Chapter 223 Interstellar Return (6)

Then there was a scream, a wail, and a beg for mercy.

Chu Yin didn't care, anyway, these people are not good people, they should suffer!

In the plot, after Xiang Shan died, they were staring at this side to bully Xiang Li. If Feng Xinlin hadn't rescued Xiang Li, Xiang Li didn't know what would have happened.

Xiang Li is also very ambivalent about the people here. It can't be said that there are all bad people here, but because there is no order and the environment is too bad, many people can't call it good.

Time passed day by day, Chu Yin counted the days, and Feng Xinlin would go to this star to find something in a few days.

And after this period of training, as well as the body training technique, her physical fitness has improved.

What Feng Xinlin was looking for was more important to him, because the people under him made a mistake and threw it away as poisonous and harmful garbage, so he came to find it himself.

Probably because of fate, he was destined to find his own sister here.

But for the entire Feng family, Chu Yin felt what Xiang Li was thinking.

She is of the blood of the Feng family, and she wants to preserve the status of the Feng family. In this era, status is especially important.

She's had enough of polluting the garbage star, enough of the lowest level of suffering, so she doesn't expect much love from the Feng family. What she needs is the status that belongs to her.

And she never thought of being in this position and not doing anything, and her wish also has something to do to give Feng's parents face.

Xiang Li is very clear about what he wants and what he needs to grasp.

He was about to leave this planet, and Chu Yin planned to call Ji Cang back.

Jicang was summoned back and asked Chu Yin, "Are you leaving here?"

Chu Yin looked at Ji Cang in surprise: "Huh?"

"how do you know?"

Ji Cang: "Didn't you say that if you leave the world, you will call me back?"

Chu Yin let out a groan: "So you're talking about this kind of departure."

"It's not this kind of departure, it's that we will soon change our life for another star." Chu Yin explained.

Ji Cang: "Oh..."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

"This star is very barren, I have finished walking, and there is nothing to gain."

"There are still many people who are suffering."

"I don't think I can find any memories here."

There was neither dislike nor disdain in Ji Cang's eyes, his eyes were flat, he was just discussing the matter without any disturbance.

Chu Yin nodded: "Indeed."

"Looking at your outfit, you don't look like a person of this era."

"No, I don't think I belong to any specific era." Ji Cang said, "I'm sure following you is a very good choice."

"I have always believed in my choices. I think I should have been a very powerful person in the past."

Chu Yin was powerless to complain: "Yes, yes, yes."

"I'll take you to another star."

"When I get to another star, I will let you roam the entire interstellar world!"

"There are spaceships leading to various stars there, but there are none here."

Can the huge interstellar world really not allow Ji Cang to recover a little bit of memory?
"Then I'll bring you a gift then." Ji Cang laughed.

Chu Yin agreed, "No problem."

"When the time comes, Master, I will have money."

Once there, she can earn money herself.

Ji Cang didn't mind that Chu Yin insisted on taking advantage of this verbal advantage, so he nodded: "Master."

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing: "Okay."

"In the last world, I did live in a bit of poverty. In this world, I have money."

Ji Cang looked around.

There was a moment of silence.

Chu Yin just lives in a barren planet of polluted garbage, wearing clothes full of polluted garbage, and then swears to tell Jicang that she has plenty of money.

"I believe in you." Ji Cang didn't even raise any doubts.

"Then do you plan to stay with me these two days?" Chu Yin didn't intend to let Ji Cang go around.

Don't make any mistakes when the time comes, Ji Cang never catches up with the spaceship again.

Ji Cang thought for a while: "I want to go back and take care of my flowers, plants and fish."

"Okay." Chu Yin readily agreed, and asked Ji Cang to return to the system space.

Let Ji Cang go out after Zhixing Ball.

"Xiang Li, were you talking just now?" Xiang Shan walked in from the outside of the house, blocking the entire door with his arms crossed.

Although Chu Yin spoke in a low voice, Xiang Shan could vaguely hear some voices outside.

"Singing." Chu Yin said casually.

Xiang Shan laughed: "That's really nice to sing."

Chu Yin: "..."


"Uncle, is there anything here that you like very much?" Chu Yin looked at the mess and wanted to tidy it up with Xiang Shan.

Although they are all polluting garbage, if Xiang Shan has something he likes very much, or something that is meaningful to him, he can also take it away. Can remove pollution toxins.

Chu Yin's words seemed to stop Xiang Shan suddenly.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then answered Chu Yin: "Yes."

"Wait a minute, I'll find it out and show it to you."

Xiang Shan searched carefully and found a piece of cloth and a white bag. He said, "This piece of cloth was wrapped around you."

"There is also this bag, which contained you at that time."

"I like it very much and have been collecting it until now."

"20 years!"

Chu Yin took the bag and cloth, looked at it carefully, and felt a warm current in his heart, Xiang Li was really lucky amidst misfortune.

Lucky to meet the uncle, although he is not a father, but he really gave him the best he can give.

She couldn't stop being moved.

"Apart from this? Do you have any favorites that you want to keep with you?"

"Or, it's been in my collection for a long time."

"Something about yourself." Chu Yin asked.

Xiang Shan pondered for a long time: "It seems that there is no more."

In order not to let Xiang Shan regret, Chu Yin said again: "Think again?"

If you leave here, you probably won't come back. Even if you come back, the things here will be taken away.

At that time, I couldn't find it even if I tried to find it.

Xiang Shan thought for a long time, and said loudly, "It's really gone!"

"It's definitely gone!"

"Only the things in your hands are the most precious to me."

Chu Yin smiled: "All right."

"Don't regret it."

Xiang Shan shook his head: "No, if it really means a lot to me, can I still not remember it?"

Chu Yin nodded: "It makes sense."

He joked again: "Then who knows if you didn't want to show it to me, so you didn't take it out."

"Impossible, as long as you want to see, I will show you." Xiang Shan said firmly.

Chu Yin chuckled: "Okay!"

Next, sit and wait for Feng Xinlin to come.

Now Xiangshan's situation is also stable, and he didn't die like in the plot.

It has to be taken to Zhixingxing to solve his physical problems, so that he can live forever.

The client desperately hoped that Xiang Shan could live a good life and let him live a good life.

(End of this chapter)

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