Chapter 153 The Princess Has Ambitions (6)

Chu Yin came back to his senses, and said to Zhishu: "You step back first, I have something to talk to the national teacher about."

Zhishu silently avoided.

Sang Yang looked at Chu Yin silently, expressionless.

What is this princess going to do?
"Sang Yang." Chu Yin suddenly yelled, scaring Sang Yang into a heartbeat.

His expression was not obvious, and he pretended not to hear.

Chu Yin: "Don't be afraid, I am your sister Gu Shuang."

"Sister?" Sang Yang saw the temperature in Chu Yin's eyes rise rapidly: "Is it really you?"

"There can still be fakes." Chu Yin said with emotion: "After the end of the world, I didn't expect to meet you again."

"Should I say that you are lucky or unlucky? You have survived so hard in the last days, but in the end there was an accident, but you became a tasker again."

"Do you like this job?"

Sang Yang said happily: "I like it."

"I like it very much. I can go to many worlds. The luckiest thing is that I can meet you again."

"Good sister, I'm so happy!" Sang Yang wept with joy, it was like a fellow villager meeting a fellow villager with tears in his eyes.

In the last second, he was a high-cold national teacher, and in the next second, he became soft and cute.

"If it weren't for this in the palace, I really want to give you a big hug!" Sang Yang rubbed his hands, very excited.

"Sister, what is your mission?" Sang Yang asked.

Without waiting for Chu Yin to answer, he said, "My task is to prevent the time-traveling girl from being with the emperor."

"Where is your plot? From the plot, I know that your princess was executed in the end."

Chu Yin nodded: "That's right."

"That's the end of my plot, and the rest is gone. Did the time-traveling girl become a queen later?"

Sang Yang hummed: "Yes, the emperor dismissed the harem, and wanted to make the time-traveling girl the queen, and he wanted to be a couple with the time-traveling girl for the rest of their lives."

"But because the fate of the time-traveling girl and the emperor were not compatible, it greatly affected the fate of the country, and then my client stopped it for the sake of the fate of the country, and was killed by the emperor afterward."

Chu Yin: "The national teacher also killed?"

In order to fall in love even killed the national teacher, 6.

Emperors have never been the first to kill a national teacher.

Sang Yang rolled his eyes: "That's right, what the time-traveling girl told the emperor about the national teacher is all feudal superstition."

"Then the time-traveling girl kept saying that the national teacher was a liar who bluffed and swindled. The crime of cheating the emperor cannot be kept. The death of the national teacher is mostly due to the time-traveling girl. I really don't understand. She has time-traveled herself. Such a fantasy Things have happened, how can we still say that these things are feudal superstitions!"

"In the final analysis, it's not a selfish person who hurt her interests, hindered her love."

"In fact, after the death of the national teacher, the transmigrated woman became the queen, then quarreled with the emperor and went to other countries, and then was favored by the monarchs of other countries, which triggered many wars, because a woman was badly beaten and the national strength declined. , the people are living in dire straits, doesn’t this affect the fate of the country?”

"The arrival of the time-traveling woman has changed the pattern of this era and has had a great impact."

"Sister, what about you? What is your mission?" Sang Yang asked with concern.

Chu Yin: "There is no contradiction between our tasks."

"My good brother, help me ascend the throne, I'm planning to rebel." Chu Yin reached out and patted Sang Yang on the shoulder.

Sang Yang looked shocked: "Treason?"

"What the hell?"

He plucked his ears.

Chu Yin chuckled: "That's right, it's treason, don't you dare say those two words?"

"It's so exciting. It's going to be a big deal for the second mission. It's fun!" Sang Yang wanted to say something, but Chu Yin suddenly blinked at him, and he understood immediately, and shut up instantly.

Chu Yin yelled to know the book, and went to the Empress Dowager's Palace in silence.

Because Chu Yin used his mental power to detect that several palace ladies were about to come.

Sang Yang's instant understanding made Chu Yin happy, and it was worth the tacit understanding cultivated at that time. Even after so long, she could understand her meaning in the blink of an eye.

When they arrived at the Empress Dowager's palace, the Empress Dowager smiled when she saw that the national teacher and the princess had come together.

Chu Yin knew that the Queen Mother didn't want him to know about her conversation with the Imperial Teacher, so she simply saluted and greeted the Queen Mother before leaving.

When returning, Zhuang Shaozhao looked at Chu Yin angrily: "You really sent Luo Xi back."

Chu Yin was in a good mood and didn't care about him: "Of course, the first step of conspiracy has been completed."

"How about your preparations?"

Zhuang Shaozhao reported aggrievedly, saying that he had already contacted some people before.

Those people were all from his father's old department, and they were basically generals who held military power. Although their father had passed away, these people still had one heart with the Zhuang family and attached themselves to the Zhuang family.

Although Chu Yin knew Zhuang Shaozhao's whole plan of rebellion through the plot, he still had to ask to avoid some changes that he didn't know because of his arrival.

Those who heard what Zhuang Shaozhao said had real power in their hands.

Since the first emperor, the royal family has been afraid of the Zhuang clan because of the huge power in the hands of the Zhuang clan.

There are really many party members.

"Okay, it's time for me to tell you about my next step." Chu Yin signaled Zhuang Shaozhao to make tea for her, and Zhuang Shaozhao sneered, "You really dare."

"I am the future emperor, and now I am being ordered by the princess at will, isn't the princess afraid that I will hate you?"

Chu Yin looked at Zhuang Shaozhao inexplicably: "Oh?"

I am the future emperor.

"Have you ever heard a saying that if you want to destroy people, you must first make them crazy." Chu Yin propped his head and looked at Zhuang Shaozhao.

In this sentence, she was talking about the emperor and Zhuang Shaozhao.

It's a pity that Zhuang Shaozhao obviously didn't realize that Chu Yin was talking about him.

Zhuang Shaozhao: "How to say?"

"I remember that Hanjiang will be your father's old department. Although your father has passed away, he still obeys your banker."

"You write a letter to the Han Jiang frontier general and ask him to report it to Beijing Central, saying that there is a vision in the Han Jiang River, and a picture suddenly appears in the middle of the river. On the picture are some people wearing short clothes and shorts. Holding a very shiny small square box to talk, and the sound of people talking came from that small square box."

"Then, in Hanjiang, there seems to be a person wearing shorts and shorts and holding a small square box. If you look for it again, you can't find it."

"This matter must create momentum, and it must spread quickly in Beijing and China."

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Shaozhao asked.

Chu Yin: "Just remember, if you want things to happen, you must not leak this matter, and you must not let people know that you and I made it up."

"You made it up, princess, not me..." Zhuang Shaozhao retorted.

Chu Yin twitched the corner of his mouth.

He waved his hand: "Just do what I say."

"Hurry up and finish this matter quickly. I am impatient and don't want to wait in vain."

Zhuang Shaozhao rolled his eyes, why is it so urgent to be a queen?Should it be said that this woman is naive or stupid, just so trusting that I will definitely give her the position of queen?
(End of this chapter)

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