Chapter 191

Xiang Ji failed to catch up with Chu Yin, and became even more temperamental, with a strange light in his eyes: "Lin Zilan, this young master underestimated you this time, and when the Japanese young master catches you, he will definitely make you surrender completely. "

Throwing out a piece of fabric in his hand, it was exactly the fabric of Chu Yin's clothes that wrapped the dead mouse. Xiang Ji sniffed it and put it away carefully.

After Chu Yin got rid of Xiang Ji, he searched for some medicinal materials in the forest all night, went to the market, waited until dawn, and sold these medicinal materials for some money.

After buying a whole set of clothes, I found an inn to take a bath and change clothes. After changing, I had a beautiful breakfast at the inn.

After hiding in the room to catch up on sleep until the afternoon, Chu Yin's lost energy was regained.

Originally, he wanted to hide in the inn and absorb the spirit stones, and then go out to make his debut after becoming the number one master in martial arts, but Xiaoer came over and asked Chu Yin: "Miss, do you want to renew the room?"

It was only then that Chu Yin realized the profound practical problems, heck, he still needs to spend some room and food expenses to gain a foothold in... the inn.

So I went out and got a medical banner, and took it out to practice medicine.

Lin Zilan's master is very famous and famous, even if others have never seen him, they have heard of his name and heard people describe his appearance, so when the master is alive, no matter where he goes, he will not worry about business.

Although they don't have to worry about business, the two masters and apprentices usually don't have much money. Once they have some money, the master will choose to use it for free to help the poor who really can't see the disease.

Now that the master is gone, no one knows about her, and no one pays any attention to her after hanging around with the banner for a long time.

Chu Yin suffers from no business, and the efficiency of wandering around like this is too low. She really wants to write a few big words on the banner: Master Lin Guang Pharmacist.

After all, my own medical skills are not a disgrace to the master.

But if you write the name of the master, her whereabouts will soon be known by those three men, that's really annoying.

So Chu Yin gave up.

But everything is persistence and hard work. When there are enough places for Chu Yin to hang around, the business will really come.

A total of two families were treated, and these two families were richer and more generous. When night fell, Chu Yin finally rushed back to the inn and continued to pay for two days.

Then Chu Yin discovered that she didn't need to go out to practice medicine at all. After treating two families before, they both left the address of the inn for the two families. Now they introduced someone to invite Chu Yin to see a doctor.

Just because Chu Yin's prescription quickly solved their minor problems that hadn't been solved for many years, they immediately realized that Chu Yin was a capable doctor, and also learned that Chu Yin was a wandering doctor. They were afraid that Chu Yin would leave. Hastily brought people who needed to see a doctor to pay a lot of money to ask Chu Yin to cure the old problem.

Seeking a doctor at home saved Chu Yin's time, and gave Chu Yin money to continue his life.

And it was passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, and Chu Yin's superb medical skills were recognized by them. Even if Chu Yin didn't have any medicinal materials here, he only gave them prescriptions and asked them to find a pharmacy by themselves, and the business was so good that she didn't have any Time nests in the room to absorb spirit stones and become a martial arts master.

In the end, she really couldn't take it anymore, and took advantage of the dark night and high wind, she slipped away from the inn like a thief.

She changed places and hid quietly in the inn. After spending nearly ten days, she finally absorbed all the spirit stones and successfully transformed all the energy into internal force.

The current Chu Yin's internal strength is very deep. Although it is a quick version, it is obviously better than someone like Xiang Ji who has practiced evil skills for ten years.

In the past ten days, besides absorbing the spirit stones, Chu Yin also bought some materials to forge a handy sword for himself.

Holding a sword in his hand, he was dressed in silver and white, with a simple hairstyle and long hair hanging behind him, giving him an elegant and chivalrous style.

Chu Yin intends to find the treasure first, no, first to get some map fragments, the three men all have some broken map fragments in their hands, and in the plot, the map fragments in Xiang Ji's hands are for the client to see.

With the plot, Chu Yin doesn't need to go to Xiang Ji to get the map fragments anymore, so let's put Xiang Ji aside for now.

She had an intuition that Xiang Ji would always meet again, so it was better to wait for him to deliver it to her door.

Then go get revenge on that emotional liar first, Xiang Ji tortured the client physically, and this person, hypocritical, cheated the client's feelings in the name of love, hurt the client deeply, especially in the end between the three of them Before dying in the battle, the real face of this person made the client very desperate.

She hated Yuan Huaxiu for cheating her feelings, so Chu Yin didn't want to kill him directly, at least let him lose everything he owned first, sometimes death is not the only way of revenge.

On the contrary, Chu Yin found that when doing a task, if the client directly made a wish for someone to die, it would be easier to die with a single purpose.

Then take a look at the map fragments in his hand.

As long as the map fragments in the hands of these three people are gathered together, the location of the treasure will be clear.

Unlike them in the plot, their hands are all incomplete.

Walking to the gate of the Changming Sect, one of the gatekeepers put two swords in front of Chu Yin, and asked Chu Yin, "Who is the girl looking for?"

"I'm looking for Senior Brother Yuan Huaxiu." Speaking of Yuan Huaxiu, Chu Yin looked shy and smiled.

This made the gatekeeper frowned: "Who are you and what are you looking for?"

"I'm him...I'm his fiancée!" Chu Yin hesitated for a moment, his eyes were clear and innocent.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene was shocked. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and Chu Yin looked at them expectantly: "I hope some senior brother can help to inform."

"Understood." The gatekeeper's tone was very bad.

One of them went in.

Soon Yuan Huaxiu strode out from the inside. Chu Yin's eyes lit up when he saw him, and he shouted excitedly, "Brother, I'm here."

"I miss you so much, I traveled all the way to find you."

Chu Yin's voice was very sweet, even with a trailing end. Yuan Huaxiu's scalp felt numb, and fearing that Chu Yin was talking nonsense, he walked up to Chu Yin quickly, and asked in a low voice, "How do you know that I it's here?"

"Why don't I know." Chu Yin looked at him aggrieved.

A disciple next to him asked Yuan Huaxiu with unkind eyes: "Brother Yuan, when this girl came, she said she was your fiancée."

This made Yuan Huaxiu's expression condense, and he couldn't help raising his voice, asking Chu Yin, "You really said that?"

"Who taught you to say that?"

"Brother, you said you want to marry me, then I will be your fiancee." Chu Yin looked at him innocently, and poked his hand: "Could it be that I misunderstood?"

"You said you would marry me!"

Chu Yin also stomped her feet angrily.

This little move directly petrified Yuan Huaxiu on the spot.

Is this still the Lin Zilan he knew?
In the past, she was reserved, shy, gentle and innocent, but now she looks like a brain-dead girl who has lost her mind and forced marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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