Chapter 288 Full of True Love (19)

Fan Yiyue just felt that her head was full of boredom.

"Mother, can you stop talking?" Fan Yiyue looked up at the sky, which had already darkened.

As long as I think about staying in this kind of place tonight, I feel extremely irritable.

Chu Yin: "Why didn't you say it?"

Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin helplessly.

Chu Yin smiled triumphantly: "I just like the way you can't understand me and can't kill me."

"Little girl."

"Do you really think that money can buy everything? Your love can't be bought by money, but her love can?"

Will Mrs. Liu really agree?

Pay so much.

It is not easy to pay so much.

Take your time, let's see if Fan Yiyue can comprehend something first.

When you can't comprehend it, you can give me advice. When you are a teenager, teach her slowly, and slowly turn her thinking around.

Fan Yiyue shook her head: "Money can't buy everything, but she doesn't have the guts to fight us, she has no ability."

Chu Yin sneered.

Mother Lin's scolding came from the kitchen, and Chu Yin's ears were so sharp that she could hear what Mother Lin was scolding clearly.

The reason was that Mrs. Liu wanted to cook more food, but Mother Liu refused, saying that there was no need to waste food.

It's fine to eat half full, but they will understand if they are not full, and they will add money or something.

But Mrs. Liu refuted Lin's mother, saying that she had already given so much, and no matter how much food she ate, she would not lose money. Then Lin's mother quarreled even more fiercely.

Chu Yin glanced at Fan Yiyue and asked, "Did you hear what they were talking about?"

"I can't hear you clearly, I can only hear people swearing." Fan Yiyue said.

Chu Yin told Fan Yiyue the content of the conversation between Mother Lin and Mrs. Liu.

Fan Yiyue was dissatisfied: "Is her heart so dark?"

"Give so much and be greedy."

Chu Yin: "I think you and Lin Lang's mother are suitable to be a family."

"How can you compare me with this kind of person?" Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin angrily.

Chu Yin: "Why not?"

"You know Lin Lang has a wife, don't you still want to be with Lin Lang?"

"After reconciling with Lin Lang, how will the Liu family live? Can't you see that she also loves Lin Lang very much, and you want to take it away."

"Isn't your selfish behavior just greed?"

"So it's not just right?"

Chu Yin said that Fan Yiyue's face turned red, but she still denied it: "That's not it!"

Chu Yin: "Do you know it in your heart?"

The meal was ready and served on the table, Fan Yiyue just took a look at it and started to feel sick.

She looked embarrassed, very embarrassed.

She doesn't want to eat these.

When I was locked up in the mansion before, I ate similar food. I vomited, vomited and ate, and I was in a mess.

"Eat." Mother Lin squeezed out a hypocritical smile.

He also said: "Usually we don't eat such good food, just for your sake, we don't have the heart to treat you badly."

"This wild vegetable is the freshest."

"I am very grateful." Chu Yin showed a sincere smile, as if he believed Lin's mother's words, with a hint of naivety.

She picked up her chopsticks and began to eat.

Fan Yiyue looked at Chu Yin dumbfounded.

I didn't move my chopsticks all the time.

In the end, I couldn't help but tugged at Chu Yin: "Mom, are you really delicious?"

"What would you eat if you don't eat this?" Chu Yin asked back.

"Do you still have something to eat?"

Fan Yiyue pursed her lips, no.

Can't mother spend some money to get some food alone?

It's a pity that she didn't dare to mention it, because she knew that it was impossible, and her mother had heartily given these to her in the mansion, so how can she buy them for her alone now.

She was really hungry, Fan Yiyue hesitated for a while, seeing that the other three were eating, she picked up the chopsticks, and tentatively ate into her mouth bit by bit.

The taste was too bad, the taste was too unpalatable, Fan Yiyue ate very slowly, but Lin's mother ate very fast.

That's all there is to it, the more she eats, the less others eat.

By then, Miss Jiao will be hungry, can't she add extra food and money?

Seeing Mother Lin eating so fast, Chu Yin really wanted to say don't choke.

It's not worth choking to death.

The calculation in Lin Mu's heart was clearly seen by Chu Yin.

"You guys can live in this room." Mrs. Liu vacated her own room and gave it to Chu Yin and Fan Yiyue.

I went to live with Lin's mother by myself.

This bed is really not comfortable. Fortunately, the weather is not cold and the temperature is suitable.

"Look." Chu Yin found some books in the room, opened them casually, flipped through them, and handed them to Fan Yiyue: "Is it Lin Lang's handwriting?"

Fan Yiyue stroked the handwriting on the book, silently acquiescing.

"How wonderful, this will be your and Lin Lang's wedding room from now on." Chu Yin put the book back to its original place, and sat beside Fan Yiyue.

Fan Yiyue: "Mom, can you stop disgusting me so much?"

Chu Yin looked at her expressionlessly: "What I said is the truth."

"Your undeniable fact."

"When you marry here, this room is yours, those jobs are yours, that mother-in-law is yours, and of course, Lin Lang is yours too."

"Could it be that you only want Lin Lang and not this room, these jobs, this mother-in-law?" Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiyue incredulously: "There is no such beautiful thing in the world."

"I'm so mad!" Fan Yiyue was almost annoyed by Chu Yin.

She was very anxious when she saw this situation, but she became more and more irritated when she was told by her mother.

I can't help but wonder, do I really want to live this kind of life?


I don't know how Mrs. Liu persisted.

It was late at night, and Fan Yiyue was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Does Lin Lang know?
I am in his hometown, living under the same roof with his wife and mother.

What would he think if he knew?

While Fan Yiyue's thoughts were in confusion, her stomach also groaned unsatisfactorily.

so hungry.

Especially after walking so far today and not eating much at night.

She felt like she was going to starve all this time.

Mother is crazy, it's terrible.

The whole family is unlucky, and the whole family is not having a good life.

Chu Yin was lying quietly beside Fan Yiyue, she didn't sleep, because Fan Yiyue was always tossing and turning, and the bed was making noises, so she couldn't fall asleep.

"Xiaoyue, are you asleep?" Liu called softly at the door.

Fan Yiyue squeezed towards Chu Yin with some fear, and put her arm on Chu Yin's arm: "Mother, are you asleep?"

"Someone shouted outside."

"I am afraid."

Chu Yin opened his eyes in the dark: "You answer."

Fan Yiyue immediately responded nervously: "Fall asleep."

She has no sense of security here, so she is instinctively afraid.

Liu was speechless.

Chu Yin: "You know how to answer."

"Aren't you sleeping yet?" Mrs. Liu said, "I have a little food here. I saved it when we were eating together. I saw that you didn't eat much at that time, Xiaoyue, so I left it for you. Xiaoyue, You must be hungry, come out and get it, pad your stomach."

Chu Yin sighed slightly, Liu was careful and kind.

(End of this chapter)

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