Chapter 257 Interstellar Return (40)

But Chu Yin was thinking about it over and over again, and still planned to tell Feng Heyuan.

Before, she preferred to put it on the StarCraft Net quietly, but after Chu Yin thought about it, she still wanted to tell Feng Heyuan.

Because even if he put it up quietly, Feng Heyuan would probably guess that it was him, and he might be angry at that time, blaming himself for not telling him in advance.

Besides, the matter has reached this stage, there is actually no need to hide it.

Because Gu Ya has already been imprisoned, her affairs will also be published on the star network. She is also well-known in the medical field, so it cannot be avoided.

So the Feng family is destined to be talked about, so Feng Heyuan probably doesn't care about being talked about a little bit more.

If you directly ask Feng Heyuan to agree to her request and ideas, Feng Heyuan will definitely agree.

There are some things that he doesn't take the initiative to do because of his status, but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to do them.

Furthermore, since he was a victim, Feng Heyuan would also consider his own emotions.

Chu Yin was very cautious about this task. Many plans were thought up and overthrown by herself. Of course, some plans were changed as the situation changed.

Chu Yin found Feng Heyuan with the recording of the conversation between Feng Xiyi and Gu Ya, and let Feng Heyuan listen to it.

Feng Heyuan was suddenly furious: "I didn't expect Feng Xiyi to be so vicious."

"They actually want to unite with Gu Ya to kill you."

"It's really vicious. Is this the gene of their ancient family?"

Then Feng Heyuan asked Chu Yin again: "Where did you get this kind of recording?"

"Since Gu Ya and Feng Xiyi got close, I have doubts in my heart, so I just want to see if I can get any evidence."

"This can be regarded as an accidental discovery. Well, Dad, I confess that the reason why this little thing exists is because I have the system password of our family."

"Our family's system is very safe, Dad can rest assured."

Although Feng Heyuan's anger didn't dissipate, his eyes showed appreciation, and he nodded: "You are very smart, and I don't like stupid children."

"You really have inherited my genes perfectly. You are smart, decisive, and good at discovering the truth."

"We seal the family, what we want is a child like you, who has a brain and a city, so that the family can prosper and prosper."

"Don't worry, Feng Xiyi has such vicious thoughts, the friendship between our Feng family and her is over, I will expel her from the Feng family, and I will never have anything to do with the Feng family."

Feng Heyuan quickly made a decision, very decisive.

This decision was expected by Chu Yin, because no matter what, Feng Xiyi was not qualified to continue living in the Feng family and bear the title of daughter of the Feng family.

"So Dad, I want to make this information public, is that okay?" Chu Yin made her request.

Feng Heyuan was silent.

Chu Yin said: "She wants to kill me, I don't want to just forgive her like this, I hope her viciousness will be seen by the world."

Feng Heyuan remained silent.

Chu Yin added: "I don't want the outside world to have a lot of doubts. I want to silence everyone. I don't listen to any doubts."

Feng Heyuan asked Chu Yin, "Are you going to use your own account to post?"

Chu Yin looked happy: "Of course not, I will find a way."

Feng Heyuan snorted: "It shouldn't be easy for someone who is so vicious."

Actually, he didn't intend to forgive Feng Xiyi just like that.

Because he was so vicious, he actually thought of murdering his Feng family's bloodline. He would never forgive such a thing.

It just so happened that Chu Yin brought it up, and he fulfilled his daughter's wish as well as his own.

"If our Feng family is talked about, let's talk about it. Besides, she is not the gene of our Feng family. Everyone in the world knows the importance of genes."

"Besides, the quaint thing will be known by everyone soon, and it will be discussed anyway. I don't see it."

"No one will attack our Feng family because of her viciousness!"

"If it wasn't posted by your account, then it wasn't posted by you. Presumably your mother and brother wouldn't know it was you, right?" Feng Heyuan looked at Chu Yin.

The meaning is obvious, there is no need to tell the two of them about this matter.

Chu Yin nodded.

The matter of Gu Ya's detention was quickly published on, and Gu Ya's crimes were initially announced. Since she has not been convicted yet, all the allegations are mentioned.

It caused an uproar on the Interstellar Internet.

I didn't expect Gu Ya to harm the Feng family like this. What kind of family background is the Feng family? She actually did such a thing.

Everyone knows that quaintness is over.

Even if he is released after serving his sentence, it is impossible for him to have a good life.

These people don't know that Gu Ya still has a life on her back.

Immediately afterwards, an unknown account quickly became popular again, and the recordings in it were all conversations between Feng Xiyi and Gu Ya.

In order to let everyone have a good time, Chu Yin specially edited a small composition, explaining everything in the recording in detail.

Everyone was shocked.

Feng Xiyi was so vicious at such a young age that he wanted to kill her just because her own daughter returned?
Feng Xinlin was the first to silently eat his melon on the optical brain, and Bai Qijing, Feng Heyuan, and Chu Yin hurried up to eat melon.

Chu Yin also pretended not to know, and showed the same shocked expression as Bai Qijing after listening.

Feng Heyuan glanced at Chu Yin and frowned.

Feng Xiyi knelt down in front of everyone with a plop, trembling all over because of fear.

"Dad, Mom, I was just confused for a moment."

"Please forgive me, Mom and Dad, please, I will never do this again."

Feng Heyuan no longer had any desire to talk to Feng Xiyi, he looked away indifferently, Bai Qijing looked at Feng Xiyi sadly: "You shouldn't!"

"Why do you have such vicious thoughts at such a young age?"

"That's my child. I've raised you for many years, so I have no kindness? You want to kill my child!"

"You let me down so much!" Bai Qijing sobbed and was angry, she wished she could go up and beat Feng Xiyi, but because she was too sad, she no longer had any strength.

The two people she trusted, one Gu Ya and the other Feng Xiyi, both failed her so deeply.

"This is too sad." Bai Qijing leaned on Feng Heyuan's shoulder, wiping tears helplessly.

Seeing that Feng Heyuan no longer looked at her directly, and Bai Qijing was so sad and disappointed, she glanced at Feng Xinlin again, knowing that Feng Xinlin liked his own sister more now, and her heart had long been biased. Can't count on it.

Then she turned to look at Chu Yin, and begged in pain, "Sister Xiang Li, can you forgive me?"

"I'm just confused for a moment, I don't really want to hurt you."

"Forgive me, I was just confused for a moment, I didn't really hurt you."

Chu Yin looked at Feng Xiyi indifferently: "Your heart is too vicious. Of course, everything depends on your parents. They have been in love with you for many years."

She was just talking, because Feng Heyuan made his decision long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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