Chapter 29: Invasion of the Sincere System (5)

Chu Yin practiced according to the client's memory.

It's very interesting, the aura of heaven and earth enters the body and then converts into spiritual power.

He also summoned the natal magic weapon Linglian.

A magical instrument in the shape of a lotus, with Chu Yin's control, its petals flew out quickly, and the petals were sharp and shining with cold light, very dazzling.

"It's pretty." Chu Yin smiled and took back the magic weapon.

As strength grows, so does power.

As a natal magic weapon, its quality is not low, and Wen Yan especially likes the appearance of this Linglian, she thinks it is very beautiful, when it is released in a fight, it is dazzling and dazzling, which suits her very well.

But Wen Yan took Linglian not because she took it as a magic weapon of her own life, but because the contract became her ordinary magic weapon.

Furthermore, at that time, Wen Yan didn't have enough knowledge and understanding of the world as a whole, so she felt that what the noble Miss Di of the Wen family had must be good, and she just wanted to have it.

Wen Yan killed people and seized treasures just to satisfy her selfish desire.

Chu Yin thought about it: "It's just that Wen Yan's cultivation is a little weaker now."

"I'm a second-level spiritualist now, but Wen Yan is a seventh-level spiritualist."

The cultivation of this continent is divided into spirit division, spirit man, spirit master, spirit sect, spirit king, spirit emperor, spirit saint, spirit master, and spirit emperor. Each stage is divided into nine levels.

There are a few small steps, and the gap in the middle, I have to say, there is!
But the client is only 14 years old, and he can cultivate to the second level of spirituality, which is considered a good talent.

Wen Yan is a few years older than the client.

Chu Yin practiced hard, took out the elixir and ate it, hoping to reach the third-level spirit practitioner before going through the training.

According to the family's regulations, one has to be a fifth-level spiritual master, and one must be 15 years old to be eligible to practice.

Wen Yan was locked in the thinking room, and the cold air eroded her. After two days of staying up, she was so hungry that she couldn't get enough to eat.

"How many points do I have left?" she asked.

System: "Two thousand points."

Wen Yan chuckled. When she was in the small town, the system gave her two small missions to capture the truth, and asked her to try her hand.

very smooth.

It's just that those two people don't have much luck on them, and if they don't have enough luck, they won't be so valuable.

She said with a distressed face: "I want to exchange for food and warmth. It's too cold here, and I really can't stand it."

"Confirm the exchange?" the system asked.

Wen Yan: "Of course, do you want to starve me to death, freeze me to death?"

In modern times, she didn't have to worry about eating and drinking. After coming to this world, even though the conditions in the small town were not good, she never suffered such hardships.

Fortunately, the food is very cheap, Wen Yan exchanged a lot of food and only spent [-] points.

Enough to feed her for a month.

But exchanging warm things is expensive, because the system says that the materials used to build the room of thought are special, and ordinary things cannot resist it, so a slightly more advanced talisman is needed.

This requires [-] points.

Wen Yan felt distressed, and said angrily, "If it wasn't for Wen Luoling, I wouldn't have wasted these [-] points."

"I have never been willing to use it!"

But it doesn't matter, you can still earn more, usually the system will release some small tasks, and you will get a little points when you complete them.

After conquering these three people, they have strong luck and high talent, so there must be a lot of rewards.

Wen Luoling, the bastard who tricked me...

Chu Yin took his father to the outside of the courtyard wall where the Room of Thoughts was located. Patriarch Wen's face darkened when he was dragged here by his daughter.

Standing with hands behind his back, he looked at his daughter: "Could it be that you want to ease the punishment for Wen Yan?"

"Do you know that Wen Yan has no good intentions? Didn't your mother tell you to have less or even no contact with Wen Yan?"

Chu Yin shook her head and smiled coquettishly, "No, dad."

"Under the teaching of my mother, I have already understood that Wen Yan cannot be my friend, and I cannot associate with her."

A sweet daddy made Patriarch Wen's brows loosen, and a smile crept into the corner of his eyes: "What is that?"

Chu Yin explained: "I heard brother Xiuyuan, brother Yiqi, and brother Yuannian discussed together in the morning and wanted to come over to see Wen Yan, so I wanted to bring dad over."

They came here under the influence of the traction halo, because Wen Yan stayed inside for ten days. Although she had no worries about food and cold, she couldn't stand the suffocation of the darkness, which was a kind of torture to her mentally.

She wanted these three people to come and save him, thinking of a small prop given to her by the system before, the traction halo, she used it on these three people.

The head of the Wen family frowned: "It doesn't mean they can see it even if they want to come and see it. Our Wen family has strict rules and won't let them go."

Chu Yin sighed with worry on his face.

Patriarch Wen: "You are young, what are you worried about?"

Chu Yin asked embarrassingly, "Do brothers all like Wen Yan?"

Patriarch Wen clenched his fist to his lips, coughed twice: "Do you know what liking is at a young age?"

Chu Yin raised her innocent face and patted her chest proudly: "14 years old, not too young."

Patriarch Wen didn't realize that all three nephews would fall in love with Wen Yan, because he was usually busy and paid little attention.

When my daughter said that, after thinking about it, it was indeed true.

The three of them have such high talents, high comprehension, good conduct, and have been practicing smoothly all the time. They will definitely make great achievements in the future, which is the expectation of the family.

Wouldn't it be bad if they all liked the same woman and caused brothers to fight each other.

And from this incident, it can be seen that Wen Yan's character is not good.

For a moment, Patriarch Wen's face also showed worry.

Seeing that the Patriarch became worried, Chu Yin's goal was achieved.

She has to make these people realize the seriousness of the matter. The cousins ​​are only at the stage of liking Wen Yan. They haven't been swiped to [-], they haven't really fallen in love, and they won't tell others how they feel in their hearts.

There are more contacts between peers, and some can see it, such as Wen Lengyu, but she is also ashamed to talk about this kind of thing.

Chu Yin is an adult, so there is no pressure to talk about it.

Patriarch Wen released his consciousness and saw that inside the courtyard wall, those three people were indeed entangled with the guards outside the thinking room, wanting to go in.

He stepped into the courtyard and looked at the three of them with cold faces. When the three of them saw Patriarch Wen, they pleaded with Patriarch Wen on Wen Yan's behalf, saying that they only wanted to see Wen Yan.

Patriarch Wen felt that these three nephews were really worthless, so he scolded them back angrily.

Although the three are gone, they still look out of their minds, and the effect of the traction halo is at its strongest.

They are very conflicted and entangled. They clearly know that Wen Yan made a mistake, framed others, and told stories. They should be punished. They shouldn't go to look for them, but they just can't help wanting to go!

Chu Yin obediently followed Patriarch Wen, and whispered to Patriarch Wen, "Daddy, I don't know who said that when Wen Yan was in the small town, there were people who were as obsessed with Wen Yan as my cousins."

Master Wen's expression was strange: "Really? Who said that?"

Chu Yin scratched her head, tried to recall, then shook her head: "I don't remember."

of course.
That's what the plot says.

You can also start with Wen Yan's past.

(End of this chapter)

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