Chapter 255 Interstellar Return (38)

Gu Ya took Cha Liang out, and instead of going directly to the blood testing institution, she first found a shop outside and asked for a private conversation room, then turned on her optical brain to check whether there was any equipment on Cha Liang, and this Is there any problem with the store.

She is very cautious.

After confirming that there was no device on Cha Liang that could secretly save their conversation, Gu Ya looked at him contemptuously: "Why did you find this place?"

Regarding Gu Ya's question, Feng Heyuan had already arranged a perfect set of rhetoric for Cha Liang in advance.

Cha Liang said disdainfully: "It's not like I haven't seen the Feng family banquet on StarCraft."

"Seeing this, I hurried back from other stars."

"What's none of your business? Are you coming back?" Gu Ya looked at Cha Liang bitterly. Back then, it was this dead man who hurt her sister so badly and even abandoned her.

Although my sister is also a super retarded.

Cha Liangxie laughed: "Does it have something to do with me? Didn't you just take me for a blood test?"

"By the way, don't you dare to bring me here instead of testing?"

Gu Ya took a deep breath: "Do you know who you are? It's just polluting garbage, you should live on the planet of polluting garbage."

"What right do you have to stand in front of me?"

"Or, do you think I will treat you softly like my sister? Who gave you the guts? How dare you talk to me like that. "

"Worried about your life!"

Cha Liang clicked his tongue twice: "Yo, yo, you threatened me."

"Do you dare to kill me?"

"Try to kill me?"

"Let me tell you, if you don't take back my blood test report today, the Feng family will suspect you, understand?" Cha Liang looked smug, like a villain.

Gu Ya sneered and fell silent.

"But what if you took the initiative to say that you don't want to do the blood test? You ran away." Gu Ya stared at Cha Liang.

Cha Liang sighed: "Oh, before I came here, I thought that a poisonous woman like you would definitely be against me."

"But do you have the guts to kill me now? As long as you can't kill me today, I can make a blood test report myself and post it directly on, and the Feng family can see it then!"

Gu Ya didn't expect Cha Liang to become so difficult, she gritted her teeth: "So what are you going to do!"

"Xingbi, I want Xingbi!" Cha Liang said greedily: "I need a lot of Xingbi to pay off the debt, if I don't pay the debt, I will be beaten to death."

Gu Ya chuckled, she didn't expect this dead man to be so messed up.

This exaggerated and disgusting appearance is even more exaggerated than before. If it was like this back then, no matter how mentally retarded my sister is, she would not be fascinated by him.

"Okay, it's just star coins." Gu Ya smiled.

Whatever you ask for is easy to handle.

Say it earlier.

"I'll give you as much as you want, as long as you don't appear in front of the Feng family and record it, you admit that you are a liar, and you dare not do the blood test report, so I can take it back to the business." Gu Ya has already done it in her heart Decide.

If I gave Cha Liang money this time, there will be another time. People are greedy.

She no longer believed that these greedy people would stop there.

Just like the person before, she gave a lot of star coins, but when she finished spending them, she threatened herself, forcing herself to kill and silence her to avoid future troubles.

Cha Liang's fate must be the same, first stabilize him, and then find a way to kill him, so as to avoid future troubles.

Cha Liang smiled lewdly: "You're scared."

"Gu Ya, if you are not afraid, why would you give me star coins?"

Gu Ya didn't respond.

"My daughter looks so beautiful and lives so well, I am very pleased!" Cha Liang said again.

Gu Ya couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Who is your daughter, don't talk nonsense."

"Let me tell you, they have nothing to do with you, I just don't want you to tarnish my sister's reputation."

"Hey, Gu Ya, you're still so stubborn, but it's really a joke." Cha Liang shrugged and said, "If you don't admit that she is my daughter, I won't want the money."

"Do you have any choice?" Gu Ya asked Cha Liang: "I'll just ask you, even if you have a blood test report and you are his father, what benefits will you get?"

"Could it be that you thought that the Feng family would give you a sum of money to thank you for your genes?"

Cha Liang crossed his arms and raised his chin: "If you don't admit it, I'll do a blood test report myself today and post it on the Internet. Then, the Feng family will definitely be able to see it."

"I don't believe you dare to kill me today."

He still said that.

But this sentence is very effective.

Because Gu Ya really couldn't kill Cha Liang now, she went out with Cha Liang, and then Cha Liang died?

How can you brazenly become a murderer.

Gu Ya was half-dead from anger: "You let me admit it, it's nothing more than blackmailing Feng Xiyi in the future."

"You are really greedy, greedy people will not end well." Gu Ya's murderous intent was strong, and her eyes were red with anger.

Cha Liang snorted: "Anyway, if you admit it today, I won't leave a picture, and you just wait to be suspected by the Feng family!"

"Does it depend on you to say that I run away? No one in the Feng family will question you?"

Gu Ya thought of Chu Yin, that woman was the most difficult to deal with.

Forget it, for now, the only way is to seal Cha Liang's mouth first.

Hold him steady.

"Okay, you are ruthless enough, Feng Xiyi is your bloodline." After Gu Ya admitted, her brows and eyes were not as sharp and imposing as before, but a kind of resentment and pain emerged.

"But don't look for Feng Xiyi for anything in your life, just look for me, I can give you a lot of stars."

"You should know that the Feng family gave me a very high salary, and that I received awards in academic research, which is wealth beyond your imagination."

Cha Liang clicked his tongue twice, to be honest, he was really moved.

It's a pity that the Feng family is something he can't afford to mess with.

Moreover, his blood test report had already been sold to the Feng family, and the Feng family already knew the inside story.

"So, back then, you swapped my daughter with the Feng family's daughter? And then threw it on the Pollution Garbage Star?" Cha Liang asked.

Gu Ya looked at him resentfully: "Who allowed you to ask so many questions?"

"Why? Can't you ask to satisfy my curiosity?" Cha Liang said proudly, "Unless you dare to kill me now."

"Oh, we entered here together, only if you get out alive..."

Gu Ya scratched her hair irritably: "Shut up!"

Being repeatedly forced and threatened by Cha Liang, Gu Ya completely collapsed: "So what, this child is what she insists on, I can't help it, she still wants this child to live a better life than anyone else."

"Only in this way can her wish be fulfilled, I have no choice!"

"So don't ask any more questions in the future, can you just hold the star coins at ease? You will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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