised his head and said to Chu Yin: "By the way, Leng Hanting seems to be planning to block you."

"He is in charge of the entertainment industry?" Chu Yin asked Yang Yunxiao.

Yang Yunxiao: "Of course not."

"But if I don't help you, he can really block you."

Publicly responding to Leng Hanting, it seems that this incident still makes Leng Hanting very angry.

It also proved that the relationship between Leng Hanting and Xu Muyin was unusual.

Otherwise, he wouldn't treat Xu Jiameng like this.

"Isn't there you? A powerful person like you covers me with ease. God, how can I sit here and talk to you?"

"You are such a perfect, handsome, graceful, youthful, rich, noble, and unparalleled powerhouse who looks down on all living beings and is unparalleled in the world, just sitting opposite me."

"Thinking of myself hiding under your wings, my heart is extremely stable."

"Am I dreaming?" Chu Yin looked extremely exaggerated, looking at Yang Yunxiao with eyes full of admiration.

Lu Xi: "..."

The entertainer!

And it was obvious that Yang Yunxiao was very useful, he fully agreed: "For these words directed at you, I must protect you."

"Leng Hanting really treats himself as a dish, you are now a member of our company, and he dares to block you, it's ridiculous!"

"Lu Xi, she's popular now, get her some small variety shows first, and then get her some scripts to see what role she's suitable for."

Lu Xi twitched the corner of her mouth.


Now the boss thinks she is a very hot person.

Chu Yin invited Lu Xi to dinner, and had an in-depth communication with his manager.

Also have an understanding of this broker.

But Lu Xi just had a meal with Chu Yin, and made a decision after returning home: "I must train her."

"She is the future movie queen, the star of tomorrow, and the absolute top class in the future!"

Yang Yunxiao looked at Lu Xi.

He Rui came to Xu's house to discuss the divorce.

Father Xu insisted on letting Chu Yin stay.

Chu Yin looked at Xu's father playfully: "Are you afraid that I will be bored? Let me watch Xu Muyin's jokes?"

"You really deserve to be beaten!" Father Xu just said, but didn't do anything more.

I've given up, knowing I can't make it.

Everyone sat together, He Rui took a look at Xu Muyin, and proposed to divorce.

Xu Muyin's expression was indifferent, as if she didn't hear it.

This made He Rui embarrassed and a little angry.

He was retiring the engagement, but she was absent-minded.

Is the marriage contract between them so unimportant to her?

"Mu Yin." Father Xu reminded her.

Xu Muyin looked at He Rui: "Are you talking about retiring the engagement?"

"Okay, I'm the one who was sorry for you first, and it's also right for you to ask for a divorce. I won't blame you."

"Although that incident was not what I wanted, it did have a great impact on you. I'm sorry."

He Rui: "..."

In this way, she agreed very frankly and readily.

She didn't hesitate at all, she didn't even listen carefully to what she was just saying.

She said a lot of things, did she only hear the word divorce?
But every other word I said hinted at her that as long as she was willing to stay and give herself a step down, there would be no need to call off the marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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