Chapter 182

After Chuyin hacked into Yin Hao's mobile phone, he found that Yin Hao had joined several real estate agencies and asked them to evaluate his house.

After evaluating the price, but Yin Hao did not list for a long time, he must still be in trouble. After analyzing Yin Yan's character, it should be that she disagrees.

Then Chuyin hacked into Yinzhu's mobile phone and found that Yinzhu mentioned the house while chatting with his boyfriend.

Yinzhu complained that her younger brother wanted to monopolize the house, and if he wanted to sell it for cash, he used it to start a business, and complained to her boyfriend about her dissatisfaction.

And Yinzhu's boyfriend also told Yinzhu that she has a share of the house, and her brother can't take it all.

Yinzhu's boyfriend is naturally selfish. When Yinzhu had money before, he would spend money on him. Later, when Yinzhu had no money, he spent less.

The days have been difficult recently, and Yinzhu's boyfriend even thought about breaking up. When Yinzhu mentioned the house, the thought of breaking up stopped again.

Thinking that if Yinzhu has the ability to get half of the house's money, wouldn't it mean that he also has money to use?

Chu Yin saw the chat records between Yinzhu and her boyfriend, and also analyzed Yinzhu's thoughts. Aren't these thoughts just in line with her own wishes?
So since Yinhao has moved to sell the house, and Yinzhu thinks so, it proves that the time is right.

Chu Yin hid her identity and found the liar in the plot.

The liars are those who lied to An's father in the plot. They are a gang.

Go around cheating.

And also take orders, for example, in the plot, Yinzhu asked them to cheat An's father, and the money they got was shared by both parties.

Then it's not too much to ask them to lie to Yinzhu now.

The reason why I chose to lie to Yinzhu instead of Yinhao was because in the plot, it was Yinzhu's mother and daughter who conspired to deceive An's father.

It's interesting to lie to Yinzhu. If Yinzhu is deceived, their family will not only break up, but will also become enemies completely.

At first Chu Yin planned to report them directly and send them in, but after thinking about it for a while, it would be better to use them first to deceive Yinzhu.

Wait for them to cheat Yinzhu before sending them in.

It was Yinzhu's boyfriend who got in touch with the liar, and Yinzhu's boyfriend and the liar got to know each other through someone else's connection.

At that time, Yinzhu was in urgent need of some scammers, so Yinzhu's boyfriend stepped forward and found the gang of scammers through others.

Now this liar gang also has a way to find Yinzhu's boyfriend.

Yinzhu's boyfriend doesn't have much sincerity towards Yinzhu, it's just for fun. In the plot, the two finally got together because Yinhao got rich, and they treated Yinzhu well.

Can provide him with a relaxed and comfortable job, as well as a good life.

So we can go to the end.

This time, if they can't provide these, Yinzhu's emotional end will be miserable.

However, Yinzhu likes this glib and idle boyfriend very much.

In order to ensure everything was safe, Chu Yin gave the liar a little deposit.

Even if she gave money, Chu Yin was very careful, because she would report them after she finally used the scammers, and the police would investigate.

Chu Yin must make sure that this matter cannot be found out on her own head, after all, instigating others to cheat is also...

But that doesn't work either.

Yinzhu divorced her parents and cheated An's family of all their money. She would have to take revenge no matter what, and cheated them of all their money, leaving them with nothing.

Let them also have a taste of being cheated and being cheated into having nothing.

I have to say that the liar gang is still very dedicated. After receiving the deposit from Chuyin, they quickly contacted Yinzhu's boyfriend.

All kinds of tricks for Yinzhu's boyfriend, saying that high investment and high return, a lot of profit, stable profit without loss.

Hearing that Yinzhu's boyfriend thought it was his chance to make a fortune.

Liars can deceive people by exploiting people's psychology.

Yinzhu's boyfriend daydreams about getting rich all day long, and he can be deceived as long as he plays the corresponding tricks.

And the reason why An'er was cheated was also because of the company's capital problems, he went to the doctor in a hurry.

Yinzhu's boyfriend immediately thought of Yinzhu's talking about the house.

This is the time when money is needed, so I ran to tell Yinzhu: "You only need to get me a few hundred thousand, and I will invest and invest, and I can double the income."

"When we get married, I will take you to live in a high-end community."

Yinzhu was dizzy.

This was the first time her boyfriend told her that he wanted to marry her.

The boyfriend promised: "You must finish this matter. It is related to our future. As long as you get the money, I will definitely marry you and never break my promise."

"Think about it, should you give the money to your brother to start a business or give it to me to make a fortune."

"If I get rich, you will have a good life, but if your brother gets rich, you may not have a good life."

Yinzhu nodded in agreement: "Yes, my younger brother is not reliable at all, but you are the one who can be reliable."

"Of course it's me. I'm the one who loves you the most in this world. Don't you women count on your husband all your life? There's no way you can count on your brother."

Yinzhu goes back to trick Yinyan into selling the house, but Yinyan is very resistant, neither Yinhao nor Yinzhu can make sense.

No matter how Yinzhu coaxed her, she couldn't fool her.

When it came time to return the house sale money to her with interest and buy a big house for Yin Yan, Yin Yan questioned Yin Zhu's ability, shook her head and refused, and even scolded her.

This gave Yinzhu a headache, and secretly scolded Yinyan for being old and stubborn.

This is not good, it seems that we have to join hands with Yin Hao.

Yin Zhu went to lie to Yin Hao, saying that we should join forces to force his mother to sell the house.

We teamed up to force her, but she will definitely sell it.

Yin Hao looked at his sister: "You will be so kind to help me?"

"What are you planning?"

Yinzhu twitched her mouth: "I don't want much, just tens of thousands of dollars. My boyfriend wants to buy a scooter."

"I can't do anything about it, he's already taken care of his car."

"You mean you want tens of thousands of dollars?"

Yinzhu: "Not much, right?"

Yin Hao didn't agree immediately, but said, "I'll think about it."

He still couldn't bear it.

After all, forcing the mother to sell the house is a very unfilial act.

Yin Zhu saw through Yin Hao's thoughts and said, "What can't bear it? It's all for making money. It doesn't make sense when she is old. When she makes money and enjoys happiness, will she still blame us?"

"It's too late to be happy when the time comes. We're doing it for her own good. What's the point of guarding this dilapidated house for the rest of my life? Why don't we use it to do something."

"Besides, my mother is so selfish, she can't figure it out herself, she refuses to support her children, and she doesn't think about us. Why can't we think about it for ourselves?"

Yin Hao nodded in approval.


Mom is really selfish.

It doesn't make sense either.

If the money is in business for yourself, you can definitely earn money back.

Even if you are angry now and enjoy the blessing later, you will not be angry again.

(End of this chapter)

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