Chapter 143 Became a Queen (23)

The reason why the fans said that was actually because Chu Yin gave advice to the director during filming.

She used to be a popular person next to the emperor, and she is very familiar with the power struggle in the court. It is a real thing. Chu Yin felt that this point was not expressed enough in the play, so she suggested to the director to change the plan, and now it is changed. The effect presented afterwards.

It is also because of such a wonderful presentation in front of the eyes that this drama can become popular.

At that time, when she accepted the drama, she knew from the plot that the drama would not be popular, because the male and female protagonists are not very famous, and the plot is also lacking, but she fell in love with this role and was confident to play this role. Live, have the confidence to push this drama.

The show is over.

Although she, the villain third female, received a lunch box, but when she received the box lunch, she was full of brokenness, which made the fans cry to death.

Moreover, her offline made people feel extremely regrettable and regretful. She was full of scheming and wisdom, but she was willing to die due to the family's calculations.

[Although I was a villain in the play, this was the first time I cried because the villain went offline. 】

[It is always embarrassing for a cruel and ruthless villain to die of family affection. 】

[Mengmeng's acting skills are really good, so beautiful, why are there so few of her scenes! 】

[Ahem, that's enough, no matter how much it is, it will surpass the hero and heroine, and I have already earned enough tears. 】

[I can see that I am longing for it. It is really exciting to be a villain with power and IQ online in ancient times. Besides, the so-called villain is also viewed from the perspective of the hero and heroine, because it hurts the interests of the hero and heroine. From her perspective From the looks of it, none of that can be considered a villain. 】

[I am really looking forward to the next two dramas. It is said that one is about the city and the other is about war. In the urban drama, the character is a good guy. In the war drama, it is a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, but there is still a person with a dark side. 】

[Mengmeng's three plays span quite a long way! 】

[Mengmeng is called daring to try, daring to challenge, unlike Xu Muyin who only accepted the role of a good person back then, but she is indeed such a bad person behind her back. 】

The broadcast of this play caused a huge reaction, among which Chu Yin performed the most brilliantly. His excellent acting skills are obvious to all, and he saved the whole play by himself. The director said that this play is expected to win an award.

And Chu Yin also attracted a lot of fans with this drama, and the broadcast of two dramas in succession made her popularity rise again and again.

Although the three dramas are not the female lead, they all have a lot of roles, and the directors have added dramas to Chu Yin. In the three dramas, Chu Yin has amazing performances in it, laying the foundation and showing his strength. Yin became a second-tier star.

Commercials, endorsements, variety shows, events, busy flying.

There are also many dramas looking for her.

Chu Yin was still staring at the book "The Moon Has No Return" in Yang Yunxiao's hand.

He ran to ask Yang Yunxiao: "How is my performance in these three plays?"

"The eyes of the masses are discerning. If the masses say yes, dare I say no?"

"Then..." Chu Yin hinted frantically.

Yang Yunxiao said: "I can give you a chance to audition. The director is quite picky and has already cast a lot of people."

"It's up to you."

"No problem." Chu Yin walked out happily and received a call from Xu's mother.

"Mengmeng, can you come and see me now? I've been sent to the hospital." She pleaded weakly.

Chu Yin: "I'll call the police for you."

"No, please, don't call the police. Where can I put my face when calling the police?"

"I'm just too lonely, no one cares, no one hurts, I want you to accompany me."

Chu Yin sneered: "I used to be like you, longing for you to care about me, love me, love me, and not wrong me so much, but if you don't give it, I will learn to grow up by myself."

"You are not yet 50 years old, and there is still a lot of room for growth. Grow yourself, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yin asked his assistant to check on Xu's situation.

This mother Xu was beaten every day and was sent to the hospital, and she did not get a divorce.

Then who can blame me for suffering, and it's not that there is some reason why I can't get a divorce.

Probably because she likes the feeling of being beaten, other than that, Chu Yin couldn't understand the reason for not getting a divorce.

Continue if you like it.

The Xu family was very uncomfortable being rectified by the cooperation of the Meng family and the He family. The company's profitability was extremely poor, and it was declining uncontrollably.

At the beginning, He Rui was only planning to teach Xu a lesson, but his wife coaxed him with sweet words, and when he was punishing Xu, Meng made He Rui see a lot of benefits.

For these benefits, He Rui never stopped.

However, the Xu family did not fall overnight. Another reason is that the He family and the Meng family were not so ruthless. They dealt with it without harming their own interests and when it was profitable. Xu family.

It is not a ruthless move that kills ten thousand enemies and hurts eight thousand.

Chu Yin has no feeling for Xu's current situation. Whether the company exists or goes bankrupt has nothing to do with her.

Since Xu Muyin decided to plot against He Rui like this, after He Rui knew the truth, he must be angry, and if he didn't do anything, he would lose face.

If someone takes the opportunity to attack and benefit He Rui, it will be a butterfly effect for the Xu family to come to this day.

Chu Yin went to the audition for "The Moon Has No Return" and passed the audition. The original plan was to be the second female lead, because the first female lead has already been decided.

As a result, after a few days, due to personal reasons, the female one seemed to have a baby in her stomach. For the sake of this precious baby, the female one decided to give up.

Chu Yin went to audition for the role of the female lead again.

There are a lot of big names in this show, and although the director has chosen Chu Yin to play the leading role, he still feels that Chu Yin lacks qualifications.

Finally, with her good eloquence, various guarantees, and all kinds of deceiving directors, Chu Yin finally succeeded in winning the female lead of the play.

This is a fairy tale drama, but it is different from most fairy tale dramas nowadays. The heroine of this drama is set to be the heroine who has the world in her heart and takes saving the common people as her mission, and falling in love is incidental.

The male protagonist is also a male protagonist who cares about the world, and the male and female protagonists are equally powerful.

The whole drama has a big structure, which is why Chu Yin is optimistic about this drama.

Because the male lead in this drama is at the actor level, the fans of the actor are worried that Chu Yin will not be able to catch the actor's play, which will affect the output of the actor.

Affect the ratings of this drama and drag down the actor.

Chu Yin's fans retorted over there.

[Mengmeng's acting skills are obvious to all, so don't worry about it, the director has recognized my cuteness, are you better than the director? 】

[That's Xu Jiameng's luck, just in time for the female one who was originally scheduled to be unable to make this movie. 】

[That’s right, it’s just luck. 】

【Hmph, wait and see!At that time, my cuteness will definitely brighten your eyes. 】

When filming, because Chu Yin didn't use a stand-in, and there are many fighting scenes in Xianxia drama, Chu Yin handled the details of those fighting very well.

(End of this chapter)

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