Chapter 184

Yin Yan called Yin Hao and said that Yin Zhu robbed her mobile phone and transferred the house money and ran away. Yin Hao immediately contacted Yin Zhu but couldn't get in touch.

Yinhao guessed that Yinzhu should be with her boyfriend, but he didn't know where Yinzhu's boyfriend lived or where he was from.

And because they have never had a crush on Yinzhu's boyfriend, neither of them has any contact information. This is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Yin Hao said to Yin Yan angrily, "I want to call the police."

"Call the police? That's my daughter, your sister, you actually call the police, no, no."

"If you wait any longer, I don't believe that she can squander the money. I guess she couldn't think about it for a while. When she calms down, she will return the money." Yin Yan stopped Yin Hao.

"With so much money, you called the police, and you were really sentenced. How will your sister be sentenced? I can't believe that you count on you now."

Yin Yan simply felt that Yin Hao could not count on it, so she would be more at ease with one more child.

"Besides, at your sister's age, if you go in, will anyone still want it? After ten or eight years of squatting, can you still have children?"

"I said Yin Hao, your heart is really poisonous, do you really want our Yin family to be extinct?"

And the mother has a criminal record, what will happen to the grandson in the future?
The influence on the grandson is very profound, and that is also the blood of the Yin family.

will that work?No matter what, Yinzhu is her own daughter, should she be sent in by himself?

Yin Hao's lungs were about to explode.

Pointing at Yin Yan's nose and cursing: "You are such an idiot, I was really unlucky when I met you as a mother, now who are you who can give birth to you and protect who are you? Offspring? Offspring are so important, they are not as important as your relatives. son's future."

"People who don't know think that the Yin family has some kind of throne, which must be inherited for generations to come."

"Besides, did I say that I would send her in? I just want to find her and ask her to return the money to me. If you return it to me, nothing will happen?"

Yin Yan snorted, but stopped talking.

I think if this is the case, why don't you try to call the police.

But it's a bit embarrassing.

I panicked just now and thought that I would go to jail if I called the police.

At night, Yin Yan still couldn't get through to Yin Zhu's phone, so she thought about it and said to Yin Hao, "Then you should call the police."

"Anyway, no matter what the result is, you are not allowed to send your sister in."

"The money is mine, and you are not qualified to send her in. If you insist on sending her in, I will say that I gave her the money."

Yin Hao hummed, no matter so much, let's find Yin Zhu first.

I called the police and found Yinzhu after a few days of searching. Yinzhu spread his hands and said that the money was gone.

Take it for investment.

Yin Hao was furious, grabbed Yin Zhu's hair and asked, "Where is the money, who did you give it to?"

Yin Zhu's hair was pulled so painfully, she screamed and cried harshly: "Yin Hao, you dare to hit me."

"If you dare to hit me, I won't tell you. I just won't tell you."

"Send me in if you have the ability!"

The police and Yin Yan pulled Yin Hao away, and the police said to Yin Hao: "Comrade, you can't hit people."

Yin Yan said to the police: "Comrade, please go back."

"It's nothing to do with you. It's all our family business. In fact, I gave the money to my daughter. It's okay. The two children are fighting for family property."

Yin Yan feels that since Yin Zhu has been found, Yin Zhu must not have the guts to spend all the money.

It's just that I don't want to tell Yin Hao that I don't want to give it to Yin Hao.

That's my own family matter, just settle it.

Could it be that she really wanted to send her daughter there for ten or eight years? She couldn't accept it with all her heart. Her son was already very bad. Although her daughter was also very bad, the two forced her to sell the house, but it was more or less a way out.

Another reason is that in Yin Yan's heart, whether the money is taken by her son or her daughter, it will not belong to her anyway.

The money was robbed, although she was very angry, but if her daughter went in, her relatives and friends would laugh at her all her life, she couldn't stand such a scandal.

Having said that, the police couldn't say anything more, so they left.

As soon as the police left, Yin Hao couldn't control the raging anger in his heart, and beat Yin Zhu violently. Yin Zhu couldn't stand the beating, and finally said that he gave all the money to his boyfriend for investment.

The project is very reliable and profitable.

When the time comes, you must get your money back.

Yin Hao's expression was distorted: "How could there be such a way to get rich, do you know that you were cheated?"

"High investment and high returns are all lies. If such a thing really happened, how could it be your boyfriend who is not doing business properly?"

"Hurry up, call him and get the money back."

"Whatever he was chasing, he turned around."

"He has been so nice to me these few days. Why did you ask me to come back? I had such a good time outside. He said he wanted to marry me!" Yin Zhu clutched her wound and stared at Yin Hao bitterly, tears and tears The snot and the blood on the face were mixed together: "How dare you hit me!"

"I will never recognize you as a brother in my life!"

"Without you as a younger brother, we will sever the sibling relationship from now on."

Yin Yanyu was going to rush out the door, but Yin Hao pulled her back by her hair, and beat her violently again.

While beating, Yin Hao said in his mouth: "I let you steal the money."

"I'm so courageous, I dare to steal my money and return it to your boyfriend."

"Today, if you don't want to give me the money back, I'll kill you!"

Yin Hao was extremely angry, the money was his venture fund, what would he do without this money.

And his debts.

Finally, he got down hard and forced his mother to sell the house. He became an unfilial son once, but in the end he got nothing. Yin Hao hated Yin Zhu to the core.

But Yin Yan came over several times to try to stop her, but was thrown aside vigorously by Yin Hao. Yin Yan could only stop her with words in fear, but it had no effect.

When Deng Xinxin came home from shopping for vegetables, she saw the scene of Yin Hao printing beads violently, with Yin Yan's terrified sound of stopping in the middle, and she froze in place in fear.

The appearance of Yin Hao beating someone was terrifying.

Deng Xinxin couldn't help but wonder if Yin Hao would beat her like this one day.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you stop your husband and watch him beat someone to death?" Yin Yan trembled in fright, it was the first time she saw such a vicious son.

She didn't even have time to be sad that all her money was given to her boyfriend by Yinzhu, and it was very likely that it would be wasted.

"Stop hitting, or something will happen if you hit again."

Deng Xinxin ran over to grab Yin Hao, seeing Yin Zhu lying on the ground with a bruised nose, swollen face and dying, unable to fight back, it was really miserable.

Yin Hao's sanity recovered a bit, and his face was no longer so distorted. Seeing Yin Zhu like this, he finally stopped.

Pointing to Yinzhu, he said: "If you don't give me the money back, don't even think about going out of this door, you can figure it out."

"I'm going to the hospital. I'm in so much pain." Yin Zhu was so delirious from the pain that she yelled and her body twitched, which frightened Yin Yan.

"Send it to the hospital quickly, send it to the hospital." She was afraid that something really happened.

(End of this chapter)

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