Chapter 155 The Princess Has Ambitions (8)

Chu Yin flicked his sleeves, and the sleeves threw the teacups and bowls on the table to the ground, shattering them on the ground: "There is no turning back when you shoot a bow. Don't you think that some things can be stopped and done whenever you want?"

Zhuang Shaozhao originally wanted to gain some momentum in front of Chu Yin, but he was completely deflated.

His head hurts from anger.

He secretly swore in his heart that when he became the emperor, Chu Yin would definitely have a hard time.

Chu Yin wanted to take advantage of Zhuang Shaozhao, but that didn't mean she had to pretend to flatter Zhuang Shaozhao, Zhuang Shaozhao was not worthy.

And the matter of using each other, why did Zhuang Shaozhao overwhelm him, he couldn't listen to what Zhuang Shaozhao said, and lost his temper if he wanted to.

Chu Yin said to Zhuang Shaozhao: "The emperor called me into the palace this time, it must be because of Luo Xi."

"The princess knows where Luo Xi is?" Zhuang Shaozhao looked at Chu Yin suspiciously.

Chu Yin: "Anyway, you just need to remember that Luo Xi will be fine."

"Don't make any decisions on your own. No matter when I leave the palace, I have to wait until I leave the palace."

Zhuang Shaozhao: "Understood."

"About the vision of Hanjiang, what benefits does it bring?"

Chu Yin said bluntly: "Luo Xi disappeared because of the vision in Hanjiang, and only after she leaves the palace will there be any next thing."

"Why?" Zhuang Shaozhao still didn't understand, the rumors about the so-called aliens were just fabricated by the princess out of thin air, why would it affect Luo Xi's decision.

At this time, Zhuang Shaozhao didn't even realize that Luo Xi was from another world.

It also proves that his understanding of Luo Xi is far less than that of the emperor.

"Anyway, the emperor will be messed up when she is gone, and we will have a chance. Do you really think that rebellion is okay?" Chu Yin glanced at Zhuang Shaozhao: "Everything has a way out and a cause, even if we want to rebel, we must Is there a valid reason?"

Chu Yin didn't want to talk to Zhuang Shaozhao.

After entering the palace, Cheng Jinxu saw Chu Yin and said straight to the point: "Did Luo Xi come to the Zhuang Mansion?"

He looked extremely bad, with an endless chill.

Chu Yin shook her head and said: "Sister Chen dares to guarantee with her wealth and life, Miss Luo Xi is not in the Zhuang Mansion this time."

"Oh? Then do you know Luo Xi's whereabouts?" He asked.

Chu Yin looked puzzled, hesitated to speak several times, and finally said: "Chenmei doesn't know, but Chenmei promises that Miss Luo Xi will never have anything."

The mouth says I don't know, but the expression says I know but I can't say it, so I won't tell you.

This made the emperor very angry.

Although not in the Zhuang mansion, Zhuang Shaozhao knew of Luo Xi's whereabouts.

He didn't want to lower his face to ask Zhuang Shaozhao, and obviously Yu Yang also knew Luo Xi's whereabouts.

He had some doubts whether Luo Xi had gone to Hanjiang, she might be from another world, but if she went to Hanjiang, wouldn't it mean that she wanted to leave here?
But it is very difficult for a woman to go to Hanjiang with her.

Unless Zhuang Shaozhao sent someone to accompany her?
But would Zhuang Shaozhao be willing to let her leave this world?
Thinking of these things, Cheng Jinxu was very annoyed. If she really went to Hanjiang, it would prove that she didn't have herself in her heart...

A woman who doesn't have herself in her heart, why should she care so much?
Just because she might be the Empress of Destiny?

"If something happens to Luo Xi, Yu Yang, you should know the consequences." Cheng Jinxu threatened Chu Yin worriedly.

Chu Yin nodded: "Sister Chen knows the brother's affection for Miss Luo Xi, Miss Luo Xi is very kind, she is the most special person in the world, not only Brother Huang cares about her, but sister Chen also cherishes her very much, she is a treasure in the world , everyone should cherish it.”

