Chapter 196

Master Ming pondered for a long time.

If Yuan Huaxiu is really an orphan of the Wang family, even if he has been in love for many years, he must be eliminated!
If you don't get rid of it, you will hurt yourself!
"Why did you tell this old man?" Headmaster Ming was thinking about Chu Yin's intentions.

Chu Yin said seriously: "At first I thought I was in love with Yuan Huaxiu, but who would have expected Yuan Huaxiu to lie to me and play tricks on me like this, betraying my sincerity."

"He is such a despicable person, how can I bear to see you being framed by him? I can't do what he wants and let him kill people for nothing."

Chu Yin had an expression of 'I'm such a good person'.

Master Ming looked at Chu Yin: "Miss Lin, can you stay here for a while, and wait for the old man to confirm this matter. If it is true, the old man will thank you very much. If it is false, don't blame the old man for being ruthless." , to retaliate against your act of sowing discord!"

Chu Yin understood what Master Ming meant. If this was the case with Yuan Huaxiu, there would be rewards for reporting.

If this is not the case, it is time to find her.

Anyway, she won't let her leave here now.

Chu Yin raised his eyebrows. It is impossible for Master Ming to keep him by relying solely on his personal power. The only thing that can keep him is the words of Master Ming.

"There must be a big thank you? What a big thank you?" Chu Yin is relatively short-handed now, so he is more interested in money.

In order to cure the sufferings of the world, it also needs money to support it.

Master Ming: "..."

"If this matter is serious, as long as the old man can give it, the girl will try her best to mention it."

Chu Yin smiled happily: "Okay."

"Okay, Miss Lin, you can choose the house of the Changming School as you like." The head of Ming was more generous.

Then he said: "But the best place here is Rou'er's place, and it's also the most suitable place for women." Master Ming deliberately arranged for Chu Yin to live with Ming Rou'er.

Judging from her daughter's attitude towards Ms. Lin, she is friendly and respectful. If this matter is serious, her daughter will be sad, and Ms. Lin will be able to comfort her daughter at that time.

Chu Yin looked at Ming Rou'er.

Ming Rou'er was still caught up in the matter of whether Yuan Huaxiu was the orphan of the Wang family and couldn't extricate herself. Sensing Chu Yin's gaze, she raised her head to look at Chu Yin with extremely sad eyes: "If Miss Lin doesn't mind, you can stay with me .”

Chu Yin replied: "Okay."

Ming Rou'er took Chu Yin back to her place of residence, arranged a room for Chu Yin, and arranged for a maid. She was in a state of confusion and in a very bad mood. She sat next to Chu Yin and sighed: "Miss Lin, what you said is true ?"

"it is true."

Ming Rou'er burst into tears: "If it's true, it would be too cruel for me."

"Brother is here, approaching me, loving me, is it all for revenge?"

"If he is full-fledged and gains the power of our sect, will he kill Dad?"

Chu Yin: "Probably yes, the revenge of the extermination of the clan."

"I just heard from my father that the Wang family bullied people too much and killed my father's close relatives." The more Ming Rou'er thought about it, the more panicked she became, her tears were like broken pearls, sobbing: "So if this is the case, this kind of How can hatred be resolved."

Chu Yin: "I know you are sad, but in fact your father should be sad too."

"Because you have devoted so much to Yuan Huaxiu over the years, and raised him like a son..."

Ming Rou'er was touched by Chu Yin, and nodded in approval: "Yes, Daddy will be sad too."

"So, even if your father did something to Yuan Huaxiu, you should understand, right?" Chu Yin asked.

Ming Rou'er burst into tears in pain.

Crying and crying, she leaned on Chu Yin's shoulder, and cried and cried again, and collapsed in Chu Yin's arms.

Chu Yin scratched her head, and suddenly her claws went numb.

Then Ming Rou'er rambled on a lot about the sweet moments with Yuan Huaxiu, Chu Yin listened silently.

The head of Ming didn't say a word and went to arrest Yuan Huaxiu in the dungeon. Yuan Huaxiu looked confused throughout the whole process, thinking that even if it was because of emotional problems, the master's reaction would not be so big, right?
Looking at the frosty master, Yuan Huaxiu asked nervously, "Master, what's the matter?"

"Take off your shoes and socks yourself." Sect Master Ming stared at him deeply, not letting go of any change in Yuan Huaxiu's expression.

Hearing that he took off his shoes and socks, Yuan Huaxiu immediately became nervous and reacted extraordinarily.

This made Sect Master Ming believe Chu Yin's words even more.

"Take off!" Sect Master Ming's voice was particularly thick.


"What are you doing taking off your shoes and socks?"

"Tu'er doesn't want to take off."

"This apprentice has a foot problem, so it's hard to hide it, so I can't stain Master's eyes."

Yuan Huaxiu was unwilling in every possible way, and was too nervous that the sweat on his forehead rolled down like beans.

The head of Ming still listened to Yuan Huaxiu's ramblings, so he directly asked people to take off Yuan Huaxiu's shoes and socks, and saw the scars on the soles of Yuan Huaxiu's feet.

That position is where the Wang clan has always been marked.

Master Ming's eyes widened, he was shocked.

Ask him if he is an orphan of the Wang family.

When Sect Master Ming asked this sentence, Yuan Huaxiu was like five thunderbolts, and even forgot to breathe.

Immediately after reacting, his face turned pale and he frantically shook his head in denial: "No, Master, I am not."

Although he didn't admit it, Sect Master Ming has almost confirmed his identity from his various reactions.

Afterwards, there was a lot of clichés and forced questions. Although Yuan Huaxiu never admitted it, the head of Ming was 100% sure.

No matter what, Yuan Huaxiu was just a young man, so there was no way a person like the head of Ming who had been in the world for many years was so scheming.

Sect Leader Ming had luck and internal strength, so he simply thought of chopping Yuan Huaxiu to death with one palm to avoid future troubles, but considering Ming Rou'er, he hesitated again and again, but he still couldn't do it.

When Sect Leader Ming came over, he saw Ming Rou'er snuggled into Chu Yin's arms and sobbing, with a delicate expression on her face.

Chu Yin was also a little embarrassed. Ming Rou'er had been crying for a long time and hadn't been coaxed yet.

Master Ming thought about it, and told Ming Rou'er.

"He probably is, although he hasn't admitted it yet." He sighed angrily, "The apprentice who wasted my painstaking efforts to cultivate is actually a wolf who wants to kill me."

"Father, did you misunderstand and lied to me?" Ming Rou'er couldn't accept it for a while, and asked as she forced herself to get up from Chu Yin's arms.

Master Ming shook his head: "It's also my beloved apprentice, how could I lie to you."

"Is Daddy willing to accept this kind of thing?"

"I have a way to make him admit it." Chu Yin came up with a plan.

Ming Rou'er stared blankly at Chu Yin.

The look is very complicated.

But head Ming was very interested.

"any solution?"

Chu Yin smiled slightly and whispered her plan.

Master Ming nodded: "Yes."

"I'll take you to meet him."

"Rou'er, you can go too." Master Ming felt that Ming Rou'er had to participate, so that he could give up.

Ming Rou'er forced herself to stand up, she really didn't expect so many things to happen in one day.

(End of this chapter)

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