Chapter 278 Full of True Love (9)

This is exactly what Chu Yin wanted.

She said with a smile, "You said it yourself, then you must take care of the master's three meals a day, and don't treat him badly."

Fan He looked at Chu Yin: "You were the one who injected the poison, you just wanted to torture Ruman!"

Chu Yin groaned, "I'm really wronged."

"My husband, if you really think that I have been poisoned, you can go to the hall and submit a pleading against me."

"There is a saying in the world, that there is no excuse for inflicting crimes."

Fan He was heartbroken by Chu Yin's anger.

Can't say it, can't say it at all.

If he really went to sue her, it would be that he and his concubine could not accommodate the main wife and framed the main wife.

He is the one who can't tell.

"You did all the scandals in this family!" Fan He coughed angrily.

Chu Yin smiled slightly, turned and left.

"Madam left just like that?" He Ruman stared blankly at Chu Yin's back.

Puzzled and said: "Could it be that Madam really doesn't have any feelings for Master?"

"She just left, not caring about the poisoning of the master at all."

He Ruman suddenly felt a sense of loss.

Accompanied by a sense of powerlessness.

Are things that you regard as treasures already worthless in the eyes of others?
Her heart is a little complicated, subtly changing.

He Ruman looked at Fan He, he was haggard and embarrassed now, not the mighty general in the past.

There is an inexhaustible sense of despondency on his body, and his glory is no longer there.

He can't even be the master of this small family.

He looks so helpless and powerless now.

He can't be the master in this family, and it's only himself who suffers.

From now on, not only will he have full authority to take care of the master's affairs, but he will even do the cooking by himself.

He Ruman feels that her future self will be very miserable.

Fan He said to He Ruman: "I don't need you to cook for me, I don't believe she dared to poison me to death."

He Ruman sighed: "Why is the master so sure that this is the madam's poisoning?"

Fan He was annoyed: "Who else is there besides her?"

He Ruman sighed: "Even if Madam poisoned me, there's nothing we can do about it, right?"

"Isn't the only thing we can do is to cook for ourselves to avoid being poisoned?"

"Ruman, do you think I'm incompetent?" Fan He asked sensitively: "You mean, I can only be slaughtered now?"

"Ruman, I am also in pain and powerless. I am indeed incompetent and failed to protect you. If I knew that you would suffer this kind of suffering after entering the door, I should not have let you in. I asked you to find another lover. I really regret that I delayed you." Probably realizing that his tone was not very good, Fan He hurriedly said something to make up for it.

He Ruman quickly wronged and denied: "No, the master wronged my concubine."

"My concubine never dared to think like that."

Fan He looked pained.

How should I resist?
Are you going to be bullied by Shen Qing?

She is really too rampant now, too arrogant.


"Master, don't be angry, what Ruman does for you is worthwhile and is willing, Ruman has no complaints or regrets in this life." Seeing the anger on Fan He's face hard to dissipate, He Ruman comforted her softly.

At lunch time, Chu Yin released his energy to look over to He Ruman and Fan He.

He Ruman was in the small kitchen, at the same time decocting medicine for Fan He, and at the same time cooking for Fan He.

Fan He has been pampered and pampered for many years, and has never had the consciousness to help out, so he just sits in a wheelchair and watches He Ruman sweating profusely.

Wipe He Ruman's sweat from time to time, expressing his happiness.

From time to time, he would complain about his wife, saying that it was his wife who caused him to be like this.

Chu Yin sneered, Fan He really didn't see life in his eyes.

Although I can't move my legs, aren't my hands still fine?
At night, he dressed up as a man, went to Liuli Building, and entered Miss Shuanghua's room.

There are layers of veils in the room, and a slender figure sits behind the layers of veils in the haze.

The woman stood up and saluted, then slowly began to play.

The melodious sound of the piano surrounds the ears, the wine and food are present, the artistic conception is wonderful, and the Chu sound is immersive.

At the end of the song, Shuanghua walked over slowly, so that Chu Yin could see Shuanghua's true face.

"Miss Shuanghua is really beautiful." Chu Yin praised.

She is so beautiful, her temperament is glamorous, if she is not here, no one would know that she is a brothel girl.

Shuanghua froze for a moment: "Who is Madam?"

Although the other party is disguised as a man, his voice is that of a woman.

Chu Yin laughed. She didn't intend to hide her identity at first, and she came here disguised as a man to avoid pointing and pointing from outsiders.

"I am Shen Qing, the daughter of General Shen, the mother of Fan Yiming and Fan Yichuan, and the general's wife in General Fan's residence." Chu Yin introduced himself.

Shuanghua has come into contact with many dignitaries and dignitaries, and she also knows people from all walks of life in the capital.

When Chu Yin said this, she knew it in her heart.

He got up and bowed to Chu Yin: "I have seen my wife."

"Sit down." Chu Yin looked at her.

"What's your order, madam?" Shuanghua knew very well that the other party came here, and naturally he didn't come here for pleasure.

Chu Yin just smiled and said, "You are a smart person."

She didn't tell the whole story, she was testing Shuanghua's attitude.

"My family admits that my wife's two sons are somewhat obsessed with me, but most men in the world are just on the spur of the moment, how can there be long-term love?"

"I'm just a plaything, so I think Madam shouldn't worry too much. When the two young masters get bored, they will naturally get down to business." Shuanghua smiled helplessly.

Chu Yin listened silently to the desolation in Shuanghua's tone.

"But if Ma'am wants Shuanghua not to welcome the two of them, Shuanghua can't decide." Shuanghua looked at Chu Yin.

"Who to receive and how to receive them are things that Shuanghua can't decide. Shuanghua's life is like this. She is at the mercy of others. In this world, there are many people who don't want Shuanghua to receive certain people."

There is a firm and unyielding belief in the soft tone.

Clearly expressed to the other party: You are not the only one in this world who doesn't want me to receive your son.

There are many people who don't want me to receive her husband, her son, but there are no exceptions.

When guests come, they must be received.

This is life.

Chu Yin nodded: "It's such a fate, I can understand it."

"What do you think of my two sons?" she asked.

Shuanghua looked at Chu Yin suspiciously.

What does this mean?
Can't help laughing wryly: "Shuanghua dare not speak nonsense."

To say that these two sons are very obsessed with her recently.

Others spend a lot of money to really have fun, but the two of them always confess their true feelings.

What do you say to marry yourself, and only marry yourself in this life.

The point is that both brothers said so.

She never believed what men said.

In the world, there are countless men who have said they want to marry her, but none of them are sincere.

Although these two people were more sincere than anyone else when they said they wanted to marry her, she was never moved.

(End of this chapter)

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