Chapter 262 Interstellar Return (45)

How can you go to the Feng family to mention the engagement with such indifference.

Even if you go, you may not be able to settle down!

Because of Chu Yin's attitude, Zu Jin also hesitated, and discussed with Zu Wenyao.

Zu Wenyao went to ask Feng Heyuan again.

I want to hear something from Feng Heyuan.

Feng Heyuan also expressed helplessness, and just told Zu Wenyao to give him more time.

The subtext is to tell Zu Wenyao that Zu Jinyi needs to work harder on this matter.

It is true that Chu Yin was too indifferent this time.

And she was the first to bluntly say that she didn't feel it.

It made Feng Heyuan and the Zu family feel that this matter might not be settled in a short time.

What else can Zu Jinyi do? Feng Xiangli, whom he likes, doesn't call him, so he can only work harder.

Feng Xiyi had already come out from inside, so she was really at a loss, wishing she could die.

Especially when she saw that on Starworld, her so-called theft charge became popular again.

The Interstellar Internet was full of sarcasm. Feng Xiyi looked at his personal information, next to Zha Xiyi's name, there was an extra mark of theft, so dazzling.

This imprint will follow him for the rest of his life, which is a shame.

Why can Zu Jinyi be so cruel?

Feng Xiyi felt suffocated, and her heart was extremely desperate, so she didn't go out to look for a job anymore, because there was no place for her.

She didn't have any stars to leave this planet, so she could only spend her time here miserably.

"Why don't you just drink these nutritional supplements and wait until you die." Feng Xiyi looked at the nutritional supplements in his hand and smiled sadly.

After finishing drinking the nutritional supplements and lying on the bed hungry for two days, Feng Xiyi waited for her mother.

ancient relationship.

She looked at the person who claimed to be her mother, dressed in simple and old clothes, obviously not doing well.

"I don't believe you are my mother." Feng Xiyi couldn't accept it.

Is my own mother as bad as this?

If it is so bad, what is there to recognize?

Gu Yuan took out his blood test report.

With the evidence in front of him, Feng Xiyi couldn't deny it, and suddenly looked at Gu Yuan with hatred: "Why did you give birth to me with a man with such poor genes?"

"You're disgusting, you know that?"

"As long as you find a better man, no one cares about me now?"

"Do you know how hard it is for me?"

Falling from the sky to the ground, this hellish life is more terrifying than killing her.

Gu Yuan thought that the child would be very moved, but she took a great risk to find her.

If she didn't know that this child was desperate and had no chance of surviving on this planet, she would not have shown up.

Back then, he changed his face, took all the effort to change his identity, and left to fly high, which is to make a plan to never come back in this life.

Unexpectedly, it is still forced to return now.

The more Feng Xiyi looked at it, the more she hated it, and the more she looked at it, the more desperate she became, because no matter what angle she looked at, she couldn't see a trace of wealth from the woman in front of her.

Such a woman who lives in the same embarrassment, what ability does she have to bring about changes in her life?

She gritted her teeth and looked at Gu Yuan: "Why didn't you show up earlier?"

"I'm so miserable, you just showed up, you don't deserve to be my mother at all!"

It's a pity that before Feng Xiyi and Gu Yuan could figure it out, Feng Heyuan's people arrived.

Take Gu Yuan away directly.

Gu Yuan yelled in panic, she didn't expect that the Feng family had arranged someone to watch over here, and immediately identified her identity.

Obviously her appearance has changed, and her identity information has also changed, how can she be so sure that it is her?
But in this world, besides her, who else would be willing to get close to Feng Xiyi?
Whether it's the people Feng Xiyi knew in the past, or the people he met after leaving the Feng family, everyone in the Feng family understands them all, only this strange face, only her!

Feng Xiyi was dumbfounded. Although she hated the mother who appeared just now, she was desperate. After her mother came back, at least she could make a living with her.

As a result, he was taken away by the Feng family now, so will he come back?Can I still rely on this mother?

Gu Yuan's mental quality was even worse, and he confessed quickly. After all, although his appearance changed and his identity changed, his blood genes could not be changed.

She admitted that she asked Gu Ya to do that, so she was also an accomplice in this matter, and she was also convicted and sentenced.

Plus there is quaint testimony to corroborate.

The two sisters met inside. Although Gu Yuan changed her appearance, her eyes and demeanor could not escape the eyes of her own sister.

Besides, apart from Gu Yuan, would these people let others meet her?

She knew that Feng He would never let Gu Yuan go.

"It's been a long time." Gu Ya's voice was hoarse, her face was extremely pale, and there were deep bruises on her temples on both sides. It was obvious that she had been tortured on the brain, and the bruises were also caused by the extrusion of the machine.

Gu Yuan only cared about questioning, "Why did you confess me?"

"What's in it for you?"

"If I don't confess you, what good will it do me?" Gu Ya asked indifferently.

Gu Yuan was angry: "You are selfish. It would be nice if you were here, but you want to confess me."

"I came in, what about my daughter? You separated our mother and daughter."

"Gu Ya, you are so cruel!" Gu Yuan wept blood.

She just thinks that Gu Ya is really too much, the matter has come to this point, can't it be enough to suffer alone?

It's too vicious to confess her to accompany her to suffer.

Gu Ya opened her mouth, and then smiled sadly: "Gu Yuan, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so selfish."

"If you hadn't forced me and begged me back then, would I have done this for you?"

"I have acted innocently all my life, and all the wrong things I have done are because of you. You have harmed me all my life, but you don't know it."

Then Gu Ya smiled strangely: "It doesn't matter."

"Anyway, you came in too, and suffer with me."

"You have caused me so much misery, so you should suffer. You ruined my whole life, but you are so unbearable. You have nothing. What you can give is to come in and make amends?"

"Comfort my painful heart."

"I'm having a hard time, and I don't want you to have a good time either!" Gu Ya broke down and screamed at the end.

Gu Yuan was so frightened that he trembled all over, and he kept accusing Gu Ya of being cruel.

Feng Heyuan showed Chu Yin the video of Gu Yuan and Gu Ya's meeting, and Chu Yin heaved a sigh of relief after watching it.

"Those who harmed me back then have all been punished."

Feng Xiyi...

However, because Feng Heyuan wanted to draw Gu Yuan out, Feng Heyuan made another move, so Feng Xiyi got even deeper revenge, and now it's already miserable.

Chu Yin was thinking about whether to go further, and what to do if he went further?kill her?

On the contrary, the client did not have such a strong desire for her to die.

"Uncle asked me to go over for dinner," Chu Yin said.

Feng Heyuan nodded, staring at his daughter lost in thought, during this time, her daughter was depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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