Chapter 248 Interstellar Return (31)

Feng Xiyi hid in a corner and sent a message to Zu Jinyi, who asked Zujin to avoid meeting others alone.

Zu Jin also saw the news and was still puzzled, why did Feng Xiyi do this?

Is there anything you can't say directly?
If you have to find a place where there is no one here and say it alone, it would be bad if someone bumps into you.

Zu Jin also hesitated for a while, and didn't go immediately, but Feng Xiyi waited for a long time to see Zu Jinyi, so he sent another message, with a lot of sincerity.

Said that there was something extremely important that needed to be said in person alone.

Zu Jin also looked hesitant, and glanced at Chu Yin. Chu Yin was chatting with other people at this time. He thought for a while, and disappeared from everyone's sight seemingly unintentionally.

"Brother Jinyi, you're here." Feng Xi felt extremely nervous when he saw Zu Jinyi, his face was blushing.

There are only two people here, and she has hardly been alone with Zu Jinyi.

Zu Jin also looked at her indifferently, and his tone became more alienated than before: "Hello, Miss Xiyi."

Feng Xiyi was naturally aware of this change, Zu Jin also talked to her before, how could she be so alienated?

It was all because of Feng Xiangli.

"Brother Jinyi, I..." Feng Xi hesitated to speak.

Zu Jin also asked: "What do you say is important?"

Feng Xiyi: "I..."

"You can say it with confidence." Seeing Feng Xiyi's attitude, Zu Jin was even more puzzled.

What's the big deal?
What can be important?
It feels a bit of a waste of time here, in case someone bumps into it, it will be arranged indiscriminately.

"Brother Jinyi, can I ask you a question?" Feng Xiyi asked cautiously.

Zu Jin also nodded: "Yes."

Feng Xiyi asked tentatively: "Brother Jinyi, what do you think of Sister Xiang Li?"

Zu Jin's expression remained the same as usual, without any change, he just said: "She should be very good."

"It should be..." Feng Xiyi smiled wryly: "At least she is better than me."

Feng Xiyi thought that Zu Jinyi would comfort her, but who knew Zu Jinyi said: "It should be, after all, she has powerful genes."

"But you don't have to feel inferior, you are both daughters of the Feng family, and you and the Feng family have feelings for each other."

Feng Xiyi: "..."

"So are all the rumors outside true?" Feng Xiyi glanced at Zu Jinyi shyly.

Zu Jin was also puzzled: "What rumors?"

Feng Xiyi said: "That's right, today's guests all said that you will propose to Sister Li."

Zu Jinyi: "..."

Marriage is imperative, and comparing today, coupled with the state shown by his father, it is obvious that Feng Xiangli is very satisfied.

When there was no Feng Xiangli and he could only choose Feng Xiyi, his father hesitated.

I think Feng Xiyi is a little more ordinary.

This is also the reason why my father never said anything to ask me to propose marriage to the Feng family, because my father was still thinking about it.

But now it seems that his father will not hesitate anymore, and between Feng Xiyi and Feng Xiangli, he is more inclined to Feng Xiangli.

Feng Xiangli is very arrogant, and he will be suitable to be in charge of the ancestral family in the future, while Feng Xiyi, including her current performance in front of him, is far inferior.

Zu Jinyi's silence made Feng Xiyi flustered.

To be silent is to admit.

Feng Xiyi suddenly felt that Zu Jinyi was going to propose marriage to the Feng family at night or tomorrow.

Especially since Feng Xiangli has already attacked Zu Jinyi...

What I'm looking at now is, whoever strikes first, I can't hesitate, I must strike quickly!
Their matter will be settled soon, do I want to watch Feng Xiangli and Zu Jinyi get engaged?

Do not……

Zu Jin should also be hers, only hers!

I liked Zu Jinyi since I was a child, but because of Feng Xiangli, will I lose Zu Jinyi?

"Brother Jinyi, you just met Sister Xiang Li once, are you going to make a lifelong commitment with her? And we have known each other for a long time, we should be more familiar." Feng Xi asked puzzledly.

Zu Jin also shook his head and said: "You also know that my parents decide on my marriage. I can't decide anything for you now, it depends on my parents' arrangements."

"Ordinary people can have free marriages, but we are born into a family, which is not allowed."

Besides, if it was Feng Xiangli, she couldn't be considered a compromise, she was very good, and she was not at a loss.

But Zu Jin didn't say that.

His words were ambiguous, inexplicably giving Feng Xiyi a kind of expectation and illusion.

It made her feel that Zu Jin also liked her, but he could only obey her parents' arrangements.

"If you don't like Feng Xiangli, you can express it to your parents. Brother Jinyi, I..."

"I like you, will you accept me?"

"If you like me too, can we fight for both parents together?" Feng Xiyi bravely confessed.

She wanted to establish a relationship with Zu Jinyi so that the marriage could be finalized.

If she can marry into the ancestor's family, she will have no worries for the rest of her life, and she doesn't have to worry about how the Feng family will arrange her in the future.

If you want to get a promise from Zu Jinyi, as long as you confirm your relationship and get a promise, Zu Jinyi will not let her down at will.

As long as the relationship is confirmed, she will announce it. If Feng Xiangli dares to attack Zu Jinyi, he will be a slut who steals other people's boyfriends!

Feng Xiyi's calculations are very loud, but Zu Jinyi's head is not known how many times smarter than hers.

After a little analysis of Feng Xiyi's current situation, he understood Feng Xiyi's intentions.

He looked at Feng Xiyi with a look of 'what are you kidding me'.

Could brother be the one who was tricked by you?
His expression became more and more indifferent: "Miss Xiyi, may I ask, is this the important thing you said?"

Feng Xiyi was so nervous that he choked up: "Yes..."

"Sorry..." Zu Jin also shook his head and said, "A lot of things are not as simple as you think."

"I can't do what I want."

"Excuse me." Zu Jin also no longer gave Feng Xiyi a chance to speak, but turned and left.

He also didn't explicitly reject Feng Xiyi, he gave Feng Xiyi some strange hopes and illusions.

It made Feng Xiyi feel again that it's not that Zu Jin doesn't like her, but he can only follow the arrangement of the family, and can't follow his own way.

At least Zu Jinyi is also interested in her. If there is no Feng Xiangli, Zu Jinyi will definitely choose herself, and only herself can choose.

During the whole process, Ji Cang stood beside them silently, listened to all their conversations with a blank face, and transmitted it to Chu Yin's optical brain through the small technology Chu Yin gave him.

Seeing the prompt on the light brain, Chu Yin found a place to hide and listened to the conversation between Feng Xiyi and Zu Jinyi.

She understood Feng Xiyi's abacus, and she understood Zu Jinyi's attitude.

The client is sober in the world and doesn't want to marry Zu Jinyi.

Chu Yin also felt that Zu Jinyi was no good.

But if you want to marry Zu Jinyi, you still need to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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