Chapter 229 Interstellar Return (12)

Feng Xiyi smiled: "Mom, why did you suddenly make such a request?"

"Blood testing is private."

She suddenly remembered that Dr. Gu Ya once told her that the blood test is very private, and it is best for only herself to know.

Not only Gu Ya said so, everyone thought so.

Her parents and elder brother have always respected her privacy, so how could she make such a request?

"It is indeed your personal privacy, but we are a family, and we will not harm you." Bai Qijing's voice was very gentle.

Feng Xiyi hesitated.

"But mom, it's not that I don't trust you, I'm just used to caring about my privacy."

Feng Xinlin only said: "This is what Dad means. You should know what Dad means. No one in the family can disobey."

Feng Xiyi immediately fell silent.

"Okay." Feng Xiyi said sadly: "If Dad insists on doing this, I can only do it."

"But I will be sad."

"Is Dad willing to let me be sad?"

Feng Xinlin didn't speak.

Bai Qijing also fell silent.

When Feng Xiyi's report came out, Feng Heyuan had just arrived at the place, and he had an aura of calmness and prestige.

When they saw the report, the Feng family was shocked.

And Feng Xiyi was stunned to the side, his mind was full of thoughts, how could it be?

How can it be?

Chu Yin went back and saw Xiang Shan playing the game in the game cabin, and didn't bother him, but he noticed that Chu Yin was back, and retreated from the game on his own initiative.

Exclaimed: "The game is so interesting, I am immersed in it and experience a life that I have never experienced before."

"Very enjoyable."

Chu Yin smiled gratifiedly: "It's as long as uncle likes it."

"Uncle, I have something to tell you." Chu Yin said, "I should have found my biological parents."

"And my own brother."

Xiang Shan: "What?"

Chu Yin told Xiang Shan about this day's experience.

Xiang Shan spoke incoherently happily: "That's great."

"This is fate, you are destined not to suffer forever."

The intelligent voice of the house reminded that someone was outside. Chu Yin turned on the robot and saw Feng Xinlin outside, and opened the door.

Feng Xinlin walked in and looked at Chu Yin with a complicated expression: "Let's go."

"Sister, brother will take you home."

Chu Yin hesitated to step forward: "Is it true?"

"Are you really my brother?"

You have to show an unbelievable look at the height, and if you come up, you have a look that you have already expected and that you are bound to win, which is too abnormal.

"Sure, sure." Feng Xinlin nodded heavily.

"Father has put aside everything and is waiting for you at home."

Chu Yin looked at Xiang Shan, and Feng Xinlin said, "Don't worry, I won't treat him badly."

"Then uncle, you stay here for the time being. I'll go and see the situation. Don't worry, we will meet again soon. You can play games to pass the time." Chu Yin worried that Xiang Shan was thinking wildly, and instructed.

Xiang Shan nodded obediently like an obedient child: "Go quickly, Xiang Li, don't worry about me."

"Go!" Xiang Shan pushed Chu Yin.

Following Feng Xinlin into the gate of the Feng family, Chu Yin couldn't help feeling that the Feng family is really luxurious and rich, full of the beauty of technology.

If there is a plot, you can't help feeling the beauty of technology in this era.

Feng Heyuan stood in the middle, his posture was standard and domineering, he looked like he was born in a soldier.

He is indeed a soldier and has a very high status in the army.

Beside him is his wife Bai Qijing, and behind him is Feng Xiyi.

"Yes, as expected of my child." Feng Heyuan saw Chu Yin's first words.

"Neither humble nor overbearing in his bones, confident and brave."

Chu Yin looked directly at Feng Heyuan.

"He is your father." Feng Xinlin introduced.

Feng Xiyi watched all this in panic, her heart was beating so fast that it was hard to calm down.

Glancing at Chu Yin, although she grew up as a polluting garbage star, she has a strong aura and a sense of nobility.

Are these things innate?
In the genes, in the blood forever.

No matter what the environment is, it can't hide it.

She is back, so what is she?

Why isn't she the daughter of the Feng family who is so well-behaved?It becomes a person who grew up on a polluted garbage star.

How could fate play such a joke?
Feng Xiyi was uneasy, even terrified, it was difficult for her to determine her future fate.

She had never lost her composure before, and she looked at Chu Yin with resentment. It was because of the woman opposite that she was so frightened.

It's all the other woman's fault!

Why don't they die on the polluted garbage star, why do they still look so healthy while living on the polluted garbage star?

Shouldn't it be like a monster?

Feng Xiyi's inner emotions were tumbling violently, every emotion turned into a huge hand, pinching her heart tightly, making it difficult to breathe.

"Son, what are you doing in a daze? Call Dad." Bai Qijing couldn't help crying.

"My daughter is so miserable..."

Chu Yin hesitated for a moment, then called out uncertainly, "Father?"


"And brother?" Chu Yin looked at Feng Xinlin.

Hearing Chu Yin obediently called Dad, Feng Heyuan showed a smile.

"If you call my father, you will be in the Feng family." He looked at Bai Qijing again: "Madam, don't be sad, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly."

"I will definitely find out who made my daughter live in such a miserable life on the polluted garbage star."

Feng Xiyi listened to it and couldn't help crying: "Dad, Mom, I'm so happy for you after seeing all this."

"No, I can't call you mom and dad now, I'm not qualified anymore, I'm not of the Feng family blood, I'm not worthy anymore, I'm not qualified..."

Feng Xiyi said in great pain: "I'm so sorry, I will no longer be able to stay by my dear parents' side, as well as my brother."

"I love you all so much, but fate is like this, I can only quit."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiyi took a few steps towards Chu Yin, and looked at Chu Yin with dim eyes: "I'm sorry, you are the real Miss Feng family. I'm sorry for taking your place all these years."

"But I hope you forgive me. I didn't want to do all of this. I was very young at the time, and I didn't know anything."

Feng Xiyi's crisis public relations immediately aroused everyone's sympathy. No matter what, she was indeed young and innocent at that time.

And after so many years of getting along, how can there be no feelings?

"I'm going to die of guilt and guilt." Feng Xiyi pressed his chest, didn't catch his breath, and passed out solidly.

Chu Yin calmly stretched out her hand to embrace Feng Xiyi, and imitated Feng Xiyi's tone and said, "I blame myself and I'm going to die."

"I didn't know that coming back would disturb your peaceful life."

"However, I thought about it on the way here. Fate brought me back, and it was destined for me to take back what belongs to me."

(End of this chapter)

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