"The queen mother has been ill recently, and she often misses you, Yu Yang. If you are fine, then go to accompany the queen mother and do my filial piety for me." Cheng Jinxu's eyes were complicated.

On the surface, Chu Yin was asked to take care of the queen mother, but in fact, Chu Yin was detained in the palace.

You can't stay in the queen mother's palace anymore, you should confess...

The emperor also didn't want to force Chu Yin to tell Luo Xi's whereabouts now, because it would be shameful to force the princess for a court lady.

Besides, she is still the wife of the power minister Zhuang Shaozhao, and Zhuang Shaozhao hasn't been cleaned up yet.

And she swore that Luo Xi would be fine.

Chu Yin said that she really wanted it.

She pointed to staying in the palace for a while and then arranging some things, otherwise she wouldn't pretend to anger the emperor by keeping her in the palace.

If he proposed to stay in the palace for no reason, the emperor would be suspicious, but now he made his own decision, and he has no one to blame.

When Zhuang Shaozhao learned that Chu Yin was detained in the palace, he wiped his face. Look, this woman has to be an emperor to rule her.

When she became the emperor, she would have to bow down like this.

Chu Yin lived in the Empress Dowager’s palace, and on the surface she took care of her. The emperor did not restrict Chu Yin from moving around in the harem, so Chu Yin went to visit the concubines in various palaces, and bought many eunuchs and maids in the palace to become herself. people.

Including Yunzi, the eunuch who served by the emperor's side.

Yunzi was not the emperor's most trusted eunuch, but being able to serve in front of the imperial court was more valuable than others.

There is no way, Chu Yin promised too much.

There are enough benefits in this world to impress others.

Chu Yin taught Yunzi how to get close to the emperor, how to become a popular person beside the emperor, and how to win the trust of the emperor.

Now the emperor is full of Luo Xi, Yunzi mastered the promotion code, and soon won the trust of the emperor, becoming a celebrity around the emperor.

But Chu Yin left the most important things to himself, dressed up as a court lady in the emperor's palace, mixed in, and injected poison bit by bit into the things the emperor could touch.

In the incense, in the vase, in the clothes, in the bathing water, in the towel for washing the face, the poison is bound to invade the emperor's body from an undetectable angle.

Moreover, Chu Yin's method of poisoning was so clever that the Tai Hospital would never be able to find out any problems.

This matter can't be done by others, and she doesn't feel at ease when others do it.

After Cheng Jinxu was invaded by the toxin, he felt uneasy all day long, distracted, and had no interest in government affairs. He thought it was because Luo Xi was not by his side, so he had no choice but to summon Chu Yin to ask Chu Yin about Luo Xi's whereabouts.

Chu Yin looked helpless: "Probably went to the land of Hanjiang."

At this time, Sang Yang also entered the palace to see the emperor under Chu Yin's arrangement, and said solemnly to Cheng Jinxu: "I watched the sky at night, and found that the phoenix star of destiny has been moving to the north, and it is getting farther and farther away from the emperor."

Sang Yang's words also confirmed that Luo Xizhen went to Hanjiang.

"Send someone to find it for me!" the emperor ordered.

Sang Yang immediately said: "Your Majesty, I suggest that the emperor go to Hanjiang to pick up the real Phoenix Empress himself, and take advantage of the situation to understand the people's feelings in Hanjiang."

"Why do you have to go in person?" Cheng Jinxu looked at Sang Yang suspiciously.

If it weren't for the fact that the national teacher has not been with the courtiers for generations, he would have suspected that the national teacher might not be with Zhuang Shaozhao.

But Zhuang Shaozhao seems to be honest recently.

But Zhuang Shaozhao looked honest in the eyes of the emperor, it was because of Chu Yin, Chu Yin used the plot to make Zhuang Shaozhao avoid many places that could be investigated by the emperor, and made the matter more secretive.

(End of this chapter)

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