Chapter 264 Interstellar Return (47)

Then Feng Xinlin managed to take another hit.

Chu Yin closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

My brother, don't say a word.

"Feng Xiangli, do you realize your mistake?" Feng Heyuan took the ruler and shook it, but it didn't fall on Chu Yin.

Chu Yin's head was almost pressed against the wall.

Hit the back straight.

"Understood, you shouldn't stay silent for seven days without going home." Chu Yinweng replied angrily.

Feng Heyuan: "What else?"

Chu Yin: "It's gone."

Feng Heyuan's anger soared by one hundred, and he asked, "Is this gone?"

Chu Yin thought about it seriously, and said firmly, "There really are none."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with me."

Feng Xinlin looked at Chu Yin with admiration.

God, the brave sister is not afraid of being beaten.

Chu Yin took another hit because he didn't realize his other mistakes.

The face is slightly distorted, this thing really hurts when you hit someone, it's worthy of high technology.

"Okay, Xiang Li is a girl, how can you beat me like this." Bai Qijing rushed back, and as soon as she came in, she saw Feng Heyuan's ruler falling on Chu Yin's body, and quickly snatched the ruler from Feng Heyuan's hand.

"Don't be so cruel to the child." Bai Qijing looked at her husband helplessly.

Feng Heyuan sneered.

"Get out." He stared at Bai Qijing angrily, seeing his posture, Bai Qijing knew that it would be meaningless to say anything further.

So Bai Qijing directly took Feng Heyuan's ruler and left.

The tools were confiscated, and Feng and Yuan couldn't beat people even if they wanted to.

"Mom is our savior. She has been saving her children since childhood." Feng Xinlin winked at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin said deeply, "Thank you, Mom."

Feng Heyuan put his hands behind his back and said slowly behind Chu Yin: "I have already decided that you and Zu Jin must also get engaged."

"You have to know, this is the mission of the daughter of the Feng family."

"Just like your brother, he will marry in the future."

"Our Feng family is a whole family, not just me, your mother and your brother, our Feng family is a big family, and there are many people."

"And any aristocratic family will be twisted into one force. The tall trees that are independent in the forest will only be destroyed by the wind. If the tall trees stand together, the wind can't do anything."

Feng Heyuan's meaning is very clear, no matter whether Chu Yintong agrees or not, marriage is imperative.

He had already made up his mind, and he didn't want to spend any more time with Chu Yin.

Chu Yin sighed. To be honest, the client didn't care what Feng Heyuan was like. She was more inclined to the status and resources of the daughter of the Feng family.

So she didn't care what Feng Heyuan was like. If there was no expectation, there would be no disappointment. He made such a decision regardless of the child's wishes, and it couldn't stir up any waves in Chu Yin's heart.

He said with a good temper: "Dad, I understand the truth."

"But if I said, I can bring more value to the family than marriage, how would you choose?"

Feng Heyuan didn't speak.

"Dad, it's really painful to be married to someone I don't like. I hope I can do something truly happy. If it's so painful, it's better to live in a polluted garbage star." Chu Yin mentioned the past again.

I hope Feng Heyuan can have a little compassion.

In the end, Feng Heyuan told Chu Yin: "Don't worry, no matter how painful life is, you won't suffer from polluting the garbage star."

"Please believe me, if you don't come back, Xiang Shan will die. After losing Xiang Shan's protection, you won't be treated as a human being."

Chu Yin was speechless.


Even if she is forced to marry Zu Jinyi, she is not suffering from polluting the garbage star, that is the real purgatory on earth.

No one treats her as a human being, those men will try their best to bully such a beautiful girl.

"In the past seven days, I haven't slept much, just to finish the things in my hand." Chu Yin looked back, and after confirming that Feng Heyuan didn't have any tools to hit her, he turned on the optical brain.

Open the blueprint you made.

The current design drawings are very delicate, just like a real thing that can be clearly and clearly understood from the outside to the inside.

Before that, she had been following Feng Xinlin to understand some technological principles of this era. When she was almost done thinking about it, she began to read the "Interstellar Technology" she exchanged, found a suitable thing on it, and planned to make it.

But even if you copy homework, you need to understand the principle, otherwise you can't make it at all, and you can't even draw the design drawing, so it took Chu Yin a long time to make the design drawing.

During the seven days in Xiangshan, Chu Yin was not idle at all, and hurriedly made the design drawings so that they could be seen by people.

The previous one was too invisible, no one would know what it was when it was taken out, let alone listen to her nonsense.

Even if it is shown in front of Feng Heyuan now, in fact, this design drawing has not been perfected, and it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

Because it's too delicate and complicated, she hasn't fully understood some parts, so she can't do it.

It's just that now Feng and Yuan are about to decide on their marriage, and it's too late if they don't bring it up. We can only show it first, and then talk about the design direction, overall concept and practical application. I hope Feng and Yuan will listen to it. Don't feel like you're bragging.

Because the concept is one thing, but whether it can be realized is another.

Feng Xinlin was deeply attracted by the design drawing released by Chu Yin, while Feng Heyuan also watched silently.

"What is this?" Feng Heyuan asked.

Chu Yin said: "Dad, I know that the biggest trouble for interstellar humans today is actually the Zerg."

"Since the birth of this race in the interstellar world, humans have waged a protracted war against the Zerg race, and over the years, we have seen many planets being occupied by the Zerg race on the StarCraft website."

"Their power is getting stronger and stronger, and their IQ is also high. Their existence threatens the safety of our human beings."

In the huge interstellar space, many planets have already fallen, and the Zerg breeds at an extremely fast rate. The stars they occupy are no longer enough for them to survive. The huge ethnic group makes them capable of occupying more planets.

Now in Interstellar, the biggest enemy is the Zerg.

Zerg has strong physique and strong reproductive ability.

And for many soldiers, the most important thing is to fight against the Zerg, win and defend their own planet.

"So this is what I want to develop, a super large mech that can be remotely controlled with mental power and equipment, and can mark the Zerg for tracking attacks. People don't need to be inside the mech to reduce damage to humans .”

"The most important thing is that I have increased its lethality dozens of times through the combination of various energy bodies, and can achieve the effect of tracking and destroying."

This star does not have such a thing yet, but there is such a thing in the book she exchanged.

Feng Heyuan lowered his eyes slightly: "Sounds very good."

Feng Xinlin said with emotion: "Cool!"

"Sister, you are too powerful." Although it is only a semi-finished design drawing, it won't work for him.

(End of this chapter)

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